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Young Voices Speak the Truth about Human Life to United Nations

By Lauren Funk

NEW YORK, July 28 (C-FAM) The enthusiastic voices of pro-life youth from around the world dominated the events of this week’s High Level Meeting on Youth at the United Nations, drawing the attention of UN bureaucrats and delegates alike.

“I keep running into all these pro-lifers, they’re everywhere…in fact most of the people I’ve interviewed are pro-life,” a young woman working for UNFPA told a member of the International Youth Coalition as she interviewed conference attendees.

“We [members of the International Youth Coalition] were half, if not more, of the young people actually at the conference,” a participant from the International Youth Coalition told the Friday Fax. “And any people who spoke against us [and our message about human life] were adults, not youth.”

The International Youth Coalition’s “Statement of Youth to the UN and the World” was presented to the General Assembly’s session on Monday. The statement, which outlines eight principles based on the dignity of the person, was received with applause by the youth in the NGO gallery.

In addition to participating in the official events of the UN’s High Level Meeting on youth, the members of the International Youth Coalition hosted a “Youth Formation Day” led by a group of nationally renowned speakers, many of whom were youth, who presented to an audience of over 100 youth and members of non-governmental organizations.

“The pro-life youth who participated in the conferences’ interactive panels and discussions spoke with such passion, not staring at a paper, but looking at us, at the audience. The others [those who worked for UN agencies or related organizations] looked bored, like they wanted to leave and be done with it… they were not totally engaged,” another youth participant explained to the Friday Fax.

The International Youth Coalition also sponsored an event hosted by the Holy See Mission to the UN, which presented a view of youth that centered on dignity and living life in true freedom, instead of a life guided by selfish passions.

“Youth have a lot more on their minds than sex. Our youth are in need of a challenge to a life of true greatness,” explained one of the presenters, former America’s Next Top Model contestant Leah Darrow. Darrow’s challenge to the youth and delegates alike joined with those of Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Meghan Knighton of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, and Jeffrey Azize and Michael Campo, producers of the critically acclaimed documentary, “The Human Experience.”

The presenters criticized those who painted youth’s future with bleak brushstrokes, insisting that the key to realizing human dignity is to challenge youth and all of society to live a life of virtue.

Archbishop Francis Chullikatt told the Friday Fax, “The young panelists beautifully manifested the important role of young people in transforming today’s society and culture through Gospel values. Their personal witness to Christian life is the kind of legacy that needs to be left for future generations.”

Laura Funk writes for C-FAM. This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

A Responsible and Innovative Budget for Ohio

By State Representative Jarrod Martin

With a budget gap of $8 billion this year, the Ohio House has fought to put Ohio on more stable financial footing by crafting a sustainable, responsible budget. With innovative solutions that will lead to long-term stability for our state, we reexamined the size and scope of state government, invested in the things that matter, and did not raise taxes on Ohioans.

One of the priorities in this budget was Ohio’s education system. Nothing affects the future stability of a state as much as the education of its young people. We significantly expanded options for parents regarding which schools their children can attend. Additionally, the General Assembly has ensured that all school districts in Ohio receive at least what they received in state aid last year, which will maintain a quality educational structure for our children.

We also ensured that more Ohioans have access to our state’s higher education institutions as well. The Legislature fought to keep tuition at a more affordable level by capping the annual increases at 3.5 percent. We also included a provision to allow our state’s high school graduates who leave Ohio to return within a set time frame and receive in-state tuition.

An ongoing priority for the Ohio House is job creation and Ohio’s business climate, and this was reflected in the biennial budget. We aimed to attract more people to Ohio by eliminating the state’s death tax starting in 2013. This unfair and unnecessary double tax has compelled Ohioans to flee to other states to retire, farm and build their businesses without the hindrance of the state taking more from them. It also has contributed to Ohio’s notoriously burdensome and anti-business tax climate, which this Legislature is committed to rectifying during this General Assembly.

We also worked to strengthen Ohio’s businesses through the creation of InvestOhio, which allows Ohioans who make an investment in one of Ohio’s small businesses for two years to receive a tax credit of 10 percent. Not only does this encourage up to $1 billion in new, job-creating investments for the next two years, but it also encourages additional investment down the road. With healthy businesses in Ohio, there are more jobs for our communities.

To protect the most vulnerable in our communities, the Legislature allocated $31.3 million in fiscal year 2012 and $63 million in fiscal year 2013 over the executive budget for PASSPORT, which provides a home-care option for seniors. We also allocated an additional $7.5 million for mental health services.

This General Assembly has been entirely focused on getting our state in order and providing a brighter future for all Ohioans. Your phone calls, e-mails and letters continue to help my work in the Statehouse by keeping me informed and guiding my decision-making in Columbus. If you have other ideas for getting Ohio back on track, I may be reached by calling (614) 644-6020, e-mailing, or writing to State Rep. Jarrod Martin, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215

Stop Gov. Kaisch from Selling Roads to the Highest Bidder

Don’t let Governor Kasich sell or lease the Ohio turnpike. Why should we pay foreigners for the privilege of riding on our own money-generating highway system that we built and paid for? It is currently earning approximately $250 million a year for Ohio. We would only gain a one-time infusion of additional money to pay current bills that your kids and future generations will be paying for many years to come.

This sale has major functional problems. Previous sales in other states have lessened their ability maintain and care for their roads and has prevented them from implementing needed expansion. This has also curtailed their ability to make proper decisions that affect local businesses.

We will have inadequate control of future toll increases. Indiana mistakenly sold their toll road system to a foreign company. Drivers complain that the prices have doubled over 5 years. The cost to travel the Ohio turnpike today is $15; in just 5 years time your cost could be $30 or more!

Tell Governor Kasich Ohio is NOT for sale!

Greene County Traffic Fatalities Update

The Greene County Safe Communities program reports that since May 25, 2011, there have been three (3) additional traffic fatalities, bringing Greene County to a total of six (6) for the year. This compares with seven (7) traffic deaths for the same period in 2010.

The top three (3) leading causes for these last few crashes that have resulted in death and injury in Greene County are improper speed, impaired driving and failure to yield. These deaths, while tragic, were all preventable. Please…slow down, drive sober and obey all traffic signs and signals.

The safety of our Greene County residents while they are traveling on the roads is our biggest concern. As we head down the “back 40” of the summer season, Safe Communities would like to remind all drivers to buckle up, park your phone and drive responsibly or secure a designated driver. Your life is worth saving!

The Ohio Department of Public Safety introduced the Safe Communities program to help communities decrease traffic injuries and deaths, increase safety awareness, decrease the amount of money spent on traffic-related injuries, and increase the number of people involved in keeping communities safe.

The next meeting of the Greene County Safe Communities Coalition is September 21, 9 a.m. at the Greene County Combined Health District in Xenia. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Laurie Fox at 937-374-5669 or email

Pro-Life Governor Signs Late-Term Abortion Ban to Save Lives

(Columbus, OH) – On July 20, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed H.B. 78, the Late-Term Abortion Ban. This new law, supported by Ohio Right to Life, is the most important piece of pro-life legislation that Ohio has passed in years and is part of an overall national strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade. The legislation was advocated for by its sponsors Rep. Joe Uecker (R -Loveland), Rep. Kristina Roegner (R-Cuyahoga Falls) and Senator Peggy Lehner (R- Kettering).

“In order to protect life, it takes compassionate leadership from our elected officials. By signing this critical pro-life legislation, Governor Kasich demonstrated to all Ohioans that the health and welfare of mothers and their unborn children are of paramount importance to the state of Ohio,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director for Ohio Right to Life. “According to the Department of Health, an abortion took place in Ohio last year when the baby was 35 weeks old. From now on, these babies and their mothers will be protected,” said Gonidakis.

This legislation bans post-viability abortions except when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger. Up to this point in Ohio, a woman could legally have an abortion up to and through her ninth month of pregnancy. With today’s signature by Governor Kasich, babies who can live outside of their mother’s womb will no longer be subject to death by abortion.

The bill passed the Ohio House of Representatives earlier this year with an astounding 65 to 33 bi-partisan vote. Last week, through the leadership of pro-life Senate President Tom Niehaus (R-New Richmond), Senator Scott Oelslager (R-North Canton) and Senator Shannon Jones (R-Springboro),the bill passed the Senate by an overwhelming bipartisan vote.

The U.S. Isn’t Broke

By Gary Palmer

Despite what you have heard from the politicians in Washington and from the hand-wringing media about whether or not to raise the debt limit, the United States is not broke. Our nation has abundant assets; we simply refuse to use them.

As sensible as the Cut, Cap and Balance Act that just passed the U.S. House of Representatives may be, it should be obvious that with Republicans only in control of the House, there is practically no chance of getting it passed by the Democrat-controlled Senate and signed by the President as part of a deal to raise the debt limit. In fact, the Democrats, along with President Obama, are insisting any legislation that includes spending cuts must also include substantial tax increases to raise federal revenue.

In an already weak and stagnant economy, the last thing we need is a major tax increase that would further slow an economic recovery. What the nation desperately needs now is legislation that will help get our economy growing again.

Consequently, what the Republicans should be pushing for in exchange for raising the debt limit is passage of legislation that will authorize the sale of oil and gas leases on federal land as the means to raise federal revenue. In other words, if Obama and the Democrats want to raise revenues, they should get it out of the ground instead of out of our pockets.

According to the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management, there are 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil from oil shale in the Green River Formation. This is three times more than the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. The Green River Formation covers about 11 million acres in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, with about 80 percent of the recoverable oil in a 1,225 sq. mile area of western Colorado.

The federal government owns or manages 73 percent of the lands that contain significant oil shale deposits in the West and 80 percent of the recoverable oil in the Green River Formation. In addition, there are several billion barrels more offshore. In fact, only about 15 percent of the U.S. coastal waters have been opened to exploration. Including the known oil reserves in Alaska and other areas of the nation, the U.S. has oil reserves worth trillions of dollars.

And that is just the oil reserves. The U.S. has an estimated 284 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas. Together, it is estimated that there are enough oil and natural gas reserves on federal lands alone to power 65 million cars for 60 years and heat 60 million households for 160 years. In addition, the U.S. has 261 billion tons of coal that is recoverable using current mining technology, enough to last 249 years.

Opening some of these reserves for recovery would provide the federal government with additional revenue, hundreds of thousands of jobs to our economy, less U.S. dependence on foreign oil, lowered energy costs to help make U.S. businesses more competitive, and lowered household energy costs for utilities and gasoline. It is estimated that just allowing permits for offshore exploration and drilling to return to levels before the BP spill, including approval of backlogged permit requests, would generate 400,000 jobs and add $45 billion to GDP over the next two years.

Lowering energy costs would have a tremendous effect on household incomes, particularly for low income families. Americans are now spending 12 percent of their household income on higher energy costs for gasoline, electricity and heating. Since 2002, the household energy costs have more than doubled, rising from $2,180 per year to $4,410. Households with incomes below $50,000 annually, which is half of all U.S. households, are estimated to be spending 20 percent of their disposable income on energy costs; households with incomes less than $30,000 are spending 23 percent.

The federal government is actually adding to our debt problem by providing payments to states to help low-income households pay their rising energy costs. As of April 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services has spent almost $3.9 billion thus far in the current fiscal year on subsidies to help low-income households pay their energy bills, including $58.3 million in Alabama.

If the Obama Administration and the leadership of the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate insist that any agreement to cut spending must be coupled with higher revenues, then the Republicans should put revenues from oil, natural gas and coal reserves on the table.

Given the enormous amounts of revenue that could be generated, opening up these reserves should be part of a common sense solution on the agenda of every member of Congress who truly cares about the American people. This would generate direct revenue from royalties and add hundreds of thousands of new jobs, generate billions in tax revenues for state and federal government, add hundreds of billions of dollars to the GDP over the next ten to 15 years and provide significant relief from high energy costs for millions of low- and middle-income households and for senior citizens on fixed incomes.

If members of Congress are looking for a way to ease the political pain of raising the debt ceiling, tying the increase to reducing energy costs and boosting an economic recovery would be a great way to do it while also continuing the fight for spending cuts.

Gary Palmer is president of the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society.

Dealing with the Debt Limit

By Representative Steve Austria

With the national unemployment reaching 9.2 percent recently, it is clear that the borrowing and spending policies of this Administration have not worked. Since January 2009 took office, the national debt has increased by $3.7 trillion. And now, our federal treasury has literally reached its limit. With the debt ceiling limit set to be reached August 2, I am working tirelessly with my Republican colleagues to pass a bill that will ensure the federal government remains open and pays its bills and obligations. Earlier this year I joined my colleagues in voting NO to raising the debt ceiling when it was offered as a standalone bill as we should not be giving out a blank check that puts the tab on our children and grandchildren. As the negotiations continue, there must be three structural changes within the compromise: 1) the spending cuts must exceed the debt limit; 2) we must cut up the credit card and stop the egregious Washington borrowing and spending; and 3) we must do this all without increasing taxes on hardworking Americans and job creators.

I have long-opposed this Administration’s spending spree and huge expansion of government in our lives, which in the past 18 months has included the $2 trillion government takeover of health care, the $1 trillion “stimulus” package, and countless “bailouts.” I have supported putting our country back on a Path to Prosperity by helping our job creators and I support the efforts to balance the budget.

It is time to take America in a new direction. Right now, Republicans control the House of Representatives, which is only 1/3 of the federal government, but we are committed to representing the American people. And for our families in the 7th District of Ohio, I know times are tough, but please be assured that I will continue to work to reverse the wasteful Washington spending that has plagued families and small businesses in Ohio.

Youth and Their Well-Being(?) – U.N. Agenda

By Tyler Ament

The draft outcome document for the High-Level Meeting on Youth proves troubling for those who want to maintain the unity and mutual understanding of families.

In the draft, governments and Heads of State:

“Reaffirm the World Programme of Action for Youth, including its fifteen interrelated priority areas, and call upon Member States to continue its implementation…”

Now, if one wishes to implement the WPAY, one can simply take a look at the implementation guide drafted by the UN Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. This is where the trouble starts.

It is a good thing to desire the well-being of youth, but that also means it is a horribly wrong thing to use such language to break apart the foundation of youth development that is the family.

On the topic of health, pg. 54 of the implementation guide speaks of “how governments can promote the sexual and reproductive health of young men and women” and cites two steps:

1. Eliminate any policies that prevent young people under 18 or unmarried youth from using reproductive health services, including requirements for parental consent.

2. Support youth-based organizations that disseminate info on sexual and reproductive health.

Translation, keep parents out of their kids’ health decisions by leveraging the government, and replace a family discussion with info from the local “services” provider who has a direct financial and ideological interest in keeping parents out of the discussion.

Where did well-being go? Western society knows what happens when kids only have one parent to raise them, what will happen if we encourage it to be none?

This article was originally posted on the international law blog Turtle Bay and Beyond on July 23, 2011

57,000 Young People Protest Message at UN Conference on Youth

“We do not agree with much of the document produced by governments for the High Level Meeting on youth,” says Tyler Ament, Director of the International Youth Coalition. “We also do not agree with the messages being put out by UN agencies like sex rights for young people and other objectionable ideas.”

Ament and his colleagues will present a Youth Statement to the UN and the World that has been signed by 120,000 people including 57,000 under the age of 30. “The Youth Statement recognizes the rights of parents and calls for policy makers to return to basics and get away from dangerous ideas that are harmful to young people,” says Ament.

Other speakers include Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, the largest youth pro-life organization in the country; Leah Darrow, a former America’s Top Model contestant turned chastity speaker; Thomas Peters, creator of the American Papist blog, which is one of the most popular Catholic blogs on the web.

Greene County Combined Health District Announces Summer Well Child Tot ‘N Teen Clinic Schedule

(XENIA, OH) The Greene County Combined Health District (GCCHD) has announced that it will hold Well Child Tot ‘N Teen Clinics every Monday during the months of July, August and September. Clinics are held from 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and are designed to help children and teens get ready for school and sports.

Well Child Clinics provide comprehensive wellness care for children ages birth – 18 years old from a dedicated team of health care professionals. Routine well baby/child check-ups include vision, hearing and speech screenings, immunizations, screenings and tests for lead and a visit with the dietitian if needed. Physicals for school, sports, work, camp, Head Start and Kindergarten are also offered.

Appointments are necessary and can be made by calling the Greene County Combined Health District at (937) 374-5655 of toll-free at 1-866-858-3588.

Payment options include Medicaid, CareSource, Amerigroup, Molina, private insurance, private pay, and by sliding fee scale.