Author Archives: admin

Getting Washington’s Fiscal House in Order

By Congressman Steve Austria

During the last Congress, our country witnessed the passage of several costly pieces of legislation that I opposed, including the $1 trillion “stimulus” package and countless “bailouts.” I have and will continue to support reversing this egregious spending and getting our nation back on a path to prosperity. That is why I cosponsored and strongly supported two bills that provided a solution for real change to our nation’s spending practices. The Cut, Cap and Balance Act (H.R. 2560) and the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution (H. J. Res. 2) called for cuts in our current federal spending levels and caps for the future spending by Congress. The Balanced Budget Amendment required Congress not to spend more than it receives in revenues while also providing a limited exception in times of war and serious military conflicts.

Jobs and the Economy

With the national unemployment rate at or above 8 percent for 34 consecutive months, it is clear that the borrowing and spending policies of this Administration have not worked. Since the failed $1 trillion “stimulus” was enacted, unemployment has averaged to 9.4 percent.

To jump start our economy and get Americans back to work, we must reverse the direction of borrowing and spending that this Administration and the previous Congress had led us. Since January, my Republican colleagues and I have worked furiously to cut spending and rein in government. We have passed 28 bipartisan jobs bills that now await action by the Senate. These bills remove the burdensome regulations that have plagued our small business owners and job creators, and promote common-sense, pro-growth policies. It is time to get America back to what it does best-create, innovate and lead.

Tax Policies

I was pleased to be a part of the effort in repealing the “1099 Provision,” which mandated that all businesses file an IRS Form-1099 for any vendor with which they have more than $600 in yearly transactions, resulting in burdensome costs for small businesses. This provision, added to President Obama’s health care law, had a adverse impact on small businesses and was included as a method to finance this new entitlement program.

Last week I supported a bill that passed the House that provided a full year extension of reduced tax rates, offered job incentives, extended doctors pay for our seniors care, and decreased discretionary spending by over $80 billion in the next ten years without raising taxes on small businesses. Our nation’s hardworking taxpayers and job creators deserve a solution that reflects real efforts to cutting Washington’s reckless debt, and focuses on creating certainty in our financial market to grow long-term jobs that are needed to putting our economy back on a robust path.

Energy Policies

We all want to be good stewards of the environment, but America must become less reliant on foreign on by using all of our natural resources we have here domestically. This includes wind, solar, nuclear, ethanol, clean coal, natural gas and oil. Unfortunately, the current policies offered by government bureaucrats are counterproductive, ignoring the energy resources we have domestically and excessively enforcing burdensome regulations that are costly for our nation’s employers and families. Expanding American energy production will lower prices, create new American jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, strengthen our national security and raise revenue to help tackle the $14 trillion national debt.

House Republicans launched the American Energy Initiative – an ongoing effort to stop government policies that drive up gasoline prices; to grow American energy production to lower costs and create more jobs; and promote an ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to increase all forms of American energy. I was also a cosponsor of the Roadmap for America’s energy Future (H.R. 909). This legislation aims to cut through the bureaucratic red tape and move forward with leasing and drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and with oil shale leasing programs halted by the Administration. It also moves forward with environmentally responsible exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR), an exploration that could lead to 1 million barrels of domestic oil each day. Opening domestic offshore drilling will help decrease America’s dependence on foreign oil – something that is essential to our energy policy and our national security.

Government Takeover of Health Care

Last Congress, President Obama signed a $2 trillion health care bill into law, which increases the size of government; cuts more than $500 billion to Medicare that increases premiums on hardworking American families. These were all reasons why I opposed the so-called health care reform bill and voted this year to repeal the law by supporting H.R. 2, the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. Congress must work hard to give Americans the quality health care options they deserve by: ensuring everyone has the right to pick their own doctor; letting doctors and patients make health care decisions – not Washington bureaucrats; and guaranteeing access to affordable health care and health insurance for all.

What Lies Ahead

This past year in Congress brought with it many difficult decisions, and as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I understand the difficult spending decisions. But, the conclusion of this year also brings new opportunities for next year to revise the expansion of the federal government and the regulatory uncertainties that are directly affecting our nation’s hardworking taxpayers and job creators, which our nation’s prosperity is dependent on.

Gov. Kasich’s 2011 Year End Review


2011 Year in Review: Summary

When Governor John R. Kasich and Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor took office one year ago, Ohio faced historic challenges. Over 400,000 jobs were lost in the previous four years, unemployment peaked and remained at 10.6 percent between August 2009 and February 2010, and the state faced an $8 billion budget shortfall going into Fiscal Year 2012. For Gov. Kasich, job creation has been priority number one from day one. With his vision, Ohio has begun making the necessary government reforms to cultivate a jobs-friendly environment so Ohioans can get back to work, and our state can start moving in the right direction.

See JobsOhio Year-End Summary

A Christmas Prayer

God help us to end poverty in our time.

The poverty of having a child with too little to eat and no place to
sleep, no air, sunlight and space to breathe, bask, and grow.

The poverty of watching your child suffer hunger or get sicker and
sicker and not knowing what to do or how to get help because you
don’t have another dime or a car, money, or health insurance.

The poverty of working your fingers to the bone every day taking care
of somebody else’s children and neglecting your own, and still
not being able to pay your bills.

The poverty of having a job which does not let you afford a stable
place to live and being terrified you’ll become homeless and
lose your children to foster care.

The poverty of losing your job, running out of unemployment benefits,
and no other help in sight.

The poverty of working all your life caring for your own children and
having to start all over again caring for the grandchildren you love.

The poverty of earning a college degree, having children, opening a
day care center, and taking home $300 a week-or a month-if
you’re lucky.

The poverty of loneliness and isolation and alienation-having no
one to call or visit, tell you where to get help, assist you in
getting it, or care if you’re living or dead.

The poverty of having too much and sharing too little and having the
burden of nothing to carry.

The poverty of convenient blindness and deafness and indifference to

The poverty of low aim and paltry purpose, of weak will and tiny
vision, of big meetings and small actions, of loud talk and sullen
grudging service.

The poverty of believing in nothing, standing for nothing, sharing
nothing, sacrificing nothing, struggling with others for nothing.

The poverty of pride and ingratitude for God’s gifts of life and
children and family and freedom and home and country and not wanting
for others what you want for yourself.

The poverty of greed for more and more and more, ignoring, blaming,
and exploiting the needy, and taking from the weak to please the

The poverty of addiction to more and more things; drugs, drink, work,
self, violence, power, fleeting fame, and an unjust status quo.

The poverty of fear which keeps you from doing the thing you think is

The poverty of convenient ignorance about the needs of those around
you and of despair and cynicism.

God help us end poverty in our time, in all its faces and places,
young and old, rural, urban, suburban and small town too, and in every
color of humans You have made everywhere.

God help us to end poverty in our time in all its guises-inside
and out-physical and spiritual, so that all our and Your
children may live the lives that you intend.

First published in Child Watch on december 16, 2011 by Marian Wright Edelman, President of Children’s Defense Fund.

The Meaning of Christmas

By Daniel Downs

Christmas is a celebration of the fulfilled promise of a new life, a baby. Honoring this new born destiny presents to the world a universal hope. It is about God being with us now and we being with God in the future.

Christmas is about parents, parenting, naming, and the common work of fulfilling God’s revealed purpose for the world; their world of family, our world of common good relationships, and God’s purposed world.

Christmas is thus a celebration of life-giving. Life is God’s gift to the world–to each individual, to each family, and to society. Every morally and materially good relationship contributes to the creation of abundant life for all. This too reflects God’s good will for all people. Its revelation began with the divine promise to Abraham. It was institutionalized through Israel. Its realization was pronounced by angels and manifested in the new born babe of Bethlehem—the one the angels said they would see lying in a lowly manger (Luke 2:1-20). The irony of life is that it always begins in utter helpless poverty, but God gives everyone the natural riches of loving parents, caring society, and nature’s bounty.

Material and monetary gifts as well as profits are meant to serve the prophetic purpose of life-destiny. Even the three wise men brought gifts to the new born babe that not only made him and his family very rich but also provided the means to fulfill his purpose in life (Matthew 2:1-12).

The significance of Christmas is how God reveals and fulfills His part in the destiny of human life. Human destiny is not a search to find oneself. It is not a hunt for life purpose or meaningful work. Human destiny is a divine revelation that is manifest, reinforced, prepared for, and fulfilled. It is the life-work, a multifaceted employment, of living well. Living well is not best defined by financial worth but by the quality of life made and given. A good life is not made alone. The author of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, wrote: “Let us make man in our image and likeness.” If God made us within a community of others, it stands to reason that we must do the same. Good persons are reproduced in a redemptive society of families committed to forming each newly born child into a good citizen of our heavenly Father’s world. In God’s world, the divinely ordained work of living means being and making to be good children, good parents, good spouses, good neighbors, good laborers or entrepreneurs, good citizens. As God provided for Jesus through the magi, God wants to provide everything needed to fulfill our own destiny whether it be with spouse, home, material goods, and understanding of the divine purpose for life. This God did for humanity’s first parent. God gave him a wife, Eve. God gave them a home in the garden. He gave them all of nature’s produce for sustenance. God also gave them trusteeship over all the riches of nature including all living creatures (Genesis 1:26-31 &2:7-24). Then, God gave a world full of families to help each other fulfill life’s destiny.

The apostle Paul referred to Jesus as the new Adam (1 Cor 15:45-49). His birth was the beginning of a new humanity. The accomplishment of his life work ushered in the realization of God’s redemptive plan for all people. The revelation of Jesus his life-purpose was first given to his parents, Mary and Joseph. God’s prepared them to prepare Jesus for its fulfillment. Therefore, the life of Jesus Christ is the model of God’s plan for every parent and child.

Jesus’ life is a revelation and history, albeit a sketchy one, of how God fulfills His plan for the world through one family of chosen parents and chosen child (to be). The life-work of Jesus—the chosen child—could not have happened without chosen parents and the entire lineage of other chosen ones. Both gospels of Matthew and Luke clearly shows the ancestry of Jesus going back through King David, to Judah, Abraham, Noah, and finally to Adam (Matthew 1:1-17 & Luke 3:23-38).

The same is true for all of us. Whether seemingly big or miniscule, our individual purpose in God’s plan for the world is connected to a host of ancestors going back to Adam and Eve. Every one of them was chosen by God for our life-work to be fulfilled.

Like Jesus, every one of us was born to fulfill a specific part in the plan of God for the world.

As the new Adam, Jesus birth represents the rebirth of humanity. Every human being born since Jesus has been represented by Him to God. Everyone has had or will have the opportunity to experience the redemption, reconciliation, renewing, and parenthood of God, who never intended to father only Jesus. God wants all people to become His children, living in His household, under His authority and care. In one sense, all humans are children of God because all exist as God created them to exist. Yet, some children live without parents. Some people who have parents live as though they do not. Others exist without any sense of history, tradition, value, future hope, purpose or legacy, all of which begins in a family household connected to extended family within a society and world of families. Even though some discover it in social institutions like school, workplace, military, social mission, mosque, synagogue, temple or church, membership in them does not equate to being part of God’s household. Without a life forming relationship with God, hearing His defining words, and obeying His law or rules meant to direct behavior and work, no one can claim to be in the household of God. For life in God’s household is eternal and not limited to temporary materiality of the present.

Jesus represents life in the household of God. His birth was the beginning not the end. His untimely death was the means to a redemptive end, the fulfillment of God’s redemption of all people. His resurrection represents the future for a new humanity. As his apostle Paul taught, Jesus was the first born from the dead not the last (Colossians 1:18; Romans8:29). Every one of us will be reborn but only those who have been faithful to God will continue to live in His household.

Wayward people often behave in ways that land them in jail or prison. The faithless and unfaithful also will live eternal life behind bars in the prison called hell.

Jesus is the way of escape in the present.

Christmas is a mass celebration of eternal life. The end of life is to live eternally in and to the glory of God the Father. This is accomplished by living the good life in God’s household, doing what is right, and fulfilling one’s divinely purposed life-work.

What God revealed to Mary and Joseph, to Elizabeth and Zachariah, to Sarah and Abraham was the life work and purpose of their first born child. Each has to live so as to fulfill it. For Jesus to fulfill his life work and its purpose, he has to live without sin to the very end. We too have to learn to do the same. For without holiness (likeness of God) no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14 ). That is, knowone will see Him after this life in heavenly city.

Student Sues School District and Teacher After Being Punished for Expressing His Religious Beliefs

The Thomas More Law Center filed a federal lawsuit yesterday afternoon against the Howell Public School District located in Howell, Michigan, and teacher, Johnson (“Jay”) McDowell, for punishment and humiliation heaped on a student after he expressed his religious belief opposing homosexuality when asked by the teacher during class.

The student, Daniel Glowacki, a junior at Howell High at the time of the incident, was specifically asked by McDowell about his feelings on homosexuals. Daniel responded that as a Catholic he was offended by the gay and lesbian lifestyle. Because of his answer, Daniel was ordered to leave the classroom under threat of suspension.

As news of the incident spread, homosexual activists across the country hailed McDowell as a hero and vilified Daniel and his family, as “bigots”, referring to Daniel’s religious objections to the homosexual agenda as “hate” speech. McDowell is head of the school’s teachers union. The Michigan Education Association, the state teachers’ union, supported McDowell’s actions.

National lesbian TV host, Ellen DeGeneres got in on the anti-Glowacki campaign. Daniel even became the subject of a school assembly.

The incident occurred on October 20, 2010, the day that Daniel’s Economics class teacher, Jay McDowell, wore a purple “Tyler’s Army” t-shirt, as part of a national campaign promoted by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation to highlight alleged “bullying” of homosexuals.

Rather than teach academic courses that day, McDowell decided to spend the entire day promoting this national pro-homosexual agenda, which included showing his classes a video concerning such “bullying.”

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of TMLC, commented: “Rather than teach the required Economics curriculum for which he is paid, McDowell, with the full knowledge of school officials, used his position of authority to promote his homosexual agenda at taxpayer’s expense. This case points out the outrageous way in which homosexual activists have turned our public schools into indoctrination centers, and are seeking to eradicate all religious and moral opposition to their agenda.”

Thompson added, “It defies common sense for schools to ban all sorts of unhealthy foods while at the same time promoting the homosexual lifestyle, which hard statistics show increases drug abuse, suicides and reduces the life expectancies by several years. Schools that promote such lifestyles are engaging in a form of child abuse.”

The incident all started when McDowell ordered a student in his classroom to remove her confederate flag belt buckle because he was offended by it. Daniel pointed out the teacher’s obvious hypocrisy: the teacher can promote a message that might be offensive to students, but students can’t wear clothing that expresses a message that is offensive to the teacher.

In total disregard of his professional responsibilities as a teacher and the constitutional rights of his students, after ordering Daniel to leave the classroom, McDowell asked the remainder of the class whether anyone else did not accept homosexuality. A student raised his hand, and McDowell ordered him out of the classroom as well.

In this case, the teacher became the bully, and the students who opposed his homosexual agenda became his victims.

A 14-year old openly gay student who supported McDowell at subsequent school board meeting appeared on the “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” to discuss his speech. The student was rewarded with a $10,000 academic scholarship by a digital media company.

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan filed the lawsuit on behalf Sandra Glowacki and her son Daniel in the federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. TMLC is representing the family at no charge.

The lawsuit claims that Daniel Glowacki’s constitutional rights to freedom of speech and equal protection have been violated by the policies and actions of the school district and McDowell. Among other things, the lawsuit seeks nominal damages, a declaration that the school policies and actions violate the Constitution, and injunction to prohibit further constitutional violations.

In cooperation with the NEA, the MEA, and the HEA, and in furtherance of the national agenda of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (“GLAAD”), the School District permitted the celebration of “Spirit Day” at Howell High School on October 20, 2010. On Spirit Day, people who support the acceptance of homosexuality wear the color purple.

In fact, the School District permitted its teachers to sell purple t-shirts with the slogan “Tyler’s Army” to students and teachers to promote the 2010 Spirit Day. “Tyler’s Army” is a reference to Tyler Clementi who committed suicide after a video of him having sex with another male student in his dorm room was posted on the Internet.

Senior Trial Counsel, Robert Muise, handling the case, stated: “Homosexual activists, with the willing and complicit support of public school districts and teachers’ unions throughout the country, are using our public schools to foist their destructive agenda on our children, thereby creating a hostile learning environment for those students who oppose this agenda on religious and moral grounds. This case is just one example of the pernicious effect these activists are having on our students and in our community. We intend to stop it.”

The Howell School District and the Michigan Education Association (“MEA”), which is a subsidiary of the National Education Association (“NEA”), along with the Howell Education Association (“HEA”), which is a chapter of the MEA, have forged a symbiotic relationship and have worked with one another to adopt policies, that promote homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle and to prohibit religious opposition to homosexuality. The school district has promoted the concept that religious opposition to homosexuality is equivalent to bullying, hate speech, and homophobia in order to eradicate such opposition.

Obama Elevates LGBT as U.S. Foreign Policy Priority

By Wendy Wright

(GENEVA – C-FAM)   All federal agencies dealing with U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance must now promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights. This new priority puts U.S. foreign policy on a collision course with religious freedom.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced President Obama’s sweeping directive to UN diplomats in Geneva last week. Along with the full-force of the U.S. government, a Global Equality Fund will equip foreign LGBT groups to agitate within countries.

Every federal agency engaged overseas, and “other agencies as the President may designate,” is directed to “combat the criminalization of LGBT status or conduct abroad,” assist LGBT refugees and asylum seekers, leverage aid to advance LGBT nondiscrimination, respond swiftly to abuses of LGBT persons abroad, enlist international organizations “in the fight,” and report on progress.

A State Department official said, “We are not just having people . . . whose full-time job it is to occupy ourselves with concerns of human rights, but also people whose daily grind is, most of the time, spent on different things.”

This elevates LGBT above every other people group, including those persecuted for religious beliefs, promoting democracy and human rights, ethnic minorities, and women.

Asked by the Friday Fax if any other minority has this status, the State Department did not respond.

By one account, only nine countries do not discriminate in some way against LGBT individuals, such as donating blood or “higher age of consent laws.”

Obama’s directive comes as Nigeria debates a bill to protect marriage. The Catholic Medical Association of Nigeria denounced “the coordinated ferocity” by foreign governments and international groups “browbeating” legislators to adopt laws that are premised on “dubious science and ethical mischief.”

Reacting to Obama’s order, Oliver Kisaka with the National Council of Churches of Kenya told the CS Monitor, “God did not make a mistake; being gay is that person’s own perspective. Those who live as gays need help to live right and we should not be supporting them to live in a wrong reality.

“Society should reach out to gays and transgender people to help them out of their situation. They have not ceased to be God’s children and no one is a gone case.”

Clinton equated religious and cultural views on sexuality and gender identity with “violent practices toward women like honor killings, widow burning or female genital mutilation.”

Tina Ramirez of the Washington DC–based Becket Fund for Religious Liberty told the Friday Fax, “The Administration is sticking its head in the sand when it comes to the conflict between gay rights and religious freedom. The failure of either the President or the Secretary of State to articulate how the international LGBT rights initiative will interact with religious conscientious objection is a recipe for conflict between the two. No one disagrees with Secretary Clinton’s truism that religious freedom doesn’t protect religiously-motivated violence against anyone. But the real issue, that neither the President nor Secretary Clinton talked about, is what happens when the LGBT initiative conflicts with sincere conscientious objection. Religious liberty is a fundamental human right protected in the United States Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and countless other human rights instruments; the Administration seems to be treating it as an afterthought.”

Wendy Wright is Managing Editor of FridayFax, internet report published weekly by C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.”

Men Using Women’s Fitting Rooms Appears to be a Common problem at Macy’s

(Orlando, FL) – Another Macy’s employee has contacted Liberty Counsel and shared about repeated issues with men using the women’s fitting rooms. This individual asked to remain anonymous out of fear of losing her job. The employee said she constantly has to ask men to leave the women’s fitting rooms. In addition, she has been asked numerous times by mothers who have daughters in the fitting rooms to please ask the men to leave the women’s dressing rooms.

With the Christmas shopping season in full swing, customers around the country are sending Macy’s a message that such a bizarre policy is not acceptable. One woman posted on Macy’s Facebook page that her family normally spends $2,000 at Macy’s and she is planning to boycott the store. Others are shredding their Macy’s credit cards and closing their accounts. The chorus of voices opposing Macy’s disturbing dressing room policy is growing louder as more troubling incidents are coming to light. The message will become increasingly clear that the majority of the American people are not in line with the radical Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (“LGBT”) agenda.

This story of Macy’s LGBT policy which allows men to use the women’s fitting rooms came to light when Macy’s fired Natalie Johnson from its San Antonio store after she politely told a clearly identified man that he could not re-enter the women’s fitting rooms.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said, “Macy’s policy that allows men to use the women’s fitting rooms makes no sense. This policy has put at risk every woman shopper who enters one of these rooms. While attempting to cater to a radical LGBT agenda, Macy’s has alienated almost the entirety of its customer base.”

How to Dig a Four Billion Dollar Hole

By Cameron Smith

Recently, Jefferson County, Alabama filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. However, the filing is only the latest chapter in a sad story for the county as well as the state. More importantly, many Alabamians have little idea how a county of less than 700,000 residents was able to accumulate more than $4 billion in debt.

In 1993, three Alabama citizens filed suit alleging that Jefferson County was polluting the Cahaba and Black Warrior Rivers in violation of the Clean Water Act. This case ultimately merged with a similar lawsuit filed by the EPA in 1994. In 1995, the judge in the case granted summary judgment for the EPA and plaintiffs because the facts, even viewed in a manner most favorable to Jefferson County, clearly demonstrated that the county had violated federal law. Instead of challenging the ruling further, Jefferson County agreed to negotiate a settlement known as a consent decree.

A consent decree is a judge’s order based on a voluntary agreement between parties in a lawsuit, which is enforceable by contempt and can be modified only by court order. In this case, the consent decree provided a mechanism for remedying flaws in the sewer system. The decree called for the county to provide the EPA with a series of evaluations of the sewer system which, in turn, resulted in an implementation plan to correct the offending features of the system.

Unfortunately, the decree also contained a provision that the county could, at its own discretion, make modifications to the implementation plan for “projects not specifically covered by [the] [c]onsent [d]ecree.” This provision permitted Jefferson County to add projects to their sewer improvement plans while giving the impression the improvements were necessitated by the initial consent decree.

In a comprehensive doctrinal dissertation at Auburn University entitled Jefferson County, Alabama: A Perfect Storm of Ethical, Financial, Political, and Market Failures, Louis Ray Morris, Jr. notes that Jefferson County’s 1997-1998 capital budget contained 50 projects required by the consent decree as well as 54 additional sewer-related projects, twice as many projects as actually necessary.

As the cost of the sewer system ballooned, Jefferson County engaged in the risky practice of municipal interest rate swaps as a means to protect against higher future interest rates on the county’s variable rate debt. These swaps were supposedly going to save the county more than $200 million. A Bloomberg Markets article released in 2008 noted that Jefferson County paid banks “$120 million in fees-six times the prevailing rate-for $5.8 billion in interest-rate swaps.” Instead, rates changed direction and the county piled on almost $300 million in additional debt.

The construction and financing of the sewer system were also fertile ground for criminal activity. The flexibility and lack of transparency afforded by the consent decree enabled more than two dozen Jefferson County commissioners, employees, and contractors to engage in a wide range of illegal activities.

To make matters worse, Jefferson County’s occupational tax, which accounted for around $66 million in fiscal year 2010, was struck down as unconstitutional. Legislators in Montgomery have been unable to reach an agreement to replace the lost tax revenue, in part because of concerns over the county’s recent history of poor management, lack of planning, and criminal activity. But even if those revenues remained consistent and were entirely allocated to paying Jefferson County’s debt obligation, it would take more than sixty years to pay off the principal owed without accounting for interest.

In the bankruptcy filing, Jefferson County acknowledged more than $3 billion in outstanding sewer warrants, more than $800 million in school capital improvement warrants, and more than $200 million in general obligation warrants. With accelerated payment and penalty interest provisions, the county’s debt could increase exponentially.

Jefferson County residents now face bankruptcy and a $4 billion hole that translates to more than $6,500 in debt for every resident of the county. Jefferson County leaders dug that hole the same way the federal government dug a $15 trillion one: nobody held government officials accountable for playing fast and loose with borrowed money. If this pattern continues in Alabama and across the country, Jefferson County’s fall will be just the beginning.

Cameron Smith is General Counsel for the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society.

Freedom From Religion Foundation Continues the War on Christmas

If Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sounds familiar to you, it’s likely because they are the same atheist group currently behind the attacks on the Tenth Mountain Division’s Big Mountain Jesus statue in Whitefish, Montana, the veterans memorial, that Liberty Institute is defending. It seems FFRF is also investing much of their energy into waging war on Christmas, with the latest attacks taking place in Santa Monica, California, South Jersey and Henderson County, Texas.

In Henderson County, FFRF sent a demand letter to county officials demanding that they remove a nativity scence from the courthouse square. The County correctly responded to FFRF that the nativity scene was constitutional under established U.S. Supreme Court precedent.

In Santa Monica, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wise men have been booted from their long-held nativity displays and replaced by non-religious symbols, such as quotes like “Religions are all alike — founded upon fables and mythologies. — Thomas Jefferson”, and a display showcasing King Neptune, Jesus, Santa and Satan reads, “Millions of Americans know MYTHS when they see them. What myths do you see? American Atheists.”

For nearly 60-years there has been little to no competition for the designated spaces assigned to groups for Christmas displays in Santa Monica. This year, however, City Hall utilized a random lottery to determine which groups would be able to attain the spaces for displays. Damon Vix is behind the lottery effort being used to assign spaces and he helps groups like FFRF and American Atheists, Inc. acquire these plots of land.

Meanwhile, some anonymous residents from Pitman, NJ, contacted Wisconsin-based FFRF because they want a sign put up by the Catholic Knights of Columbus that reads, “Keep Christ in Christmas”, taken down, claiming it violates the Constitution. While the sign is placed over a county road, it is attached to privately held property. The town’s mayor, Michael Batten, said “I think it’s a sad state of affairs that in our country, we kowtow to the minority and not the majority of people who like that sort of thing to stay.” FFRF is now determined to hang their own sign, which says: “At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

FFRF is not focusing their attacks solely on the coasts of our country, however. The group is also waging a battle against Henderson County, Texas. FFRF sent a threatening letter asking that the county remove the nativity display from the square in Athens, Texas. The group also made known their plans to post a sign reading “At this Season of the Winter Solstice, LET REASON PREVAIL.” The banner goes on to state that religion is a “myth and superstition.” Fortunately, local pastors and Christians are taking a stand against the false claims by FFRF and will be holding a rally at the courthouse this Saturday, December 17, 2011.

Source: Liberty Watch, December 14, 2011.

Putting a Harness on Washington’s Reckless Spending

By Congressman Steve Austria

Many of you have contacted my office to express your concerns for our nation’s economic future and the reckless spending that’s occurring in Washington. Our nation is facing a debt crisis that threatens our economy, national security and the future of our children. Families in Ohio and across this nation are tightening their own belts and living within their means, and it is time for the federal government to do the same with American’s hard-earned tax dollars.

This year, I co-sponsored and strongly supported two bills that provided a solution for real change to our nation’s spending practices. The Cut, Cap and Balance Act (H.R. 2560) and the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution (H. J. Res. 2) called for cuts in our current federal spending levels and caps for the future spending by Congress. The Balanced Budget Amendment required Congress not to spend more than it receives in revenues while also providing a limited exception in times of war and serious military conflicts.

Yesterday, the House passed the Middle Class Tax and Job Creation Act, which I supported. This bill will help to ease the burden on hardworking families by extending reduced tax rates and creating job incentives without raiding the Social Security Trust Fund, while cutting discretionary spending by over $80 billion in the next ten years.

It is no mystery that Washington must get its fiscal house in order. Spending cuts are essential to helping put our country back on a fiscally-sustainable path that will create jobs in the private sector and strengthen the economy for our children and grandchildren.

Pleased be assured that I am listening to you and share your concerns of an over-reaching government and the increasing surge in federal spending we’ve seen this Congress. I remain committed to principles of smaller, more accountable government; economic freedom; lower taxes; fiscal responsibility; and providing for strong national security.