Category Archives: news

Greene County Traffic Fatalities Update

The Greene County Safe Communities program reports that since May 25, 2011, there have been three (3) additional traffic fatalities, bringing Greene County to a total of six (6) for the year. This compares with seven (7) traffic deaths for the same period in 2010.

The top three (3) leading causes for these last few crashes that have resulted in death and injury in Greene County are improper speed, impaired driving and failure to yield. These deaths, while tragic, were all preventable. Please…slow down, drive sober and obey all traffic signs and signals.

The safety of our Greene County residents while they are traveling on the roads is our biggest concern. As we head down the “back 40” of the summer season, Safe Communities would like to remind all drivers to buckle up, park your phone and drive responsibly or secure a designated driver. Your life is worth saving!

The Ohio Department of Public Safety introduced the Safe Communities program to help communities decrease traffic injuries and deaths, increase safety awareness, decrease the amount of money spent on traffic-related injuries, and increase the number of people involved in keeping communities safe.

The next meeting of the Greene County Safe Communities Coalition is September 21, 9 a.m. at the Greene County Combined Health District in Xenia. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Laurie Fox at 937-374-5669 or email

Pro-Life Governor Signs Late-Term Abortion Ban to Save Lives

(Columbus, OH) – On July 20, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed H.B. 78, the Late-Term Abortion Ban. This new law, supported by Ohio Right to Life, is the most important piece of pro-life legislation that Ohio has passed in years and is part of an overall national strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade. The legislation was advocated for by its sponsors Rep. Joe Uecker (R -Loveland), Rep. Kristina Roegner (R-Cuyahoga Falls) and Senator Peggy Lehner (R- Kettering).

“In order to protect life, it takes compassionate leadership from our elected officials. By signing this critical pro-life legislation, Governor Kasich demonstrated to all Ohioans that the health and welfare of mothers and their unborn children are of paramount importance to the state of Ohio,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director for Ohio Right to Life. “According to the Department of Health, an abortion took place in Ohio last year when the baby was 35 weeks old. From now on, these babies and their mothers will be protected,” said Gonidakis.

This legislation bans post-viability abortions except when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger. Up to this point in Ohio, a woman could legally have an abortion up to and through her ninth month of pregnancy. With today’s signature by Governor Kasich, babies who can live outside of their mother’s womb will no longer be subject to death by abortion.

The bill passed the Ohio House of Representatives earlier this year with an astounding 65 to 33 bi-partisan vote. Last week, through the leadership of pro-life Senate President Tom Niehaus (R-New Richmond), Senator Scott Oelslager (R-North Canton) and Senator Shannon Jones (R-Springboro),the bill passed the Senate by an overwhelming bipartisan vote.

57,000 Young People Protest Message at UN Conference on Youth

“We do not agree with much of the document produced by governments for the High Level Meeting on youth,” says Tyler Ament, Director of the International Youth Coalition. “We also do not agree with the messages being put out by UN agencies like sex rights for young people and other objectionable ideas.”

Ament and his colleagues will present a Youth Statement to the UN and the World that has been signed by 120,000 people including 57,000 under the age of 30. “The Youth Statement recognizes the rights of parents and calls for policy makers to return to basics and get away from dangerous ideas that are harmful to young people,” says Ament.

Other speakers include Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, the largest youth pro-life organization in the country; Leah Darrow, a former America’s Top Model contestant turned chastity speaker; Thomas Peters, creator of the American Papist blog, which is one of the most popular Catholic blogs on the web.

Greene County Combined Health District Announces Summer Well Child Tot ‘N Teen Clinic Schedule

(XENIA, OH) The Greene County Combined Health District (GCCHD) has announced that it will hold Well Child Tot ‘N Teen Clinics every Monday during the months of July, August and September. Clinics are held from 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and are designed to help children and teens get ready for school and sports.

Well Child Clinics provide comprehensive wellness care for children ages birth – 18 years old from a dedicated team of health care professionals. Routine well baby/child check-ups include vision, hearing and speech screenings, immunizations, screenings and tests for lead and a visit with the dietitian if needed. Physicals for school, sports, work, camp, Head Start and Kindergarten are also offered.

Appointments are necessary and can be made by calling the Greene County Combined Health District at (937) 374-5655 of toll-free at 1-866-858-3588.

Payment options include Medicaid, CareSource, Amerigroup, Molina, private insurance, private pay, and by sliding fee scale.

Girls Illegal Lemonade Stand Busted By Midland Police, Saved by King Juice Company

WJCL News, Savannah Georgia, broke the news about police shutting down a Midland lemonade stand operating in Midland. The start-up business ran by three elementary age girls was shut down by police because they had no business permit. It turns out the permit would cost $50 per day with an annual fee of $180. At 25 cents a glass, the girls would have had to sell 202 glasses of the juice per day to break even. The report did not indicate how much the girl needed to raise to attend a regional theme park, which was their primary business goal.

With international pressure on the police and the unprecented move by King Juice Company to partner with girl’s defuncte business, the Midland lemonade stand has been reopened. King Juice Co. is now supplying their famous Calypso Lemonade products to the girls along with investment funding for start-up costs such as Midland business permit fees.

Now, is this entrepreneurial capitalism at its finest or what?

Sources: Family Security Matters, July 18, 2011.

Acceding to Rutherford Institute’s Demands, Ohio Dept. of Education Removes Letter of Admonishment From John Freshwater Record

(Mount Vernon, Ohio) The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has agreed to remove a “letter of admonishment” from the professional record of Christian teacher John Freshwater. In its letter, the ODE stated that it is investigating The Rutherford Institute’s charges that the admonishment against Freshwater was issued in defiance of Freshwater’s due process rights and in violation of the Department’s own rules. Institute attorneys insist that the ODE’s issuance of the admonishment violated Freshwater’s due process rights because the teacher was not given proper notice or an opportunity to defend himself against the charges. The Institute also argues that the ODE exceeded the scope of its authority by issuing the letter in violation of the prescribed statutory procedures. The Rutherford Institute came to Freshwater’s aid in the wake of a bitter and protracted legal dispute regarding Freshwater’s display of allegedly Christian posters in the classroom and his encouraging students to think critically about scientific “theories” such as evolution.

“I’m pleased that the Ohio Department of Education has decided to step back and review this situation,” stated John Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “The right to basic due process—especially the right to defend oneself against charges—is too important to be short-circuited by any government agency.”

John Freshwater was suspended by the Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education in 2008 and officially terminated in January 2011. The School Board’s resolution claims that Freshwater improperly injected religion into the classroom by giving students “reason to doubt the accuracy and or veracity of scientists, science textbooks and/or science in general.” The Board also claims that he failed to remove “all religious articles” from his classroom, including a Bible. Throughout his 21-year teaching career at Mount Vernon Middle School, John Freshwater never received a negative performance evaluation. In fact, showing their support for Freshwater, students even organized a rally in his honor. They also wore t-shirts with crosses painted on them to school and carried Bibles to class.

However, school officials were seemingly unswayed by the outpouring of support for Freshwater. The Ohio Department of Education issued its admonishment against Freshwater on March 22, 2011, based on charges that a student was injured after Freshwater, a 24-year veteran in the classroom, permitted students to touch a live Tesla coil. However, as Institute attorneys pointed out, the administrator who investigated the initial incident ultimately concluded that the allegations had been overblown and that there was “a plausible explanation for how and why the Tesla Coil had been used by John Freshwater.”

With the help of The Rutherford Institute, Freshwater is appealing his termination in state court, asserting that the school’s actions violated his rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and constituted religious discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Greene County Healthy Lifestyles Coalition To Hold 8th Annual Family Fitness Challenge

(Xenia, OH) The Greene County Healthy Lifestyles Coalition is hosting its 8th Annual Family Fitness Challenge on Thursday, July 21st at Shawnee Park in Xenia 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The event is FREE and open to the public. Families and groups are encouraged to attend.

The Fitness Challenge is designed to motivate youth and families to adopt healthier lifestyles—specifically in the areas of fitness and nutrition. Participants can visit fitness stations (including an inflatable bounce house) and health information booths, complete a fitness passport and receive a free prize (while supplies last). Healthy snacks will be available.

Partners for the Challenge include the Greene County Combined Health District; the Xenia YMCA and OSU Extension, Greene County.

For more information, call Shauna VanWinkle at 937-374-5661.

Poll: Americans Want National Debt Paid Down, Not Increased Through More Spending

According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, nearly six in ten American adults — 59% — want the federal government to make the reduction of the debt its priority even if the economy is slow to recover.

Capitol Hill politicians should get the hint that Americans are against raising the debt ceiling. They want a balanced budget. They need to find a way to reduce the debt by half in order leave with their means.

Every empire, the Roman Empire included, defaulted on its debt. Why should America be any different? Imperialists always spend more than a working public can afford, which is the reason why so many Americans went backruptcy or default on their loans during the great recession. The American government reflects its people. Well, the current politicians reflect about a third.

About one-third — 33% — want the government to stimulate the weak economy even if it costs more money.

“For the public, it’s all about the debt,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. ”For Washington, the devil is in the details.”

Looking at party, 79% of Republicans want the debt to be paid down while 15% think stimulating the economy should be the priority. There is less of a consensus among Democrats. Half — 50% — believe the government should focus on stimulating the economy while 45% say the national debt should top the government’s “to do” list. More than six in ten independents — 61% — think the priority should be the reduction of the debt even if the economy rebounds slowly. This compares with 32% who say the stimulation of the economy should be the main issue even if it costs more money.

The McClatchy-Marist Poll reported Americans are still pessimistic about the economy and for good reason: Three in four believe the U.S. is still in recession.

A majority of Americans — 53% — say that, when thinking about the U.S. economy, the worst is yet to come. However, 42% believe the worst is behind us. Six percent are unsure. When McClatchy-Marist last reported this question in April, 57% thought there was more bad economic news to come, 39% said better economic days were ahead, and 4% were unsure.

And, 75% of residents nationally still think the country is in a recession. This compares with one in five — 20% — who say the nation has come out of the recession. Five percent are unsure. In April, similar proportions held these views. At that time, 71% reported the recession was not over, 25% said it was, and 4% were unsure.

To read more, go to the Marist Poll.

Ohio Legislature Passes Pro-Life State Budget

(COLUMBUS) – Today the Ohio Legislature passed a state budget which includes multiple pro-life amendments. The state budget, House Bill 153, now advances to pro-life Governor John Kasich. Among other things, the state budget contains Ohio Right to Life amendments that will protect taxpayer dollars from paying for abortion. The first amendment bans abortions from being performed in public hospitals. The second amendment prohibits abortion coverage in insurance plans of local public employees.

“These two pro-life amendments will ensure that Ohio taxpayer dollars are not funding abortion,” said Mike Gonidakis, executive director of Ohio Right to Life. “It is crystal clear that a vast majority of Ohioans oppose all forms of taxpayer funding of abortion.”

Additional pro-life amendments were also included. One measure requires the Ohio Department of Health to apply for federal abstinence education grants to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies. The final pro-life amendment preserves the right of student groups to use and benefit from school funds and facilities, therefore protecting the rights of pro-life groups on college campuses.

House Bill 153 will be signed into law on June 30th by pro-life Governor John Kasich, who Ohio Right to Life fully expects to support each of these life-saving measures. Ohio Right to Life expresses its sincere gratitude to Senate President Tom Niehaus (R-New Richmond), Senator Shannon Jones (R-Springboro), Senator Peggy Lehner (R-Kettering), Senator Scott Oelslager (R-North Canton), along with Speaker of the House Bill Batchelder (R-Medina) and Representative Jim Buchy (R-Greenville) for their pro-life leadership in the General Assembly.

Poll: More than Six in Ten Unhappy with Obama on Deficit

President Barack Obama met with Senate leaders yesterday to jumpstart stalled budget talks, but do voters nationwide agree with how the president is handling the federal budget deficit?

According to this McClatchy-Marist poll, 61% of voters disapprove of how the president is handling the deficit. Fewer than one-third — 31% — approve, and 8% are unsure.

“President Obama is increasingly focusing on and is the focus of budget negotiations,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “Once again, it seems the buck stops in the oval office.”

While a majority of Democrats — 56% — approve of the president’s performance on the issue of the deficit, nearly four in ten — 37% — disapprove, and 8% are unsure. True to party lines, most Republicans — 89% — disapprove of the president’s fiscal management while only 7% approve. Four percent of Republicans are unsure. Among independent voters nationally, 65% disapprove of how the president is dealing with the budget deficit, and 26% approve. Nine percent of independents are unsure.

Voters are also voicing their dissatisfaction over the president’s handling of the economy. In fact, President Obama’s rating on the economy has hit an all-time low. Just 37% of registered voters nationally approve of the way the president is handling the economy while nearly six in ten — 58% — disapprove. Five percent are unsure.

When McClatchy-Marist last reported this question in April, 40% gave the president high marks on how he was dealing with the economy while 57% rated his performance as sub-par. Three percent, at the time, were unsure.

However, many voters still don’t blame President Obama for the nation’s current economic conditions. 61% report the president inherited them while 31% think they are the result of his own policies. Nine percent are unsure. Little has changed on this question since McClatchy-Marist’s previous survey. In April, 63% thought the president faced these trying economic conditions when he entered office while 30% said his policies created them. Seven percent, at the time, were unsure.

The McClatchy-Marist report can be read in its entirety by going here.