Category Archives: news

Ron Paul Beats Santorum In Washington State, Trails Romney by 13 Points

Results of the Washington State Caucus reveal another win for Romney with 37.6% of the vote. Although Ron Paul trailed Romney by almost 12.8 points, Paul beat Rick Santorum. Paul got 24.8% of the vote while Santorum got 23.8.

On a different note, Newt Gingrich is leading the Republican preseidential contenders in Georgia polls.

Ron Paul Beats Santorum In Washington State, Trails Romney by 13 Points

Results of the Washington State Caucus reveal another win for Romney with 37.6% of the vote. Although Ron Paul trailed Romney by almost 12.8 points, Paul beat Rick Santorum. Paul got 24.8% of the vote while Santorum got 23.8.

On a different note, Newt Gingrich is leading the Republican preseidential contenders in Georgia polls.

Romney Endorsed By Constitutional Attorney Jay Sekulow

Just received a call from Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice. Sekulow has put his personal stamp of approval on the campaign of Mitt Romney for President. Unlike Santorum who voted to confirm liberal Justice Sotomayor, Romney is committed to conservative values and especially to a conservative (non-activist) federal court. With two Supreme Court appointments likely during the next four years, Sekulow is convinced Romney will appoint the justices of Thomas, Scalia, Roberts and Alito’s caliber.

Oh, yes, Sekulow’s personal call was taped like all the others.

What If Ron Paul Was President (Video)


World Prayer Day, March 2

The 2012 World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday the 2nd of March and will be prepared by the women of Malaysia with the theme “Let Justice Prevail”. Malaysia is a nation of diverse cultures, races and religions. About 7 % of Malaysians are Christians.

The World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. Women from over 170 different countries and regions over various races and cultures celebrate on the first Friday of March in prayer to make a more just world in which to live.

Through World Day of Prayer, women affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence in the world. The motto of the World Day of Prayer is “Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action”.

For more information about World Prayer Day, go to or

Navy Sued For Records Aimed at Exposing Deception of Congress Over Repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”

The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, whose mission includes restoring America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and promoting a strong national defense, announced Tuesday that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of the Navy. The lawsuit seeks to obtain records that the plaintiffs believe will show intentional deception by the Pentagon to gain congressional support for repeal of the 1993 law regarding open homosexual conduct in the military, usually called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Prompting the lawsuit was a Department of Defense Inspector General’s report which suggested that a distorted Pentagon study of homosexuals in the military was produced and leaked solely to persuade Congress to lift the ban on open homosexuality in the military (Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”).

Erin E. Mersino, the Thomas More Law Center attorney handling the case, explained the reason for the lawsuit, “The Department of Defense and the Department of the Navy have failed to produce a single document despite numerous FOIA requests over the last two years for information to uncover the truth surrounding the congressional repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. on behalf of Plaintiffs Elaine Donnelly and the Center for Military Readiness (CMR). Plaintiffs are seeking information to determine the extent to which the Department of the Navy engaged in a campaign of deception as suggested by the Inspector General’s Report.

The Plaintiffs are also seeking the information to determine the extent to which the Department of Defense and the Department of the Navy fulfilled the requirements mandated by Congress for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to become valid law. Congress required specific regulations and procedures be implemented to protect national security prior to the repeal taking effect. [See lawsuit here]

CMR is an independent, non-partisan public policy organization that concentrates on military issues. CMR’s president, Elaine Donnelly, has done extensive reporting on and analysis of the 1993 law regarding homosexuals in the military, and the consequences of repealing that law.

Plaintiffs first submitted their FOIA requests on August 31, 2011 requesting all records, documents and e-mails concerning the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” shared among the military Chiefs of Staff, various combatant commanders, and political appointees at the Pentagon and White House. To date, the Department of the Navy has failed to provide any of the requested documents.

Richard Thompson, the Law Center’s President and Chief Counsel, commented, “ Ever since the beginning of the Continental Army of 1775, homosexuality in the military has been prohibited. President Obama changed all that at the expense of our future national security merely to curry favor with his radical homosexual supporters, and Congress went along with him. The purpose of our Armed Forces is to win on the field of battle. This new law will eventually have a devastating impact on unit cohesion and the fighting effectiveness of our combat branches. That’s why we must undo this ill conceived law, and the first step is to discover what went on behind the scenes.”

Contrary to media headlines based on selective misleading leaks about the survey, the actual survey numbers show that nearly 60% of those in the Marine and Army combat units, and among Marine combat arms the number was 67%, thought repealing the DADT law would harm their unit’s ability to fight on the battlefield.

Concerns of Senior Military Leaders Disregarded

During 2010 hearings prior to the rushed lame-duck vote for repeal, both the Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James T. Conway, and the incoming Commandant, General James Amos, informed the Senate Armed Services Committee that their best military advice was to keep the ban in place. Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey told the Senate Committee that he had serious concerns about the impact of the repeal on a force engaged in two wars.

However, Secretary of Defense Gates and Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, muzzled other combat commanders from publicly expressing their opinion opposing repeal of the ban. Three-star General Benjamin Mixon, Commander of the U.S. Army Pacific Command, was publicly reprimanded by both Gates and Mullen for publicly expressing his objection to repeal.

To overcome these constraints on active duty senior officers to honestly express their opinion, 1,167 retired flag and general officers, 51 of them former four stars, signed an open letter to President Obama and Congress expressing great concern about the impact that a repeal would have on morale, discipline, unit cohesion and overall military readiness.

An Anti-Christian Policy

Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of America’s Armed Forces are Christian, the Pentagon brushed aside the religious and moral objections to homosexuality by service members. The Department of Defense recommended elimination of longstanding military laws prohibiting consensual sodomy and adultery to go along with repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. Moreover, recognizing that a large number of military chaplains believe that homosexuality is a sin and are required by God to condemn it as such, the Pentagon claimed that their objections, based upon deeply held religious beliefs, could be overcome through education and training. Ongoing controversies about the Defense Department’s attempts to circumvent the Defense of Marriage Act by authorizing same-sex “ceremonies,” which are simulated marriages on military bases, remain unresolved. Documents obtained by this FOIA lawsuit will improve public understanding of what happened during the lame-duck Congress in 2010, and what must be done to repair the damage.

Perales, Reid Stonewall BRAC records

By John Mitchel

This reporter recently requested records related to the 2003 BRAC Initiative Agreement (October, 2003 to September, 2006) where Greene County Commissioner Marilyn Reid and two retired commissioners signed a contract for $1.9 million with the Dayton Development Commission to lobby for Wright Patterson Air Force Base. It appears that part of that money was used as a loan for $900,000, with interest paid by Greene County taxpayers, to provide matching funds to qualify for a State grant. Greene County taxpayers and others around Ohio should be outraged to learn where and to whom those tax dollars went.

Although Ms. Reid and Mr. Perales have not produced the requested public records, including the Ohio grant application and Ohio Department of Development’s response, there is sufficient information available in the public domain to give Greene County voters good reason not to vote for Reid or Perales in the March 6th primary. Ms. Reid is running for reelection as Greene County Commissioner and Mr. Perales left his County Commissioner seat to run for District 70 State Representative.

For starters, in a display of corporate cronyism at its worst, the Dayton Development Coalition paid their President and CEO over $285,000 in salary and benefits in 2005, the last full year of the Agreement (Source: Dayton Development Coalition 2005 IRS Form 990). But that’s not the worst of it. The Coalition also paid $560,000 to the Paul Magliocchetti & Associates (PMA) Group, a Washington lobbyist, between 2003 and 2006 (Source: ). Magliocchetti, PMA’s founder and president, is currently serving 27 months in federal prison for illegally bundling campaign contributions to dozens of congressmen, including former Congressman Dave Hobson and his successor, Steve Austria (Source: ).

Follow the money, and you will learn as I did that Reid, Perales, Hobson, Austria and others are not the limited government conservatives they claim to be. Contrary to their rhetoric, they are more than happy to shovel our tax dollars to public-private partnerships like the Dayton Development Coalition that tragically draws support from so many leaders in academia, the private sector, local governments and even Wright Patterson AFB. Remember, when you hear the buzz phrase, “public private partnership,” invariably you can follow the money from taxpayers to private pockets and then back to the politicians through campaign contributions. Enough is enough; on March 6th let’s send a message to the career politicians that we want our government back. Sending Marilyn Reid and Rick Perales back to the private sector would be a good start.

13-Year-Old Middle School Student Suspended for ‘Pranking’ Fellow Student with Oregano, Charged with Distributing Counterfeit Drug

(WAXHAW, NC) — The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of an eighth-grade public school student who was suspended for allegedly playing a joke on a fellow student by giving him a bag of the Italian herb oregano. As a result of his prank, the 13-year-old Cuthbertson Middle School student was initially suspended for 10 days and charged with being in possession of and having the intent to distribute an “illegal drug, counterfeit or synthetic drug.” School officials with Union County Public Schools have since suspended the boy for an additional 45 days with attendance in an alternative school program. In addition to the suspension being a gross overreaction to a childish prank, Institute attorneys point out that oregano cannot properly be considered a “counterfeit or synthetic drug” under the school’s Code of Conduct or the North Carolina statute pertaining to counterfeit drugs.

“Zero-tolerance discipline cases are becoming increasingly absurd,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “Rather than responding with reason, proportionality, and compassion to childish indiscretions, schools are subjecting young people to treatment far worse than is meted out to adult defendants in the criminal justice system. It doesn’t make any sense.”

On January 20, 2012, the eighth grader in question, whose family has asked that he not be identified publicly (referred to hereafter as “B”), brought a bag containing oregano to Cuthbertson Middle School. “B” played a joke on a fellow student who had spoken to him about marijuana—the students having discussed it in health class—by giving his classmate a bag of oregano. Claiming they didn’t want other children to be in danger, school officials charged “B” with having the intent to distribute an “illegal drug, counterfeit or synthetic drug,” and initially suspended him for 10 days, later extending it to an additional 45 days. Insisting that her son had merely engaged in a schoolboy prank with no intention to harm anyone, “B’s” mother turned to The Rutherford Institute for help.

In a letter to officials with the Union County Public Schools, John W. Whitehead warned that the school’s unwarranted overreaction to the incident could be construed as a violation of “B’s” constitutional rights. Moreover, in light of the fact that oregano is not defined as a “counterfeit or synthetic drug” in accordance with the school’s Student Code of Conduct, nor does it meet the statutory definition of “counterfeit drug” as set forth in North Carolina General Stat. Ann. §106-121(4a), Institute attorneys argue that “B” cannot be subjected to long-term suspension. Pointing out that North Carolina law not only confers upon school officials the authority to issue long-term suspensions only when a student’s conduct demonstrates a willful violation of school policies, but also discourages such punishments except for serious violations that either threaten the safety of students, staff or school visitors or threaten to substantially disrupt the educational environment, Whitehead has asked that the long-term suspension be revoked immediately in favor of a reasonable response that takes “B’s” best interests into account and avoids unnecessary interference with his education.

Detroit Newspaper Calls For Birth Control Sterilants To Be Added To Public Water Supply

By Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Why would you forcibly medicate the population with fluoride chemicals via the water supply when you could instead forcibly medicate them with birth control drugs? That seems to be the opinion of Nolan Finley, the editorial page editor at The Detroit News, who says that too many people on welfare are having babies in Detroit, Mich., and that adding birth control sterilants to the water supply just might be a good solution to the problem.

While seemingly intended to be a commentary on the immense burden that excessive pregnancies are on the social welfare system in the city — his focus seems to be on the city’s poor whose wombs are a “poverty factory”, his own words — Finley’s strongly-worded diatribe reads more like a page out of a eugenics manual. Seething with disgust over the dismal state of affairs in Detroit, Finley’s column makes some very drastic recommendations about how he thinks the state should handle the city’s higher-than-he-would-like birth rate.

In all reality, Detroit is the new poster child city for what happens when globalists take over a nation and destroy its industrial base. Rapidly decaying infrastructure, out-of-control crime, decimated industry, and a resultant mass exodus of middle and upper-class families are all the result of America’s deindustrialization, which is something for which the city’s poor were obviously not directly responsible.

And yet Finley seems to suggest that the city’s poor are a cause, rather than a consequence, of this raping and pillaging of the American economy. He goes on to suggest that the very same government responsible for causing the debacle in the first place became directly involved in “fixing it” by embracing a philosophy of “reproductive responsibility.” And one of his suggestions for doing this appears to be lacing the city’s water supply with contraceptive drugs.

He could be speaking tongue-in-cheek, of course. But he could also be dead serious. Based on his apparent belief that the government needs to get involved in regulating how many children a person can have, Finley seems to embrace a philosophy of reproductive responsibility that looks more like government-mandated population control.

n a recent analysis of Finley’s piece, Aaron Dykes over at explains how such eugenicist ideas are rooted in corrupt, collectivist governments who want complete control over the population. The poor that are having too many babies, in other words, are a scapegoat for implementing outlandish public policy initiatives like adding chemicals to the water supply for the “greater good.”

This is exactly the argument that has long been used to support adding fluoride chemicals to the water supply. Poor families and their children, we are told, are all losing their teeth because of a lack of proper dental care, and the only way to fix it is to dump toxic fluoride waste into the water supply, 99 percent of which ends up going down the drain anyway (

Learn more:

Jonathan Benson is staff writer at Natural News.

Political Leaders Protect Marriage and Children from Homosexual/Transsexual Demands

By Wendy Wright

(New York – C-FAM) Resistance to the United States’ new foreign policy priority is emerging around the world for the same reasons it has been rejected within the U.S. Political leaders are holding the line against homosexual/transsexual demands when it comes to marriage and teaching children about homosexual/transsexual activity.

Leaders from the United Nations, UK and European Union have joined the U.S. in exerting pressure on countries to promote the homosexual agenda. Rather than advocating for human rights to encompass people identifying as homosexual, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s slogan of “gay rights are human rights” attempts to transform special preferences for homosexual persons into human rights.

Recently, France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy reiterated his opposition to homosexual marriage because it opens “the door to adoption.” France’s highest court has ruled that a marriage between two men was unlawful.

“In troubled times, when our society needs to keep its bearings, I don’t think that it is necessary to blur the image of this essential institution that is marriage,” Sarkozy told a newspaper. While there may be good parents who are homosexual, “they do not lead me to think that it is necessary to inscribe in law a new definition of family.”

In Russia, St. Petersburg became the latest city to pass legislation protecting schoolchildren by barring public actions that promote homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgenderism and pedophilia to minors.

Vitaly Milonov, who initiated the measure, explained, “The bill doesn’t touch upon the human rights of the LGBT community. It deals purely with the direct propaganda among minors. Such propaganda is banned on the federal level and we as a regional body are only imposing sanctions. We are only talking about propaganda as this information about sexual deviations affects our children.”

Orthodox Christian leaders asked lawmakers to bar the dissemination of “gay propaganda” among minors explaining, “We do not collect signatures in order to [harm] them. If they want to be like this, let them live.” A regional governor said the ban would “serve for the good of public morals.”

The bill describes homosexual/transsexual propaganda as “able to harm the health, moral and spiritual development of minors, including [forming] misconceptions about the social equivalence of traditional and nontraditional marriage. ” Also illegal are actions or information that would normalize “intimate relationships between adults and minors.”

The U.S. and the UK criticized the bill when it was introduced last November. The Russian response was to increase the fines to ten times higher than before the U.S and the U.K. intervened. A Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner defended the legislation, noting that it is designed to protect children.

Homosexual/transsexual activists plan to complain to the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Human Rights Watch Europe called the bill a “blatant attack on freedom of expression.”

Last week the ECHR convicted four people in Sweden of “hate speech” for distributing literature prodding high school students to question homosexual/transsexual propaganda taught in schools. The Court said the leaflets were offensive to homosexuals and thus not protected by the freedom of expression guaranteed in the European Convention of Human Rights.

A bill in Tennessee would limit instruction in elementary or middle school to “age-appropriate natural human reproduction science.” The sponsor explained, “homosexuals don’t naturally reproduce.”

Wendy Wright is Interim Executive Director of the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, a New York and Washington DC-based research institute. Her article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM and is republished here with permission.