Category Archives: news

Obama on Jobs: Missing “Rigid” Ideas

By Cameron Smith

Currently, there are almost 600 bills before Congress that contain the word “job.” Politicians have talked about “job creation” nonstop. Oddly enough, this rhetoric demonstrates that those political leaders are listening to what concerns Americans, primarily their economic future.

Their responses fall into two fundamental categories: Those who believe that the government creates jobs and economic growth, and those who believe the private sector accomplishes those ends. The former believe that substantial government spending charges the economy in troubled economic times while the latter tend to believe an unhindered marketplace will correct itself.

After listening to President Obama’s “jobs speech” to Congress, Americans should have little doubt that the President believes the government has a central role in job creation and a virtually unfettered control over the economy.

President Obama led off by stating that government needs to ask whether “[it] can restore some of the fairness and security that has defined this nation since our beginning.” Remember, this is the same nation that Ben Franklin admonished should not give up “essential liberty to purchase … temporary safety” lest it “deserve neither liberty nor safety.” This is a nation where meaningful opportunities for all are prized above equal outcomes. The President’s sentiment is troubling, not because “fairness” and “security” have suddenly become vices, but because government imposition of those virtues is radically different than the average American’s concept of them.

The President even acknowledged that “the drive and initiative of our workers and entrepreneurs … has made this economy the engine and the envy of the world.” But he also qualified those remarks by suggesting that Americans share “a belief that we’re all connected, and that there are some things we can only do together, as a nation.”

The President is correct that there are some things Americans can only do together as a nation, and even more convenient for the President, Americans have agreed on those tasks. The Constitution provides a number of express powers where states and individuals, through the federal government, work together for the common welfare. Conversely, the same Constitution prevents the federal government from interfering in the lives of individuals, their communities, and their states where powers are not granted to the federal government. These constitutional restraints do not mean the American tradition of helping each other is dead but rather that the tradition has meaning because it comes from the hearts of the American people rather than by government compulsion.

Regrettably, President Obama has a different perspective on the limits of government. During the speech, the President asked, “[w]hat kind of country would this be if [Congress] had voted down Social Security or Medicare just because it violated some rigid idea about what government could or could not do?” The “rigid ideas” that limit government action are found in the Constitution. The President would do well to remember that those ideas were enshrined by those who knew the threat of powerful oppressive government to free society, the countless Americans who shed their blood to protect them, and a people who have agreed to amend them only 27 times over more than 200 years.

When the President of the United States takes such a jaundiced view toward fundamental restraints on the federal government, Americans should be outraged. The Constitution’s limits on government are there SPECIFICALLY to prevent the federal government from becoming too powerful. Even when they are not convenient, those limits are extremely important.

Parts of the President’s plan for stimulating the economy make sense. Stabilizing and reducing costs for Medicaid and Medicare as well as authorizing free trade agreements are music to the ears of many Americans. Unfortunately, these are conspicuously absent from the American Jobs Act which the President called on Congress to pass.

Many components such as new unemployment benefits and “shovel ready” infrastructure projects are simply another chorus of an all-too-familiar tune. Rather than engaging in common sense tax reform, the President’s tax credits fail to reduce the overall tax burden on job creators by borrowing against Social Security and putting conditions on the types of workers those businesses must hire to obtain the credits. To be sure, America needs a real infrastructure plan for the future, and tax reform has been put off for too long. But the President’s political “Hail Mary” falls far short of meeting those requirements.

The President also failed to mention the $450 billion cost of his plan. While he assured America that “everything in [his] bill will be paid for,” the White House summary of the American Jobs Act states that “the President will call on the Joint Committee [on Deficit Reduction] to come up with additional deficit reduction necessary to pay for the Act and still meet its deficit target.”

Relying on the highly divided “supercommittee” to come up with another $450 billion in cuts on top of the $1.5 trillion already assigned seems highly unlikely.

Even if that substantial cost could be offset, the Congressional Budget Office projects a $1.3 trillion deficit for 2011 alone. Should Congress could find a way to “pay for” the President’s proposals, they would almost certainly be doing so with money the American people do not have.

With unemployment at more than nine percent, Americans definitely need jobs. They also need representatives and a President who understand their limits.

[Since Smith wrote this article, President Obama has proposed paying for his jobs bill by “closing the corporate tax loophole and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.” In other words, he wants the rich to pay for government screw ups. It’s federal government monetary policies that aid the development of financial bubbles and busts. It is the federal government that has increases the national debt to unsustainable levels. If enough Americans buy Obama’s tax increasing strategy, the middle class will end up paying for it through increased prices on goods and services, which is also known as trickle-down inflation.]

Cameron Smith is General Counsel for the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society.

9/11, Origin of Meetups & Parable of the Neighbor

The following is the story of the experience of Scott Hieferman, a New York City resident, and how its impact 9-11 led to the creation of the popular social network called Meetup.

I was living a couple miles from the Twin Towers, and I was the kind of person who thought local community doesn’t matter much if we’ve got the internet and tv. The only time I thought about my neighbors was when I hoped they wouldn’t bother me.

When the towers fell, I found myself talking to more neighbors in the days after 9/11 than ever before. People said hello to neighbors (next-door and across the city) who they’d normally ignore. People were looking after each other, helping each other, and meeting up with each other. You know, being neighborly.

A lot of people were thinking that maybe 9/11 could bring people together in a lasting way. So the idea for Meetup was born: Could we use the internet to get off the internet — and grow local communities?

We didn’t know if it would work. Most people thought it was a crazy idea — especially because terrorism is designed to make people distrust one another.

A small team came together, and we launched Meetup 9 months after 9/11.

Today, almost 10 years and 10 million Meetuppers later, it’s working. Every day, thousands of Meetups happen. Moms Meetups, Small Business Meetups, Fitness Meetups… a wild variety of 100,000 Meetup Groups with not much in common — except one thing.

Every Meetup starts with people simply saying hello to neighbors. And what often happens next is still amazing to me. They grow businesses and bands together, they teach and motivate each other, they babysit each other’s kids and find
other ways to work together. They have fun and find solace together. They make friends and form powerful community. It’s powerful stuff.

It’s a wonderful revolution in local community, and it’s thanks to everyone who shows up.

Meetups aren’t about 9/11, but they may not be happening if it weren’t for 9/11.

9/11 didn’t make us too scared to go outside or talk to strangers. 9/11 didn’t rip us apart. No, we’re building new community together!!!!

The towers fell, but we rise up. And we’re just getting started with these Meetups.

This reminds me of Jesus’ parables. This one might be called Parable of the Neighbor. We all have experienced this parable at least once or twice. Right?

Go to to learn more.

The Southern Poverty Law Center Infiltrates Public Education

by Laurie Higgins, Director of IFI’s DSA -Illinois Family Institute

Decades ago, summer was the time that necessitated increased parental vigilance. School was the safe place. But the times they have a’changed. Self-righteous “agents of change” stand ready at the schoolhouse door to mold other people’s children into ideological replicas of themselves. So now the school year has become the time that necessitates increased parental vigilance.

One organization that warrants particular attention is “Teaching Tolerance,” which is laughingly called an “educational project,” but is, in reality, the pernicious propaganda project of the leftwing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). This is the organization that has listed the Illinois Family Institute, Family Research Council, and the American Family Association as “hate groups.”

The propagandists — I mean educators — at Teaching Tolerance are taking full advantage of the propensity of parents to remain blissfully unaware of what their children are being taught. These “tolerance teachers” count on parents remaining ignorant of their goal to undermine conservative moral and political beliefs.

Here is the newest resource spawned by the manipulators of children at the SPLC’s Teaching Tolerance of which parents should be aware:

Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers 2011-2012

This handbook for teachers begins with a quote from the Brazilian Marxist, Paulo Freire, who is the guru for “social justice teachers” and wrote their bible, Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

The introduction makes clear that liberation from oppression supersedes sound, apolitical education:

Planning to Change the World is a plan book for teachers who believe their students can create meaningful social change. It is the product of a collaboration between two education networks — the New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) and the Education for Liberation Network — and is published in partnership with Rethinking Schools. The information and ideas featured on its pages come from teachers, college students and activists who, like you, struggle daily to put their values into practice. As educators, our vision of teaching for liberation often gets buried under the everyday realities of teaching. Bombarded with paperwork, tests, curriculum mandates, we feel frustrated, overwhelmed, alone.

…Planning to Change the World is packed with important social justice birthdays and historical events, words of wisdom from visionary leaders, lesson plans, resources, social justice education happenings and more. [Emphases added]

The planning book includes quotes from radical historical revisionist Howard Zinn, homosexual activist Staceyann Chinn, and controversial labor leader Cesar Chavez. It also includes dozens of resources for teachers, most of which are extreme leftwing resources, including resources that promote far leftist assumptions about homosexuality, economics, religion, and American “imperialism”.

Here are some of the historical events honored just in November by the SPLC’s “educators” from Teaching Tolerance:

Transgender Day of Remembrance
The 50th anniversary of the first openly gay person to run for public office
Eid al-Adha: an Islamic holiday
Muharram, the first day of the Islamic calendar
The 170th anniversary of the Creole revolt
First day of Native American Heritage Month
80th anniversary of the beginning of the removal of the Choctaw Indians from their lands
Thanksgiving: Teaching Tolerance recommends that teachers use resources from the anti-American organization, Oyate, about which I have previously written.

Teaching Tolerance also recommends an activity they created called Thanksgiving Mourning:

[S]tudents will review two written works by Native American authors. The first — a speech written by Wamsutta James in 1970 — gave birth to the National Day of Mourning, which is observed on Thanksgiving by some indigenous people. To them, Thanksgiving is ‘a reminder of the genocide of millions of their people, the theft of their lands, and the relentless assault on their culture.’ The Day of Mourning, on the other hand, is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection, as well as a protest of the racism and oppression that Native Americans continue to experience.”

I wonder if Teaching Tolerance would revise their list of important “social justice” historical events to include mention of Joseph Scheidler, father of the pro-life movement. He is the indefatigable pursuer of social justice for the most vulnerable in America: babies in utero, whose developmental immaturity or imperfections put them at risk of legalized extermination.

As I’ve written before, “teaching for social justice” is, in a nutshell:

repackaged socialism with its focus on economic redistribution. Social justice theory emphasizes redistribution of wealth and values uniformity of economic and social position over liberty. Social justice advocates seek to use the force of government to establish economic uniformity.

Its other dominant features pertain to race, gender, class, and sexual orientation/ identity/ expression. Social justice theory as I’m describing it encourages people to view the world through the divisive lens of identity politics that demarcates groups according to which group constitutes the “oppressors” and which the “oppressed.” Those who are identified as the “oppressors” need not have committed any acts of actual persecution or oppression, nor feel any sense of superiority toward or dislike of the supposed “oppressed” class. The problem with social justice theory is that it promotes the idea that “institutional racism,” as opposed to actual acts of mistreatment of individuals by other individuals is the cause of differing lots in life.

Social justice theorists cultivate the racist, sexist, heterophobic stereotype that whites, males, and heterosexuals are oppressors. This is an offensive, prejudiced stereotype that robs minorities of a sense of agency in and responsibility for their own lives, telling them that their lots in life cannot improve through their own efforts but only through an appropriate degree of self-flagellation on the parts of the purported oppressors. It cultivates a sense of perpetual victimization and powerlessness on the parts of minorities and an irrational and illegitimate sense of guilt on the parts of whites, or men, or heterosexuals.

Finally, social justice theory is distinctly anti-American and hyper-focuses on America’s mistakes and failings. Social justice theory diminishes or ignores the remarkable success America has achieved in integrating virtually every ethnic and racial group in the world, and in enabling people to improve their lots in life through economic opportunity and American principles of liberty and equality.

To learn more about the ethically and intellectually bankrupt Southern Poverty Law Center’s deeply troubling ideology, goals, and tactics, click HERE (this is a very recent and important article from an immigration reform organization on the SPLC’s “phony claims”), HERE, and HERE.

When you’re done, email your children’s teachers, some of whom likely subscribe to Teaching Tolerance’s free online newsletter for educators, asking whether they will be using any resources or activities from Teaching Tolerance. Then make it clear that should they decide to use any resources created or recommended by Teaching Tolerance, you want to be notified so you can opt your child out.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over This Labor Day

The Greene County Safe Communities Coalition has joined nearly 10,000 other law enforcement agencies nationwide in support of an intensive crackdown on impaired driving August 19–September 5, known as “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”

The problem of impaired driving is a serious one. Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows the number of alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities in America fell from 2008 to 2009, but the numbers are still too high.

In 2009 alone, 10,839 people died in crashes in which a driver or motorcycle rider was at or above the legal limit, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The age group with the highest percentage of alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes was the 21-to-24 age group.

“All too often, innocent, law-abiding people suffer tragic consequences and the loss of loved ones due to this careless disregard for human life. Because we’re committed to ending the carnage, we’re in full support of our local law enforcement agencies that are intensifying enforcement during the crackdown. Since twice as many alcohol-impaired accidents occur over the weekend and four times as many occur at night, our local law enforcement agencies will be especially vigilant during these high-risk times when impaired drivers are most likely to be on our roads,” said Laurie Fox, Safe Communities Coordinator.

Across the country, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 grams per deciliter or higher. According to the latest data, nearly a third of fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes involved a driver or motorcycle rider with a BAC above the legal limit – an average of one fatality every 48 minutes.

The crackdown will include law enforcement officers in every state, Washington, D.C., and many U.S. cities and towns.

The Greene County Safe Communities Coalition applauds our local officers, troopers and deputies for aggressively looking for all impaired drivers during the crackdown and arresting anyone they find driving while impaired — regardless of age, vehicle type or time of day.

“Their message is simple and unwavering: if they find you driving impaired, they will arrest you. No exceptions,” said Fox. “Even if you beat the odds and manage to walk away from an impaired-driving crash alive, the trauma and financial costs of a crash or an arrest for driving while impaired can still destroy your life.”

According to the Ohio State Patrol, violators often face jail time, loss of their driver licenses, or being sentenced to use ignition interlocks. Their insurance rates go up. Other financial hits include attorney fees, court costs, lost time at work, and the potential loss of job or job prospects. When family, friends and co-workers find out, violators can also face tremendous personal embarrassment and humiliation.

“Driving impaired is simply not worth all the consequences. So don’t take the chance. Remember, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” said Fox.

For more information, visit the High-Visibility Enforcement Campaign Headquarters at

Planned Parenthood ‘Chaplain’ Caught on Tape Deceiving Mississippi Voters

Mississippi voters were in an uproar on Wednesday when Planned Parenthood Seattle Chaplain Vincent Lachina was exposed during a Mississippi Secretary of State’s Personhood Amendment Hearing.

Speaking to a crowd of Mississippi voters, Lachina claimed to be a Southern Baptist minister, both “pro-life and pro-choice”. Addressing the crowd in a clerical collar, Mississippians listened intently as Lachina shared that he grew up in Jackson and had a Mississippi heritage. Lachina boldly preached an ideology of choice from the pulpit, calling for a “no” vote on pro-life Amendment 26, but left out some critical details.

Lachina failed to mention that he is the Washington State Chaplain at Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Jacob Dawson, of the American Family Association, was sitting in the audience and decided to do a Google search of Lachina, having never heard of a Southern Baptist preacher from Mississippi by that name – much less a pro-choice, clerical collar-wearing Southern Baptist Preacher.

Dawson got up before the crowd and stated, “A quick Google search reveals that Mr. Lachina is from Seattle, and is a chaplain for Planned Parenthood.”

The crowd was stunned, and many were outraged at the misrepresentation and deception of Planned Parenthood.

Further research on Mr. Lachina revealed the following statement: “We gay men don’t need to worry about what the Republicans, the religious right, or homophobes will do to us.” Vincent Lachina, “The Good Boy,” The Advocate, January 30, 2007

The “Religious Right” mentioned by Lachina certainly must include Southern Baptists, who have historically opposed abortion and homosexuality, and have made public statements expounding on that opposition.

“Nationwide, we have seen Planned Parenthood’s repeated attempts to deceive the public. These are just the kind of underhanded tactics we have come to expect from Planned Parenthood,” explained Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA. “It appears that Planned Parenthood flew a man from Washington to Mississippi, put him in a clerical collar, and asked him to appeal to the voters with deep Southern Baptist roots. It’s just wrong. His attempts to dissuade voters from voting for Amendment 26 will not be successful. Yes on 26 is an honest campaign for a pro-life measure. No posturing or dress-up is necessary to see that all human beings are people, and that all people have a right to life.”

Sleep, Religion and Politics

Kelly Bulkeley is a scholar who specializes in dream research. Some of his books include Dreaming in the Classroom, American Dreaming, and Dreaming in the World’s Religions. From his research, Bulkeley has discovered the following:

1. Conservatives are more likely to sleep well and report fewer dreams, and liberals are more likely to sleep worse and report more dreams.

2. The most religiously observant Americans (attend a worship service more than once a week) report better sleep and fewer dreams than the least religious Americans (never attend a worship service).

3. A surprisingly frequent type of dream among both conservatives and liberals is a nightmare about work.

It must be stated here that school students would do well not to dream in the classroom. They will get better grades and therefore parents will sleep better. As for religion and politics, I wonder if liberals give their conservative neighbors nightmares or cause them other forms sleep disturbances. Of course, if both regard each other as fascist or Nazis, it is likely that nightmares and sleep deprivations are mutual experiences.

Kelly Bulkeley’s website is

International Youth Coalition Members Challenge United Nations Approach to Youth Sexuality

By Lauren Funk

NEW YORK (C-FAM) Members of the International Youth Coalition are voicing their disapproval of the rights-based approach to youth issues and the promotion of sexual license presented at the recent United Nations High Level Meeting on Youth.

“Just as we have laws prohibiting youth from using drugs, it would seem that we also have a responsibility to protect youth from engaging in sexual license, ” reflected IYc member Savanna Buckner. Buckner made her comments after attending a discussion hosted by UNFPA, which asserted that youth have the right to sexual education and to make their own autonomous decisions regarding their sexuality without consent of their parents.

“As a young person, it is extremely disturbing to witness …certain UN forces working to isolate youth from their families and particularly their parents. For its education policies to be just, the UN must accept that focusing on the family as the fundamental unit of society and on parents as primary educators is not outdated and does not overlook the individuality of each person,” Buckner told the Friday Fax.

Buckner also commented on the rejection of abstinence by the proponents of sexuality education. “By assuming abstinence is impractical, these organizations discourage youth from practicing self-restraint and effectively make contraceptives the only ‘choice.’”

Antoine Kazzi, a member of the IYc from Australia, challenged the prevalent misrepresentation of sexual and reproductive health matters as universal human rights. “Sovereign nations are being misled into thinking they have to recognize and protect sexual and reproductive health ‘rights’ in their territories… [and] that these ‘rights’ are already recognized as universal human rights; and organs of the UN are being used to perpetuate this lie,” Kazzi said.

Kazzi noted the conflict these sexual ‘rights’ have with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “These ‘rights’ encompass the right to have an induced abortion, which is the deliberate ending of a child’s life. The ending of this vulnerable life offends the Universal Declaration of Human Rights… [including] the right to life.”

Maria Lizaur, another IYc member, recounted her frustration after presenting the merits of abstinence and family values programs in reducing HIV infections and unplanned pregnancies at one of the conference’s panel discussions. “Instead of [the panelists] encouraging dialogue about what is in fact good for the youth, and about what it is that the youth wants, we [who presented this information] were simply dismissed as “too young” to understand. It is tremendously sad that there were individuals and organizations at the conference who refused to listen to the voice of young individuals seeking to share ideas that expressed pro-life and pro-family solutions.”

Though voicing frustration with those at the United Nations Youth Meeting who supported autonomous freedom of sexual engagement for young people, the IYc members are hopeful that, through true dialogue, their peers and elders alike will heed their calls for support of the family and increased personal responsibility on the part of youth in matters of sexuality.

More observations by the members of the International Youth Coalition can be found at their blog, IYc Vox.

“Lauren Funk writes for C-FAM. This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

American Psychological Association Need Its Head Examined

It is common knowledge that psychologists often developed emotion and other psychological problems. For many, the problems are the result of continually dealing with the problems of others. Consequently, APA professionals loose grip on themselves and sometimes on reality as well. I learned this while taking a clinical counseling course in college.

When a group of behavioral professionals can no longer recognize harmful behavior, those professionals need to seek professional help. Pretending same-sex relations are somehow normal or beneficial is a tell-tale sign that they have lost their way. Unnatural realtions cannot be made good or legitimate because the APA says so.

Various religious and denominational nor federal and state stamp of approval cannot make it right, good or natural. Not even a consensus vote can change reality that made humanity male and female and that the future of humanity is the family tradition of men marrying women and reproducing after their own kind. Reason, nature, and their Creator have concurred for a long time.

That is why the American Psychological Association’s recent endorsement of same-sex marriage (see CitizenLink article) only proves the need for its professsionals to seek counseling from those not intimately involved in the unnatural behavior not approved by nature and its God.

Flawed Bill to Protect Children from Child Pornography Passes From Judiciary Committee: Objections & Solutions

On July 28, the House Judiciary Committee today passed a bill to help investigators track down dangerous pedophiles and protect children from sexual exploitation. The bill passed by a vote of 19-10. The Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 (H.R. 1981) directs Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to retain subscriber information for 12 months in order to assist federal law enforcement in online child pornography and child exploitation investigations. This is similar to existing federal law that requires telephone companies to retain caller information for up to 18 months.

H.R. 1981 also makes it a federal crime to financially facilitate the sale, distribution and purchase of child pornography. The bill increases the maximum penalty for certain child pornography offenses. H.R. 1981 was sponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.)

During a press conference, Chairman Smith commented,

“Child pornography may be the fastest growing crime in America, increasing an average of 150% per year. These disturbing images litter the Internet and pedophiles can purchase, view or exchange this material with virtual anonymity.

“This is partly because investigators do not have adequate tools to track down dangerous pedophiles that prey on the most innocent in our society. Investigators need the assistance of ISPs to identify users and distributers of online child pornography.

“When investigators develop leads that might result in saving a child or apprehending a pedophile, their efforts should not be frustrated because vital records were destroyed simply because there was no requirement to retain them. This bill requires ISPs to retain subscriber records, similar to records retained by telephone companies, to aid law enforcement officials in their fight against child sexual exploitation.

“Every piece of prematurely discarded information could be the footprint of a child predator. This bill ensures that the online footprints of predators are not erased.”

H.R. 1981 is supported by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the National Center for Victims of Crime, the National Sheriff’s Association, the Major County Sheriff’s Association, the International Union of Police Associations and the Fraternal Order of Police.

The ACLU and other organizations oppose section 4 of the bills because it will require Internet service providers to maintain records of all users and their communication for 12 months. This requirement is a threat to privacy of millions and an additional burden on Internet businesses.

One way around this problem would be for Internet companies in conjunction with government to develop software to identify, track, and store of those whose activities are suspect. This would allow authorities to investigate only suspected law-breaker while protecting the privacy of a majority of citizens using online services.

We all know, the government does this anyway. So why push an unlawful egalatarianism on the majority in the guise of protecting children? One reason could be legislatures have no common sense. Another might be they want to invade the privacy of whomsoever they want whenever they want.

Ohio Left Behind

Last week was the beginning of a sales tax holiday for nearly 34% of all states. Those states include Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma,South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia with Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Texas to soon follow.

Notice, Ohio is not among those states enjoying the sales tax holiday. Why?

I’m pretty sure there are a lot of Ohio parents who would appreciate not contributing an additional 7% or so for sending their children back to schools with new clothes and school supplies. After all, a state that makes parent pay taxes for schools, for school supplies, and for school lunch programs at gun point could at least give them a tax holiday during this important season.