Category Archives: news

Greene County Health District Receives $42,000 Traffic Safety Grant

Laurie Fox, Greene County’s Safe Communities Coordinator, announced that the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s (ODPS) Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) awarded $42,000.00 in federal traffic safety funding to the Greene County Combined Health District’s Safe Communities program for federal fiscal year 2012.

“Partnerships are critical to the success of any safety effort and we are committed to working with law enforcement and other safety partners to address traffic safety concerns in Greene County,” said Fox.

The Greene County Safe Communities Coalition has identified that lack of seat belt use, motorcycle safety and distracted/impaired driving is impacting the safety and welfare of the citizens of Greene County. To save lives and improve the quality of life for our citizens, the Safe Communities Coalition will use the grant funds to increase awareness about distracted and impaired driving in the local high schools, motorcycle safety, and continue to educate the public on the importance of seat belt use through participation in local festivals, school presentations and other programming.

The funds are passed through OCJS from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to support the efforts of safety partners statewide and focus on traffic safety priority areas such as restraint use, impaired driving, motorcycle safety and youthful drivers.

Competitive grant proposals are accepted and reviewed by OCJS. The FFY 2012 competitive grant process solicited grant proposals from state agencies, non-profit organizations, colleges, universities, hospitals, political subdivisions and other interested groups within selected Ohio counties and jurisdictions (based upon the number of fatal crashes).

For more information about the Office of Criminal Justice Services and statewide efforts to improve safety on Ohio’s roadways, log on to

Lords in London Launch San Jose Articles

By Lord David Alton

(C-FAM, London) When Lord Nicholas Windsor became a Catholic, he renounced his claim to the throne and embraced the Church’s teaching on the right to life of the unborn. This week in a Committee Room of Parliament, he supported a groundbreaking defense of that right, stating “I see the San Jose Articles as an attempt to draw a line and fight back against the strong drift towards conjuring a fully-fledged right to abortion from out of the provisions of international human rights law.”

More than 30 senior politicians, diplomats, lawyers, scholars and public figures from around the world have signed the San Jose Articles, a document that defends the unborn child and refutes the subversive international campaign that falsely claims that abortion is a human right.

The importance of the Articles was recently underlined when the UN Special Rapporteur on Health, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the UN Secretary General all wrongly stated that a right to abortion exists. It is precisely this approach which has led to the gendercide that has taken the lives of over 100 million girls – aborted because of their sex.

The San Jose Articles, named for the city where they were drafted in Costa Rica in March 2011, were launched this month at the United Nations. Further launches have taken place in legislatures around the world – with Jim Dobbin MP and Fiona Bruce MP, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the All Party Pro Life Group, joining me at Westminster.

The San Jose Articles begin by proclaiming the scientific fact that human life begins at conception and further explains that no UN treaty mentions abortion or defines reproductive health as including abortion. On the contrary, a number of human rights treaties recognize the humanity of unborn children and the rights and duties of governments to protect them as members of the human family.

Over two-thirds of UN member-states have laws recognizing that unborn children deserve protection. Only 56 countries permit abortion for any reason, and only 22 of these are without restriction.

Some UN agencies, non-governmental organizations and wealthy countries are waging a campaign to bully and manipulate nations – from Nicaragua to Kenya; from Columbia to Ireland – into changing their laws on abortion. In this effort they misquote treaties and, more deplorably, use aid as a form of blackmail. Developing countries are told they will lose help for the poor if they fail to conform. Protecting the unborn can lead to retaliation and retribution. Sweden, for instance, withdrew all assistance to Nicaragua after it failed to pass a liberal abortion law. To justify this shocking intrusion, Sweden said abortion “is super important to us”.

Some countries are undoubtedly succumbing to the bullying and bogus assertions. The High Court of Colombia changed its country’s abortion laws based on false claims.

While no international right to abortion exists, the “right to life” is set out in Article 3 of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which had its genesis in the horrors of the Second World War. The San Jose Articles re-assert the admirable impulses that gave birth to the 1948 Declaration and recognize that the greatest of all rights is the right to life.

I ended my remarks at the Westminster launch with a true story.

In 1954 Joanne Schieble, a young unmarried student, discovered she was pregnant. Her father would not let her marry the child’s father. Although she could have had an abortion, it was illegal and dangerous. Instead, she arranged to have the baby adopted.

Paul and Clara Jobs adopted the baby boy and named him Steven.

Not every child will have a life as remarkable as Steve Jobs. But with every abortion we have little idea of who we are so casually losing. As the San Jose Articles remind us, every life is precious.

This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

5 Foods that Can Trigger a Stroke

In a recent article, Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses causes and preventions of strokes, which are increasing among women.

Dr. Mercola metions five foods that can trigger a stroke. They are …

1. Red meat from animals raised on factory farms. He regards cattle and other sources of red that are raised naturally (not confined or feed antibiotics) and grass feed are heallthy and safe.

2. Salt is another stroke causing food. But, as Mercola points out their are two types of salt sold by grocers. One is processed salt (table salt)and the other is non-refined salt. He mentions Himalayan salt as a type of healthy salt.

3. Any smoked or processed meat is liable contribute to a stoke as well as other problems like cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and increased risk of diabetes.

4. Drinking one can of diet soda can increase the risk of a stroke by 48 percent. This is a bit of an eye opener.

5. Consuming any type of food with transfats increases the risk of both a stroke and heart disease. The type stroke increasing among women is called “ischemic stroke.” This is caused by plaque build-up arteries thus restricting blood flow to the brain. Transfat are one of the primary culprits for plaque. Foods contains significant levels of transfats include “crackers, chips, most store-bought baked goods, and any fried foods.”

Another factor related stroke is vitamin D deficiency. According to Dr. Mercola, this deficiency cis often the result of not being exposed to enough sunlight. I think he is trying to say women need to visit the beach more often than they do to the tanning salon.

At any rate, you can read Dr. Mercola’s article by visiting his website at

Not a Single Christian Church Left in Afghanistan, Says State Department

There is not a single, public Christian church left in Afghanistan, according to the U.S. State Department.

This reflects the state of religious freedom in that country ten years after the United States first invaded it and overthrew its Islamist Taliban regime.

In the intervening decade, U.S. taxpayers have spent $440 billion to support Afghanistan’s new government and more than 1,700 U.S. military personnel have died serving in that country.

The last public Christian church in Afghanistan was razed in March 2010, according to the State Department’s latest International Religious Freedom Report. The report, which was released last month and covers the period of July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, also states that “there were no Christian schools in the country.” Read the rest of Edwin Mora’s article.

Rutherford Institute Appeals Ruling Against Teacher Fired for Urging Public School Students to Think Critically About Evolution

(Mount Vernon, OH)   The Rutherford Institute has announced its intention to appeal to the 5th District Court of Appeals in Ohio on behalf of John Freshwater, a Christian teacher who was allegedly fired for keeping religious articles in his classroom and for using teaching methods that encourage public school students to think critically about the school’s science curriculum, particularly as it relates to evolution theories. Freshwater, a 24-year veteran in the classroom, was suspended by the Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education in 2008 and officially terminated in January 2011. The School Board justified its actions by accusing Freshwater of improperly injecting religion into the classroom by giving students “reason to doubt the accuracy and/or veracity of scientists, science textbooks and/or science in general.” The Board also claimed that Freshwater failed to remove “all religious articles” from his classroom, including a Bible.

“The judge’s ruling is unfortunate because academic freedom is the bedrock of American education,” stated John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “What we need today are more teachers and school administrators who understand that young people don’t need to be indoctrinated. Rather, they need to be taught how to think for themselves.”

In June 2008, the Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education voted to suspend John Freshwater, a Christian with a 21-year teaching career at Mount Vernon Middle School, citing concerns about his conduct and teaching materials, particularly as they related to the teaching of evolution. Earlier that year, school officials reportedly ordered Freshwater, who had served as the faculty appointed facilitator, monitor, and supervisor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes student group for 16 of the 20 years that he taught at Mount Vernon, to remove “all religious items” from his classroom, including a Ten Commandments poster displayed on the door of his classroom, posters with Bible verses, and his personal Bible which he kept on his desk.

Freshwater agreed to remove all items except for his Bible. Showing their support for Freshwater, students even organized a rally in his honor. They also wore t-shirts with crosses painted on them to school and carried Bibles to class. School officials were seemingly unswayed by the outpouring of support for Freshwater. In fact, despite the fact that the Board’s own policy states that because religious traditions vary in their treatment of science, teachers should give unbiased instruction so that students may evaluate it “in accordance with their own religious tenets,” school officials suspended and eventually fired Freshwater, allegedly for criticizing evolution and failing to teach the required science curriculum. Freshwater appealed the termination in state court, asserting that the school’s actions violated his rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and constituted religious discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Knox County Common Pleas Judge Otho Eyster upheld the School Board’s decision in a ruling issued on Oct. 5, 2011. Rutherford Institute attorneys have announced their intention to appeal the county court’s ruling.

Greene County Traffic Fatalities Update

The Greene County Safe Communities program reports that as of September 30, 2011, there have been a total of 9 traffic fatalities. This compares with a total of nine (9) traffic deaths for the entire year of 2010.

The top five (5) causes for the majority of these crashes that have resulted in death and/or injury in Greene County are following too closely, failure to yield, failure to control, improper lane change and running red lights. These deaths, while tragic, and injuries sustained were all preventable. Please…slow down, drive sober and obey all traffic signs and signals.

The safety of our Greene County residents while they are traveling on the roads is our biggest concern. As we head jump into the fall and winter months, Safe Communities would like to remind all drivers to buckle up, park your phone and drive responsibly or secure a designated driver. Your life is worth saving!

The Safe Communities program was developed to help communities decrease traffic injuries and deaths, increase safety awareness, decrease the amount of money spent on traffic-related injuries, and increase the number of people involved in keeping communities safe.

The next meeting of the Greene County Safe Communities Coalition is Wednesday, November 16, 9 a.m. at the Greene County Combined Health District in Xenia. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Laurie Fox at 937-374-5669 or email

News Flash! UN Officials Wrong. No Right to Abortion. New Expert Document Issued at United Nations

Tomorrow morning at the UN press briefing room, internationally recognized scholar Professor Robert George of Princeton and former US Ambassador Grover Joseph Rees will challenge claims made by UN personnel and others that there exists an international right to abortion in international law.

As recently as a few weeks ago the UN Special Rapporteur on Health, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Secretary General have all said such a right exists. And, according to Human Rights Watch the CEDAW Committee has directed 93 countries to change their laws on abortion.

Professor George, Ambassador Rees and 30 other international experts are releasing the San Jose Articles to refute these claims and to assert the rights of the unborn child in international law.

Other signatories to the Articles include Professor John Finnis of Oxford, Professor John Haldane of the University of St. Andrews, Francisco Tatad, the former majority leader of the Philippine Senate, Javier Borrego, former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, and Professor Carter Snead of UNESCO’s international committee on bioethics.

“The San Jose Articles were drafted by a large group of experts in law, medicine, and public policy. The Articles will support and assist those around the world who are coming under pressure from UN personnel and others who say falsely that governments are required by international law to repeal domestic laws protecting human beings in the embryonic and fetal stages of development against the violence of abortion” said Professor George.

Ambassador Grover Joseph Rees, former US Ambassador to East Timor, said, “When I was in Timor I witnessed first-hand a sustained effort by some international civil servants and representatives of foreign NGOs to bully a small developing country into repealing its pro-life laws. The problem is that people on the ground, even government officials, have little with which to refute the extravagant claim that abortion is an internationally recognized human right. The San Jose Articles are intended to help them fight back.”

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, Student-Led Cause For Justice

According to the Students for Life organization, October 18th is Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity. Thousands of students across the country give up their voices for a day of solidarity for those who have had their voices unjustly taken away from them. They will wear red bands across their arms or mouths to make a stand against the horrific truth that over 50,000,000 lives have been taken since Roe v. Wade

Over 1,200 school groups have registered to participate in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity.

Support for the event include Students for Life, Priests for Life,, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, and other organizations.

To learn more and to register, click here:

International Right to Abortion, Global Elite Group Presents Contrary Evidence

This week a global elite of political, legal, and health care professionals joined by pro-life activists will present legal evidence proving the pro-abortion advocates at the United Nations have no legal standing in their assertions of an international right to abortion.

International efforts to legalize abortion-on-demand has been going on for many years. Planned Parenthood International has been among those lobbying the United Nations since its existence. The goods and services provided by abortion providers like Planned Parenthoods amount to a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Sadly, the United States gives billions of tax payers dollars to such organizations though the USAID program.

Dr. Ligaya Acosta is right: If the billions given by the United States to promote abortion in Asia and throughout the world were used to actually help the poor, there would be no more poverty in the world.

The most recent effort to legalize abortion came from the U.N. Secretariat. In a Human Rights Council policy statement, the Secretariat seeks to make abortion as a unfettered global health right. If adopted, all members nations will be obligated to decriminalize their abortion-related laws. Doing so will enable organizations like Planned Parenthood to sell their goods and abortion-on-demand services without legal hindrance.

Here is the worst example of the bureaucratically instituted form of free enterprise.

Among those expected to participate in the U.N presentation this week are Robert George of Princeton University, Ambassador Grover Rees (Ret.), and Austin Ruse of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute.

(For more information about the U.N. policy report, read C-FAM article titled “UN Official Says Abortion is a Human Right, Secretary General Endorses Report”, visit the blog Turtle Bay, and/or read the UN Report .)

X-Plan: A Comprehensive Plan for Xenia

The City of Xenia wants to hear from Xenians about their ideas for the future of the community. The City has created a public participation plan and website for “X-Plan” – the update of the City’s comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is a community based vision for future development and a roadmap of how to get there. It asks citizens what their vision is for the future of the community and then coordinates a wide range of City policies, actions and decisions toward achieving that vision. X-Plan represents the first update of the City’s comprehensive plan since 1997.

The X-Plan website ( X-Plan and how the process will work. It will also provide important project updates such as upcoming meetings and documents from various stages of the process. It includes an email link that allows citizens to sign up to receive email updates about the project (send to with “xplan” as the

Below is an overview of opportunities Xenians will have to help shape X-Plan:

Public Workshops. Five interactive workshops are planned – open to all Xenia citizens. The first three workshops (to be held in November and January) will be interactive, small-grouporiented and focused on finding out what’s important to Xenians and hearing ideas for future development and community improvement. The last two workshops (to be held in Spring/Fall 2012)will be open-house-format meetings where drafts of X-Plan at different stages will be presented for public viewing and feedback.

Online Participation. A virtual meeting page, using the platform, will be developed where participants will be invited to post their ideas in response to questions about various issues, and then vote on one another’s answers. Through this process, the most popular ideas will automatically “rise to the top.” Online participation sessions will be publicized and generally held during the same period of time as the traditional public workshops, in order to provide an alternative opportunity for citizens who may not be willing or able to attend physical meetings. More details will be provided once this website is established.

Survey. The City will utilize Wright State University’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs to perform an updated Citizen Perception Survey in late 2011. The survey will provide indepth information from a large number of respondents who may or may not attend meetings. School Classroom exercise. City staff will involve students by working with the Xenia Community School District to incorporate an X-Plan classroom visioning exercise.

Additional Meetings. City staff will meet with established community groups and organizations at regularly scheduled meetings as an additional means of capturing different perspectives in the community.

Steering Committee. The X-Plan Steering Committee will be a group of community leaders from the public, private and nonprofit sectors that will oversee the Comprehensive Plan’s development and assist with community outreach. An important role of this group—which will include both residents and non-residents—will be building a foundation for future partnerships with the City to help implement the plan after it is completed.

The City will utilize a range of outreach methods to notify the public about upcoming meetings and online participation sessions as they draw closer such as press releases, the City’s website and Facebook page, email blasts, utility bills, The Xenia Communicator, the Government Channel, and flyers posted at public sites.

To learn more and keep track of the process – go to, and/or sign up for email updates by sending an email to (enter “xplan” as the subject).