Category Archives: Bible

“We Hold These Truths” – Americans Have Wandered Out of History, Part I

“My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. You [leaders] have rejected knowledge. You have forgotten the law of your God…. Yet, let no one find fault, and let none offer reproof.” (Hos. 4:6, 4)

by Rev. Nate Atwood

Americans have wandered out of history . . . . We are overwhelmed by the instant moment headlined in this morning’s newspaper and flashed on this hour’s telecast. As a result, we can’t see the whole real world around us. We don’t see the actual conditions of our long-lived body national. . . . In a word, we have lost our sense of history. In our schools the story of our nation has been replaced by “social studies”—which is the story of what ails us. Neither our classroom lessons nor our sermons nor our books are any longer strong ties to our past.”

This is a penetrating observation made by the respected historian Dr. Daniel Boorstein in a 1970 Newsweek article. And if it was true in 1970, then how much more is it true today? After all, Dr. Boorstein made his comments before we had cable TV and the Internet.

History is important. In fact, the study of history is not only important, it is a deeply Biblical value. Dr. Charles Wolfe, a Christian historian and man who worked closely with Dr. D. James Kennedy, commented that the Bible was simply a nation recording her own history and God’s work in that history. Each succeeding generation was taught the story of Israel and what God did to birth and preserve their nation. In other words, the Bible sanctions the study of history in the
deepest possible terms.

It is reported that Adolph Hitler once said that he who controls the writing of a nation’s history controls the nation. Thus, Hitler revised German history and deliberately changed the original principles of Germany to a set of principles that permitted him to embark on a course of world domination. Controlling German education for roughly ten years, he raised a new generation of “Hitler Youth” who were propagandized by Hitler’s historical revisionism. It wasn’t Lutheran
Germany that practiced genocide and pursued satanic policies. It was a new Germany built on Hitler’s historical revisionism and theology of the Third Reich. Lenin and Stalin did the same for Russia.

Most adults are like me. We’re bad history students. We really don’t know the story of America and today’s students don’t know it either. Their greatest weakness is in their knowledge of the periods that may be most important, the Colonial and Federal periods, when the nation first achieved its unique identity.

Americans have wandered out of history. We know far more about the Washington Red-skins than we do General Washington; we know more about Elizabeth Smart than we do John and Abigail Adams. We live in the present and oftentimes we live in the trivial.

Let’s do something Biblical. Let’s remember our history. And let’s remember the part God had to play in it. As the Jews were careful to tell the story of their nation and God’s acts in that story, let’s not only tell the children the story of the Bible, let’s tell our children the story of America. And let’s do it not for selfish purposes of American pride or because we want to protect our standard of living. Let’s do it because we love truth. Let’s do it because the original vision of America was to build a country on the enduring values of Scripture so that she would be a testimony to the world that Scripture works. Let’s do it because there is a profound connection between human freedom and human dignity—both of which matter to God. Let’s do it to preserve this nation for our children and grandchildren. And let’s do it because a free nation provides the best environment in which to spread our faith in Christ both among our fellow citizens and throughout the world.

Let’s talk about the Declaration of Independence and the role Scripture had to play in its writing. Indeed, if we Americans have wandered out of history, let’s wander back into it.

(Part II, on the scriptural basis of the Declaration next week)

Reverend Nate Atwood has been in the ministry for sixteen years as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church. He has been Senior Pastor at Kempsville Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, since Palm Sunday, 1999.

Sabbath Discussion : National debt and divine justice

By Daniel Downs

The national debt was $10.6 trillion. According to Rep. Steve Austria, the national debt will increase another $1.1 trillion as a result of recent stimulus-bailout legislation. If we add the previous $800 billion bank bailout legislation, a more accurate figure is $2 trillion raising the national debt to $12.5 trillion. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) reports that foreign ownership of the national debt was around 30 percent. But at the beginning of the year, it increased to over 50 percent. If that were not bad enough, the Congressional Budget Office reports that Congress will spend $1.2 trillion more than it will receive this year. Again, if we add the recent stimulus bill, the numbers climb to over $1.7 trillion more than last year and all of it on credit. The U.S. government not only owes around $6 trillion to foreigners, the two largest creditors being Japan and communist China, but Congress intends to spend $2.1 trillion more than it can repay. When we compare the national debt to the total national economic productivity or Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is estimated at a little over $14 trillion, it becomes apparent that politicians assume they have right to spend nearly all of the people’s wealth on credit.

Sadly, America is a debtor nation. As we will see, this type of compulsive spending for the cause of secular, socialist, and global agendas is a curse of divine justice. The following then is what the penmen of God had to say about this matter.

One of the more pertinent illuminations of ancient wisdom comes from the writer of Proverbs, who many scholars believe King Solomon was its author. King Solomon wrote:

Do not be among those who become guarantors of debt. (Pro. 22:26)

The federal government is a guarantor of student loans, bank loans, business loans, mortgage loans, loans to foreign governments, and other types of loans. For decades, the federal government has been bailing out bank and Wall Street because of bad lending practices to corporations and foreign governments. It is part of the purpose of the Federal Reserve, federal deposit insurance, and federal loan guarantee programs. Taxpayers have been footing the bill without even realizing it. Maybe now it will be understood that working taxpaying Americans are ultimate bailing out all these rotten practices for the benefit of those in power. As Austria has pointed out, the average Joe or Juanita benefits little. It should be apparent that profit over people is not working well for most Americans.

It is important to note that the Hebrew word used for debt in the above verse refers to interest bearing loans. In the modern vernacular, the proverb could be rewritten thus: “Do not be among those who guarantee interest bearing bank or payday loans for anyone.”

The law of Israel prohibited loans with interest. At the same time, the law also required society to give loans to the needy or poor. According to the laws governing credit and debt, all outstanding loans to fellow citizens had to be canceled every seven years. Only loans to foreign nations or foreign individuals were exempt from God’s law of debt forgiveness. (Ex. 22:25; Deut. 16:1-11)

If the covenant people were faithful to covenantal law, God promised a specific kind of blessing: they would become creditor to the world but not a debtor. However, if they did not follow God’s law, the Jewish nation was promised judgment. One aspect of the promised judgment was that they would become debtors and foreigners would consume their productivity. (Deut. 28:44, 33, 38)

Right now, foreigners either through financial debt or through an on-going international trade imbalance consume over 50 percent of economic productivity of Americans. By importing more foreign goods and services than exported, more of working America’s wealth goes to foreigners. What America exports more than it imports is military related goods and services. Yet, that too is more allusion than reality. For example, Congress gives Israel $2 billion in aid for the purpose of Israel using most, if not all, of it to purchase military equipment like airplanes from American companies like Lockheed. That $2 billion is part of the public debt borrowed to fulfill the aforementioned allusion. It is taxpayers funding the purchase of weaponry for the sole benefit of only a few Americans.

Another voice of ancient wisdom and enlightenment was the priestly prophet Isaiah. During an earlier stage of his preaching for God, what appears to have been a message addressed to the whole world is recorded in chapter 24 of the book by his name. The following are a few excerpts relevant to our discussion:

“Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants. And the people will be like the priest, the servant like his master, the maid like her mistress, the buyer like the seller, the lender like the borrower, the creditor like the debtor. The earth will be completely laid waste and completely despoiled, for the Lord has spoken this word…. The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgress laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth and those who live in it are held guilty…. So it will happen in that day, that the Lord will punish the host of heaven on high, and the kings of the earth on earth.” (Isa. 24:1-3, 5-6a, 21)

Isaiah probably had in mind the law of credit and debt when he wrote that God was going to waste the earth and cause it to be despoiled. (24:3) This divine punishment will be the result all inhabitants polluting the earth. The earth becomes corrupted because of the perpetual violations of the eternal covenant and its laws. (v. 4) Because all people are as guilty as the next guy, all would experience what God means by making the earth completely laid waste. (v5) The peculiar result is stated by the prophet this way: “The buyer will be like the seller, the lender will be like the borrower, and the creditor will be like the debtor.” (v 2)

Many scholars, Jewish and Christian, claim the eternal covenant refers only to the 663 laws written in the books of Moses or Torah. This is not the case. The eternal covenant began with Adam and his sons. It was perpetuated through Noah, later though Abraham, expanded to a national model of society through Moses and Israel, expanded again with the priesthood and the royal bloodline of David, and more fully completed through Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples. The moral law of the eternal covenant is still in effect today just as it was when most of the laws of the American colonies and later the states and the nation conformed to it.

What makes the prophecy of Isaiah so interesting is the fact that it has been happening in our lifetime. For example, most workers today produce goods and services that they or others within their companies sell. All workers in turn buy things they want or need from other sellers. Seller and buyer are virtually the same.

Okay, it could be rightly argued that it has always been the case since ancient times. Not so with banking, which didn’t exist universally? In banking, depositors lend their money to banks often believing that they will earn more money through interest. This belief is erroneous because banks only pay interest rates near the inflation rate. Bank CDs pay little over the inflation rate as well. Therefore, banks only allow depositors to keep the same value of their original loans also called deposits. Banks take the depositors loans and lend to borrowers at higher interest rates in order to make a profit. Depositors are very kind people because they lend money to needy bankers so that they can earn a living without having to do much strenuous labor.

We can apply the same to the national debt. Taxpayers hold the gigantic public debt in the federal government who lends to as well as borrows from the American people and from foreigners. Government borrows by exchanging paper bonds of specified value for money of equal value with a promise to repay at set interest rate, which rate is usually a little more and sometimes less than the inflation rate. As with depositing wealth in federal banks, lending wealth to the government is not very profitable, especially for individuals. It is an allusion because the feds inflationary program consumes any real profit. The actual beneficiaries are institutions of government and corporations. (By the way, Federal Reserve Banks, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac are unconstitutional and illegal corporations, and so are any other institutions incorporated by the federal government. The records of the Constitutional conventions prove it. Their existences are monuments to criminal acts against the Supreme Law of the Land.)

Another golden nugget of ancient enlightenment reveals the likely outcome of unethical and lawless financial acts against God’s eternal covenant. As it was written by the author of Proverbs:

“The borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” (22:7)

To whom then is the America enslaved? Is the imperial government enslaved to both the global agenda of its politicians as well as to foreigners? Are we the people really free? Are we not more like indentured servants to a corrupt government, corporate powers, and foreigners? Consider that foreigners now own a significant percentage of all industries and physical capital. Moreover, federal and state governments have seriously considered leasing our highways to foreigners to fund their transportation departments.

Isaiah 24 also sheds light on Revelation 13. When the beast or anti-Christ arises, he will gain control over the global economy. When this global dictator does, all–both buyer and seller–will become truly equal. They both will be subservient to him. None will they be able to buy or sell without giving allegiance to this dictator and his politics of change. Here is secular egalitarianism at its worst.

This is the end result of a globalized economy regulated by a unified world government fostered by world socialists on Capitol Hill, in state government, corporations, and universities of America. It is part of the divine judgment and the eventual end to their grand schemes whether called secularism or socialism or globalism or democracy.

As depicted by Isaiah 24, the eternal covenant will still stand after they have perished from the earth.

Sabbath Discussions : Some reasons for supporting Israel

Rev. Robert Johnessee of the Friends of Israel visited Xenia tonight. Because I was at the hospital with my parent, I didn’t attend. If anyone did, feel free to tell us what Johnessee has to say.

Thinking about why should Christians be a friend to Israel, here are a few thoughts:

Jesus Christ is a Jew.
Jesus was born and raised in Israel.
Jesus worked and fulfilled his ministry in Israel.
Jesus was betrayed by his brethren in Israel.
Jesus was crucified by gentiles in Israel.
Jesus was buried in a family tomb in Israel.
Jesus was raised from the dead in Israel.
Jesus commissioned his disciples in Israel.
Jesus ascended to the throne of God from Israel.
Jesus, a Jew, was made Lord of all by God.
Jesus will return to Jerusalem Israel establish
   God’s kingdom on earth.

Jesus said, he came to fulfill the law of God not abolish it.
The law of God was revealed to and through Israel to the world.
Another Jew, Paul, affirmed this in his letters to the churches.
Jesus’ death fulfilled the law of atonement for humanity’s
   moral crimes.
For God to honor it, Jesus would have been as sinless as any    animal sacrificed on the altar in the Second Temple.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by freeing people from sinful bondages.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by sanctifying those freed.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by enabling those freed to live    according to His moral law.
God honors Jesus’ sacrifice by admitting them in his kingdom.

God made Jesus the ruling authority over the universe.
Jesus is Lord over God’s kingdom of which Christians are a part.
Jesus presides over the redemptive justice of God.
Jesus will administer the final judgments of God.
Jesus will govern the world with God when the kingdoms of this    world fully become the kingdoms of God, which will make a reality    when he returns.
Jesus’ global governance will occur under God’s global reign from    Jerusalem, Israel.
That is why the rulers of the earth should worship the God do    homage to His son. (Ps. 2)

All of God’s plans and promises will be completed including the full    restoration of Israel.
Christians experience the blessing of Abraham because the law and    the redeemer came through Israel.
Israel is central to God’s global plans.

Sabbath Discussions : What is the mark of the Beast in Revelation, the Book

By Daniel Downs

Now that our government’s latest effort to raise taxes is over, I want to resume my discussion of Revelation. I guess here discussion means with a conversation with myself. Nevertheless, it’s my hope and prayer that those who read these posts will benefit from my mental brain storms–as it were.

Oh, yes, lest I forget; I don’t actually believe these discussions will help any pastor long in the ministry understand Revelation any more than I think such students of the Bible are confused by Revelation. If the one I referred to in my first post was serious, I ask for your fervent prayer on his behalf.

Now, that’s off my chest; let’s consider what the mark of the Beast is as described in Revelation chapter 13:16-18.

Based on current technological developments, prophecy teachers tell us that the mark is probably a microcomputer chip. These chips are already being used in GIS technology. They are being implanted in pets, livestock, and in human newborns. Linked to satellites, devices, animals, or people with embedded microchips can be tracked to within a few feet anywhere in the world. If linked to supercomputers where our government, medical, and financial records are stored, big brother can know anything about our every activity including all of our financial transactions. With traffic and other surveillance cameras going up in every place imaginable, big brother as envisioned by George Orwell in his novel 1984 will soon be a reality. All that will be needed is a paranoid socialist dictator reigning over the world.

As mentioned in Revelation 13:18, the mark is a number representing the dictatorial beast. It is also pointed out by prophecy experts that in the future embedded chips will most likely possess the beast’s number or code to screen non-members of his global anti-religion club, which is another reason to suspect this beast will be a good socialist or secularist. Membership in this end time global anti-god club is voluntary. It is truly egalitarian. Its membership consists of rich and poor, famous and infamous, slaves and free citizens from all nationalities of the world. (13:16) Thus, under this tyrannical socialist dictator, racial prejudice is a thing of the past. The final bigotry of humanity to be eradicated is god-fearing haters of greed, oppression, immorality, falsehood, and the like. Consequently, those who refuse to join the club will likely loose their lives here on terra firma. (13:15)

One of the beautiful things about having everyone in the world embedded with a traceable microchip is how much greater the convenience in conducting financial transactions like buying and selling. Instead of wasting time getting paper and credit cards out of your pockets, billfold, or purse, all members of the global anti-god club will have to do is pass their hand or forehead past a scanner. It will be very similar to moving bar coded merchandise over scanners at most retailers today. Again, most non-members will not have to worry about this change because most will not be alive.

It’s true; socialist-secularism does not bode well for dissenters. History proves that much.

If we dig a little deeper (and here I’m not referring to a grave), we will find a few more valuable nuggets of knowledge. In the prophecies of Ezekiel, God sends an angel to mark the people on their forehead who were burdened by the evils done in Israel. (Ezek. 9:1-4). Concerning the rest, God ordered them to be killed. (9:5-8) Why? Divine justice demands unrelenting crime to be abolished. Those whose foreheads were marked for protection demonstrated their moral and emotional fidelity to the covenantal law of God. They choose not be become callous and numb to evil because of its acceptance and prevalence. They choose to suffer the pains of self-discipline and fidelity instead. That this is about a mental determination on the part of the marked and unmarked is further supported by God’s instruction to Ezekiel at the beginning of his calling:

“Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak My words to them. For you are not being sent to a people of unintelligible speech or difficult language … whose words you cannot understand. But, I have sent you to them who should listen to you; yet the house of Israel will not listen to you, since they are not willing to listen to Me. Surely the whole house of Israel is stubborn and obstinate. Behold, I have made your face as hard as their faces and your forehead as hard as their foreheads…. Do not be afraid of them or be dismayed before them, though they are a rebellious house.” (2:4-9)

The same moral fidelity is also represented by the 144,000 undefiled Jewish bondservants whose foreheads are seal in chapter 7 of Revelation.

Here in chapter 13, the opposite is the case. Those whose foreheads are sealed with the mark of the latest and greatest dictator are as immoral, unfaithful, and anti-Christ as the he is. The famous mark, 666, thus symbolizes the trinity of modern secularism consisting of statism, humanism and socialism. This modern secular trinity is the allegiance of Satan disguised as the worship of humanity and self. It reflects the taboo of secularism and naturalism that claims god-is-dead or never existed while making the state the almighty and humanistic science its religion. This is similar to the Roman faithful making Caesar a god and building the temple of Caesar in Pergamum. Jesus assures us that this is where Satan seat of power or governance was located. (Rev. 3:13)

Jesus said, “Your heart is where your treasure is.” (Mat. 6:21) I think I remember a preacher once saying during an offertory that it is where your allegiance is as well. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a preacher taking an offering, but it applies nonetheless. Our fidelity to the covenantal law of faith in Jesus Christ is why the Spirit of God seals our foreheads as a token assurance of eternal life in God’s kingdom. (2 Cor. 1:22; Eph.1:31-14; Eph. 4:30)

Our mind and emotions cannot be disconnected from our eternal spirit.

According to the Apostle Paul, we are to …

“live no longer as the Gentiles live, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. But you did not learn Christ in this way, if indeed you have heard of Him and have been taught in Him, just as the truth is in Jesus, that in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness and truth.” (Eph. 4:17-24)

Sabbath Discussions : Revelation on Sexual Politics (the Book)

Have you heard? January is sanctity of life month. Americans and their churches not only give honor to the gift of life but thy also remember the continuing war against it. The right to life is unalienable not because Jefferson wrote it nor because our nation was founded on natural law. The right to life is unalienable because it is a gift of God. The newest commander in the war against that God-given right is President Obama.

The question to be answered in this post is do presidents, legislators, lawyers, or judges have any right to presume to make law that violate the unalienable right to life. The right to life surely means the right to be born, the right to grow up unmolested or harmed, the right to a morally good family and society, the right to live the best possible life on this earth, and the right to eternal life as God’s redemptive justice permits.

As I was studying Revelation, I realized that Jesus did say something about the issue of abortion, homosexuality, and other issues related to modern sexual politics. This led me to the answer that begins with Jesus’ addresses to seven churches in Asia Minor.

Jesus praises his citizens for their work and faithfulness, and he also pointed out their problems that required correction. He concluded his address by pointing to the reward for overcoming the issues at hand. Jesus rebuked two of the seven churches for sex related problems. He also praised one for their like-minded hatred of teaching and practices that the others should have opposed as well.

Here is what Jesus told John to write to the church at Pergamum:

“I have a few things against you, because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit immorality. So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Therefore, repent; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will war against them with the sword of my mouth.” (Rev. 2:14-16)

The great mystery of this passage is who the Nicolaitans were. Little historical information about them seems to exist. However, who they were is not as important than what they promoted and practiced. Jesus refers to an account recorded in Number chapters 22-25. Here Jesus tells that it was Balaam who was responsible for the Israelites violating God covenant law. As Balaam encouraged Israelites to commit immorality, so the Nicolaitans taught the church it was okay to do likewise.

Before answering. the question what exactly does Jesus mean by immorality, consider what he said to the church at Thyatira:

“I have this against you, that you tolerate the women Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads my bond-servants astray so that they commit immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to repent of her immorality. Behold, I will throw her on a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. And I will kill her children with pestilence, and all the churches will know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts, and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds.” (Rev. 2:21-23)

Did you notice the similarities in the two addresses? The issue at hand is leaders who teach God’s people to believe it is okay to practice immorality. As James wrote: “Each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust is conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” (Jas. 1:14-15) Just like Adam and Eve in the Eden’s garden of purity, the people of God were being taught by tempters in the service of the arch-deceiver. (Gen 3) Whereas the arch-deceiver comes to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus came so that we could have abundant life forever. (Jo. 10:10,28; 8:44)

That is why Jesus praised the church at Ephesus. He said, “This you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.” (Rev. 2:6) Like Jezebel, one of their likely leaders, the Nicolaitans promoted and practiced what Jesus Christ hates.

So then what does Jesus mean by immorality? It is any sexual misconduct or sin. That is the short definition.

Jesus hates immorality just as God the Father hates it. This is codified in the covenantal laws recorded in the Torah. It is alluded to by the prophets in their call to Israel to repent of their covenantal infidelity and of their immorality. It is also an issue addressed by the other apostles to the early church.

In Deuteronomy, Moses tells the Jews who were about to enter the promised land that they were not to behave toward the Lord the way the Canaanites had for centuries. They did for their gods every abominable act which the Lord hates. They even killed their children to appease their god. (De. 12:31)

This same abomination is mentioned in Leviticus. It is this priestly book of law that we get a more detailed idea about Moses meant by abominable. Summarizing Leviticus chapter 18, a list of abominable include the following: Continue reading

Sabbath Discussions : On the most outrageous statement in Revelation (the book)

One of the most outrageous statements penned by the writer of Revelation is this:

Jesus Christ … the ruler of the kings of the earth. (Rev. 1:5)

How could John claim that Jesus was the ruler over the vicious Christian murdering Roman king Domitian? Show me any other king in the world who came to the aid of persecuted Christians before Emperor Constantine. I don’t know of any king today who appears to be ruled by Jesus either. Surely, the collective Emperor called the U.S. Congress does not follow the rule of Jesus Christ.

Do you doubt that Congress is king of a kingdom? Several years ago when new Congress was being sworn into office I caught the last part of the speech and prayer of the high ranking military chaplain, a black general, who was officiating over the ceremony. He instructed Congress to rule the kingdom they were inheriting well. There also seems to be a consensus among political analysts, economists, historians, theologians, journalists, and other scholars that America has achieved the status ruler over a global empire, and most regard it as an economic one. Some historians have shown how similar our federal government is to the Roman Empire at its terrible apex. Satan gave Jesus the tempting opportunity to rule over both the Roman Empire and all other earthly kingdoms as well. (Mt. 4 and Lk. 4)

Back to my question–how then could John make such an outrageous statement? Unless he saw Christians reigning with Jesus after the yet to occur resurrection, he could not be referring to Christ’s faithful followers. The world experienced what Christian rule was like. In the end, the Church ruling empire was not very Christ-like, just ask Martin Luther, John Calvin, or any of the dearly beheaded.

John may have meant that when Jesus returns he will reign over the kings of the earth. This would conform to the Hebrew prophets, the gospels, epistles, and Revelation 11:15-19.

However, I believe John is making a literal declaration not merely a prophetic one, which is supported by the gospels and epistles as well.

For Jesus to rule of the kings of the earth, Satan would have to loose his right and authority to do so. Jesus never disputed Satan’s right or authority to give him authority over all the kingdoms of the earth. (Mt. 4; Lk. 4) In fact, Jesus acknowledges the rule of Satan over the world. (Jo. 14:30; 12:31) The apostle Paul also acknowledged this rule. (Eph. 2:1-2) The thing to notice is this: Satan’s rule over the earth was from heaven, but he was thrown out of heaven to the earth. (Rev. 12:7-11; Jo. 12:31) The mission of Jesus was not just to restore willing humans the benevolent rule and kingdom of God. His mission also was to destroy Satan’s works and end his right to rule over repentant humanity. (1 Jo. 3:8; Heb. 2:14) Jesus accomplished the first by dying to satisfy justice fully for our moral crimes against God’s law. Having paid that price, he accomplished the second when God raised from the dead and gave him all of the authority both in heaven and on earth (Mt. 28:18). Paul describes this best in his letter to the Colossians:

For [God] rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins…. When [Jesus] had disarmed the rulers and authorities, he made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through [God]. (Col. 1:13; 2:15)

Everyone throughout the Roman Empire would have understood Paul’s meaning. It was common practice by the Roman generals to parade before all leaders and citizens of Rome the kings and leaders of conquered peoples and nations. All who read or heard Paul’s words understood that Jesus not only defeated his enemies but that he and heaven celebrated Satan’s and his followers humiliating defeat.

According to Peter, Jesus could not ascend to the throne of God until after angels, authorities, and powers had been subjected to him. (1 Pe. 3:22)

This may explain why Jesus appeared off- and-on to the disciples for forty days before his ascension. (Ac. 1:3, 9-11)

Paul further explains that after his resurrection, Jesus, the firstborn of all creation, created anew all spiritual and physical positions of authority and their powers. (Col. 1:16) This means no matter how many may rebel against the order and authority of Jesus’ rule the world will in the end bow to his world order. (Php. 2:9-11)

Though Jesus has authority over all powers as well as over all flesh (Jo. 17:2), but not all spirits or humans intend to submit to the kingly rule of Jesus Christ. The republican form of constitutional democracy may very well have reflected the rule of Lord Jesus. It certainly was shaped and informed by biblical principles. The noble idea of a nation that shines the biblical based light of law and freedom may have inspired many peoples; but,today, national and global trends indicate a determination not toward a messianic world but rather toward the kind worthy of judgment as previewed in Revelation.

The new types of ruler and kings of the earth cannot win by opposing the biblical reign of God’s risen Messiah. They certainly will never create a world of peace, justice, and prosperity for all by following the model of Rome or Satan. As any ruler worthy of the title, Jesus will have the last word concerning all of their schemes and plans.

Jesus died so that all of us could have an abundant life in good standing with the Supreme Judge of the world. Therefore, he is adamantly opposed to the abundance of choices for death, immorality, and injustice–social, economic, or any other kind. The wisest choice would be for a culture oriented to life, which is by definition messianic, and Jesus–a Jew–still agrees even after 2,000 years.

Sabbath Discussions : On Revelation, the Book 2

Today, I was not absent in body but I was also there in mind and spirit. Some might say I was not all there are usual. Nevertheless, Pastor John preached on that wonderfully depressing book entitled “Ecclesiastes.” You know the one that says your life is meaningless dust and all of your accomplishments are insignificant chaff in the wind. Fortunately, Pastor John is a very good communicator of God’s word, which means his message was great and his punch line superb. My meager attempt to summarize his message is this: If nature reclaims everything, what’s the point of all of the stuff accumulated over the years? What’s the point of all the hard work and the grand or not so grand accomplishments? Most likely all of it will return to dust and be forgotten. His superb punch line goes something like this: Stuff is temporal but people are forever. A good meaningful life now and for eternity is achieved only through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. In other words, a life of endless enjoyment first experienced by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden will one day be restored by Jesus Christ. That is the counter-point to the bleak reality portrayed in Ecclesiastes. (By the way, the garden may be located in Jerusalem.)

Although Pastor John’s message on Ecclesiastes was certainly inspiring, I think I will avoid delving into the dark mental space of the wise son of King David. Instead, I want to continue with last week’s discussion about the often confusing and image rich book of Revelation.

John, who wrote down this prophetic panorama of our future, was only one of at least seven persons who collaborated on the publication of Revelation. God was the primary source and Jesus was the divine intermediary showing John what would occur in human history. There were others. For example, Jesus’ angel, other angels, and ruling elders assisted Jesus in showing what God wants all of us to know and understand.

One of the things God’s want us all to comprehend is the benefits of this prophecy. Unlike many books of the Bible, there are specifically stated benefits in reading, hearing, remembering, doing, and living the content of God’s revelation through Jesus the Messiah. John states it this way:

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things that are written in it; for the time is near. (Rev. 1:3)

As mentioned last week, the time is near but how near is a matter of perspective. One day is as a thousand year and a thousand years is as one day to God. Adding to this perspective is the phrase often used by Jesus during his earthly ministry: The kingdom of God is at hand (or near). The eternal kingdom of God is as near as the ever present Spirit of God, and yet it seems too many that God is usually remote. Jesus, however, meant that because those who saw and heard what God had specially directed him to say and do they were also under a directive of God whose presence and rule had approached them. Also implied was the promise of God’s coming reign over Israel and world was approaching. It was time for its fulfillment. Like the Jews during Jesus earthly days, all of us are confronted by the revelation of Jesus with a decision whether to enter the kingdom rule of God and His Son Jesus. As the Psalmist sang,

The rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against His
Anointed, saying, “Let us tear their
fetters apart and cast away there
bands from us!”

The Lord scoffs at them, saying,
“But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My Holy mountain.”
[And to His King,] You are My Son,
Today I have begotten you.”
Now therefore, worship the Lord with
reverence and … do homage to the Son….
(Ps. 2:2-4, 6, 7, 12)

In other words, the kingdom is still at hand and the time is even nearer than before. In order to benefit from entering God’s kingdom now under the lordship of Jesus, you must first know the laws of the kingdom, maintain good relations with the King, and continue doing God’s will, but I’m getting ahead of the subject at hand.

The benefits promised to those who read, hear, heed the words of Revelation are unique. You will find them listed in the messages to the 7 churches, in the rewards for overcoming mentioned in 6: 9-17; 7:9-8:5 (and beyond); 14:12-17; 20:4; 20:11-15; and 21-22. The key to overcoming is seen in chapter 12 and verse 11, which states:

They overcame … because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their love their loves even when faced with death.

In the Bible, blessed does not necessarily mean everything will be hunky dory. In the Sermon on the Mount, happy and blessed are synonyms for the same Greek word. (Mat. 5-7) Yet happy and blessed does not necessary mean happy, prosperous, tranquil, or life without problems. In most cases, blessed means the state of a right relationship with God in the present through past obedience to His laws and justice that will ultimate lead to future good including love, peace, joy, righteousness, wholeness, and prosperity for all eternity. Momentary pain, problems, or lack does not reflect on the present state of blessedness in the kingdom of Christ and God. This is even clearer in Luke’s gospel (6:20-46).

Some other scriptures that help clarify the meaning of the blessed life are Lk. 12:43; Jas. 1:12; Mat. 16:17; Rom. 4:8; Rev. 16:15. In these verses, we find a slave will be blessed (and not condemned) when his master returns from a trip and finds him doing what the master wanted. According to James, blessed is every man who perseveres under trial. Such trials prove one’s faith. Once approved, that man will receive the crown of life as promised by the Lord. A person is blessed while going through struggles with overcoming as the end goal. Remaining faithful to God is what overcoming means.

There are other aspects of the blessed state. For example, Paul declared a man blessed whose sins (moral crimes) are not held against him (Rom. 4:8). James also taught that the man who lives according to the perfect law of liberty of God is blessed (Jas.1:25). Simon Peter was blessed because God had revealed to him that Jesus was His Son, the Anointed One (Mat. 16:17). God wants the same for all people.

Here is a real puzzle: “Behold, I am coming like a thief in the night. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and others see his or her shame.” (Rev. 16:15)

Does this mean we must always go to bed with our clothes on lest Jesus returns and everyone see us naked? I think this refers to what Paul taught us and that was to put on the likeness of Christ like a garment. (Rom. 13:14; Eph. 4:20-24; Col. 3:10). This is the white garment mentioned in Revelation.

So, how do we obtain the benefits promised in Revelation?

  1. &nbsp: Read the book. What is written is meant to be understood. Like the Jews who read the book of the God’s law every Sabbath, they still did not understand God’s intentions and plan, according to Paul (2 Cor. 3:15; Ac.13:27; 15:27)
  2.   Understand the book. Hear it words. Listen to the voice of God. Understanding is a gift of the Spirit of God (1 Jo. 2:20-21). Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom.10:17). The just shall live by faith (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). Righteousness is the fruit of faith in Jesus Christ.
  3.   Heed or keep remembering and living the God-given directives of this prophecy. This is what Jesus meant when he told his disciples that they must remain in the vine (Jo. 15:1-6). “If my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (Jo. 15:7). Why? Because it means those who do keep God’s commandments and the faith and testimony of Jesus. (Jo. 15:10; Rev. 14:12; 12:17)

Sabbath Discussions: On Revelation, the Book

Although absent in body, I was present at church both in spirit and in mind. Thank God for the gift of radio. The preacher to whom I was listening made to me an astounding confession: He found the book of Revelation confusing.

I usually enjoy a challenge and for this one I’m prepared. I have been studying the book of Revelation for over a year.

A wise person years ago told me that the best way to start something is at the beginning. This is the place at which I begin my discussion of this image and allusion rich book of prophecy.

A good way to begin a discussion about a book is about its author: who is the author of Revelation and what was his purpose? This book was a collaborative effort of no less than 7 persons. The collaborative group of authors introduced in the very first sentence:

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and he sent and communicated it by his angel to his bond-servant John. (Rev. 1:1)

The above text shows us that God is the primary source of this fascinating revelation. He gave it to Jesus who sent his angel to communicate it to John who in turn wrote it down.

Anyone familiar with the gospel of John has already recognized the excitement of John about receiving this prophecy. John was excited because receiving this revelation was affirmation that Jesus’ promises were still true. Jesus gave John and the other disciples a promise that would occur after his death and resurrection. Here is the promise:

When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. (Jo. 16:13)

If you read on, you will discover that Jesus explains that God gave him all things and because of this, the Spirit would take what was his and disclose it to them. (Jo. 16:15) That is what John was describing in his introduction.

You may be wondering about the other collaborators not mentioned above. Who are the other three? In addition to God, Jesus, and his angel, the Spirit of God is a fifth. It was the Spirit that enabled John to pass beyond the vale of the flesh into the realm of heaven and the future. (Rev. 1:10; 4:1-2) It is apparent that being in the Spirit does not always result in glossolalia (speaking in tongues 🙂

Another collaborator in the publication of this book is one of the 24 ruling elders who basically tells John to whining about the sealed book. (Rev. 5:4-5)

There also seems to be another angel who instructs John. This angels angel first instructs him about one of the beasts and a harlot who rides it (Rev. 17; 19:10) and later shows John the bride of Christ, the heavenly city, and the tree of life (Rev. 21-22). If this is meant to be two separate angels, then the consistent numerological symbol 7 ceased. I think it more probable that John could not tell the difference between the different angels. Consequently, the last angel was most likely the same as the previous, which again would fit the use of 7 in this Revelation of biblical allusions and symbolism.

The purpose of this collaborative work is indicated in the first verse of John’s introduction and elaborated on later in the chapter. The simplified version is “the things which must soon take place.” In verse 3, these things are called prophecy. Elaborating further, Jesus says to John, “Write the things you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things” (v. 19). As our discussion progresses, you will see that the latter words also serve as general headings of the outline or as markers for this multi-authored book. The nearness of Christ’s return is also mentioned. (Rev. 1:3, 7, 19)

This hope cannot be extinguished if it is remembered that to God one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. The kingdom of God is still at hand and His coming is drawing nearer each new year, but according to the Jewish calender this is the 5769th year.

Occupy until I do come, said Jesus. (Lk. 19:13 KJV).

Source: NASB except were noted otherwise.