Author Archives: admin

Greene County Traffic Fatalities Update

The Greene County Safe Communities program reports that as of September 30, 2011, there have been a total of 9 traffic fatalities. This compares with a total of nine (9) traffic deaths for the entire year of 2010.

The top five (5) causes for the majority of these crashes that have resulted in death and/or injury in Greene County are following too closely, failure to yield, failure to control, improper lane change and running red lights. These deaths, while tragic, and injuries sustained were all preventable. Please…slow down, drive sober and obey all traffic signs and signals.

The safety of our Greene County residents while they are traveling on the roads is our biggest concern. As we head jump into the fall and winter months, Safe Communities would like to remind all drivers to buckle up, park your phone and drive responsibly or secure a designated driver. Your life is worth saving!

The Safe Communities program was developed to help communities decrease traffic injuries and deaths, increase safety awareness, decrease the amount of money spent on traffic-related injuries, and increase the number of people involved in keeping communities safe.

The next meeting of the Greene County Safe Communities Coalition is Wednesday, November 16, 9 a.m. at the Greene County Combined Health District in Xenia. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Laurie Fox at 937-374-5669 or email

News Flash! UN Officials Wrong. No Right to Abortion. New Expert Document Issued at United Nations

Tomorrow morning at the UN press briefing room, internationally recognized scholar Professor Robert George of Princeton and former US Ambassador Grover Joseph Rees will challenge claims made by UN personnel and others that there exists an international right to abortion in international law.

As recently as a few weeks ago the UN Special Rapporteur on Health, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Secretary General have all said such a right exists. And, according to Human Rights Watch the CEDAW Committee has directed 93 countries to change their laws on abortion.

Professor George, Ambassador Rees and 30 other international experts are releasing the San Jose Articles to refute these claims and to assert the rights of the unborn child in international law.

Other signatories to the Articles include Professor John Finnis of Oxford, Professor John Haldane of the University of St. Andrews, Francisco Tatad, the former majority leader of the Philippine Senate, Javier Borrego, former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, and Professor Carter Snead of UNESCO’s international committee on bioethics.

“The San Jose Articles were drafted by a large group of experts in law, medicine, and public policy. The Articles will support and assist those around the world who are coming under pressure from UN personnel and others who say falsely that governments are required by international law to repeal domestic laws protecting human beings in the embryonic and fetal stages of development against the violence of abortion” said Professor George.

Ambassador Grover Joseph Rees, former US Ambassador to East Timor, said, “When I was in Timor I witnessed first-hand a sustained effort by some international civil servants and representatives of foreign NGOs to bully a small developing country into repealing its pro-life laws. The problem is that people on the ground, even government officials, have little with which to refute the extravagant claim that abortion is an internationally recognized human right. The San Jose Articles are intended to help them fight back.”

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, Student-Led Cause For Justice

According to the Students for Life organization, October 18th is Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity. Thousands of students across the country give up their voices for a day of solidarity for those who have had their voices unjustly taken away from them. They will wear red bands across their arms or mouths to make a stand against the horrific truth that over 50,000,000 lives have been taken since Roe v. Wade

Over 1,200 school groups have registered to participate in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity.

Support for the event include Students for Life, Priests for Life,, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, and other organizations.

To learn more and to register, click here:

International Right to Abortion, Global Elite Group Presents Contrary Evidence

This week a global elite of political, legal, and health care professionals joined by pro-life activists will present legal evidence proving the pro-abortion advocates at the United Nations have no legal standing in their assertions of an international right to abortion.

International efforts to legalize abortion-on-demand has been going on for many years. Planned Parenthood International has been among those lobbying the United Nations since its existence. The goods and services provided by abortion providers like Planned Parenthoods amount to a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Sadly, the United States gives billions of tax payers dollars to such organizations though the USAID program.

Dr. Ligaya Acosta is right: If the billions given by the United States to promote abortion in Asia and throughout the world were used to actually help the poor, there would be no more poverty in the world.

The most recent effort to legalize abortion came from the U.N. Secretariat. In a Human Rights Council policy statement, the Secretariat seeks to make abortion as a unfettered global health right. If adopted, all members nations will be obligated to decriminalize their abortion-related laws. Doing so will enable organizations like Planned Parenthood to sell their goods and abortion-on-demand services without legal hindrance.

Here is the worst example of the bureaucratically instituted form of free enterprise.

Among those expected to participate in the U.N presentation this week are Robert George of Princeton University, Ambassador Grover Rees (Ret.), and Austin Ruse of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute.

(For more information about the U.N. policy report, read C-FAM article titled “UN Official Says Abortion is a Human Right, Secretary General Endorses Report”, visit the blog Turtle Bay, and/or read the UN Report .)

X-Plan: A Comprehensive Plan for Xenia

The City of Xenia wants to hear from Xenians about their ideas for the future of the community. The City has created a public participation plan and website for “X-Plan” – the update of the City’s comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is a community based vision for future development and a roadmap of how to get there. It asks citizens what their vision is for the future of the community and then coordinates a wide range of City policies, actions and decisions toward achieving that vision. X-Plan represents the first update of the City’s comprehensive plan since 1997.

The X-Plan website ( X-Plan and how the process will work. It will also provide important project updates such as upcoming meetings and documents from various stages of the process. It includes an email link that allows citizens to sign up to receive email updates about the project (send to with “xplan” as the

Below is an overview of opportunities Xenians will have to help shape X-Plan:

Public Workshops. Five interactive workshops are planned – open to all Xenia citizens. The first three workshops (to be held in November and January) will be interactive, small-grouporiented and focused on finding out what’s important to Xenians and hearing ideas for future development and community improvement. The last two workshops (to be held in Spring/Fall 2012)will be open-house-format meetings where drafts of X-Plan at different stages will be presented for public viewing and feedback.

Online Participation. A virtual meeting page, using the platform, will be developed where participants will be invited to post their ideas in response to questions about various issues, and then vote on one another’s answers. Through this process, the most popular ideas will automatically “rise to the top.” Online participation sessions will be publicized and generally held during the same period of time as the traditional public workshops, in order to provide an alternative opportunity for citizens who may not be willing or able to attend physical meetings. More details will be provided once this website is established.

Survey. The City will utilize Wright State University’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs to perform an updated Citizen Perception Survey in late 2011. The survey will provide indepth information from a large number of respondents who may or may not attend meetings. School Classroom exercise. City staff will involve students by working with the Xenia Community School District to incorporate an X-Plan classroom visioning exercise.

Additional Meetings. City staff will meet with established community groups and organizations at regularly scheduled meetings as an additional means of capturing different perspectives in the community.

Steering Committee. The X-Plan Steering Committee will be a group of community leaders from the public, private and nonprofit sectors that will oversee the Comprehensive Plan’s development and assist with community outreach. An important role of this group—which will include both residents and non-residents—will be building a foundation for future partnerships with the City to help implement the plan after it is completed.

The City will utilize a range of outreach methods to notify the public about upcoming meetings and online participation sessions as they draw closer such as press releases, the City’s website and Facebook page, email blasts, utility bills, The Xenia Communicator, the Government Channel, and flyers posted at public sites.

To learn more and keep track of the process – go to, and/or sign up for email updates by sending an email to (enter “xplan” as the subject).

Health Policy Institute of Ohio Launches Online Issue 3 Resource Page

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio launched today a page on its website dedicated to providing Ohioans with a non-partisan source for resources and information about state ballot Issue 3.

Issue 3 is a ballot initiative creating a state constitutional amendment aimed at preserving individual health care freedom.

If passed, Issue 3 will amend the Ohio Constitution to include the following language:

“In Ohio, no law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in a health care system. In Ohio, no law or rule shall prohibit the purchase or sale of health care or health insurance. In Ohio, no law or rule shall impose a penalty or fine for the sale or purchase of health care or health insurance.”

To provide an understanding of the potential implications of Issue 3, HPIO has included analysis from:

Maurice Thompson, Exec. Director, 1851 Center for Constitutional Law
Janetta King, President of Innovation Ohio

“The purpose of the Health Policy Institute of Ohio is to provide state policymakers with the information and analysis they need to make informed health policy,” said HPIO President Amy Rohling McGee. “In the case of a ballot initiative, the voters are the policymakers and given that Issue 3 is a health policy issue, we wanted to make unbiased information and analysis accessible to Ohio voters.”

Click here to visit the Ohio Issue 3 resource page.

Defender of Life at the United Nations Takes The Audi Best Buddies Challenge, Needs Your Support

Austin Ruse, Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, has accepted a challenge, that is the Audi Best Buddies Challenge in Washington D.C.

Best Buddies is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Participants at the October 22nd Best Buddies Challenge in D.C. will include politicians, celebrities, non-celebrities, the disabled, and even Austin Ruse.

Not that Ruse is intellectually challenged. Rather, his challenge is to have the largest number of supporters and financial. If he is the number one fundraiser, Ruse says “they give me the microphone, and I will make a pro-life plea. I will tell the huge crowd about the holocaust of abortion committed in general but also how the developmentally disabled are particularly targeted. Most people do not know this and these people really need to hear this message.”

If you support life and helping the disabled achieve the best possible life, I’m sure Austin Ruse would welcome your support. For more information, go to

In case you are not familiar with the work of Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, go the website You will discover how they labor to defend the rights and culture of life at the United Nations.

Obamacare’s Staggering Impact

By Mary Taylor
Ohio Lt. Gov. and Insurance Director

Since it was signed into law in March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has been the subject of intense debate. Both sides on this issue argue over its impact and what it truly means for consumers and health care in general. Now, thanks to an in-depth analysis of the law’s many provisions affecting Ohio, there is no doubt Obamacare will have a significant negative impact to our state and other states as well.

Earlier this year, as the Director of the Ohio Department of Insurance, I hired an independent consultant, Milliman, Inc., to review the requirements and mandates of Obamacare to determine its impact for Ohioans. They spent several months researching Ohio’s insurance market and laws to assess what our state will look like in 2014 and beyond.

The bottom line – health insurance premiums for individuals in Ohio will increase anywhere from 55 to 85 percent on average (not including current medical trends that are averaging 7 to 8 percent nationwide). Moreover, some Ohioans – depending on their current health status – may see their premiums increase by as much as 90 to 130 percent. These historic spikes in cost will hurt consumers at a time when health insurance is already going up.

In addition to significantly increasing premiums for individuals, the small group market will see extraordinary shifts and fluctuations. Even though overall increases in this market will be held to 5 to 15 percent (not including yearly medical trend), and some small groups will see decreases by as much as 40 percent, they will be subsidized by other small groups that could see premiums jump by as much as 150 percent depending on their current group health status.

As a CPA, I have no doubt these substantial changes will force many employers to drop coverage altogether because it is simply unaffordable and too unpredictable. This will result in more Ohioans moving into a government-subsidized program costing all taxpayers more money to pay for the health insurance subsidies for those that were previously covered by their employers.

The study also provides estimates for growth in Ohio’s Medicaid program because of changes mandated in Obamacare. These requirements are going to push more than 1 million people into Medicaid and potentially another 500,000 into the government-subsidized exchanges. When you add it all up, it’s possible that half of all Ohioans will receive some type of health coverage through a taxpayer-subsidized program once the law is fully implemented.

Advocates for the law would argue that even with the increase in premiums, insurance will still be more affordable because of the government subsidies provided in Obamacare. They would have you believe that while premiums will skyrocket, it doesn’t matter because the government will pay for substantial portions of the cost for many consumers. The truth is we do need to address the shortcomings in our current system, but our country cannot continue to spend at unprecedented and unsustainable levels.

There is a staggering price for every American attached to providing “free” or subsidized health care coverage. At a time when our country is $14 trillion in debt and when states are making hard choices to balance their budgets, this law is going to cause an explosion in health care spending never before seen. The federal government’s own actuary has predicted that government health care costs will represent 50 percent of all national health expenditures by 2020 and that health care spending in total will represent 20 percent of national GDP in that same year. This is unacceptable.

Handcuffing states with Obamacare’s one-size-fits-all approach is not the reform we need. Ohioans and Americans deserve a consumer-driven, market-based approach that is transparent and truly accountable for the cost and quality of healthcare – not a government-knows-best set of mandates.

Mary Taylor is Ohio’s 65th Lieutenant Governor. She was sworn into office on January 10, 2011, the same day Governor John R. Kasich named her to serve as the director of the Ohio Department of Insurance and to lead CSI Ohio: The Common Sense Initiative to reform Ohio’s regulatory policies. She is the only Certified Public Accountant elected to any state office in Ohio’s 208-year history.

A Critical Analysis of Netanyahu’s September 23, 2011 Speech to the United Nations

Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President
Israel-America Renaissance Institute

Part III. Netanyahu’s Self-Entrapment

Netanyahu’s September 23, 2011 speech to the UN revealed a prime minister trapped in the Oslo or Israel-PLO Agreement of September 13, 1993. Step by step that agreement led him to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria on June 14, 2009 Bar-Ilan University, and without any expression of outrage from that religious institution or by the public at large. How did Netanyahu trap himself in this ignominious as well as anti-Jewish cul-de-sac?

In March 1993, Israel’s government was headed by Labor Party chairman Yizhak Rabin. In that month, the Central committee of the Likud party convened and appointed Benjamin Netanyahu as its leader. An eminent Likud member proposed a resolution to the effect that a future Likud Government would not be bound by any Labor-government agreement that compromised the security of Israel. This resolution was intended to short circuit Labor’s desire to recognize the PLO, the first step toward establishing a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu rejected the resolution on the grounds that a democracy must honor its agreements. This was an utterly fallacious opinion since no government is bound to an agreement that may eventually lead to its destruction. Nevertheless, the present writer was asked by a prominent Likud figure whether the United States had ever violated a treaty with a foreign power. I consulted my constitutional law books and unsurprisingly found that the U.S. government had in fact reneged on a nineteenth-century agreement with China, and that the government’s decision had been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Thus, on May 6, 1882, an Act of Congress was approved which declared that after ninety days from the passage of the Act, and for a period of ten years from its date, the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States is suspended, and that it shall be unlawful for any such laborer to come to, or, having come, to remain within the United States.” The Court ruled, with regard to the treaties of the country, that “circumstances may arise which would not only justify the Government in disregarding their stipulation, but also demand, in the interests of the country, that it should do so; [of which] there can be no question. Unexpected events may call for a change in the policy of the country.”[1]

At first blush it appears that Netanyahu succumbed to his ignorance of the law governing treaties. However, common sense alone dictates that if one party to an agreement repeatedly violates that agreement—as the PLO did on an almost daily basis—the other party has every right to abrogate the agreement at its own discretion. Of course, to have abrogated Oslo would have required politically courageous prime minister on the one hand, and a very different policy toward the Palestinians on the other.

Whatever the case, Mr. Netanyahu entrapped himself in the Oslo Agreement six months before that agreement was consummated. It should also be emphasized that the legality of the agreement was challenged by eminent Israeli citizens in a 78-page petition drafted by Attorney Howard Grief and submitted to the High Court of Justice (file HC 33414/96). The Court, notoriously left-wing, dismissed the suit as non-justiciable without discussing the merits, even though the petition accused the government of having violated several laws of the Knesset included sections 97, 99 and 100 of the Penal Law, which designates and prohibits four kinds of acts as treason:

1. the category of acts which “impair the sovereignty” of the State of Israel—section 97(a);

2. the category of acts which “impair the integrity” of the State of Israel—section 97(b);

3. the category of acts under section 99 which give assistance to an “enemy” in war against Israel, which the Law specifically states includes a terrorist organization;

4. the category of acts in section 100 which evince an intention or resolve to commit one of the acts prohibited by sections 97 and 99.

The punishment prescribed in the Penal Law for the first three kinds of acts of treason is death or imprisonment for life. Yielding Jewish land to the PLO does appear to be a prima facie violation of the treason law. This said, let us make a thought-experiment.

If a Prime Minister of Israel signs an agreement with his country’s enemy, an agreement that requires him to obscure the murderous creed and history of the enemy and even lie about the enemy’s bellicose intentions, a train of untoward consequences will follow affecting that Prime Minister’s successors. Suppose he is followed by six prime ministers. If the sixth prime minister were to reveal the truth about the enemy in question, he would be impugning the integrity of each and every one of his predecessors. And if a prima facie case could be made that that agreement constitutes a violation of the law governing treason, then, if that sixth prime minister revealed the truth about his country’s enemy—with whom that first prime minister entered into said agreement—he would be impugning all his predecessors, casting upon them the taint of treason. This is a mendacity trap from which no prime minister can readily escape.

Annual campaign is just “Ducky” for clinics at the Greene County Combined Health District

(Xenia, OH) Various restaurants and businesses are turning yellow this month in an effort to help keep kids healthy in Greene County. It’s time for the annual Adopt-a-Healthy Duck campaign. Proceeds support the various clinics available through the Greene County Combined Health District located in Xenia.

In an effort to drum up additional support again this year, there is an opportunity to purchase paper ducks for $1 each – similar to the Children’s Miracle Network campaign – that then gets placed on walls of the local establishments willing to participate. Several businesses in each of Greene County’s varied communities have already begun selling paper ducks and friendly competitions are underway.

In addition to the paper ducks, racing ducks are available for adoption at $5 each that will be dumped into the creek at the new location in Yellow Springs during the annual fall Street Fair for the annual race on Saturday, October 8 at 4 p.m. for an exciting race to the finish. Prizes on tap for the top race finishers include:

•   1st Place:   $500 Cash
•   2nd Place:   $200 travel certificate from Beavercreek AAA
•   3rd Place:   Portable Gas Grill from Walmart/Alan Besco Cars & Trucks
•   4th Place:   $100 gift certificate to Dick’s Sporting Goods from McColaugh       Funeral Home
•   5th Place:   $50 gift certificate to Clifton Mill from Clifton Mill

Race ducks can be adopted through many of the local financial establishments throughout Greene County. They can also be adopted at the Greene County Combined Health District located at 360 Wilson Drive in Xenia. For more information on the Adopt-a-Healthy Duck campaign or race, please contact the Development Office at 937-374-5600.