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XAMA Planning for Old Fashioned Days and More…

The Xenia Area Merchants Association (XAMA) met on Thursday March 6 at the Xenia Public Library. During the lively Events Committee meeting, they discussed how to involve the downtown area in this year’s Old Fashioned Days. A number of activities were proposed including a “battle of the banks,” battle of the bands, something involving old-fashioned bicycles, and a civil war reenactment.

Next, Ed Marrinan of the Greene County Community Foundation talked to the committee members about benefits of non-profit status and various options of incorporation. Committee members took the initial step of selecting association officers including Elizabeth Svendsen owner of Blue Jacket Books as secretary/treasurer and Alan King of Express Yourself Coffee House, Tim Sontag of Xenia Shoe & Repair, and Sonja Pershing of Oasis Café as co-chairpersons.

XAMA is progressing in other areas as well. One member presents marketing plans for member businesses. Adam Martin is working on the association’s logo and advertising plans. Elizabeth Svendsen presented a rough draft of the proposed Xenia visitor guide. The guide will list all shopping, dining, lodging, and entertainment available with each establishment identified on a map of Xenia.

The next XAMA Events Committee meeting will be held at the Oasis Cafe at 6:15 PM on Wednesday March 19 to discuss upcoming events including a “Hometown” Mothers’ Day on Saturday May 10 and to also see a short presentation by Barb Zajbel of the Xenia Chamber concerning possible urban murals. Merchants and citizens who wish to help grow their businesses and their hometown are cordially invited to attend.

Up Coming Events On March 10-11

CLOSE TIES, a family comedy/drama by Elizabeth Diggs

Personalities clash as three generations gather in the family cabin for a long summer weekend. Mothers and daughters confront forgotten dreams and romantic interests. At the center of it all is the big question of how best to take care of the elderly matriarch.

When: March 10 and 11 at 7:00 pm
Needed: 3 men, 5 women, ages 30 and above.
Show Dates: May 23, 24, 30, 31
Where: Xenia Area Community Theater
45 E. Second St. Xenia, Ohio
Auditions are cold readings.

Belgium Barco is growing in Xenia and Beyond

The Belgium-based Barco Corporation is growing business in Xenia, throughout the Dayton area, and beyond.

Barco is an international imaging technology manufacturer. The parent company is located in Belgium with a sales and manufacturing facilities is located in Xenia.

Barco reported increased net sales 9.7% and net profits 4.9% for 2007. Those figures represent net sales growth from $1.044 billion in 2006 to $1.146 billion in 2007 and growth in net profits from $423.6 million in 2006 to $444.2 million in 2007.

Barco also reported an impressive increase in earnings per share for 2007. In 2006, Barco stock was earning $4.23 per share. At the end of 2007, earnings per share was $6.79. That is an annual increase of 60.5%.

Barco Xenia specializes in the simulation and avionics market. The company’s annual report noted simulation market sales increased by 8.2%. The avionics market showed a strong growth of 12.8%. Increase in orders were driven mainly by the flight simulation and the oil & gas markets.

Barco growth benefits Xenia and Dayton area by creating new high tech markets, providing new high tech jobs, and by inspiring new business educational opportunities. Barco is a leading partner of DaytaOhio, which is housed in the Joshi Center at Wright State University. It is a world class center established to connect innovators, entrepreneurs and investors, to accelerate commercialization of data intensive technologies, and to leverage world class research, processes, and infrastructure driving new prosperity from business creation, investment and job growth in Ohio.

Ken Berta, Executive Vice President of DaytaOhio, said the following about Barco,

“We insisted on teaming up with the leading player in this field. To us, Barco is the Rolls Royce of visualization. Its broad product offering, innovative solutions and high-quality equipment
are beyond compare.

In January, Barco announced it had developed a sophisticated multi-user solution for Dayton’s Wright Brothers Institute (WBI). Utilizing the power of Barco’s network-centric iCon H600 projector, collaboratory researchers at the WBI’s Tec^Edge already use making advanced presentations and for elaborate group discussions. The Tec^Edge facility has also hosted workshops in which small groups share a week’s worth of research in a cross-comparative fashion for group feedback. The end result is an environment ripe for team-based problem-solving.

Ohio Primary Results at 11:30PM

It is 11:30 pm, and all is well. Well, it is well with those who are winning. Ulsers, heart burn, headaches, hot flashes–I have a few of those, and, God forbid, a little depression are some of the symptoms of candidates watching the other guy/gal percentages keep rising like in the Goby Desert. In case you haven’t notice the only rising of temperatures in Ohio are the temperatures of losing candidates.

According to the Secretary of State website, the current results are as follows:

Hilary Clinton is winning in 20 out of 25 districts, two of which have reported no results.

John McCain is winning 24 out of 25 districts.

The only change in results from my earlier post is in the 84th District where Robert Hackett is leading 53% to Graig Saunder 47%.

The above figures represent the results from 69.63% of all precincts. It is not likely much will change by sun up except for maybe in the hot race in the 84th district. We’ll see.

Nighty night, don’t let the bed bugs bite–or the frosty ice.

Greene County 2008 Primary Election Results

As of 10 pm, the winners in the 2008 Greene County primary are as follows:

Party Hurrah I-Win BooHoo U-Lose Hopeful Place for Tush
D Hilary Clinton 51% Barak Obama 47% Whitehouse
R John McCain 57% Mike Huckabee 36% Whitehouse
D Sharen Neuhardt 44% Bill Conner 25% U.S. House of Rep.
R Steve Austria 69% Ron Hood 25% U.S. House of Rep.
D Joseph Russo   Ohio Supreme Court
R Maureen O’Connor   Ohio Supreme Court
D Peter Sikora   Ohio Supreme Court
R Evelyn Stratton   Ohio Supreme Court
D Jeffrey Froelich   2nd Dist. Court of Appeals
R George Reynolds 73% Gary Schaengold 27% 2nd Dist. Court of Appeals
D Roger Tackett   State Senate 10th Dist.
R Chris Widener 56% W. Reed Madden 33% State Senate 10th Dist.
D Matt Nisenoff   State House 70th Dist.
R Jarrod Martin 29% Brian Lampton 21% State House 70th Dist.
D Connie Crockett   State House 84th Dist.
R Graig Saunders 59% Robert Tackett 41% State House 84th Dist.
D Eddie Baumann   Commissioner (1/2/09)
R Richard Perales   Commissioner (1/2/09)
D Jerome Sutton 51% Jeffrey Flora 49% Commissioner (1/3/09)
R Marilyn Reid 31% Robert Glaser 18% Commissioner (1/3/09)
D Mary Taylor   County Recorder
R Eric Sears 53% Mary Morris 47% County Recorder
D Corinna Grooms   County Treasurer
R James Schmidt   County Treasurer

Obama–ology 101: a political primer

An excerpt from Obama–ology- 101

Why are so many concerned with Obama as president? Hilary supporters are worried that he will win. Many Jews do not like the idea of President “Hussein” Obama. Conservative group are coming out against him as well. How could they possibly oppose a charismatic leader who wants to change the world? While making the world a great place to live, Obama promises to change Congress. He says he will make Congress work for the good of all people. (FDR did too!) If that miracle were not enough, we can expect even greater wonders. He believes he can make America one people again. What could possibly be wrong with that?

Yes, but what does the rhetoric really mean?

Read the whole thing–I mean Obama–ology- 101.

Steve Austria’s Desperate Political Sliming of Ron Hood

Who said dirty politics is reserved for lawyers and wannabe lawyers on Capitol Hill? Don’t be fooled it’s for those trying to get their too. Like his mentor, Steve Austria is mired in the muck of dirty tactics because he obviously fears Ron Hood may win.

In case you have not heard of Steve Austria or Ron Hood, these two politicians are running for the U.S. House of Representatives. Austria is the current Ohio Senate majority leader. He is a Beavercreek Ohio businessman not a lawyer like his mentor Dave Hobson, who is retiring from his career job on Capitol Hill. Remember those words. Hobson is a career politician who never wrote a law and he is Austria’s mentor.

Ron Hood also is a businessman and the son-in-law of Bill and Pam Dean. The Dean family is one of Xenia’s prominent entrepreneurs in the service sector. Hood served in the Ohio House of Representative from 1995-2000 and 2005-2006. Unlike Austria who is endorsed only by several party organizations, Hood is endorsed by a number of family associations like Family First, Moms for Ohio and Citizens for Community Values, by several gun owners associations, and by the Chamber of Commerce.

What inspired this post was a slick mailer I received yesterday from Austria. The sliming of Ron Hood advertisement says Hood voted with democrats 80% of the time. Austria’s glossy green with yellow letters oversize postcard accuses Hood of being a RINO, which means a Republican in name only. On the front and back, it says Ron Hood is a Democrat. The real interesting thing about Austria’s sliming tactic is found in the small print. That’s right, in small print Austria acknowledges his accusations are based only on 3 bills and not on Hood’s entire record. Out of the hundreds of bills Hood sponsored and the many more he voted on only House Bill 66, House Bill 23, and House Bill 160 are used as proof of Hood being an undercover liberal. I checked the huge budget bill House Bill 66. I found conservatives Dewine and Widener voting with the Democrats on a lot of legislative items too. Does that make them liberals too?

It is obvious Austria is a real political desperado willing to do any thing to win. It also shows what kind of politician he really is.

From only 3 budget bills, Austria accuses Hood of voting against legislation like cutting family income taxes, eliminating unfair business taxes, cutting government spending, creating tougher sex offender laws, giving employers of convicted felons a tax break (House Bill 160), voting for a gutted version of law to regulate strip clubs (House Bill 23). All of that and more from just 3 bills.

If we consider Hood’s entire record, it becomes apparent that he actually worked to cut taxes and government spending. Yes, he opposed Gov. Taft aggressive tax and spend policies, which mean he is guilty of voting with Democrats on those types of bills. He even had the audacity to propose or support bills to eliminate some of the bureaucracy. Austria accuses him of voting against tougher sex offender laws. Yet, Hood sponsored and voted for bills for better victim rights law as well as tougher sex offender laws. In fact, Hood worked to pass laws preventing sex offense, abortions, and anti-family policy from existing in Ohio. That is why liberals voting him out of office in 2006. What Hood did oppose and Austria favored was redundant law forcing church workers to report suspected sex abuse under penalty of law for failing to do so. I still think it was a bad law because recent studies show public school teachers are more often sexually abuse children than Catholic priests. The same studies reveal the school system protects teachers from prosecution for such crimes.

Austria also accuses Hood of supporting House Bill 160 that would gives employers of convicted felons a tax break. It is true Hood did sponsor a bill that would have given incentives to employers to hire ex-cons or “qualified reforming felons.” What is better employers employing ex-cons or ex-cons returning to crime in order to have food, shelter, and other necessities of life? At least by going back to prison, ex-cons get those necessities furnished. It would have been interesting to see how Austria would have voted had the bill passed through committee to a full vote by the General Assembly.

Austria was also attempting to slime Hood over his vote for a gutted version of law to regulate strip clubs (House Bill 23). What Austria failed to mention was that he was the one who gutted House Bill 23, according to Citizens for Community Values. What Austria did was remove bill’s operating hour restriction of 11pm, the 6 foot space between nude or semi-nude employees and patrons, and weakened the authority of townships to regulate sex clubs. Most strip clubs are in municipalities but most of the related crime occurs in townships. Thus, the bill Hood originally sponsored was showpiece for politicians like Austria to say they did something about strip club problem.

Austria’s dirty political tactic against Hood raises the ethics question. Anyone who attempts to deceive the public in such an under-handed but strategic way shows not only desperation but also questionable ethical quality. He is supposed to be pro-life and pro-family. Should we not expect at least honesty from him?

Yet, it was Austria whose ethics have been called into question by Retired Air Force Lt. Col. John Mitchel. His investigation into the BRAC deal led him to bring charges against Austria, his wife, his mentor, and others for using No Bid government contracts to launder money. Citizens should be asking the Governor and Attorney General what is being done about it. (See sources below.)

How ethical is that?

Austria also criticizes Hood for not giving any aid to families of soldiers killed in action. Austria didn’t give his own money to the fallen Col. Paul Kelly’s family he gave money given by others supporting his annual fund raiser. It seems Austria decided to donate the proceeds when he wanted the general public to see what a great guy his is supposed to be. I hope it was truly out of compassion and not for votes.

Austria’s unwarranted sliming tactic reveals Austria’s desperation to win. Like his sugar daddy mentor, he might be good for corporate business, but even that is questionable. Hobson supported the gay Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that violates every First Amendment right of business owners, who by the way are also American citizens. If Austria is like his mentor, we will not have a lawmaker but a wheeler-and-dealer of pork who just happens to vote for conservative bills and sometimes for liberal ones too–like ENDA. I suspect the reason Hobson voted for ENDA was not to eliminate discrimination but because many major corporation support the gay lobby. I doubt Austria is really any different.

Hood created and supported legislation defending strong traditional families, marriage and life. He also supported legislation to help create a business friendly state. Hood appears to be a genuine conservative lawmaker. It is Austria’s conservativism that is in question.

Sources for Lt. Col. John Mitchel Charges:

Lt. Col. John Mitchel , Letter to Ohio’s Legal Officials 09 November 2007.

Jeff, OH-07: Austria (R) Called Co-Conspirator in Corrupt Steering of No-Bid Contracts, Ohio Daily Blog 16 January 2008.

Ret. Lt. Col. John Mitchel, Who will guard the guards?, 13 February 2008.

Fallen Heroes: Army Col. Paul M. Kelly, Fallen Heroes Weblog 20 January 2007.

Aaron Keith Harris, Austria donates proceeds from fundraiser to family of fallen soldier, Xenia Daily Gazette 20 July 2007.

Up Coming Events On March 3

Hi everybody….

There will be a Xenia Rail & Art Fest meeting Monday March 3 at 4:30 PM at the X-act building on Second St. We need all people to attend if possible so we can get things started for this year. We will be working on a budget as well as a sponsors list.
If you have any names of vendors with great items that you thing would sell and fits our needs and requirements, bring that info.
We hope to keep the meeting as short as possible but get a lot done.
Orion Monroe is heading up the Fest this year but I will be helping him.
See you Monday…
Dick Strous..

Up Coming Events On March 1

From Xenia Express Yourself Cofffee Gallery

Jazz Night at The Cavern

Saturday Mar 1 the Central State Jazz Ensemble will be performing again at The Cavern, located in the cellar of Express Yourself Coffeehouse Gallery in downtown Xenia. Their January performance was so well received by the audience that they have been invited back for an encore show. Come enjoy some real “coffeehouse” ambience and some cool jazz at 8 PM. Seating is limited, so arrive early and get your espresso drinks upstairs before the show. Admission is $5 Express Yourself is located at 78 E. Main St. just one block from the Greene Co. Courthouse. For more information phone (937) 372-7446.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

Don’t miss this uproariously funny farce which attempts to deliver all of the Bard’s works in a single slapstick performance by three manic men in tights and askew wigs. Xenia Area Community Theater is hosting this fun fest at the Xenia Adult Recreation and Services Center (Senior Center) on E. Church St across from the Xenia YMCA on Saturday Mar 1 and Fri and Sat, Mar 7 & 8. Be prepared to laugh out loud and perhaps be drawn onstage as these maniacs give their whirlwind interpretation of these classics in a whole new way. Show begins at 7:30 and admission for limited seating is $12 for general admission and $10 for seniors, students, and X*ACT members. For reservations or information call (937) 372-0516 or visit

Future of Xenia Under One Roof?

The Xenia Community Schools Under One Roof (UOR) plan is an exciting new innovative concept. A campus combining existing community organizations like the YMCA, Senior Citizens Center, hospital, Athletes in Actions, and others sharing costs and resources is popular and unproven. For example, a hospital serves people from outside the community as well as local residents. Connected facilities increase the potential for our youth to be targets of unsuspected criminals. A previous writer raised concerns about post-9-11 requirements for enhanced security and UOR increases that need even more. The UOR model like the Lake Local School High School in Union Ohio is too new to know what problems may or may not occur with great confidence. It is also not likely those that already have occurred will be advertised.

Another issue that needs to be raised is why should high school students alone benefit from the UOR plan? Why not junior high and elementary students? I understand why only senior high students would benefit from a hospital-based medical training facility. An on-campus hospital would provide beneficial services to both athletes and the elderly. That’s all good, but shouldn’t other Xenia students also benefit from the YMCA, Athletes in Action, medical services, potential interaction the elderly, and from similar affiliations?

For the some reasons pro and con, go here.