Author Archives: Editor

Buying Xenia at City Council

During the February 12 City Council meeting, Dale Louderback read part of a study demonstrating the value of buying from local businesses. Some major benefits relevant to “Buy Xenia” are as follows:

For every $100 in consumer spending with a local firm, $68 remains in the local economy.
For every $100 in consumer spending with a chain firm, $43 remains in the local economy.
For every square foot occupied by a local firm, local economic impact is $179.
For every square foot occupied by a chain firm, local economic impact is $105.
Over 70% prefer to patronize locally-owned businesses.
Over 80% prefer traditional urban business districts.
Local merchants generate substantially greater economic impact than chain firms.
Replacement of local businesses with chains will reduce the overall vigor of the local economy.
Changes in consumer spending habits can generate substantial local economic impact.
Great care must be taken to ensure that public policy decisions do not inadvertently disadvantage locally owned businesses. Indeed, it may be in the best interests of communities to institute policies that directly protect them.

(Source: Andersonville Study of Retail Economics)

Louderback apparently shared this important information to spur discussion concerning the City’s purchases of out-of-town businesses instead of local ones. He raised some doubt about the lack of Council support for buying from local suppliers. He got only two responses. Mayor Penewitt assured him that she has always promoted local buying. Bill Miller reminded Council that ex-councilman Gordon was also a supporter. Louderback retorted by challenging the mayor to vote against several proposed purchases.

As interesting as Louderback’s goading fellow council members is, the point is only one other council members publicly proclaimed their support of local businesses. I suspect most member do, but it is still sad that most failed to assure the public of it. After all, we are in a serious economic crisis.

Mayor Penewitt did ask the Director of Finance about what criteria was used to determine when the city purchased goods or services locally. There is no local preference policy about buying locally as it was before the 1973 tornado when Xenia was a thriving retail hub in Greene County. The only criterion determining scheduled purchases is when the amount is $7,500 or more. At that level of spending, “staff is encouraged to get competitive quotes and they encourage local purchasing of goods and services when it is in the best interest financially for the city to do so.”

According to Bazalek, “there used to a Greene County preference ordinance years ago to use businesses in Greene County if their selling price was 5% greater or less, but that was repealed a number of years ago.”

Councilman Louderback said he has done his homework and has spoken to every business in Xenia. Local businesses state they will match or beat the prices. We have been talking about this for over a year. City staff knows local businesses will match or beat the prices, so why do we keep discussing it week after week.

Maybe Council should reinstate the local preference policy. That alone might encourage more local entrepreneurs to start businesses in their hometown. What do you think?

Sabbath Discussion : National debt and divine justice

By Daniel Downs

The national debt was $10.6 trillion. According to Rep. Steve Austria, the national debt will increase another $1.1 trillion as a result of recent stimulus-bailout legislation. If we add the previous $800 billion bank bailout legislation, a more accurate figure is $2 trillion raising the national debt to $12.5 trillion. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) reports that foreign ownership of the national debt was around 30 percent. But at the beginning of the year, it increased to over 50 percent. If that were not bad enough, the Congressional Budget Office reports that Congress will spend $1.2 trillion more than it will receive this year. Again, if we add the recent stimulus bill, the numbers climb to over $1.7 trillion more than last year and all of it on credit. The U.S. government not only owes around $6 trillion to foreigners, the two largest creditors being Japan and communist China, but Congress intends to spend $2.1 trillion more than it can repay. When we compare the national debt to the total national economic productivity or Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is estimated at a little over $14 trillion, it becomes apparent that politicians assume they have right to spend nearly all of the people’s wealth on credit.

Sadly, America is a debtor nation. As we will see, this type of compulsive spending for the cause of secular, socialist, and global agendas is a curse of divine justice. The following then is what the penmen of God had to say about this matter.

One of the more pertinent illuminations of ancient wisdom comes from the writer of Proverbs, who many scholars believe King Solomon was its author. King Solomon wrote:

Do not be among those who become guarantors of debt. (Pro. 22:26)

The federal government is a guarantor of student loans, bank loans, business loans, mortgage loans, loans to foreign governments, and other types of loans. For decades, the federal government has been bailing out bank and Wall Street because of bad lending practices to corporations and foreign governments. It is part of the purpose of the Federal Reserve, federal deposit insurance, and federal loan guarantee programs. Taxpayers have been footing the bill without even realizing it. Maybe now it will be understood that working taxpaying Americans are ultimate bailing out all these rotten practices for the benefit of those in power. As Austria has pointed out, the average Joe or Juanita benefits little. It should be apparent that profit over people is not working well for most Americans.

It is important to note that the Hebrew word used for debt in the above verse refers to interest bearing loans. In the modern vernacular, the proverb could be rewritten thus: “Do not be among those who guarantee interest bearing bank or payday loans for anyone.”

The law of Israel prohibited loans with interest. At the same time, the law also required society to give loans to the needy or poor. According to the laws governing credit and debt, all outstanding loans to fellow citizens had to be canceled every seven years. Only loans to foreign nations or foreign individuals were exempt from God’s law of debt forgiveness. (Ex. 22:25; Deut. 16:1-11)

If the covenant people were faithful to covenantal law, God promised a specific kind of blessing: they would become creditor to the world but not a debtor. However, if they did not follow God’s law, the Jewish nation was promised judgment. One aspect of the promised judgment was that they would become debtors and foreigners would consume their productivity. (Deut. 28:44, 33, 38)

Right now, foreigners either through financial debt or through an on-going international trade imbalance consume over 50 percent of economic productivity of Americans. By importing more foreign goods and services than exported, more of working America’s wealth goes to foreigners. What America exports more than it imports is military related goods and services. Yet, that too is more allusion than reality. For example, Congress gives Israel $2 billion in aid for the purpose of Israel using most, if not all, of it to purchase military equipment like airplanes from American companies like Lockheed. That $2 billion is part of the public debt borrowed to fulfill the aforementioned allusion. It is taxpayers funding the purchase of weaponry for the sole benefit of only a few Americans.

Another voice of ancient wisdom and enlightenment was the priestly prophet Isaiah. During an earlier stage of his preaching for God, what appears to have been a message addressed to the whole world is recorded in chapter 24 of the book by his name. The following are a few excerpts relevant to our discussion:

“Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants. And the people will be like the priest, the servant like his master, the maid like her mistress, the buyer like the seller, the lender like the borrower, the creditor like the debtor. The earth will be completely laid waste and completely despoiled, for the Lord has spoken this word…. The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgress laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth and those who live in it are held guilty…. So it will happen in that day, that the Lord will punish the host of heaven on high, and the kings of the earth on earth.” (Isa. 24:1-3, 5-6a, 21)

Isaiah probably had in mind the law of credit and debt when he wrote that God was going to waste the earth and cause it to be despoiled. (24:3) This divine punishment will be the result all inhabitants polluting the earth. The earth becomes corrupted because of the perpetual violations of the eternal covenant and its laws. (v. 4) Because all people are as guilty as the next guy, all would experience what God means by making the earth completely laid waste. (v5) The peculiar result is stated by the prophet this way: “The buyer will be like the seller, the lender will be like the borrower, and the creditor will be like the debtor.” (v 2)

Many scholars, Jewish and Christian, claim the eternal covenant refers only to the 663 laws written in the books of Moses or Torah. This is not the case. The eternal covenant began with Adam and his sons. It was perpetuated through Noah, later though Abraham, expanded to a national model of society through Moses and Israel, expanded again with the priesthood and the royal bloodline of David, and more fully completed through Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples. The moral law of the eternal covenant is still in effect today just as it was when most of the laws of the American colonies and later the states and the nation conformed to it.

What makes the prophecy of Isaiah so interesting is the fact that it has been happening in our lifetime. For example, most workers today produce goods and services that they or others within their companies sell. All workers in turn buy things they want or need from other sellers. Seller and buyer are virtually the same.

Okay, it could be rightly argued that it has always been the case since ancient times. Not so with banking, which didn’t exist universally? In banking, depositors lend their money to banks often believing that they will earn more money through interest. This belief is erroneous because banks only pay interest rates near the inflation rate. Bank CDs pay little over the inflation rate as well. Therefore, banks only allow depositors to keep the same value of their original loans also called deposits. Banks take the depositors loans and lend to borrowers at higher interest rates in order to make a profit. Depositors are very kind people because they lend money to needy bankers so that they can earn a living without having to do much strenuous labor.

We can apply the same to the national debt. Taxpayers hold the gigantic public debt in the federal government who lends to as well as borrows from the American people and from foreigners. Government borrows by exchanging paper bonds of specified value for money of equal value with a promise to repay at set interest rate, which rate is usually a little more and sometimes less than the inflation rate. As with depositing wealth in federal banks, lending wealth to the government is not very profitable, especially for individuals. It is an allusion because the feds inflationary program consumes any real profit. The actual beneficiaries are institutions of government and corporations. (By the way, Federal Reserve Banks, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac are unconstitutional and illegal corporations, and so are any other institutions incorporated by the federal government. The records of the Constitutional conventions prove it. Their existences are monuments to criminal acts against the Supreme Law of the Land.)

Another golden nugget of ancient enlightenment reveals the likely outcome of unethical and lawless financial acts against God’s eternal covenant. As it was written by the author of Proverbs:

“The borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” (22:7)

To whom then is the America enslaved? Is the imperial government enslaved to both the global agenda of its politicians as well as to foreigners? Are we the people really free? Are we not more like indentured servants to a corrupt government, corporate powers, and foreigners? Consider that foreigners now own a significant percentage of all industries and physical capital. Moreover, federal and state governments have seriously considered leasing our highways to foreigners to fund their transportation departments.

Isaiah 24 also sheds light on Revelation 13. When the beast or anti-Christ arises, he will gain control over the global economy. When this global dictator does, all–both buyer and seller–will become truly equal. They both will be subservient to him. None will they be able to buy or sell without giving allegiance to this dictator and his politics of change. Here is secular egalitarianism at its worst.

This is the end result of a globalized economy regulated by a unified world government fostered by world socialists on Capitol Hill, in state government, corporations, and universities of America. It is part of the divine judgment and the eventual end to their grand schemes whether called secularism or socialism or globalism or democracy.

As depicted by Isaiah 24, the eternal covenant will still stand after they have perished from the earth.

Austria contributors in bad company

Although it was not announced until recently, back in November the FBI raided the offices of PMA, a Washington lobbying firm. Just like Dave Hobson before him, Congressman Steve Austria received thousands from PMA associates, including Paul Magliochetti, who founded the firm in 1989. According to John Bresnahan, Politico, sources close to PMA said the firm has “disintegrated” in recent months and Magliochetti has hired criminal defense counsel.

For more than two years this reporter has been requesting an investigation into Hobson’s and Austria’s connections with PMA and the Dayton Development Coalition. I have been seeking public records from the Greene County Commission that could point to Hobson and Austria steering the no-bid BRAC Initiative contract to the Coalition in 2003. According to Bresnahan, Pentagon officials are also studying whether the military is “receiving value” for work done by small defense firms like Greentree Group and Qbase, two companies paid by the Coalition to work on the BRAC Initiative, a $1.9 million contract funded by Greene County taxpayers. Greentree and Qbase employees have also contributed thousands to Hobson and Austria. Furthermore, according to, during the BRAC Initiative period of performance (October 2003 – September 2006), the Dayton Development Coalition paid PMA more than $500,000 to lobby on “real estate” matters. I have a hard time connecting the dots between “real estate” and protecting defense related jobs at Wright-Patterson.

In any case, it’s time Dave Hobson and Steve Austria return their PMA contributions or better yet, give them to charity as other legislators have pledged to do, unless of course Hobson and Austria expect they will need that money at some point for their own criminal defense counsel.

Join X*ACT’s Merchants Wall: Be a STAR

Merchants and Arts lovers who want to show their support for X*ACT’s new Performing Arts Center should consider making a donation and getting a STAR on the wall. Stop in at the Xenia Area Community Theater’s Second Act Thrift Store and talk to Orion or Jo or Harry or Cheryl or Mayor Pennewitt or Don or me or whomever else might be on hand to show you around the theater space and tell you about the joys and challenges of renovation of our “classic” building right in downtown Xenia at 45 E. Second St. The antique metal tile ceiling panels are now painted black, the walls are all finished up and painted a deep blue. The second “gold plated” exit door is installed on the parking lot side and the carpeting is going in this week. Excitement is building as we approach our final inspections before we are given permits to occupy our 75 seat theater, the first in downtown Xenia since our small loft theater closed.

Stars are also available at Express Yourself Coffeehouse & Art Gallery at 78 E. Main St. and soon at Eichman’s. If you would like to offer Stars at your place of business, contact Orion or Jo at 372-0516 and we’ll see that you get some.

Kettering Medical Group has made a large donation to allow us to complete our construction and we are now raising the final twenty thousand dollars to pay off our construction loan. You can be a part of something wonderful in our old hometown.

Check us out:

Bipartisan Banking Deregulation Produced Current Economic Crisis

Pres. Obama and other politicians blame our current economic crisis on Congressional deregulation of the banking system. A 2008 article published in explains what they mean, why Capitol Hill politicians did it, and who benefited.

The last time Congress seriously debated how to regulate the financial industry, the result was legislation that allowed the nation’s largest banks to get even larger and take risks that had been prohibited since the Great Depression. A look back at that debate, which was over the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, reveals that campaign contributions may have influenced the votes of politicians who, a decade later, are now grappling with the implosion of the giant banks they helped to foster.

Looking back at the vote on the 1999 act, and the campaign contributions that led up to it, the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics has found that those members of Congress who supported lifting Depression-era restrictions on commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies received more than twice as much money from those interests than did those lawmakers who opposed the measure.

In 2008, until the U.S. government threw a taxpayer-funded lifeline this month to Wall Street banks drowning in a sea of bad debt, the potential for these financial giants to go under had been dismissed. The banks were “too big too fail.” It was the 1999 legislation, commonly referred to as Gramm-Leach-Bliley (for its sponsors’ names), that cleared the way for these companies to grow so large.

For decades before, the financial industry had been segregated by government regulations dating to 1933, when Congress passed, and President Franklin Roosevelt signed, legislation known as the Glass-Steagall Act. Sponsored by a former Treasury Secretary known as the “father of the Federal Reserve,” Virginia Democrat Carter Glass, and Alabama Democrat Henry Steagall, the law responded to concerns that over-speculation by banks during the 1920s contributed to the stock market crash of 1929 and, in turn, the Great Depression. Commercial banks were taking too many risks with their depositors’ money. Glass-Steagall set up a regulatory wall between investment banking and commercial banking, prohibiting commercial banks from underwriting insurance or securities.

Sixty-six years later, in 1999, the financial services industry succeeded in essentially shattering Glass-Steagall, after putting a number of cracks in the law over the intervening years.

The congressional vote on Gramm-Leach-Bliley in November 1999 was not close. The bill passed handily with bipartisan support in both the House of Representatives and Senate, 450-64 between the two chambers. President Bill Clinton supported the legislation and readily signed it. There were some strong arguments for the bill, chiefly that American banks were too constrained to compete with German and Japanese banks. There was also criticism that the legislation was pushed through too quickly and that it didn’t modernize the marketplace’s regulatory system. Pressing most aggressively for Gramm-Leach-Bliley was Citigroup, which had merged its bank with Travelers insurance company, and needed a change in federal law to keep the giant corporation together.

There was little difference in the money collected by Republicans who supported the bill and those who opposed it; the 255 GOP supporters collected an average of $179,175, while the opponents in their ranks-and there were only five of them-collected $171,890. On the Democratic side, however, there was a wide gulf, as the graph indicates. The 195 Democrats who supported the Financial Services Modernization Act had received an average of $179,920 in the two years and 10 months leading up to its passage, while the 59 Democrats who opposed it received just $83,475.

Many of the Democrats who voted for Gramm-Leach-Bliley are still in Congress, as are many of the Republicans.

The new law paved the way for financial institutions, which were already large, to get even larger, and it put businesses that the nation’s financial regulators had intentionally segregated under the same umbrella once again. Critics of Gramm-Leach-Bliley predicted that if these mega-banks were to ever fail, the impact on the U.S. and global economy would be so great that the public treasury — i.e. taxpayers — would have to rescue them.

Nine years later, Congress is debating a proposal from the Treasury Secretary to assume the bad investments that are weighing down the nation’s financial institutions, at taxpayer expense. And lobbyists representing the financial services industry are trying to once again shape fast-moving legislation to their clients’ benefit.

I wonder how much money Congressional politicians have or will receive for bailing out their profitable benefactors.

Source:, Sept. 23, 2008.

President Obama chooses former porn lawyer for #2 spot in Justice Department

Nothing has spoken more dramatically about our new president’s radical social agenda than the bios of persons whom he has appointed to key advisory and cabinet positions. Many are Clinton-era retreads. (What happened to “change?”) Many formerly held positions on some of the nation’s most notoriously anti-family, anti-life organizations.

President Obama’s nomination of David Ogden to be Deputy Attorney General – second in command to Attorney General Eric Holder – certainly is the most outrageous and potentially dangerous appointment to date.

To this critical Justice Department position President Obama has nominated an attorney whose list of private-practice clients includes the ACLU, the National Organization for Women, Playboy, Penthouse and Adam and Eve.

The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote on confirmation of David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General on this Thursday.

Here are a few highlights of David Ogden’s resume:

* Submitted a Supreme Court brief on behalf of the ACLU arguing that a man had been improperly convicted under the federal child pornography statue because the man’s videotapes – specifically, tapes with the names, “Little Girl Bottoms” and “Little Blondes” – which the Third Circuit Court of Appeals already had deemed “clearly designed to pander to pedophiles,” weren’t really pornography.

* Fought to remove porn filters from the Internet in public libraries.

* Argued that the law requiring producers of sexually explicit material to keep records about the identity and ages of their performers was unconstitutional.

* Co-authored a brief arguing that parental notification was an unconstitutional burden on 14-year old adolescent girls seeking an abortion.

It stands to reason that you do not trust the enforcement of a nation’s pornography laws to an attorney who has built his career on defending persons who violate those laws! Yet that is exactly what President Obama has asked us to do.

To urge Senator George Voinovich and Senator Sherrod Brown to vote NO on the confirmation of David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General, click here.

Citizens For Community Values
, 2/24/09.

Senator Boxer Asks State Department to Expedite U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child

The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which opponents say could destroy American sovereignty by imposing international rulings on American law, could reach the Senate within 60 days. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) says she wants a 60-day timeframe for the State Department to complete its review so the Senate can move toward ratification of the UNCRC. During the Senate Confirmation hearing between Boxer and UN Ambassador-designate Susan Rice held on January 15, 2009, Boxer told Rice the UNCRC would protect “the most vulnerable people of society.”

Opponents vehemently disagree. Under the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) of the U.S. Constitution, ratified treaties preempt state law. Since virtually all laws in the U.S. regarding children are state laws, this treaty would negate nearly 100% of existing American family law. Moreover, it would grant the government authority to override parental decisions by applying even to good parents a standard now only used against those convicted of abuse or neglect.

In the hearing, Rice promised to review the treaty but noted “challenges of domestic implementation.” Rice also resisted a strict time frame: “I don’t have a sense of how long it will take us, in light of the many different things on our plate,” she said.

Calling it a “complicated treaty,” Rice expressed her commitment to the treaty’s objectives, but when Rice concluded that she could not meet the Senator’s strict time frame, Boxer said they would take it up with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

For more articles about this issue, visit UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article by Article at Parental This organization is also seeking an introduction and passage of parental rights amendment.

Ohio joins other states in reclaiming their liberty and sovereignty

Over eight states have passed resolutions reaffirming the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Tenth Amendment provides that “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”Among twenty other states proposing similar resolution is Ohio.

The Ohio Freedom Alliance is one of the groups leading the Liberty and Sovereignty Resolution initiative.

Those leading the initiative believe that the federal government has consistently over-stepped it’s constitutional boundaries and usurped the powers reserved to the states, and therefore the people.

The Ohio Liberty and Sovereignty Resolution will remind the federal government of it’s proper role and place. The goal is to have this resolution adopted and passed by the Ohio State Legislature during this calendar year of 2009.

To read and sign the petition, go here. All signatures will be delivered to the Ohio State House in early to mid-March.

Sabbath Discussions : Some reasons for supporting Israel

Rev. Robert Johnessee of the Friends of Israel visited Xenia tonight. Because I was at the hospital with my parent, I didn’t attend. If anyone did, feel free to tell us what Johnessee has to say.

Thinking about why should Christians be a friend to Israel, here are a few thoughts:

Jesus Christ is a Jew.
Jesus was born and raised in Israel.
Jesus worked and fulfilled his ministry in Israel.
Jesus was betrayed by his brethren in Israel.
Jesus was crucified by gentiles in Israel.
Jesus was buried in a family tomb in Israel.
Jesus was raised from the dead in Israel.
Jesus commissioned his disciples in Israel.
Jesus ascended to the throne of God from Israel.
Jesus, a Jew, was made Lord of all by God.
Jesus will return to Jerusalem Israel establish
   God’s kingdom on earth.

Jesus said, he came to fulfill the law of God not abolish it.
The law of God was revealed to and through Israel to the world.
Another Jew, Paul, affirmed this in his letters to the churches.
Jesus’ death fulfilled the law of atonement for humanity’s
   moral crimes.
For God to honor it, Jesus would have been as sinless as any    animal sacrificed on the altar in the Second Temple.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by freeing people from sinful bondages.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by sanctifying those freed.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by enabling those freed to live    according to His moral law.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by admitting them in his kingdom.

God made Jesus the ruling authority over the universe.
Jesus is Lord over God’s kingdom of which Christians are a part.
Jesus presides over the redemptive justice of God.
Jesus will administer the final judgments of God.
Jesus will govern the world with God when the kingdoms of this    world fully become the kingdoms of God, which will make a reality    when he returns.
Jesus’ global governance will occur under God’s global reign from    Jerusalem, Israel.
That is why the rulers of the earth should worship the God do    homage to His son. (Ps. 2)

All of God’s plans and promises will be completed including the full    restoration of Israel.
Christians experience the blessing of Abraham because the law and    the redeemer came through Israel.
Israel is central to God’s global plans.

Democrats Show Their Anti-Christian Bigotry

An overwhelming number of Democrats in the Senate voted today to reject a religious freedom amendment to Obama’s stimulus package. The vote was 54-43.

“Democrats showed their anti-Christian bias by rejecting South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint’s amendment that would have protected religious freedom in colleges and universities receiving federal funds,” said Traditional Values Coalition Executive Director, Andrea Lafferty today. “DeMint’s amendment simply struck the anti-Christian discrimination section from the bill.”

The so-called stimulus package contained a section that forbids federal tax dollars from being used to modernize or repair any educational facility that permits religious services on its premises.

It discriminates not only against Christian schools by forbidding funds, but targets secular schools as well – including universities with divinity schools. This bill shuts off secular colleges from permitting religious services on campus if they receive any federal money from this stimulus bill.

“This is just the beginning of aggressive anti-Christian bigotry that we will see over the next four years,” said Lafferty. “We suffered a significant defeat to our First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom and free speech today.”

Traditional Values Coalition opposes passage of this trillion dollar wasteful spending bill, but DeMint’s amendment would have at least corrected one of the most glaring problems with it.

“I commend Sen. DeMint for standing up for religious freedom for all Americans – and especially those who attend colleges and universities,” said Lafferty. “Shame on Democrats for supporting anti-Christian discrimination.”