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Incoming Spanish Prime Minister Promised to Repeal Abortion Law and Other Anti-Family Policies of Socialist Government

Spain’s Popular Party won a historic conservative victory in Sunday’s election and the ruling Socialists suffered their worst defeat in 30 years.

While acknowledging that the dismal state of Spain’s economy was a factor in the election, World Congress of Families Managing Director Larry Jacobs noted the significant impact of family issues. “Over the past 8 years of its socialist misrule, the Zapatero government painted a symbolic bulls-eye on the Spanish family and moral virtues – liberalizing and promoting divorce, instituting same-sex marriage and adoption, creating easy access to abortion, lowering the age of consent, eliminating parent’s rights, and mandating pro-homosexual education in the schools.”

This led to massive demonstrations, especially on the life issue. Just this year, on March 27, 2011, more than 150,000 people marched through the streets of Madrid to protest Zapatero’s abortion law, which allows abortion on demand up to the 14th week of gestation, up to 22 weeks in cases of rape, fetal abnormality and risk to the mother’s health, and up until the moment of birth if the unborn child has a serious or incurable illness, as determined by a committee.

In a February interview with the newspaper El Mundo, Spain’s incoming prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, promised that if his Popular Party constituted the next government, it would repeal the new measure and return to the previous law – which allowed abortion only in cases of rape, fetal deformity and danger to the mother’s health. Rajoy also pledged repeal of Spain’s controversial “Education for Citizenship and Human Rights Program” which indoctrinates students in the worldview of homosexual activists.

Spain will be the site of World Congress of Families VI, at Madrid’s Palacio de Congresos, May 25-27, 2012. Themes will include: The Case for Marriage, Strengthening the Family (including fatherhood and motherhood), The Culture of Life Versus the Culture of Death (including abortion and euthanasia), Demographic Winter, Sexual Revolution and the Family (divorce, co-habitation and pornography), Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Education (parent’s rights), Engaging the Culture (including the impact of the news and entertainment media on the family), The Homosexual Lobby and International Family Law and Policy (UN, EU, and other international bodies).

The organizing committee for World Congress of Families VI is spearheaded by WCF Partner, and its president and founder, Ignacio Arsuaga, who also helped to organize the pro-life demonstrations in Madrid and over 80 other Spanish cities last March. Arsuaga is the co-author with M. Vidal Santos of a book detailing the anti-family policies of the Zapatero government, “The Zapatero Project: Chronicle of an Attack on Society.” Go to to read a copy of the book in English.

“It’s been eight years in which we lived with attacks aimed at destroying our society. Imposition, prohibition, manipulation and indoctrination have been the characteristics of the last two [Zapatero-led] legislatures. That is why we celebrate this newest election, “said Ignacio.

Jacobs added, “We hope the revolution which started in Madrid on Sunday will spread to other Western European nations. Their economic woes are rooted in anti-family policies, resulting in some of the lowest birthrates in history. World Congress of Families VI in Madrid (May 25-27, 2012) will map strategies for a renaissance of the natural family and help educate the new leaders in Spain and throughout the world.”

San Jose Articles Used to Block Right to Abortion in Uruguay

By Austin Ruse

NEW YORK (C-FAM) An impressive list of dignitaries launched the San Jose Articles in the national legislature of Uruguay last week. Led by Congressman Gerardo Amarilla, the list included many members of the Uruguayan Congress, several former high-ranking Ministers, medical doctors, professors of constitutional law, and one famous soccer player.

There have been efforts in the Uruguayan Senate to liberalize their laws on abortion by the left-leaning coalition. In order to get this achieved they needed a coalition that would include the right-of-center Colorado Party. The Colorado Party declined to join the effort and cited the San Jose Articles when they did.

The Uruguayan launch of the Articles took the San Jose organizers by surprise. “We did not know about this launch until just before it happened,” said a spokesman for the San Jose Signatories. “While we were surprised, we welcome this effort. This is exactly what we had intended, that the Articles would take on a life of their own, that people from around the world would embrace them, make them their own, and promulgate them.”

The Articles were also launched, before a crowd of 1,000 people at the National Philippines for Life Congress in Cebu City. Former Majority Leader of the Philippine Senate Francisco Tatad led the effort. Present were many high-ranking Churchmen including the Archbishop of Cebu and the incoming president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines. The launch of the Articles was the high point of Senator Tatad’s keynote address to the Congress.

Tatad told the Friday Fax, “The San Jose Articles are primarily meant to shut down the false claim of an international right to abortion; but they constitute one of the biggest boosts so far to our fight against foreign-dictated contraception and sterilization.” The Philippines is under great pressure from UN agencies and American advocacy groups to accept UN-style population control programs.

The San Jose Articles are an expert document signed by such luminaries as Professor Robert George of Princeton, Professor John Haldane of St. Andrews, Professor John Finnis of Oxford, Anna Zaborska of the European Parliament and former French Cabinet Minister Christine Boutin who has launched a bid for the French presidency.

The Articles are intended to help people around the world, especially government officials, to refute claims made by UN personnel and abortion advocates that there exists an international right to abortion. Anand Grover, the UN Special Rapporteur for Health, made this claim as recently as last month in his report to the Secretary General. Governments complained at the time that Grover had overstepped his mandate and that asserting an international right to abortion was none of his business.

Even this week, a large number of Member States imitated a debate in the General Assembly scolding Grover and others for their overreach. They attempted to place an amendment in a GA Resolution to that effect. The effort lost but not by much and marks the first time such a widespread pushback against Special Rapporteurs has occurred.

The San Jose Articles have now been launched at the UN, the European Parliament, the British House of Lords, the World Pro-Life Congress in San Jose, and the National Pro-Life Conference in Calgary. Formal launches are still pending in the US, Chile, Argentina, and the Italian Parliament.

The Articles are now circulating in eight languages including English, French, Spanish, Polish, Croatian, German, Italian, and Slovak. Organizers say many more are to come.

Austin Ruse is President of C-FAM. His article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

Next X-Plan Citizen Workshop November 30

Xenia citizens are invited to attend an upcoming public workshop on November 30th and/or participate in a new online discussion forum to voice their opinions and help the City determine goals and priorities for future growth and community improvement.

This will be the second workshop for citizen participation in planning Xenia’s future. It will begin at 6:30 PM and end at 8:30 PM Wednesday night. The focus of the second workshop will be to continue developing a comprehensive vision for the Xenia Community and prioritize obtainable goals. The worshop will be held in the Media Room of the Greene County Jobs and Family Services Building, which is located at 541 Ledbetter Road.

The worshop will begin with a brief presentation about X-Plan and the November 16th workshop results, which will be followed by small-group discussions about strategies to achieve your vision for Xenia’s future.

For more information about X-Plan, go the

Overruled: Government Invasion of Parental Rights (Video Documentary)

Too Much Turkey Is No Excuse for Not Tightening Your Belt

[Xenia, OH] – The Greene County Safe Communities Coalition is reminding highway travelers this Thanksgiving that the only belt that should be leftunbuckled this year, or any year, is the one holding up your trousers–not the seat belts in your car.

“Seat belts have saved more lives than any other single piece of automotive safety equipment,” said Laurie Fox, Safe Communities Coordinator. “But in order for them to work, they have to be used. This Thanksgiving, and every day and night of the year, make sure you buckle up your seat belt and you’ll have the opportunity to unbuckle that other belt at the feast table with your family and friends.”

Nationally, during the Thanksgiving holiday period in 2009 (which ran from 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25, to 5:59 a.m., Monday, November 30), 303 passenger vehicle occupants died in motor vehicle traffic crashes, including 115 during daylight hours (6 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.) and 187 during night time (6 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.). One fatality occurred during an unknown time period.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), night time is one of the more dangerous times on the road because seat belt use is traditionally lower. Of the 187 passenger vehicle occupant deaths at night during the 2009 Thanksgiving holiday period, over one-half (54%) did not have their seat belts fastened (where seat belt use was known); while 49% in day-time crashes were not wearing seat belts.

“There is no holiday more closely associated with the American family, or with American travel, than Thanksgiving,” said Fox. “But if you hit the highways unbelted, the faces you could be seeing this Holiday might belong to an emergency room physician or nurse instead of the faces of your family and friends.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), regular seat belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes. Research has shown that when lap and shoulder belts are used properly, the risk of fatal injury to front seat passenger car occupants is reduced by 45%, and the risk of moderate to serious injury is reduced by 50%.

For more information about traveling safely during Thanksgiving, please visit

Thanksgiving, Consumer Holiday or Celebration of Life?

By Daniel Downs

The American Thanksgiving tradition is a religious tradition. It rooted the survival stories of our Puritan ancestors. The journals of both William Bradford and Edward Winslow are important sources of that narrative. It is in those two literary sources that the Thanksgiving tradition is discovered.

It is true that the Thanksgiving holiday was not observed by New England colonists. The Puritans of Plymouth were not attempting to create a holiday. That was for Abraham Lincoln’s generation and others to make it so. Our Puritan ancestors were simply practicing principles of their Christian religion as well as being grateful their Indian friends. They were grateful to God for helping them survive the harsh winters and some hostile natives. They also were thankful God for natives like Squanto and Massasoit to help learn how to adapt and thrive in the new land.

It is not true that Thanksgiving is a non-religious holiday. Consumer America has made it one of America’s premier holidays for commerce. Selling turkeys, ham, cranberries, pumpkin pies, gasoline, airplane tickets, and black Friday deals may be the main trappings of the so-called Turkey Day, but it has not always been a commercial holiday.

The Puritans simply celebrated God’s blessing of a bountiful harvest and hunting season. It was shared with family, friends, and even neighbors. In fact, it was a community feast where God was included, honored and even thanked for His providential provision. Moreover, this community feast continued the Christian tradition of including those of less fortunate circumstance and natives whose religious beliefs differed from their own.

Underlying the religious tradition of Thanksgiving is a more important fact. The gathering of people to share the blessings of material prosperity in a spirit of shared gratitude, especially those who have shared the daily work and struggles that make life, family and community possible, demonstrates the essence and meaning of life.

Thanksgiving is a celebration of life itself.

Commercialization of Thanksgiving reveals the modern momentum toward the degradation of life.

(Xenia Community Thanksgiving Dinner will take place at the Golden Age Senior Citizen Center 130 E. Church St. on the 24th Thursday beginning at 11AM. For more information, go here or read the Gazette article.)

Thanksgiving Economics

Because of the lingering effects of the recession, Thanksgiving 2011 will not be as great an economic boom as before, but reports indicate increased spending is expected.

For example, an “American Farm Bureau Federation study claims the cost of turkey and other related Thanksgiving food items costs 13 percent more this year. Their estimate was based on a sample meal consisting of turkey, stuffing, peas, pumpkin pie, rolls, sweet potatoes, fresh cranberries, and other items. The total cost of the family meal was $49.20. Let say, the average family meal will consists of 8-10 member and/or friends. The total cost of a food on Thanksgiving will be no less than $16.6 billion.

A recent AAA survey shows 38.2 million Americans plan on driving an average of 706 miles to their destination. They won’t be traveling by pink elephant either. Nearly 3.4 million will fly by plane, according to the American Automobile Association (not American Alcoholic Anonymous) survey. American traveler expected to spend an average of $554 each. That totals over $23 billion. Along all of the greasy turkey, fattening dressing, and calorie boosting pie, that is a lot of gas, especially at over $3 a gallon.

Some might want to extend their trip to play in the Turkey-Lurky Bowl, which is held in New York City. It would be a great way to work off some of the excess blubber, relieve some of the pent up holiday pressure, and enjoy Central Park.

If you bit more lazy like me, you could entertain yourself by watching My Life As A Turkey, a PBS documentary about Joe Hutto experience with turkeys. Or, if you happen to be bored out-of-your-gourd, you could take Kipliner’s
Thanksgiving IQ quiz
. (That is giving thanks that one’s still has an IQ after stuffing oneself life a crazy person on Thursday and vowing never to do it again on Friday.)

Speaking of Friday, Kiplinger’s Money Magazine reports Black Friday spending is expected to top $45 billion. One possible reason is many retailers intend to start on Thursday at midnight. According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, the expected amount in sales will account for about 21% of retailers annual sales.

For at least two Minnesota turkeys, they are counting more than economic blessings, according to the Associated Press. I’m certain they are thankful for a royal trip to see the President of the United States as well as for being pardoned. I’m not sure from what sin crime turkeys may be pardoned but like all of us inheritors of the Puritan Thanksgiving tradition they can be thankful to God for escaping the eternal axe. That’s what Puritans used to call the economy of God’s grace.

The Five Rules of Entrepreneurship

By Brian Tracy

Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems. Every Successful entrepreneur, every successful businessperson, has been a person who has been able to identify a problem and come up with a solution to it before someone else did. Here are the five rules for success.

1. Find a Need and Fill It
Human needs and wants are unlimited. Therefore, the opportunities for entrepreneurship and financial success are unlimited as well. The only constraints on the business opportunities available to you are the limits you place on your own imagination.

2. Find a Problem and Solve It
Wherever there is a widespread and unsolved customer problem, there is an opportunity for you to start and build a successful business.

Once upon a time, before photocopies, the only way to type multiple copies of a letter was with carbon paper places between sheets of stationary. But a single mistake would require the typist to go through and erase the mistakes on every single copy. This was enormously clumsy and time consuming.

Then a secretary working for small company in Minneapolis began mixing flour with nail varnish in order to white out the mistake she was making in her typing. Soon, people in other offices began asking for it. The demand became so great that she quit her job and began working full-time manufacturing what she called “Liquid Paper.” A few years later, the Gillette Corporation came along and bought her out for $47 million cash.

3. Unlimited Opportunities
There are problems everywhere. Your job is to find one of these problems and solve it better than it has been solved in the past. Find a problem that everyone has and see if you can’t come up with a solution for it. Find a way to supply a product or service better, cheaper, faster, or easier. Use your imagination.

4. Focus on the Customer
The key to success in business is to focus on the customer. Become obsessed with your customer. Become fixated on your customer’s wants, needs, and desires. Think of your customer all the time. Think of what your customer is willing to pay for. Think about your customer’s problems. See yourself as if you were working for your customer.

5. Bootstrap Your Way to Success
Once you have come up with a problem or idea, resolve to invest your time, talent, and energy instead of your money to get started. Most great personal fortunes in the United States were started with an idea and with the sale of personal services.

Most great fortunes were started by people with no money, resources, or backing. They were started by individuals who came up with an idea and who then put their whole heart into producing a product or service that someone else would buy.

Brian Tracy, international business success expert, has built his own business from the ground up. It’s now a multi-million-dollar business that spans the globe.

Source: Small Business Entrepreneurship Council (SBEC), November 18, 2011.

Affordable Care Act: Courts, Commerce and the Constitution

By Cameron Smith

Recently, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The Supreme Court’s decision in the case, likely to be issued in the summer of 2012, has as much to do with the constitutional limits on the federal government as with the future of American healthcare.

While the Court will hear a number of arguments against the PPACA, the most important consideration is whether Congress exceeded the constitutional limits of its power by establishing an “individual mandate” requiring individuals to either carry acceptable health insurance or pay a penalty. The Constitution’s “Commerce Clause” gives Congress the power “to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.”

Gradually, the interpretation and application of the Commerce Clause has been stretched past the point of common sense. For example, the Supreme Court’s 1942 Wrightwood Dairy holding found that the federal government could regulate the price of milk sold solely within the State of Illinois. The opinion effectively established that commerce need not cross state lines to be under federal jurisdiction provided that “control over intrastate transactions…is necessary and appropriate to make the regulation of the interstate commerce effective.”

Could the framers of the Constitution really have envisioned that wholly intrastate commerce could somehow be interpreted as “Commerce…among the several States?”

The most shocking example of expanded congressional power under the Commerce Clause happened only a few months after the Wrightwood Dairy case. In Wickard v. Filburn, the Supreme Court ruled that the Commerce Clause allowed the federal government to regulate an Ohio farmer growing wheat on his own land for his personal consumption. The Court found that “[h]ome-grown wheat…competes with wheat in commerce” and, as such, was subject to the reach of the federal government.

Wrightwood Dairy effectively negated the “interstate” aspect of the Commerce Clause and Wickard expanded “commerce” to apply to activities never intended for the marketplace. After these cases, almost all activity that could conceivably impact interstate commerce has been upheld by the Court. Even the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed under Congress’s Commerce Clause authority on the theory that discriminatory practices by individuals impacted interstate commerce.

Earlier this month, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (DC Circuit Court) upheld the PPACA’s individual mandate, in spite of the federal government’s inability to conceive of “any mandate to purchase a product or service in interstate commerce that would be unconstitutional” under the Commerce Clause. The court conceded that Congress has virtually limitless power to “forge national solutions to national problems no matter how local–or seemingly passive–their individual origins.”

Every American, regardless of their political inclinations on the PPACA, should be concerned about potential extensions of the DC Circuit Court’s decision in American politics. If the sole standard for determining congressional authority under the Commerce Clause is whether it addresses a national problem, then political ambition and the ability to assemble even the smallest of majorities are the only hurdles to unbridled federal control.

Consider recent national problems such as the housing crisis, automotive industry collapse, and skyrocketing energy prices. If the Commerce Clause has no real boundaries, what will stop Congress from preventing new residential construction until the stock of available homes is absorbed by the marketplace? Rather than the infamous “Cash for Clunkers” program or tax incentives for “green” fuels, what can prevent Congress from simply requiring Americans to turn in their old F-150s and buy new, fuel efficient automobiles?

The PPACA’s individual mandate also provides legislators with a politically expedient tool to avoid legislative transparency on the politically sensitive subjects of taxation and spending. The tax penalty associated with the individual mandate is effectively a mechanism to encourage the diversion of income from individuals directly to health insurers without passing through the government. The passage of the PPACA would have been highly unlikely if the individual mandate had been a national tax increase where the proceeds were promptly sent to insurance companies to pay for coverage. If the mandate is deemed constitutional, legislators will likely create similar income transfer provisions for other policy priorities.

Upholding the PPACA’s individual mandate could be the final blow for any remaining constitutional limitations on Congress’s Commerce Clause power. An individual’s right to avoid engaging in commerce is one of the last bastions of refuge from congressional control. Allowing Congress to conscript citizens into the stream of commerce in order to regulate their activities represents the height of federal encroachment not only into the domain of the states but also into the lives of individuals.

Constitutional limits on federal power are much more than archaic hurdles to “get things done.” America’s Founding Fathers endured the abuses of a controlling government’s power and specifically developed the Constitution as a safeguard against the repetition of those evils. The Court must restore those limits if the dangers of tyranny appreciated by the Founders are to be avoided.

Cameron Smith is General Counsel for the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society.

2011 Greene County Election Report Update–Issue 16 & Voter Turnout

Since posting my election report, additional results have been made available by Greene County Board of Elections. The following includes both the results on Issue 16 and on voter turnout.

Issue 16 was the proposition that would allow Greene County officials negotiate pricing with the electricity providers. It would have likely lowered the overall cost of electricity for residents and businesses while increasing County revenues a little. What might have been will never be known because it was defeated.

The number of voters who opposed the proposal was 6,875 while 5,646 voters who liked the idea. Likers were defeated by dislikers by a mere 10% margin.
You can bet your next electricity bill on 100% of the likers disliking the naysayers when their electricity bills increase by at least another 10 percent. Yet, less than 50% of registered voters didn’t even show up to vote. They will get what they deserve either way.

Countywide voter turnout was a pitiful 45 percent. Greene County residents should be disappointed that only a majority of their fellow citizens failed to live up to their end of the social contract. Enjoying our political rights also requires us to fulfill the obligations that are necessary to maintain those rights–voting is but one of part. Yet, low voter turnout is also typical of off-year or non-presidential elections.

In a number of cities, villages and townships, a majority of citizens did vote. Among them were Beavercreek (51%), New Jasper Twp. (51%), Yellow Springs (52%), Spring Valley (52%), Silvercreek Twp. (53%), Ceaserscreek Twp. (54%), Miami Twp. (55%), Beavercreek Twp. (57%), Spring Valley Twp. (57%), Ross Twp. (57%), and Cedarville Twp. (59%). I wonder how many of Cedarville Twp. voters were actually family and friends of the DeWine clan?
Bellbrook straddled the fence with a 50% voter turnout. Voter turnout in all other cities, villages and townships declined to a dismal 29 percent. Among the minority were Sugarcreek Twp. (49%), Jefferson Twp. (48%), Jamestown (45%), Xenia (41%), Bowersville (39%), Xenia Twp. (36%), Bath Twp. (35%), Fairborn (34%), and lastly Cedarville Village (29%).

What could explain the above outcomes? In most places, voters had the opportunity to elect public officials. Where no viable candidate is competing with incumbent office holder, the incentive to vote is minimal. Unless most residents of Ross Twp. are relative or personal friends of the two candidates vying for two different offices, this explanation is not adequate.

A better reason for high voter turnout may be money. Most local governments in Greene County had some sort of levy on the ballot. However, Xenia and other localities had highly publicized levy issues that failed to motivate most registered voters to vote.

In Beavercreek and Cedarville Township, two legislators with local, state and national distinction reside. Except for a few places, most localities showing high voter turnout are near larger suburbs like Beavercreek, Centerville, and Kettering. It is also possible that socio-economic factors are determinates of high levels of voter turnout. In other words, a higher socio-economic status tends to result in higher motivation to participate in public decision-making–voting.

In Xenia, the greatest turnout was from precincts 317, 320 and 321 and precincts with the lowest turnout were 302, 313 and 316.1 These precincts not only reflect high and low economic status but also populations more and less likely to work within Xenia’s public institutions.

1. The curious will find precinct maps at