Author Archives: admin

Xenia Downtown Revitalization Committee (XDRC) Invites Participation in the Next Community Meeting

The Xenia Downtown Revitalization Committee (XDRC) – a group of dedicated community volun­teers, business owners, nonprofit organizations, and City personnel working together for the fu­ture of downtown – is hosting a Community meet­ing to update the public on accomplishments of 2011 and seek input and volunteers for 2012.

Over the past year, XDRC has been working closely with the City of Xenia to im­prove our downtown. Among the accomplishments of this Public/Private partner­ship:

1. Adding the popular Historic Walking Tour to First Fridays

2. Increasing participation in Xenia’s Hometown Christmas with a new Window Decorating Contest

3. Installing new signs and maps downtown to help the public locate businesses, parking, and attractions

4. Creating a new marketing plan for downtown, to be rolled out in 2012

5. Engaging building owners in a discussion about affordable ways to make im­provements in downtown properties

6. Encouraging new businesses to locate downtown and working to retain existing businesses.
If you think these achievements are a good start, show your support and help keep the momentum going by attending this community meeting on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 6:00 —7:30 p.m. in thr First Floor Community Room at the Xenia Community Library (76 E. Market Street, Xenia, OH 45385).

Tune-Up Your Car And Driving Skills For Winter Weather

(Xenia, OH) – You drive over a patch of black ice. Do you know what to do? Your tires are bald, it’s icy outside. Is it safe to drive? Your car breaks down in a desolate area. Do you have the proper items in your vehicle to survive? Being prepared for winter weather also pertains to your vehicle and knowing how to drive in blustery weather.

“Winter weather has definitely arrived in Greene County. If you must be out during severe winter weather, knowing how to operate your vehicle can help you arrive safely at your destination,” said Laurie Fox, Greene County Safe Communities Coordinator. “Make sure your vehicle is in proper working order before heading out, and have a safety kit in the vehicle in the event of an emergency.”

Make sure you get a car winter tune-up now, prior to severe winter weather if possible. Tune-ups should include:
* Tire check – consider snow- or all-season tires if tread is worn
* Battery test – you don’t want to be stranded in severe weather
* Wiper blades check and replacement, if needed
* Radiator, engine and all fluid levels check
* Brake line and pad inspection
* Headlight, brake light and turn signal inspections

Prepare a winter emergency kit for each vehicle and keep it in the trunk. Kits should include:
* Two blankets or sleeping bags
* Waterproof matches and candles
* Extra clothing – especially boots, mittens and hats
* Dry food rations, like raisins, nuts and candy
* Flashlight with spare batteries
* First-aid kit and a supply of necessary medications
* Emergency flares
* An extra gallon of window washer fluid in the trunk
* An extra cell phone battery and vehicle charger, or
* Keep pocket change for pay phone use
* A brightly colored cloth for use as a signal for assistance
* A steel shovel and rope to use as a lifeline
* A few large plastic garbage bags for insulation against wind

Some tips to keep in mind while traveling in winter:
* Check weather reports prior to departing.
* Allow extra travel time for weather and/or traffic delays.
* Know how your vehicle reacts on slick road.
* If your vehicle is equipped with Anti-lock Brakes (ABS), be sure to
STOMP (firmly depress brake pedal), STAY (on the brakes – don’t
pump brakes) and STEER (where you want the vehicle to go).
* Clear all windows, lights and turn signals.
* Allow ample stopping distance between you and the car ahead.
* Stay alert for “black ice” and slippery road surfaces on bridges.
* If severe weather is possible, it’s best to stay off the roads. If you must
leave, be sure to advise those at your destination of a departure time,
anticipated arrival time, and the planned travel route. Also provide a
cell phone number in case they need to contact you.

Enjoy the snow and winter season by being prepared for snow and ice. Drive safely and always remember to buckle up.

For further information on ways you can stay safe on the roads this winter, visit the Ohio Department of Transportation at

CCV Action Endorses Senator Rick Santorum

CCV Action endorses Senator Rick Santorum for the Republican Party candidate for president of the United States. After careful deliberation and research of the candidates, there is no question that Senator Rick Santorum holds closest to CCV Action’s core values of sanctity of life, marriage, and religious freedom.

Santorum’s Catholicism Attacked

In a recent statement to the press, Catholic League president Bill Donohue made the following comments about recent attacks on presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s religion:

Rick Santorum is deserving of closer scrutiny now that he is a top contender for the Republican nomination, but this does not justify either misrepresenting, or attacking, his faith.

John Gehring of Faith in Public Life fails to distinguish between the official teachings of the Catholic Church and the expressed opinions of some Church leaders, thus allowing him to paint Santorum as out of step with his religion. How interesting. Gehring works for an organization that receives approximately a quarter of its money from George Soros. Need I say more? So discount this guy.

Santorum has also been attacked by Steve Kornacki at Salon for his “Catholic-infused opposition to abortion.” It may come as a shock to Kornacki that the late Christopher Hitchens was also pro-life, and that Nat Hentoff is proudly pro-life today. Their atheism hardly accounts for their understanding of Biology 101.

The blogsite Huffpost Hill says, “Santorum thinks the Catholic Church isn’t conservative enough, which is kind of like thinking Megadeth doesn’t thrash hard enough.” Guess that means Santorum is a very Catholic kind of guy (Megadeth is a heavy metal band—I had to look it up). Should Santorum therefore be disqualified? Irin Carmon at Salon no doubt thinks so: “Rick Santorum is coming for your contraception.” Probably around midnight.

Linda Hirshman, also at Salon, is having a stroke: “That an advocate of legislating strict Roman Catholic sexual doctrine came within eight votes of winning…warrants attention.” Yeah, if this Catholic makes it to the White House, he’ll seek stimulus money for mandatory chastity belts.

Let’s face it, the left want a religious test for president—they want to exclude all religious candidates. Which explains their love affair with Obama.

[Blogger Note: Do Americans still remember President John F. Kennedy, a Catholic Democrat? Maybe America needs another Catholic President this time. Maybe the the Republican party should count its blessing in that it is getting the real deal–a conservative and a Catholic.]

Muslim Brotherhood Declares ‘Mastership of World’ as Ultimate Goal

by Raymond Ibrahim

Although many Muslim leaders openly articulate their efforts as part of a larger picture—one that culminates in the resurrection of a caliphate adversarial by nature to all things non-Muslim—many Western leaders see only the moment, either out of context or, worse, in a false context built atop wishful thinking.

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose long-term purpose is reflected in the word “prepare” appearing in their motto.

Among other things, this myopia causes virtually all Western politicians to overlook long-term threats and focus exclusively on violence and terror, the tangible and temporal—those things that may coincide with their tenure.

This narrow-sighted approach sometimes leads to absurdities, such as when Homeland Defense’s Paul Stockton, being questioned by Dan Lungren at a recent hearing, refused to agree that al-Qaeda “is acting out violent Islamist extremism,” insisting instead that the group merely consists of “murderers.” In doing so, he divorced reality from any meaningful context, thereby living up to the Obama doctrine of not knowing your enemy.

Of course, all Islamists have the same goal: the establishment of a sharia-enforcing caliphate. The only difference is that most are prudent enough to understand that incremental infiltration and subtle subversion—step by step, phase by phase, decade after decade—are much more effective for securing their goals than outright violence. Then, once in power, “they will become much more savage.”

Accordingly, thanks to the so-called “Arab spring” and its Western supporters, more and more clerics feel they are nearing their ultimate goal of resurrecting the caliphate, the capital of which is to be Jerusalem. This sheikh, for instance, recently boasted that the caliphate will soon be restored and the West will pay jizya—tribute and submission, via Koran 9:29—”or else we will bring the sword to your necks!” So too this sheikh, citing infidel Germany as an example. And of course calls for jizya from Egypt’s Christian Copts are growing by the day.

Now, consider the clear, unequivocal words of Dr. Muhammad Badi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Al Masry Al Youm (as translated by Coptic Solidarity):

Dr. Muhammad Badi, supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, said: “The Brotherhood is getting closer to achieving its greatest goal as envisioned by its founder, Imam Hassan al-Banna. This will be accomplished by establishing a righteous and fair ruling system [based on Islamic sharia], with all its institutions and associations, including a government evolving into a rightly guided caliphate and mastership of the world.” Badi added in his weekly message yesterday [12/29/11]: “When the Brotherhood started its advocacy [da’wa], it tried to awaken the nation from its slumber and stagnation, to guide it back to its position and vocation. In his message at the sixth caucus, the Imam [Banna] defined two goals for the Brotherhood: a short term goal, the fruits of which are seen as soon as a person becomes a member of the Brotherhood; and a long term goal that requires utilizing events, waiting, making appropriate preparations and prior designs, and a comprehensive and total reform of all aspects of life.” The leader of the Brotherhood continued: “The Imam [Banna] delineated transitional goals and detailed methods to achieve this greatest objective, starting by reforming the individual, followed by building the family, the society, the government, and then a rightly guided caliphate and finally mastership of the world” [emphasis added].

Even so, it matters not how often and openly Islamic leaders like Badi articulate their grand agenda for the world to hear. Western leaders have their intellectual blinders shut so tight, frozen before the word “democracy”—even if “Arab spring” people-power leads to fascism (which, after all, will be someone else’s problem after they leave office).

Thus, here is former U.S. president, Jimmy Carter, who not only is “very pleased” with Egyptian elections—despite widespread allegations of voter-fraud against the Muslim Brotherhood—but, when asked if the U.S. should be concerned about the Islamist victory, said “I don’t have any problem with that,and the U.S. government doesn’t have any problem with that either. We want the will of the Egyptian people to be expressed.”

Accordingly, the Muslim Brotherhood and all its offshoots can rest assured that, so long as they do not engage in direct terrorism, they can continue unfettered on their decades-long march to resurrecting the caliphate, which—if history and doctrine are any indicators—will, in its attempt to claim “mastership of the world,” be a global menace.

This article was originally published in Jihad Watch on January 12, 2012. The author is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Rutherford Institute Files FOIA Request Asking FBI to Reveal if and Why Christian Street Preacher was Placed on Terrorist Watch List

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Rutherford Institute has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on behalf of a Christian street preacher believed to have been placed on the Terrorist Watch List based on his religious views. Inclusion on the FBI’s terrorist watch list, which is a secret list maintained by the government, can hamper one’s ability to travel and can result in heightened governmental surveillance. According to information provided to The Rutherford Institute, the FBI has been conducting a secret investigation into the associations and activities of street preacher Michael Marcavage. In an earlier letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute, called on the agency head to either cease the FBI’s investigation of Michael Marcavage, a street preacher well known for publicly exercising his First Amendment rights to free speech and religious expression, or make known the charges being made against him.

The Rutherford Institute’s letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller is available at

“Michael Marcavage deserves to know why he is under investigation and whether he has, in fact, been placed on the FBI’s terrorist watch list. However, if, as we suspect, Marcavage is guilty of nothing more than engaging in nonviolent religious speech which government officials perceive as controversial, then the government has clearly overstepped its constitutional bounds,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “This sort of secret investigation, which is antithetical to the principles of a free society, has a chilling and deleterious effect on the ability of all Americans to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech.”

Christian street preacher Michael Marcavage, the director of an evangelism ministry whose mission is the public proclamation of the Gospel, regularly travels the country preaching in traditional public forums, distributing Christian literature, and engaging passersby in discussions about the Christian faith. Marcavage recently learned that the FBI has been requesting “interviews” with his friends and associates in order to interrogate them about his activities. Subsequently, a reliable source informed Marcavage that he was the object of an FBI investigation and that his name had been added to the FBI’s terror watch list, the Terrorist Screening Database, based on his alleged affiliation with an anti-abortion group known as the “Army of God.” Inclusion on the terrorist watch list, which is a secret list maintained by the government, can hamper one’s ability to travel and can result in heightened governmental surveillance.

Concerned that his placement on such a list could have a chilling effect on his expressive activities, Marcavage asked The Rutherford Institute to intervene on his behalf. Writing to Mueller, Whitehead pointed out that under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6 (HSPD-6), in order to be placed on the terrorist watch list, an individual must be known to be a terrorist or must be reasonably suspected of being a terrorist. Moreover, Marcavage, who has devoted himself to peaceful advocacy and who has never been involved in terrorism nor associated with any terrorist organizations, including the so-called Army of God, does not meet the criteria laid out in Directive 6. In filing a FOIA request with the FBI, Institute attorneys have asked the FBI to provide any information relating to Marcavage’s possible inclusion on databases or lists of individuals suspected of advocating terrorism or other unlawful acts.

TMLC Appeals Ninth Circuit’s Anti-God Decision to the U.S Supreme Court

ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center announced today that it has appealed a controversial decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court. The appeal was filed in the case of Bradley Johnson v. Poway Unified School District late last week.

For the past twenty-five years, Bradley Johnson, a high school math teacher at the Poway School District located in California had been displaying red, white and blue banners in his classroom that contained patriotic phrases such as: “In God We Trust, ” “One Nation Under God, ” and “God Bless America.”

He displayed the banners pursuant to a 30-year school district policy that permitted teachers to maintain classroom displays of non-curricular messages that reflected their personal opinions and values. In effect, the school district designated classroom walls as forum for the expression of the teacher’s private opinions and viewpoints.

However, in 2007 school officials ordered Johnson to remove his banners because they promoted a “Judeo-Christian” viewpoint.

In an outrageous case of double standard, school officials allowed other teachers to display non-Christian religious displays in their classrooms. These displays included a 40-foot string of Tibetan prayer flags with images of Buddha hung across a classroom, a poster with Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi’s “7 Social Sins;” a poster of Muslim leader Malcolm X; a poster of the Buddhist leader Dali Lama; and a poster containing the lyrics of John Lennon’s anti-religion song “Imagine, ” which begins, Imagine there’s no Heaven.

As a result, the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which defends the religious liberty of Christians, filed a federal lawsuit against the school district on behalf of Johnson.

On September 4, 2008, Federal District Judge Robert T. Benitez agreed with the Thomas More Law Center. He ruled that “Johnson was simply exercising his free speech rights on subjects that were otherwise permitted in the limited public forum created by Defendants” and that there was an “ongoing violation of his First Amendment free speech rights.”

However, the Poway School District appealed the ruling and a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Judge Benitez’s decision ruling that the school district was justified in removing banners that mentioned God, while leaving untouched the Tibetan Prayer flags and the images of Buddha.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Law Center, commented, “This case is a prime example of how public schools across our nation are cleansing our classrooms of our Christian heritage while promoting atheism and other non–Christian religions under the guise of cultural diversity.”

Continued Thompson, “The Ninth Circuit Court’s rationale in allowing the Tibetan Prayer Flags and references to other religions while outlawing America’s patriotic slogans that mention God is unconvincing. Brad Johnson was simply exercising his free speech rights in a forum created by the school district to inform students of the religious foundations of our nation.”

Attempts to get a rehearing in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals failed, and so the Law Center pursued its only remaining option– a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari (appeal) to the United States Supreme Court.

The State of Media Led Electoral Politics – America Doesn’t Need It

Last night’s Republican debate was a big joke. It was evident NBC anchor Brian Williams rigged the debate to promote only two candidates. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich were front and center while sidelined were the other two.

Uhh…now who were they???

Oh, yes, the two stage props were Ron Paul and Rick Santorum.

It’s apparent the global media corporation-NBC-wants Republicans to elect Mitt Romney. During the evening news tonight, NBC even spotlighted Romney while phasing to President Obama’s upcoming “State of the Nation” speech tonight.

Are we to believe NBC needs to make voting decisions for Republicans? It might help explain their view that most people of conservative leanings are religious and dumb and would be better staying out of politics altogether. However, the dumb sheepish elephants must be lead to the green liberal pastures where they all (not we all) can have rich cups that runneth over. Interpreted, it means millions more dollars in NBC’s bank accounts and similar wealthy elite associates in other industries too.

A multitude of prosperous industries is a good thing especially when most of the little people prosper too.

Sigh…. It won’t happen with the status quo in office.

The global media’s favorite candidate who is currently sitting in the oval office may yet bury America in debt’s grave and while throwing sweet rosy rhetoric on the national casket.

At least Romney would restore fiscal sanity to America. Gingrich would too with better foreign policy as well. Santorum would further the conservative cause and maybe even help the middle class. Paul would make the rule of Constitutional law work as well as make fiscal, social, state and foreign relations constitutionally compliant, which just might work as well. If only Paul would speak like a campaigner rather than like a speaker at the podium on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Tune-up your car and driving skills as winter weather arrives in Ohio

(Xenia, OH) – You drive over a patch of black ice. Do you know what to do? Your tires are bald, it’s icy outside. Is it safe to drive? Your car breaks down in a desolate area. Do you have the proper items in your vehicle to survive? Being prepared for winter weather also pertains to your vehicle and knowing how to drive in blustery weather.

“Winter weather has definitely arrived in Greene County. If you must be out during severe winter weather, knowing how to operate your vehicle can help you arrive safely at your destination,” said Laurie Fox, Greene County Safe Communities Coordinator. “Make sure your vehicle is in proper working order before heading out, and have a safety kit in the vehicle in the event of an emergency.”

Make sure you get a car winter tune-up now, prior to severe winter weather if possible. Tune-ups should include:
* Tire check – consider snow- or all-season tires if tread is worn
* Battery test – you don’t want to be stranded in severe weather
* Wiper blades check and replacement, if needed
* Radiator, engine and all fluid levels check
* Brake line and pad inspection
* Headlight, brake light and turn signal inspections

Prepare a winter emergency kit for each vehicle and keep it in the trunk. Kits should include:
* Two blankets or sleeping bags
* Waterproof matches and candles
* Extra clothing – especially boots, mittens and hats
* Dry food rations, like raisins, nuts and candy
* Flashlight with spare batteries
* First-aid kit and a supply of necessary medications
* Emergency flares
* An extra gallon of window washer fluid in the trunk
* An extra cell phone battery and vehicle charger, or
* Keep pocket change for pay phone use
* A brightly colored cloth for use as a signal for assistance
* A steel shovel and rope to use as a lifeline
* A few large plastic garbage bags for insulation against wind

Some tips to keep in mind while traveling in winter:
* Check weather reports prior to departing.
* Allow extra travel time for weather and/or traffic delays.
* Know how your vehicle reacts on slick road.
* If your vehicle is equipped with Anti-lock Brakes (ABS), be sure to
STOMP (firmly depress brake pedal), STAY (on the brakes – don’t
pump brakes) and STEER (where you want the vehicle to go).
* Clear all windows, lights and turn signals.
* Allow ample stopping distance between you and the car ahead.
* Stay alert for “black ice” and slippery road surfaces on bridges.
* If severe weather is possible, it’s best to stay off the roads. If you must
leave, be sure to advise those at your destination of a departure time,
anticipated arrival time, and the planned travel route. Also provide a
cell phone number in case they need to contact you.

Enjoy the snow and winter season by being prepared for snow and ice. Drive safely and always remember to buckle up.

For further information on ways you can stay safe on the roads this winter, visit the Ohio Department of Transportation at

Local Teacher Nominated for Special Recognition

(Dayton, OH) – Kelsey Woodward, Senior at Northmont High School, believes Ms. Janelle Hayes is one special teacher. Like students in schools all over the Miami Valley, Kelsey knows her teacher has made a real difference in her life and thinks it’s about time great teachers like Ms. Hayes got some much deserved recognition. Kelsey wants to do something about that and has nominated her Spanish teacher for the Heroic Teacher of the Year award.

The Heroic Teacher of the Year contest was initiated to honor teachers who have distinguished themselves within their school and community through generosity and commitment while putting the needs of students before their own. Besides recognition for exceptional accomplishments, each winner will receive a $200 gift card to their favorite bookstore and an Engage Wireless LCD; an exciting new interactive teaching tool for the classroom, courtesy of UWrite Touch.

The contest was inspired by the ground-breaking novel Leave No Child Behind by Dr. Randy Overbeck, winner of the 2011 Thriller of the Year Award from The book tells a story of heroism, when a small-town teacher is confronted by an act of terrorism that threatens her classroom and school.

“After many years as an educator, I hope, as an author, to bring some recognition to those educators who have the willingness to stand up for students and believe in kids who may not even believe in themselves,” the author says.

This contest is sponsored by Heroic Teacher Press, an independent publishing company based in Lebanon, Ohio, and UWrite Touch, an educational technology company. The small press is also working with local booksellers like “Chapters:Pre-Loved Books” in Lebanon to find and recognize outstanding teachers.

“The mission of Heroic Teacher Press is to raise the status of teachers in America and all the company efforts focus on that,” says Overbeck, a former teacher, college professor and school administrator. “This contest is designed to highlight real life teachers that are largely going unrecognized by the general public.”

In her nomination, Kelsey writes Ms. Hayes’ teaching “will have a lifetime impact on the person I become.” And Kelsey’s not alone. Other students are invited to nominate their favorite teacher for the award. Parents, colleagues and supervisors are also welcomed to submit a nomination of a deserving K-12 educator for the recognition. Nomination forms and full details are available online at or by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Attn: Heroic Teacher Contest, 789 Lake Bluff Ct., Lebanon, OH 45036. Information on the contest is also available at participating bookstores.