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Xenia Area Community Threatre Presents “The Magic Show: The Story of the Barefoot Angels” on Thursday 7PM at The Cavern

About The Artists: Shaun Bengson is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, composer, and actor who has performed in venues across the Midwest and East Coast. Bengson grew up inBellbrook, Ohio, where he performed as an actor and musician with community productions around Dayton.
Abigail Nessen Bengson is an internationally recognized performer, writer and teacher. She began her career with Theater Group Limited at age six. Growing up she performed with Fontella Bass and Lester Bowie, the Roy Hart Theatre in France, with the Ghanean National Theater and with the popular Norwegian band, Brelsk. In 2004, she premiered her first one-woman show, “Anthem,” at the La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, and her latest work, another one-woman show, “The Magic Show,” opened in April 2008.

Shaun and Abigail are currently working on multiple theater and music projects in New York City, the Northeast, and the Midwest. Their theater projects include their original off-Broadway production, “The Magic Show: The Story of the Barefoot Angels,” which opened to acclaim at The Culture Project in Manhattan. Their Brooklyn-based rock group, the Zombie Nationalists has two albums in production.
Shaun and Abigail are currently living in Vermont and Massachusetts, completing an artists’ residency with David Eppel and the Vermont-based Town Hall Theater while they write a new theater piece to be performed internationally in 2009.

Life Chain Today Oct. 5 at Greene County Courthouse

Those who want an end to abortion have an opportunity today (Sunday, Oct.5) to give public witness with others meet with others in front of the Greene County Courthouse from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. This is event is called Life Chain.

Life Chain is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life Americans standing for one hour for our nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community and others that abortion kills children and the Church support the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception.

This will be the Life Chain’s 21st year of uniting Americans together to seek an end to the killing of defenseless unborn children and the terrible consequences it has wrecked on American culture.

For more information, visit the LifeChain.Net(work) website.

About National Life Chain 2008

For how long will the destroyer kill and disgrace as innocent blood begs for mercy and justice? When will the churches awaken and “plead the case of the fatherless to win it [Jere. 5:28]”? Which pulpits in each community will rise up and lead? And how eminent is God’s Judgment against America and Canada?

Those and related questions accompany National Life Chain Sunday 2008, a peaceful public prayer witness to be held October 5 in over 1300 U.S. and Canadian cities and towns. Serious prolifers will line local sidewalks to seek God’s forgiveness and intervention, while holding signs that read Abortion Kills Children; Adoption: The Loving Option; Abortion Hurts Women; and Jesus Forgives and Heals. Idle talk, frivolity, and interaction with motorists are not welcomed.

Thus to all who deem human life sacred from fertilization until natural death, Life Chain asks: “Will you ‘tarry with us’ in prayer for one hour? Please do so.” The first duty of Life Chainers is to humbly receive the convicting ministry God has for us on October 5. Then, if we are receptive, God can witness through us to save lives and change hearts in each local community.

Surgical and chemical abortions have likely killed over 100 million preborn American and Canadian citizens; and, being mindful of other ruinous spiritual forces allied with abortion (homosexuality, pornography, cohabitation, illegitimacy, sexual epidemics, addictions, human embryo abuse and disposal, cloning), Life Chain believes only the church can erect a repentant wall and defeat the destroyers of Western Civilization. Over critical decades the church lost its way. Wrote George Grant in his prominent history of the pro-life movement: “… during much of the twentieth century, the memory of the church
was erased…. The community of faith forgot what it was and what it should have been…. the needy, the innocent, and the helpless lost their one sure advocate…. The only urgency that drove much of the church during this dark period was its own satisfaction.” And our denial endures with the killing.

Was the European church under Nazism our frail mentor? In Hitler’s Cross, Erwin Lutzer observed that “… only a few German Christians saw the Jews as their brothers and sisters…. If only the church had seen that when the Jews were persecuted, it was the Lord Jesus who was suffering!” Added German Theologian Helmut Thielicke: “The church had overlooked its greatest danger, namely that in gaining the whole world it might ‘lose its own soul.’” America and Canada’s holocaust is larger than Europe’s by far—with no Hitler to coerce us. Today, will we the church repent of our hypocrisy and truly value
unborn humanity? Both our culture and national security ultimately rely on our response.

Life Chain depends primarily on local pastors who will lead their congregations and parishes to their city sidewalks. Pastors may add to the prayer topics on the back of each sign, and they are encouraged to prepare their people for earnest intercession and reflection. Life Chain follows a Code of Conduct that respects all motorists and pedestrians; and while Life Chain believes the church must impact government, all political activity is suspended on National Life Chain Sunday.

For more information, go to the National Life Chain website.

Ohio Led-Democrats Trample Down Law to Get More Votes

According to a report by the Washington Post, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled late Tuesday to deny the Ohio Republican Party’s emergency motion for an injunction limiting same-day early voter registration and voting. Under the direction of Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, county boards of election are allowing voters to register and vote on the same day, during a one-week window from Sept. 30 through Oct. 6.

Republicans argue that because state law requires voters to be registered for 30 days before casting a ballot, the procedure should be banned. Brunner said the process should continue because the votes will not be counted until Election Day. The Supreme Court of Ohio and a federal district court in Cleveland on Monday agreed with Brunner.

Politicians making it easier to register and vote is good policy. Shredding current law with the blessing of the Courts is another, which what SS Brunner and her blacked robed supporters sitting on high did.

Is it really to reduce long lines or to enfranchise more voters? Not really. Violating current law can never be justified by great political schemes. Scheming democrats know leftist activists are in the hoods convincing people to register and vote. The hint is that if they do their brotha’ will help them become more middle class through better community welfare programs. This is standard policy of get-out of poverty by voting for their Democrat (read it quick and cough a few times) benefactors.

This practice has been going for a long time and the poor are still poor. They still have the same issues with blighted neighborhoods, poor city services, low-income, crime on every street corner, little good health care, poor diets, and on and on. Unless they are true believing dependents on sugar daddy uncle Sam, they still have the same problems they have had for decades.

Some of advocates like ACORN, and others are seeking to help the poor. Sometimes they do. They helped them get loans and mortgages that they cannot not pay. They often have had to pay 3-4 times more to get payday loans for quick cash. Some inner-city poor actually work hard but still have little hope to achieve the American Dream. Many are single parenting moms, who should vote.

The problems is–and I have worked for ACORN while living in another state–multimillion dollar activist organizations like ACORN do not help people move beyond poverty they maintain. It’s true they make being poor a little better. With the cooperation of Washington politicians and rich elites, many poor are enabled to enjoy much of the good life, meaning having a decent place to live, cars, cell phones, computers, nice clothes, good food, and other stuff. It must be wonderful to have all that stuff only for the price of human dignity, much dependency, and little freedom.

Leading Ohio Dems desire to continue their paternal role over their poor benefactors. They also want the blessing of the superiors in party and on Capitol Hill. I’m sure Obama and company will shower may blessing on them and their grateful children.

I think the poor would show less prejudice by voting for McCain and Palin. They would be better off if while doing so they speak with one voice their demand for serious investment in their community, more justice economic policies to assist all willing to work to move out of poverty in order pay their own way. And just think, real prosperity and productivity would increase the local tax revenues and circulation of earned money, more consumerism, more employer-employee purchased health care insurance, paid more genuinely qualified loans, and the economic and political elites would still see the wealth trickle up into their coffers.

Wouldn’t that make a better world in which to live?

Xenia Old Fashioned Days, Sept. 12-14

Xenia’s Old Fashioned Days Festival regarded as “The Best of the Best” in Festivals, Fairs and Events, begins Friday September 12 and continues through Sunday September 14. The festival includes: National and Local On-stage, Live Entertainment, Craft Court, Food Court, Parade, Balloon Glo, Field Day, Pedal Boat Rides, Strongman Contest, Carnival Rides…and much, much more!

And that is only at Shawnee Park.

Downtown there will be music by Abbott Station, Battle of the Bands, Battle of the Banks and Realtors, strolling magician, wagons pulled by tractors, barbershop quartet, cornhole tournament, a camel (possibly for rides, possibly just to see, depending on location), and sidewalk sales on Friday and Saturday, and who knows maybe even a skit by X-Act.

Mid-town merchants also will be participating in the Old Fashioned Day festivities and sales.

And there’s still more…

X*ACT/ 2nd ACT Thrift Store 45 E Second St. will be having a sale Friday 10am-6 pm, Saturday. 12-5pm. Adult clothing can be purchased for $1.50, shorts and tank tops, $0.50 as well as sidewalk items.

The Flower Stop already kicked off a food drive that began on September 3rd-FTD Good Neighbor Day will continue through Old Fashioned Days. Food items can be donated to Xenia Area Food Fish Pantry. Bring in 2 non-perishable food items for an entry to win a number of prizes: dozen premium roses, $50 gift certificate, holiday centerpiece certificate, fruit basket, silk arrangement. (The more items you bring, the more chances you receive!!!) Drawings will be held on Saturday, September 13.

Express Yourself Coffehouse and Art Gallery will be featuring an old fashioned 10¢ cup of coffee with the purchase of any regularly priced Sandwich & Soup Combo on Friday or Saturday. Artwork will be on sale all weekend as well.

Oasis Cafe will feature Live Music by Lizz and Rex from 6-8 pm Friday, September 12, followed by Ballroom Dance lessons at 8:00 pm and dancing at 8:30 pm. Pre-dance music is free. Cost of the dance is $8 per person in advance, $10 at the door. Price includes finger food, cookies, coffee and tea.

Cricket’s Fly Guy will flying high at J&B Wireless at 116 Xenia Towne Square where cell phones may be down low for bargain shoppers.

Psss… I heard that the Liberty Tax Service is sponsoring a window decoration contest for merchants and will award the winner a free, transferable, yes, transferable personal income tax return. Maybe you can guess which merchant won. (Hint: Look for a big head and bright eyes as well as for men in dark suits hanging around.) I also heard a rumor that the IRS is NOT invited.

Schedule of events happening downtown and around town on Saturday:

Where:          Towne Square
Time/Event:  12:00   AHOP Band
1:00   Wild Blue Yonder Barbershop Quartet
2:00   Dave Davis Magician
3:00   Abott Station
5:00 – 7:00   Community Dance Rock Your Socks Off DJ

Where:           Montgomery Insurance Parking Lot
Time-Event:  10:00 – 5:00   Petting Zoo (Hole In The Wall Farms)
50 cents to feed animals. All donations will go to Xenia Fish Pantry.
Sponsored by Tiffany Jewelry and Xenia Shoe & Leather

12:00-5:00   Moon Jumping Castle $2.00 per person
Sponsored by C J’s Boutique, XAMA, Kiddie Kingdom

12:30   Kiddie Tractor Pull

1:00-3:00   Old Timers will transport people by tractor and
wagon to Kenndey Korner

Where:           Dodds Monument Parking Lot
Time-Event:  1:00-6:00   Corn Hole Contest $5.00 per person / $10.00 per team
Sponsored by Cedarville Area Chamber

For more information, go to XACC’s schedule of events.

Vectren’s $27 Million Natural Gas Rate Increase and Your Opportunity To Not Pay It

All of the jubilation over gas prices declining may soon be over. The bad news is not that gasoline is going to rise again; that is inevitable. The bad news is that your property taxes and natural gas bill may be increasing shortly.

Property taxes are going up because our government reassessed property values upward. If local voters approve the various November tax levies, you will be paying an additional $202 in 2009. Three levies that will increase you property taxes are Xenia Community School bond issue, Greene County Children Services and Community Mental Health operational issues.

According to the Office of the Ohio Consumer’s Council (OCC), Vectren asked the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio for permission to raise its natural gas delivery rates. Vectren wants to raise the $7 customer charge listed on your monthly natural gas bill to $16.75 beginning this November and ending in April 2009. From the low usage period beginning in May and ending in October, Vectren proposes to decrease the rate to $10 per month. Vectren’s ultimate goal is a winter monthly rate of $20.04 and summer rate of $11.96. The customer charge covers the property and facilities, metering, meter reading, billing, and other administrative costs.

At the same time, Vectren proposes to reduce its delivery service rate. This is a charge based on the volume of natural gas delivered to your home. The current rate is $0.1199 per CCF (100 cubic foot) for up to 50 CCF. Above 50 CCF, the rate decreases to $0.1044. Vectren wants to reduce further the rate beginning this November to $0.10937 and to $0.01397 in May 2009. In November 2009, Vectren proposes to reduce the delivery rate further to $0.08754 during the winter months and $0.07534 during the summer season. Vectren probably hopes consumers will think they are balancing the cost of natural gas delivery by further reducing this rate, but you will see later that it is not the case.

Using US Department of Energy data, the average Ohio residents used about 834 CCF in 2007 of natural gas in 2007. Extrapolating this data to Vectren’s 318,000 customers, natural gas customers in the Miami Valley used about 265,076,177 CCF and paid Vectren around $29.7 million in delivery costs. Applying Vectren’s proposed new rates, local customers will pay $29.6 million from November 2008 to October 2009. During the next 12 month period, local customers will pay a measly $21.7 million.

By comparison, Miami Valley customers paid about $26.7 million in customer charges. Applying Vectren’s proposed increases, local customers will pay $51 million during the period from November 2008 through April 2009. Vectren’s ultimately wants Miami Valley customers to pay $61.1 million a year beginning November 2009.

The total first year increase to Miami Valley natural gas users is $24 million and addition $2 plus million the second year, which is a total increase of $26 million.

Vectren’s proposed delivery rate increase does not include the cost of natural gas. It does not include a pipeline replacement cost recovery rider that will be added to every customer’s bill. It does not include the other half-dozen cost and lost revenue recovery riders also billed to all Vectren customers. It is not reflect the increasing profits made from commercial customers. It does not reflect increasing profits from fees charge to other gas companies for delivering their gas to your home.

Vectren’s CEO has about $202 million reasons for increasing your natural gas rates in order to continue growing Vectren’s investor dividends. I image most of the board of director are similarly motivated. And that is not all; they also intend on owning all public pipelines paid for by all member of our communities. As wrong as that is, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) collusion with Vectren’s plans is unconscionable.

That is why all natural gas customers have an opportunity to oppose Vectren’s proposed plans. You can write PUCO at the address listed below:

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
Attn: Docketing Division
180 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215

XAMA Meeting Thursday Sept 4 at 8am

The next Xenia Area Merchants’ Association meeting will be held at Express Yourself Coffeehouse tomorrow morning (Sept. 4) just after rooster crows at 8AM. On the agenda for discussion is the up-and-coming Old Fashioned Days, development of the XAMA website, and advertising opportunities.

Buyers to merchants: we love saving bucks on good stuff. Buyers to gasoline retailers: Even other merchants love specials on gas. Go ahead–try it; you might like it. Trust me…we all will.

Tell Vectren and PUCO No To Their 129% Natural Gas Rate Increase

A proposal by Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio to shift natural gas charges from a usage-based to a fixed customer rate will disproportionately increase bills to low-income, low usage customers and make it more difficult for them to maintain affordable natural gas service, the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC), said in testimony filed on July 23 at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO).

The PUCO staff has recommended approval of Vectren’s request to raise the current customer charge from $7 to $16.75, during the winter months of November 1-April 30, 2009 while lowering the volumetric charge. A $10 customer charge would be in effect only during the lower-usage months of May-October, 2009. Overall, Vectren is requesting a rate increase of $27 million, and the OCC believes it should only be $3 million.

The OCC opposes raising the flat-rate customer charge, stating that this change will have an adverse effect on lower-usage, lower income customers and also have a negative impact on energy efficiency efforts by creating a disincentive to use less gas. Shifting to a higher fixed-rate customer charge, known as the “straight fixed variable rate design” (SFV) will negatively affect customers who can least afford to sustain such an increase, based on the testimony filed by the OCC with the PUCO.

In addition, adoption of the SFV rate design will adversely affect senior customers in smaller homes who tend to use less natural gas but who would end up paying the same fixed rate as higher usage customers in larger homes. The testimony concluded that the difficulty in affording a higher rate is also affecting more moderate income levels.

“Increasing a flat-rate customer charge creates an undue hardship for people who can least afford it,” said Janine Migden-Ostrander, Consumers’ Counsel. “Not only does this approach discourage residents from conserving energy, but research supports the conclusion that the low-income and elderly population will be put more at risk by adopting this approach.”

The OCC has also filed objections with the PUCO stating that Vectren has failed to prove that it needs to increase its rates to the magnitude it requested, stating that the company has overstated some of its costs and investments.

The OCC encourages individual customers to share their opinions with the PUCO by writing letters. All letters and envelopes should reference Case Number 07-1080-GA-AIR. Letters should be sent to:

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
Attn: Docketing Division
180 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215

The OCC also hopes Vectren customers will attend one or more of the following public hearings scheduled during the first week of September:

Sidney – 201 W. Poplar Street
Sidney Municipal Building, Council Chambers
Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008 at 6 p.m.

Dayton – 101 W. Third Street
Dayton Municipal Building, Council Chambers
Thursday, Sept. 4, 2008 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Washington Court House – 1179 S. Elm Street
Fayette County Commission on Aging
Monday, Sept. 8, 2008 at 6 p.m.

For more information, visit the OCC website at

Barco is the Leading Supplier of Visualization Equipment to the Beijing Olympics

The 8 August Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, at Beijing’s celebrated ‘Bird’s Nest’ stadium, was by and far the most coveted ticket of this year’s Olympic program. The stellar event was attended by some 90,000 spectators, including a large contingent of world leaders and dignitaries, and enjoyed a worldwide television audience estimated at four billion viewers.

The much-anticipated event was directed by renowned Chinese filmmaker, Zhang Yimou (Curse of the Golden Flower, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Raise the Red Lantern). The highly imaginative show was powered by a number of Barco cutting edge visual display solutions, including a total of 78 Barco High End Systems Orbital Heads, which allowed the production team to reposition the images anywhere in space – in this instance, onto different scenic elements on the field.

Working in conjunction with the Orbital Heads was a record 110 Barco High End Systems Axon Media Servers and 5 Wholehog 3 consoles. No visual event to date has incorporated so many servers of this type.

In addition to its role in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Barco is also providing LED solutions to many of the other Olympic venues. At the 12 Olympic Live Sites, Barco LED screens make it possible for millions of Beijing people to watch the games in large groups, live and in the outdoors, causing a great atmosphere of unity and excitement. At the landmark Jingxin Building, home to China’s largest outdoor LED screen, the 758 square meters LED screen beams Olympic images to millions of visitors on Beijing’s 3rd Ring Road. The Olympics soccer field in Shanghai is also lit up by a 391 square meters Barco LED screen.

In a 3rd major role, Barco is involved in ensuring the security and safety for the Olympics and its millions of visitors. Barco Security and Monitoring products are responsible for the surveillance in the Bird’s Nest and other venues, for guiding the flight traffic at Beijing’s new Terminal 3, and for directing all the road traffic at the city’s Urban Traffic Control Centre.

Xenia Barco, which specializes in simulation and virtual reality technologies is a regional branch of Barco International.

Cell phone use during pregnancy and childhood behavioral problems

In the July edition of Epidemiology, researchers reported that children whose mothers used cell phones while pregnant were more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems.

A team of scientists looked at a group of more than 13,000 children, including their time in utero. When the children reached age 7, mothers were asked to complete a questionnaire about their own cell phone use in pregnancy and their child‘s use of cell phones, as well as their children‘s behavior and health.

Children with both prenatal and postnatal cell phone exposure were 80 percent more likely to have emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, or problems with peers. Children who were only exposed prenatally had a higher likelihood of behavior problems compared to those who were only exposed postnatally, but not as high as those who were exposed at both times.

Dr. Mercola believes that an 80 percent increase in behavior problems is pretty drastic. In a recent article on the subject, he wrote,

“Could it be, as some have suggested, that mothers who use cell phones frequently are simply not very attentive parents? Sure. But those children who were only exposed in utero had significant increases in behavior problems too, which suggests there may be something deeper going on.”

Dr. Mecola also explained that something deeper.

“Electromagnetic radiation from cell phones poses a unique hazard to a developing fetus. Animal studies have shown that electromagnetic fields in that frequency range can affect their liver enzymes, glands, muscles, hormone balance, and heart and bone marrow. In fact, the cellular stresses caused by information-carrying radio waves can actually alter the DNA structure of both you and your child.

Autonomic nervous system expert Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has noted this radiation can easily flip certain genes in the mitochondria. If this gene sequence is altered in a pregnant woman, she can pass her damaged mitochondria on to the child.

The child can then develop a mitochondrial disorder, which can include muscular atrophy and severe developmental problems. Even autism has been associated with cell phone use.

Because children are still growing, they also have far thinner skulls than adults. This makes their brains far more susceptible to these information-carrying radio waves. If you are, say, holding your infant while talking on a cell phone, the radiation plume can easily reach the child and penetrate their skull.

Of course, if you allow your child to talk on the cell phone himself, then this radiation will reach him directly.

To see an illustration showing just how much higher the electromagnetic radiation absorption rates are in a 5- and 10-year old’s brain versus that of an adult, see this article from a previous newsletter.

It’s very important that you keep cell phones away from infants, babies, children and pregnant women now, as the damage may not start showing up for 10 years or more, and by then it will be too late.

So, why hasn’t our government done something about this? A part of the deeper problem is that they are powerless. They serve the interests of the powerful, which means those corporations and politicians making big money. Yes, the FDA, FCC, and EPA have called for research on the problem, but the study reported by Epidemiology was conducted in the Netherlands not the USA. Dr. Mecola also goes into greater detail why the federal agencies are not doing much about the problem.

I should add that scientists have known about 20 years (maybe more) that high doses of electromagnetic waves is harmful to animals and humans. As Dr. Mercola points out, “[t]hese radio waves are literally everywhere, transmitting signals to wireless computers, cordless phones, cell phone base stations and countless other wireless technologies.”

In another article by Dr. Mecola, “Why Your Cell Phone Can Hurt Your Children,” a list of health problems caused by RF radio waves (cell phone, wireless, etc.) included:

*  Alzheimer’s, senility and dementia
*  Parkinson’s
*  Autism
*  Fatigue
*  Headaches
*  Sleep disruptions
*  Altered memory function, poor concentration and spatial awareness
*  Cancer and brain tumors
*  Sterility

Notice, health problems like sleep disruptions, headaches as well as the problems mentioned in the Epidemiology study such as hyperactivity, emotional and behavioral problems are related. In a previous post, I reported on the discovery that ADD and hyperactivity were often related to lack of sleep and even mild appendicitis. Yet, children have been drugged out the wazoo for profit not for a cure. The cure is to limit or end cell phone, wireless computer, iPod, and cordless phone use and maintain good health practices.

Read Dr. Mecola’s articles for tips on cell phone safety, good health practices, or for more in-depth information.