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R&R at Express Yourself Coffeehouse

July heats up as Express Yourself Coffeehouse & Art Gallery open their All-Ages music venue to some great local and regional musicians. The summer concert season starts on Thursday July 10 with a tour stop from Indianapolis …. Same as Sunday. Their reputation in the Midwest is growing among fans and fellow musicians alike. They are joined on stage by Xenia’s own Napalm Kids. Rounding out the evening will be perennial favorites, Katius in from Dayton and a solo acoustic set by a Cavern favorite, Xenia’s David Payne with an acoustic set to kick off the show.

R&R–that is rock &roll or relaxation & recreation–is to be had at Express Yourself Coffeehouse

This coming Friday night The Story Changes along with Springfield rockers Ladies and Gentlemen and Xenia duo Trevor and Chad will be playing.

The Boomer’s Network has moved and reformatted this month. Friday July 18 will be a grownup’s night at The Cavern with acoustic music, some poetry, and some karaoke.

Thursday July 17 will be an open stage night and we are inviting families participating in the Greene Trails Cycling Classic to come in, cool off, and have some fun with the mics.

On Saturday July 19, Metal comes to Xenia with Wilmington’s finest, Solitary Confinement, and Kettering’s Final Analysis. Prepare for a high energy show!

All shows begin at 8:30 through the summer months and admission is only $6.

For more information go to or call (937) 372-7446

XAMA Coffee Klatch Thursday July 3 8AM

The Xenia Area Merchants Association will meet for coffee and conversation next Thursday (July 3) at 8:00 AM at Express Yourself Coffeehouse Gallery, 78 East Main Street.

Hometown Mother’s Day Event a Success

News about Hometown Mother’s Day has been trickling in. Remembers the days when people from all over the Miami Valley came to downtown Xenia to shop. Well, we may be seeing the beginning of its return.

C J’s Boutique said several people from out of town shopped at her store. Not only did her sidewalk sale draw shoppers, but free massages and live musicians did too.

Besides diamonds and furs, flowers used to be another hot item men bought for their women folk. The 21st Century will go done in history as the beginning of men wooing their babes with cell phones. At least that is what J & B Wireless says business was hopping with men buying their mom’s and wives phones.

I’m not so sure that is really a smart thing to do. Why make it easy for your women folk track your whereabouts?

Xenia Shoe and Leather says business was good too. Again, free massages were a big attraction. I wonder if men got the massage before or after they purchased their lady a new pair of fine shoes?

What ever happened to flowers? You guess is as good as mine. I do know no Xenia flower shop has made a peep about how they are competing with cell phones, shoes, or women’s clothing.

I was tempted to buy Mom some gourmet coffee. Yes, Xenia has its very own gourmet coffee store. I resisted that temptation because her doctor would have protested.

The Plan to Restore Constitutional Order

June 30, 2008 may be remembered in history as the day Americans began, in earnest, the moral and solemn process of holding their (servant) Government accountable to the Constitution — under threat of withdrawal of allegiance, support and tax money.

To secure this end, the People have begun to claim and exercise a little-known, but unalienable, “Right of Redress,” rather than depending upon the will of the majority as defined by precinct voters, those who cast votes on Capitol Hill, and those that vote from the inner sanctums of our Courthouses.

Most do not know that this profound natural Right, first articulated 800 years ago in Magna Carta, is embodied and protected by the Petition clause of the First Amendment — the same Amendment which protects your voice in the defense of Freedom. Very importantly, academic research since 1986 makes clear the Right to Petition for Redress is NOT a redundant statement of the Right of Speech. It is in fact, the individual exercise of Popular Sovereignty.

To be sure, the widespread exercise of this Right holds significant implications for our nation and are most worthy of your interest. Here’s what the Founders sitting as the first Congress had to say:

“If money is wanted by Rulers
who have in any manner oppressed the People,
they may retain it until their grievances are redressed,
and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised
petitions or disturbing the public tranquility.”

Journals of the Continental Congress, 1:105-113

On June 30, 2008, approximately 1200 American citizens will begin the process of exercising the Right by formally serving a Legal Notice and Demand for Redress upon the President, the Attorney General and every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate at their local district offices.

Demanding an official response within forty (40) days, the Notice includes seven (7) Petitions for Redress of Grievances regarding substantial violations of the Constitution:

1. The Iraq invasion in violation of the war powers clauses.
2. The Federal Reserve System’s violation of the money clauses.
3. The USA Patriot Act’s violation of the privacy clauses.
4. The direct, un-apportioned taxes on labor in violation of the tax clauses.
5. The federal gun control laws in violation of the Second Amendment.
6. The failure to enforce immigration laws in violation of the “faithfully execute clause.”
7. The construction, by stealth, of a “North American Union” without constitutional authority.


We the People cannot elect our way out of tyranny. Any assertion that by electing either McCain or Obama we can cure the ills that now plague America is simply naive or based on a lack of information regarding the corrupting forces that truly influence and control our government and political process.

If Liberty and Constitutional Order are to survive in peace, it is imperative that the People learn about and exercise the unalienable Right of Redress. For details about the Plan to Restore Constitutional Order, visit:

More proof industial farming is hazardous to America’s health

The proof that industrial farming is hazardous to our health may not be in the puddling but it is in the beef and tomatoes.”

There are two national epidemics occurring in America. One is the result of eating tomatoes infected with salmonella. The second is the result of hamburger infected with E. coli O157:H7.

According to the CDC, 552 people in 32 states have been infected with salmonella by eating tomatoes. At least 53 persons have been hospitalized. The specific type and source of tomatoes is under investigation; however, the data suggest that illnesses are linked to consumption of raw red plum, red Roma, or round red tomatoes, or any combination of these types of tomatoes, and to products containing these raw tomatoes. At least 53 persons were hospitalized.

The Center of Disease Control claims the following:

Approximately 75% of recently emerging infectious diseases affecting humans are diseases of animal origin; approximately 60% of all human pathogens are zoonotic.

Each year, food borne pathogens cause an estimated 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States.

There have been 1.5 million West Nile virus infections since 1999. 2.5 billion people are at risk for dengue in more than 100 endemic countries with 50 million cases of dengue fever each year.

The map above marks out the states where outbreaks have occurred. The 10 states with the highest number of reported illnesses are Texas (265), New Mexico (73), Illinois (34), Arizona (29), Virginia (20), Maryland (18), Georgia (11), Missouri (10), New York (10), and Kansas (9). There have been 3 related illnesses reported in Ohio.

New Scientist columnist Ewen Callaway interviewed Keith Warriner, a food microbiologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Warriner said that the source of the salmonella bacteria probably comes from groundwater contaminated with animal feces. Once the bacteria get on or into a tomato, the fruit acts like an incubator. Bacteria divide even in the cool temperatures of packing houses.

It takes a lot of manure to contaminate ground water. The only sources producing large amounts of infected manure are either meat processing plants or industrial animal farms. Regulations regulating meat processing plants are usually not adequately enforced and industrial animal farms should never been allow to exist. There is nothing good about those types of farms except the profits of their owners.

There has been an average of three salmonella outbreaks involving fruit or vegetables each year since 1996. Five of the 33 have involved tomatoes, according to Callaway.

The second outbreak of illnesses related to E.Coli is limited to Ohio and Michigan. The Ohio Department of Health has reported 16 cases of E.coli related illnesses. Counties where outbreak have occurred include Delaware (1), Fairfield (4), Franklin (9), Lucas (1) and Seneca (1). The strain of E.Coli is the same as the one that had infected spinach in 2006, infected Taco Bell beef in 2006, and Topps frozen hamburger patties and General Mills Totino’s or Jeno’s brand Pizzas in 2007, according to the CDC. The MedGuru observed that all reported illnesses have occurred within a 30 mile radius of Columbus.

All of these outbreaks were the result of either industrial meat processing plant contamination or industrial farm operations. All were cause by diseased cow manure either contaminating meat processed at the plants or contaminating ground water by industrial farms.

Ousted Ohio AG Dann now mentors of state attorney generals

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported recently that former Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann was welcomed at the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) in Rhode Island. Dann, who was ousted from office for sexual misconduct, is a new member of the NAAG’s Society of Attorneys General Emeriti, which will enable him to mentor new state attorney generals.

It’s true he has valuable experience and knowledge that would benefit others. Yet, it is still scary to think that an unethical lawyer and high ranking official will be influencing the views of other state legal counsel.

As it has been said, bureaucracy tends to tyranny and corruption and power corrupts but liberals where it on their sleeves.

Dann is the symptom of a deep terminal cancer continuing to spread throughout America’s body politic. Whitewashing it with the shallow veneer of religiosity will not cure it, but a very large dosage for a very long time of honesty (truthfulness) and self-governing morality (opposing to licentious immorality) along with some real economic justice might.

Music group Last Dead Hours the Project Rock 2008 Winners

Congratulations to all of the finalists of Project Rock 2008! After 5 rounds of competition, Lebanon’s own Rock Gods, Last Dead Hour took the big top prize of $500 in CASH and 10 hours of studio time from Skeleton Key Studio and 5 hours of studio time from the International College of Broadcasting! Thanks to our sponsors and especially to the fans that put these guys over the top.

Kudos as well to Blacklight Inscription, Rosemoor, and Without Thought for their great performances and for bringing the heat to the final show.

For more information about Project Rock 2008, visit the Express Yourself Coffeehouse website.

Boomers’ Social Network Thursday Night

If you were born before 1960 or so, this is for you. You’ve heard about it; you’ve even thought about checking it out. The Boomers’ Social Network. Downstairs in The Cavern we will gather this Thursday evening for some socializing. After a bit of introduction, there will be microphones set up for local guitarists, singers, and poets who would like to brave the stage. There will be light hors d’oeuvres, coffee, and soda available all evening from 7 to 11 PM.

It’s a chance to meet friends, listen to some vintage live music, maybe hear a little poetry , and generally have something fun to do that involves people your own age.

Bring a friend, a guitar, and/or a poem. We will be gathering in The Cavern, downstairs from Express Yourself at 78 E. Main St. in downtown Xenia. There is a $7 door charge. For more information call (937) 372-7446 or email

Xenia Area Merchants Association Morning Meeting June 5

The Xenia Area Merchants Association will meet for coffee and conversation next Thursday (June 5) at 8:00 AM at Express Yourself Coffeehouse Gallery, 78 East Main Street.

On the agenda will be discussion about distributing the visitor’s guide, the Xenia Area Mural Society, a review of the Mothers Day coordinated events, and coordinating promotions and events for the summer months including the July 16 Greene Trails Cycling Classic.

Want to learn how to reach the cyclists, how to get your business listed on the, or other ways to promote your business come to the meeting.

Subway essay contest for homeschoolers too

Dayton Daily News staff writer Kelli Wynn’s reported on Subway’s exclusion of home-schoolers from its current essay contest.

The contest had four purposes:

1. Get more people to buy more Subway goodies.
2. Encourage to kids to be more physically active.
3. To support local school physical education with donations.
3. Give kids an opportunity to use their communication skills for fun.

Parents like Jen Hunter of Kettering are not happy with Subway.

“Hunter said her 11-year-old son, Jonah, loves Subway and would have liked to have entered the contest called Every Sandwich Tells a Story,” wrote Wynn. Hunter called Subway and complained about the exclusionary rules.

Obviously, Subway took Hunter seriously because there is now an official Every Sandwich Tells A Story contest coming that will include home-schoolers too. Here is what Subway’s contest page for home-schoolers says:

We at SUBWAY® restaurants place a high value on education, regardless of the setting, and have initiated a number of programs and promotions aimed at educating our youth in the areas of health and fitness.

We sincerely apologize to anyone who feels excluded by our current essay contest. Our intention was to award the grand prize of $5000 in athletic equipment to a traditional school with the unfortunate knowledge that many schools are removing physical education from their curriculum. Knowing this, we would be able to impact as many children as possible with this prize.

To address the inadvertent limitation of our current contest and provide an opportunity for even more kids to have the benefit from prizing that encourages physical activity, we are creating an additional contest in which home schooled students will be encouraged to participate. When the kids win, everyone wins!