Category Archives: health

US State Department Steps Up Promotion of Homosexual Agenda

By Lauren Funk

The Obama administration has made it repeatedly clear that one of their priorities is the promotion of the homosexual agenda both in the US and around the world. The latest salvo in this campaign is the just-announced policy that the applications for Consular Reports of Birth Abroad and passports would use the designations of “Parent 1” and “Parent 2,” instead of “Mother” and “Father.”

The State Department said, “The improvements are being made to provide a gender neutral description of a child’s parents and in recognition of different types of families.” Homosexual activists celebrated the change. Such groups have been pushing for the gender neutralization of passport applications and other official document for years, launching online petitions and lobbying government officials.

Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of the Family Equality Council, played a key role in achieving the gender neutralization of the passport application. She applauded the change last week, while assuring her supporters online that the FEC would continue to lobby for similar modifications in other identification and medical forms. The gender-neutralization of such documents is one of the goals of the Blueprint for Positive Change, a comprehensive homosexual -rights agenda presented to the Obama Administration in 2008.

In response to rising criticism from conservatives and pro-family groups, last weekend Secretary Clinton modified the previously announced change so that the application would include “mother or parent 1” and “father or parent 2.” Clinton’s press secretary reported that she was unaware of the complete removal of mother and father from the application, and decided to include both terms so that the application would be as “inclusive and informative” as possible.

Clinton has made the advancement of homosexual rights a personal priority, prompting to name her the most “pro-LGTB” Secretary of State ever. In 2009, Clinton announced that the partners of homosexual diplomats would be eligible for spousal benefits, a move that rest of the US government promptly replicated. Additionally, the State Department recently eased the regulations regarding change of gender procedures on passport applications, making it easier to verify a sex change. Both of these changes were goals of the Blueprint of Action for Positive Change.

The US’s homosexual-rights agenda has also made its way into the halls of the United Nations. Last summer, Clinton instructed the US diplomatic corps to prioritize reporting homosexual rights violations and related issues in their correspondences. The US also muscled through a reversal in a UN committee’s rejection of a homosexual group’s application for official UN recognition. What’s more, US-UN Ambassador Susan Rice recently pushed the UN to include the language of sexual orientation in a General Assembly resolution, a resolution from which the US abstained when it came time to vote. Days earlier, Ambassador Rice pledged to a Human Rights Day event that the US would continue to advocate for the homosexual agenda in international law and policy.

This article was originally published in Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute publication FridayFax, January 13, 2011.

U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds

by Mike Adams, Editor of Natural News

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is engaged in what can only be called an avian holocaust through its Bye Bye Blackbird program that has poisoned tens of millions of birds over the last decade. The USDA even reports the number of birds it has poisoned to death in a PDF document posted on the USDA website.

This document shows that, just in 2009, the following bird populations were poisoned and killed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, using taxpayer dollars:

(Listed as “Intentional” and “Killed / Euthanized”)

Brown-headed cowbirds: 1,046,109
European Starlings: 1,259,714
Red-winged blackbirds: 965,889
Canadian geese: 24,519
Grackles: 93,210
Pigeons: 96,297

…plus tens of thousands of crows, doves, ducks, falcons, finches, gulls, hawks, herons, owls, ravens, sparrows, swallows, swans, turkeys, vultures and woodpeckers, among other animals.

The chart even shows that the USDA “unintentionally” euthanized one Bald Eagle.

Also murdered in 2009 by the USDA are victims of other species:

27,000 beavers, 1700 bobcats, 81,000 coyotes, 2,000 gray foxes, 336 mountain lions, 1900 woodchucks, 130 porcupines, 12,000 raccoons, 20,000 squirrels, 30,000 wild pigs, 478 wolves.

See the list yourself at:

Keep in mind that murdering animals is an act of violence. Yet in the wake of the recent Giffords shooting, we have U.S. government officials running around screaming about how much they disavow violence, saying things like “violence should never be used to resolve problems.”

But their actions say something different: Violence against non-human life forms is not only tolerated and approved by the federal government, but even encouraged. Through these mass killings of birds, cougars, ducks and other animals, the United States federal government is actively engaged in widespread acts of violence against nature, murdering literally millions of animals on an annual basis.

Keep in mind that the numbers shown above are only for 2009. A similar number of animals were killed by the USDA all the other years, too, going all the way back to the 1960’s when the “Bye Bye Blackbird” program was first initiated.

By my estimates, the USDA has actively murdered at least 100 million animals in America over the last four decades, putting this on the scale of an animal holocaust and a crime against nature.

In the politically correct language-muzzled aftermath of the Giffords shooting, the mere mention of the term “crosshairs” is enough to evoke an on-air apology on network news programs. Now you can’t say someone is a “straight shooter,” either.

But if you work for the USDA, you can murder animals by the tens of millions and virtually no network news outlet even covers the story. It’s not enough, apparently, that humans have already caused widespread destruction of animal habitat across North America; now our own government is actively murdering literally millions of animals every year.

And for what? What is the justification for these actions? According to the USA, these animals are a “nuisance” to farmers.

I have great admiration for farmers, and I understand that there are times when predators can get out of control and cause a lot of damage. Coyotes can get into the chicken coop and kill your chickens, so on most farms and ranches, coyotes are considered live target practice at every opportunity. That’s why nearly all U.S. ranchers own rifles as tools which are used for sniping at groundhogs and moles which tend to take more than their fair share of garden vegetables.

I know one rancher who was trying to plant an orchard and woke up one morning to find his newly planted trees had all been destroyed by a small band of hyperactive beavers. Needless to say, those beavers ended up right in the crosshairs of a utility 22 rifle.

I also understand that wild pigs (feral swine) can root up valuable crops in their search for food. There are times when certain types of animals can become very difficult for ranchers and farmers to deal with. Although I personally don’t enjoy the thought of it, I can at least understand that there might be an economic justification in the minds of farmers and ranchers to kill certain animals which are destroying their crops (or chickens, or orchards). I’ve never met a farmer or rancher who simply killed animals for the fun of it. The ammo is too expensive, and farmers don’t have that kind of time to waste in the first place. Most farmers, by the way, have a very high respect for life and only kill when they feel they have no available alternative.

But since when did sparrows, starlings and blackbirds ever pose a real threat to anyone? They’re not going to fly off with your cow, and to blame these birds for eating the grain being fed to the cows is ridiculous in the first place because cows aren’t supposed to eat grain.

Cows are supposed to eat grass. If you are running a cow operation where the birds are eating your grain and you think the birds are the problem, the real problem is that you’re feeding cows the wrong food! If you raise your cows on grass, the birds don’t get into the grain and you don’t have to poison the birds.

You see, when one ecological element gets out of balance (feeding grain to cows, for example), it then causes another problem that must be dealt with in some other destructive way (such as poisoning the birds). This cycle of disharmony continues and escalates until entire ecosystems are out of whack. Then the USDA shows up with a pickup truck full of poison bait and goes to work poisoning animals.

The solution isn’t to keep poisoning animals and trying to control populations through toxic chemicals but rather to return to holistic web-of-life farming methods that work in harmony with nature rather than treating nature as the enemy.

Then again, we are talking about the U.S. Department of Agriculture here. And while the USDA has a great number of truly useful programs (such as their USDA organic label, which is a high-integrity program), the agency as a whole remains steeped in the conventional agricultural mythology of pesticides, GMOs and “poisoning varmints.”

All of this really makes me wonder about the whole argument of Big Government versus small government. The argument of those who say we should all pay our taxes is that the government needs your money to “build roads and schools.”

What they don’t bother to mention is that the government is also using your money in very destructive ways, too, such as poisoning animals and pushing GMOs into European nations (

Personally, I am ethically and morally opposed to my money being used for such destructive purposes. And even though I continue to pay my taxes, I do so under strong protest to the reality that my own government is committing an avian holocaust — a crime against nature — with the help of the dollars I reluctantly send to Washington.

The very thought of it makes me sick. I would be more than happy to contribute money to actually building schools and roads. But to see my hard-earned dollars used by the USDA to murder innocent animals is extremely offensive, and it is a violation of my own ethics and principles. My main purpose in serving as the editor of has been to protect life. And in my mind, that protection extends beyond human life. I believe we also have a reasonable obligation to protect the life of the animals around us — and the very ecosystems upon which we ultimately depend.

Although I can understand certain rare cases in which eliminating an animal may be the only logical choice for a farmer who is losing his crops and whose livelihood is at stake, it seems that the current killing of animals by the USDA is wildly indiscriminate and lacks proper moral or even economic justification.
It also brings up the bigger question that I posed in a previous article on this topic: If the U.S. government thinks nothing of murdering tens of millions of birds and mammals who have become a “nuisance,” then what happens when the human population becomes “too large” and needs to be controlled, too?

Will they simply feed us poison and hope we die off like the birds?

I might suggest that program is already under way. It’s called water fluoridation. Food additives. Vaccines. Pharmaceuticals.

And the government doesn’t call it murder, by the way. They refer to it as “euthanasia.”

The only difference is they’re killing the humans more slowly.

Learn more:

College Group “Live Action” Needs Your Help

Lila Rose is a student activist at UCLA who has dedicated herself to building a culture of life and ending abortion. At age fifteen, Lila founded Live Action, which is now a growing nonprofit with several chapters in California. Live Action is a youth-led organization and uses new media to educate and mobilize both local and national audiences to demand accountability from the abortion industry and human rights for the pre-born.

Lila has led numerous undercover stings through Live Action, exposing corruption and illegal activity within Planned Parenthood, the Nation’s number one Abortion provider. “The Mona Lisa Project,” vividly illustrates how Planned Parenthood’s ‘abortion-first mentality’ leads it to disregard state laws meant to protect young girls, instead sending them back into the arms of their sexual abusers. It has prompted officials in several states to take action against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood affiliates are the subject of ongoing investigations in Indiana and Alabama, and the Tennessee legislature recently voted to end up to $1.1 million in taxpayer subsidies to the abortion provider. Similarly, the Alabama Department of Health put the Birmingham clinic under severe investigation as a result of the undercover video taped there. The clinic has been put on a one-year probation as the investigation continues to uncover illegal and wrongful proceedings. Also released is a collection of phone calls made too the Planned Parenthood Development offices under the name of “The Racism Project,” which captured Planned Parenthood employees behaving hospitably to and receiving donations from an actor posing as an outspoken racist.

Lila is currently releasing the “The Rosa Acuna Project” which reveals Planned Parenthood counselors and abortionists manipulating patients and giving medical misinformation.

In fall 2006, as a freshman at UCLA, Lila founded the (free) pro-life student magazine The Advocate, administered through the new UCLA student chapter of Live Action. The Advocate has since gone national and is distributed at over 80 different high school and college campuses across the country with a circulation of nearly 100,000.

Lila reaches tens of thousands of people every month with the pro-life message through the and web sites.

Live Action needs your help. They need to raise $125,000 by January 17 to obtain matching funds and to adequately fund their investigations of Planned Parenthood as well as their various publications and projects.
Live Action has raised $99,313 and needs $25,687 more. Please consider donating to this great work. The Live Action web address is

Bird Songs, Medical Therapy and Bird Brains

My dad always said we kids were a bunch of bird brains. I never knew exactly what he meant until now.

A news article by Natural News reveals that children who listen to recordings of bird songs behave more calmly when receiving medical treatment, according to those behind a new project at the Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, England.

Recordings of birdsong, rain and wind — made by hospital children along with sound recording artist Chris Watson in Springfield Park — are now being played throughout the children’s ward to calm patients during injections, surgery and other stressful procedures. The birds singing include blackbirds, greenfinches, robins and songthrushes.

“We have seen tangible benefits for patients in bringing the natural world into hospitals,” said Laura Sillers, Artistic Program Director of the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology. “We also installed it in the corridors and there have been numerous requests for the Bird Song chorus to be reproduced on CD which patients then play at home. This research will be groundbreaking in demonstrating the role art can play in delivering health benefits.”

Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson attributes humans’ love of birdsong to our intrinsic “biophilia,” or an inborn need to connect with nature and other living beings, according to Natural News.

Even Genesis expresses soulish kinship of birds and homo sapiens. Hence, the justification for the paternal quip “bird brain.”

More startling is the wisdom saying of nearby college history professor: “May the bird of paradise fly up your nose.” To the uninitiated, the professor was saying may God’s spirit get into your brain. By implication, it meant God’s will is for us to be spirit filled bird brains. Connecting the divine authored songs of birds with the presence of the divine would naturally engender peace and tranquility.

To read the entire article, go to the Natural News website.

Women Uninformed About Medical Dangers of Birth Control Pill

Human Life International America released a new national poll surveying teenaged and adult women showing widespread usage of the birth control pill despite women not knowing much about potential harmful effects.

The poll, conducted by professional firm the polling company/WomenTrend surveyed more than 800 women aged 15?44 in the United States.

Once learning that the birth control pill can raise the risk of contracting breast cancer, about 40 percent of women in the poll were more deterred from using it than before.

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a New jersey-based breast cancer surgeon, is a presenter at the HLI conference and she says women need to know more about the potential problems.

“The most egregious omission affecting a young woman’s life is the fact that in 2005, the International Agency on Research of Cancer listed oral contraceptives as Group I carcinogens for breast, cervical and liver cancer,” she says. “You’ll find cigarettes and asbestos in the same group as risks for lung cancer.”

The poll found 78 percent of women have used the birth control pill and a 35% began using it under the age of 18. Thirty?five percent of women aged 15?44 who were surveyed said that they currently take oral contraceptives, while an additional 43% said that they had in the past but no longer do.

Fewer than one?in?five (19%) said they had never used oral contraceptives.

Three-fifths of women said they began taking the Pill to prevent pregnancy, and nearly two?thirds said that is the reason why they are still on it. This was the top reason across all demographic groups. Regulation of menstruation was the second?most common reason why women began oral contraceptives and remain on it

Women were less likely to have used another form of hormonal birth control — like contraceptive shots or patches – as two-thirds said they had never done so; 11% said they currently do, and 19%
said they did at one point.

Three?in?five women said they took the Pill (or used another form of hormonal birth control) after becoming sexually?active for the first time.

The survey found a majority of women don’t know the side effects of the pill and were more likely to share those sides effects than information about significant medical problems the pill caused.

All women surveyed – regardless of contraceptive use – said that knowing “there is new evidence to suggest that taking hormonal contraceptives may increase the risk of breast cancer” would give them serious pause; 44% concluded they would be less likely to take them, and 3% would be more likely. Still, 44% said such research made no difference to them.

While 49% of women were warned by a friend or physician about weight gain and 23% of headaches, only 40% were told of blood clots and the risk of stroke and 19% of increased risks of breast cancer.

In a second question, 54% of women said that use of the Pill for pregnancy prevention would not be worth it if further research shows that there is a definitive link between use of hormonal birth control and cancer; 32% said the risk would be worth the benefits of pregnancy prevention.

Ultimately, the poll found women generally believe the birth control pill has had a positive effect on them, their families, and society. By margins of at least 6?to?1, the impact of birth control was deemed more positive than negative on society, marriages, and relationships in the U.S.

Source:, December 3, 2010

The Danger in Tooth Fillings

I’ve been doing alot of research on the dangers of amalgam (silver-mercury) fillings over the past year or two. On December 2 I begin the process of having mine removed and am hoping many of my chronic health issues might go away. Everyone reacts differently to the mercury poisoning and usually symptons are subtle yet longterm. Because I feel this is important, especially if you have young children who may need a filling someday-educate yourself on the new information available on this health issue and help put an end to this outdated and dangerous procedure.

One recent information article on the subject is titled First Legal Victory to Ban Mercury from Amalgams publish at

By Andy Meyer

Why I Will Never Eat Fast Food Chicken Again

Some people who get food poisoning are smart enough not to the same restaurant again. When it was a fast food chain, they may even be leery about buying food from of their restaurants. Other just sue the restaurant and move on. What do we do when the poison in the food has no immediate effect, only long term damage to consumer health?

Writing for Organic Authority, Shilo Urban published an article about the deadly ingredients found in Chicken McNuggets. Here is what was discovered:

Dimethylpolysiloxane is an anti-foaming agent made of silicone that is also used in Silly Putty and cosmetics.

Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) is a white crystalline chemical preservative and a form of butane (aka, lighter fluid). One gram of TBHQ can cause “nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse,” according to A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives. Five grams of TBHQ can kill you. (See the entire dictionary entry at OSU Food Source.)

According to the Gourmet Sleuth’s Gram to Volume Chart, one teaspoon of granulated (crystalline) sugar consists of 4.2 grams. One teaspoon of liquid vanilla extract is 2.5 grams.

Only 50% of a McNugget is actually real chicken. The other 50% is made up of “corn derivatives, sugars, leavening agents and other completely synthetic ingredients, meaning that parts of the nugget do not come from a field or farm at all. They come from a petroleum plant.” Yumm!

Like industrial fluoride in drinking water, the synthetic and harmful ingredients accumulate in consumer’s bodily organs. Under the wrong condition, those poisons work their deadly magic without anyone realizing corporate fast food was the culprit.

So, I ask the question again; What do we do when the poison in the food has no immediate effect, only long term damage to consumer health?

Pro-Lifers Will Fail Unless We Confront the ‘Corruption of Innocence’

By Patrick B. Craine

If the pro-life movement is to gain any headway, pro-life leaders must confront the root of the attack against the culture of life – the corruption of innocence through sex education and contraception, says Mercedes Arzu Wilson, founder and president of Family of the Americas and a pioneer in the natural family planning movement.

“We have been ignoring the root of the problem all these years,” says Wilson. “The diabolical forces don’t care how much we fight abortion, as long as you don’t touch the source that brings women to abort.”

According to Wilson, the source is the “corruption of innocence that eventually leads to the devaluation of human life, which is manifested through abortion and other sinful deeds.”

The “graphic sexuality ‘education’” taught by Planned Parenthood and its collaborators “is actually indoctrination,” she says. “We’re promoting all kinds of perversions to little children. … If parents really saw what is being taught to their children, they would be horrified.”

These programs encourage children to experiment sexually and purport to teach them methods of “safe sex,” she explained. By handing out or encouraging the use of condoms and the pill, she said the schools encourage a mentality that expects sex without procreation. When the contraceptives fail, abortion is used as the final solution.

“As long as pornographic sex information continues being taught in public and even Catholic schools, abortion will continue,” she said.

She noted further that two out of three women who obtain abortions were using contraception when they got pregnant. “Planned Parenthood knows that it’s not going to work, so they’re ready to offer the next service, which is induced abortion,” she said.

Far more abortions occur through contraception than induced abortion, she added, noting that the pill and other contraceptive methods are designed, in part, to kill the newly-conceived embryo by preventing implantation in his or her mother’s womb. “Why is it that so little effort is made to stop the widespread use of artificial methods of birth control that cause more abortions, and have been responsible for the moral decay worldwide?” she asked.

Wilson has been teaching natural family planning since 1968, and her organization, Family of the Americas, has been teaching her Ovulation Method since it was founded in 1977. Her book on the simple method, which is based on observing cervical mucus, has been translated into 23 languages. They are active in over 100 countries, including China, where their method is being promoted by the government.

According to Wilson, pro-life approaches that focus strictly on abortion and ignore sex ed and contraception will fail because they are missing the root of the problem. “If you don’t go back to the source, you’re wasting your time,” she said. “They will be fighting abortion for the rest of their lives.”

Originally published by, October 1, 2010.

Planned Parenthood, Legislator Defend Massive Overbilling Practices in California

In new comments about a case pending in federal court showing how California Planned Parenthood massively overbilled the state on the purchase of birth control for poor residents, the abortion business and a state legislator are defending its actions — that could cost it federal funding.

P. Victor Gonzalez, the former Chief Financial Officer for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles saw millions in fraudulent overbilling to state and federal governments and was subsequently fired when he blew the whistle.

He filed a lawsuit that a lower court dismissed but a federal appeals court, in July, reinstated.

Gonzalez says his own internal audit estimates that Planned Parenthood overcharged California taxpayers for purchasing birth control by at least $180 million.

A new Fox news report indicates he also found $5.2 million in overbilling at one Planned Parenthood affiliate in San Diego alone and he says Planned Parenthood officials intervened to prevent internal audits.

While other public health facilities and private facilities charged the state between $8 and $9 for a cycle of birth control pills, Planned Parenthood charged almost $12. The Planned Parenthood charge to the California government was several times more than it paid for the drugs originally.

In one case Fox News highlighted yesterday in its report, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles paid $225,695.65 for Ortho Tri-Cyclen birth control pills but billed the state government more than $918,000.

Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California defends the practice in comments to the news outlet.

“The allegations in the lawsuit are false and were addressed by the State of California long ago,” it says. “The California State Legislature passed a law in 2004 making it clear that the billing practices at issue in the case are completely permissible.”

Former Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth Jackson was the sponsor of the law — which came in response to reports of the overbilling instead of fines or charges for those involved in defrauding the government — and she defending the practice to Fox News as one of “access,” saying Planned Parenthood could never afford to give birth control to poor women of California without overcharging the state when it sought Medi-Cal refunds.

Though Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California dismisses the lawsuit and questions about it, the national Planned Parenthood abortion business is apparently more concerned.

The regional affiliate of Planned Parenthood where teenager Holly Patterson died from using the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug first lost its affiliation with Planned Parenthood in early August because of significant financial mismanagement.

Earlier this month, the New York Times released a new report showing Planned Parenthood Golden Gate faces an audit from the criminal division of the Internal Revenue Service.

The report detailed how an unnamed former employee interviewed with the Oakland field office of the IRS on Tuesday in response to a complaint he lodged with the governmental agency.

The employee, who would not let the Times name him for fear of his future job prospects, said he filed a two-part complaint about the abortion business’ problematic relationship with its political arm and about financial problems at the abortion business.

The overbilling problems also extend to Planned Parenthood centers in New Jersey.

The U.S. Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services uncovered a consistent problem with New Jersey-based family planning clinics run by the Planned Parenthood abortion business. They were found to be improperly billing Medicaid for services that did not qualify as family planning.

New Jersey authorities were sent letters in July 2007, June 2008 and August 2008 notifying them of the problems and requesting action to correct the errors. The reports found billing errors from February 1, 2001 through January 31, 2005.

An initial audit revealed New Jersey improperly received federal reimbursement at the enhanced 90% rate for 160,955 prescription drug claims that were billed as family planning, but did not qualify as family planning services. A letter from the Inspector General to New Jersey officials recommended that New Jersey repay $2,219,746 to the federal government.

The state eventually returned $2.9 million to the federal government last month.

Also, pro-life advocates say they believe Planned Parenthood in Iowa is overbilling the state for “bilking insurance companies out of grossly inflated fees.”

Operation Rescue revealed Planned Parenthood is charging insurance companies $1,000 for the drug-induced abortion process even though the overhead costs for the abortion are lower with the abortion practitioner off site via telemed abortions.

This overbilling effectively drives up the cost of health insurance for everyone, its president, Troy Newman, contends.

“Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is making a killing on medical abortions,” he said. “Planned Parenthood is gouging insurance companies twice the price of their cash abortions. That’s how they can afford to keep their smaller clinics running.”

“And if taxpayers are forced to fund these abortions, there’s no telling how much they will charge, because government funding is a blank check,” he added.

Source:, September 10, 2010.

Health Care Ethics Conference

Cedarville University invites the general public for the 2010 Health Care Ethics Conference, Protecting the Vulnerable in the 21st Century, on September 15-17, 2010. An impressive assembly of leading experts in the field of bioethics will provide biblical perspectives on the critical issues shaping the church, our health care system, and the medical profession. The conference will include presentations by keynote speakers (Kathy McReynolds, Christopher Hook, and Nigel Cameron) as well as small-group discussions.

Topics will include:

* Reproductive Ethics
* End-of-Life Ethics
* Genetic and Biotechnology Ethics
* Health Care Reform

To learn more, go to Health Care Ethics Conference webpage.