Category Archives: news

Ohio Case Roe v. Planned Parenthood is Resolved — What is There to Hide?

Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) is pleased to announce that the Ohio case, Roe v. Planned Parenthood, Case No. A0502691, Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, has been “resolved and dismissed,” according to a statement by the attorney for the plaintiffs, Brian Hurley (Crabbe, Brown & James LLP).

Resolution of the case comes just months after a major blow to Planned Parenthood’s (PP) defense on the applicability of Ohio’s informed consent statute. Judge Jody Luebbers ruled that the doctor for PP of Southwest Ohio breached her legal duty by not having an “informed consent” meeting with Jane Roe 24 hours in advance of her abortion, and by failing to obtain written informed consent from Jane and at least one of her parents since Jane was a minor at the time.

In addition to the lack of informed consent, the plaintiffs sought compensatory and punitive damages against PP for failure to comply with their statutory duty to inform Jane Roe’s parents of her intended abortion. Jane, at age 14, had been impregnated by her 21-year-old soccer coach, also the man who brought her in for the abortion. Instead of notifying Jane’s parents, as required by Ohio law, PP phoned the sexual predator. PP’s failure to notify Roe’s parents and to gain informed consent resulted in Jane not only undergoing the abortion, but also in the continued cover-up of the sexual abuse, demonstrating a disturbing trend in PP clinics: disregard for the health and wellbeing of women and children.

“Resolution of this case must have been an act of desperation on the part of PP,” states Dana Cody, LLDF’s President and Executive Director. “They went, in a matter of months, from litigating every inch of their defense to a sudden willingness to resolve the matter. I would speculate that had PP gone to trial there would have been too much exposure of how they do business. After all, they are currently experiencing public outrage over their apparent willingness to cover up the sexual exploitation of children. What more might they have to hide?”

LLDF commends Brian Hurley for his tremendous work on Roe. His diligence and perseverance continues in another Ohio case, Fairbanks v. Planned Parenthood, case no. A0901484, Hamilton County, Ohio, where Mr. Hurley is representing Denise Fairbanks. The claims include PP’s failure to report statutory rape by Ms. Fairbanks’ father when at age 16 she was taken to PP for an abortion. The complaint states that although she informed PP staff of the abuse, they did not report to local law enforcement, and for more than a year she continued to suffer abuse that PP could have prevented by simply complying with the law.

Life Legal Defense Foundation was established in 1989, and is a nonprofit public interest law firm composed of attorneys and other concerned citizens, committed to the sanctity of human life. LLDF provided support for Jane Roe’s case and continues to provide assistance in Ms. Fairbanks case.

Source: Christian Newswire, April 27, 2011.

Johnson & Johnson’s Sales of Cancer-Causing Birth Control Pills Comparable to Tobacco Industry’s Corporate Greed, Says Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer

“Real hatred of women involves their exploitation through sales of cancer-causing hormonal contraceptive steroids,” Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer.

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer condemns Johnson & Johnson’s and its shareholders’ decision to continue selling cancer-causing birth control pills to young women instead of protecting their lives and striving to reduce breast cancer rates.

On April 28, 2011, Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, a medical adviser for the Coalition, presented a resolution at a shareholder’s meeting on behalf of a shareholder, Human Life International. The resolution proposed a change in J&J’s policy – that it would not discriminate in employment against breast cancer survivors, including those voicing opposition to the sale of the pill. Shareholders rejected the proposal after J&J’s board sent a message saying they “did not believe the resolution is necessary.”

World Health Organization scientists’ research and a meta-analysis in Mayo Clinic Proceedings show the pill is associated with cancers. [1,2] Use of the pill has been linked to the deadly triple-negative breast cancer. [3]

Kahlenborn’s testimony is available here.

“Over 260,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer (in situ and invasive cases) this year,” said Mrs. Malec. “J&J’s corporate greed is comparable to that of the tobacco industry. How does J&J CEO William Weldon sleep at night?”

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is an international women’s organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer.


1. Cogliano V, Grosse Y, Baan R, Secretan B, El Ghissassi F. Carcinogenicity of combined oestrogen-progestagen contraceptives and menopausal treatment. Lancet Oncology 2005;6:552-553.

2. Kahlenborn C, Modugno F. Potter D, Severs W. Oral contraceptive use as a risk factor for premenopausal breast cancer: A meta-analysis. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2006;81(10):1290-1302. Available at: .

3. Dolle J, Daling J, White E, Brinton L, Doody D, et al. Risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer in women under the age of 45 years. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(4)1157-1166. Available at:

May 3 Election Results

Xenia voters passed two school renewal levies

In my previous post, I had the renewal levies reversed. Issue 3 was the 1.3 mill levy on property that will be used for renovating one of the schools for new offices. Issue 3 passed with 58% for and 42% against. Issue 4 was the 1/2% income tax renewal used for daily operation of schools. It was renewed by 10% voter margin, 55% for and 45% against.

The 1/2% income tax that passed with the bond issue also was for building renovations, repairs, and the like. Along with the renewed 1/2% income tax levy and 1.3 mill levy, Xenia schools officials will be able to continue fixing emergency issues like declining of income from investments (e.g, buying textbooks 70 fewer classrooms), turning good school buildings into new administrative offices, and repairing the 3 existing school buildings.

If they maintain those 3 building as they did the run-down elementary schools and the current administrative offices, those school building will surely be in dire need of being replaced in a few years.

Of course, a new high school complex would be nice I’m sure. But, what of the junior high/middle schools?

I hear Warner Jr. High already needs replaced. Maybe school officials will actually use some of the renewed money to renovate that school building. Most likely, they will not. Instead, they will let the remaining schools catch up to Warner’s condition. Then they will offer to place all junior high students in the not quite as run down high school facility. Poor junior highers they are only worthy of an old raunchy high school building.

Bin Laden, Gaddafi and Modern Warfare: On the Highway of Death

By John W. Whitehead

“Now thou art come unto a feast of death.”—Shakespeare, 1 Henry VI 4.5.7

War is not about territories. War is not about oil. War is not even about winners and losers. In the end, all that can really be said is that war is about killing. It is about the taking of human life.

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main,” wrote John Donne. “Any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in Mankind…” If this is so, then we belong to a race of human beings that has been greatly diminished over time. In fact, one “atrocitologist” estimates that roughly 174 million people died in the 20th century alone due to acts of war, genocide and tyranny.

War is also about the loss of humanity—a loss that has become an inherent part of modern-day warfare. And with every new death, civilian or otherwise, we lose yet another piece of our humanity and regress toward our primitive, animal instincts. This is what we must grapple with in the wake of the reported assassination of Osama bin Laden and the NATO airstrike said to have claimed the lives of leader Muammar Gaddafi’s 29-year-old son and three young grandchildren. Whether or not it was actually bin Laden or Gaddafi’s relatives who were killed, as some have questioned, is not the issue. As CIA Director Leon Panetta remarked, “Bin Laden is dead. Al-Qaida is not.”
In other words, while Americans may be celebrating the death of “the most infamous terrorist of our time,” seeing it as a fitting act of retribution for the innocent lives lost on 9/11, the war effort is far from over. Indeed, America’s military response to 9/11 has spawned such blowback in the Middle East that we now find ourselves in a permanent state of war.

As a result, the war machine will continue unimpeded and the civilian death toll will rise higher with every passing day. All the while, most Americans, comforted by expressions of patriotism and pride in their military, distracted by mindless entertainment, technological gadgets and materialistic pursuits, and relatively insulated from the devastation being wrought overseas, seem to be unconcerned about the escalating costs of war—in dollars and lives. Even as these endless wars drag America to the brink of bankruptcy, both financially and morally, most Americans continue to live in a state of denial about the part we have played—are playing—in this bloody tragedy.
Modern technology totally dehumanizes warfare and, in the process, totally dehumanizes us as human beings. While it allows us to wage battles from afar, modern technological warfare also reduces the act of killing human beings to nothing more than targeting blips on a screen—a macabre video game with faceless victims and no danger of someone shooting back. And when an American drone annihilates innocent civilians in some far-away land, this is simply written off as yet another technological blip.

I was an infantry officer in the Army from 1969 to 1971. Men in my platoon who had served time in Vietnam told me many stories—but none more chilling than the one from two helicopter pilots. They told me how they would shoot the “friendlies” on their way back from reconnaissance missions just so they could empty their ammunition before returning to base. The “friendlies” were South Vietnamese women and children, helpless victims in a war they did not understand. But to the American pilots, they were simply dots on the ground.

This is what warfare does to so-called civilized people. The U.S.-led Gulf War saw its share of carnage, as did the so-called war on terror that arose following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. And once again, there were reports of the indiscriminate killing of civilians by American forces where entire villages were wiped out and women and children lay dead on the cold earth of Afghanistan. Then the American military industrial complex trained its sights on Iraq, once again unleashing its awesome war machine. And the carnage continued, made even worse by horrifying reports of Iraqi prisoners being tortured, raped and subjected to all manner of other abuses at the hands of U.S. soldiers.
Yet despite the rising death toll among the military and civilians, despite the cost to the economy (the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone have already cost more than $1 trillion), despite the fact that the American military, acting as an international police force, is spread dangerously thin, despite the fact that Congress has yet to actually declare war against most of the countries in which America is making war (thus undermining the one thing that stands between us and tyranny—our Constitution), the American government continues to bang the war drums. And when all is said and done, after all the blather about national security and fighting terrorism and defending freedom abroad have died down, if these endless wars amount to anything at all, it is nothing less than the utter destruction of every decent and noble ideal for which America is supposed to stand.

The fact that modern technological warfare is turning human beings into non-feeling killing machines should cause us to tremble. It should give us reason to pause and question how we could let ourselves travel so far down the road to perdition. We have placed others on the highway of death. In the end, however, it is we who are traveling the highway of death. May God help us all.

May 3 Ballot: Renewing School Levies Issues 3 & 4

On May 3, Xenia voters will determine Xenia School officials will have enough money to convert one of the abandoned elementary schools (i.e. Arrowwood) into a new office building.

Voters should remember that they passed 1/2% income tax levy with the passing of the bond issue. By renewing the 1/2% income tax due to expire, taxpayers will be paying 1% of their incomes to our schools. In addition to the property taxes.

It would be a dream come true if voter turnout was nearly 100 percent or at least comparable to November turn outs. However, public officials depend on low voter turn out during off-season elections. That is because those showing up at the polls are mostly those officials have convinced to support their issue.

Nevertheless, the issue is whether our school officials actually need more of our incomes to either convert good school buildings for their preferred uses and/or to maintain the 3 other schools. I answer is no they do not.

The $5 million projected budget deficit may be real. But seeing budgets are always bloated by about 10% for contingencies, it just as likely the deficit is on paper only. In other words, it justifies their plans to close schools for the building program and to convert one into a new office complex.

To prove public institutions over-budget by around 10%, let’s look at the 2009 City fiscal audit.
The City projected operating expenditures would be $16,497,434 but actual reported expenditures were $15,195,407. This shows the budget was 8% over actual costs. The was true of revenues. City management’s estimated budget 8% higher than actual income ($16,457,683 budget and $15,096,409 actual). After looking at the schools financial audits, it appears that the officials have consistently over budgeted projection to around 3 percent. That means the school budget was $1.4 million less than actual expenditures last year.

The last fiscal audit showed a district-wide operating deficit of a little over $3 million. The reasons were all related to the recessionary economy except for an increase of salaries and benefits. It looks like the increase was in the range of 4-6 percent or $2-3 million.

Repeating the question, do school officials need another 1/2% of our income, which by the way amount to nearly $2 million? Should taxpayers funded converting usable school facilities into new offices?

What school officials should do is repair the old historic building they currently occupy. With appropriate renovations, the landmark could be restored to a well-functioning office building. In fact, all of the continuing income tax dollars could have been used to do that long ago. The other 1/2% income tax levy should be sufficient for maintenance and repair of the high school and the two middle schools.

The previously mentioned $2 million might do more to help the local community if spent at local businesses.

For those all of those reasons, Issue 4 should not be renewed. The school district actually does need the operating levy (Issue 3) renewed.

Pro 2nd Amendment bills needs support now!

On April 13, Senate Bill 17 (Restaurant Carry) and SB 61 (Restoration of Rights) both passed out of the Ohio Senate. SB 17 passed with a 25-7 margin and SB 61 passed with a 27-5 margin. These are not “radical” bills as the media and anti-2nd amendment crowd would love for you to believe. In fact, they are quite the opposite.

SB 17, sponsored by Senator Tim Schaffer (R), will allow citizens who hold a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a firearm in restaurants. To do so, license holders may not consume any alcohol and must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to, 42 states (including every state that borders Ohio) allow non-drinking license holders to carry firearms in restaurants. The bill also reduces burdensome restrictions regarding how a license holder must transport a firearm in a car. Currently, Ohio is the only state to place such complex limitations on license holders. This bill is the same as SB239 from last session, but it adds a provision to provide a way for people who were convicted of improperly transporting a firearm under the current law to receive relief if they would have been in compliance under the law as amended in SB17.

SB 61, sponsored by Senator Jason Wilson (D) aligns Ohio law with federal statutes regarding the restoration of rights to Ohio firearms purchasers.

Ken Hanson, Legislative Chair of Buckeye Firearms Association, said, “These bills address three important issues facing Ohio gun owners and concealed carry license holders and seek to align Ohio law with federal law and the laws of our surrounding states.”

However, the bill is now held up in the House of Representatives. According to the Ohio Liberty Council,

“Restaurant Carry (Senate Bill 17) is stuck in the Ohio House waiting for a vote because we have some rather “weak-kneed” house Republicans that need some “encouragement” from their freedom-loving constituents.”

In order to get the bill up for a May 2 vote, supporters of gunowner rights need to let their representatives know they support the two bills. The Ohio Liberty Council has establish a webpage form making it easy to do so. The webpage can be accessed at

Lawsuit Against National Day of Prayer Dismissed

On April 14, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit dismissed the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s (FFRF) lawsuit attacking the federal government’s observance of National Day of Prayer, ruling that the atheists do not have legal standing to bring the suit. Liberty Institute and Family Research Council (FRC) filed an amicus brief in the case on behalf of Dr. James Dobson, Citizenlink (formerly Focus on the Family Action), the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU), Let Freedom Ring, and Liberty Counsel, along with 28 state family policy councils arguing that FFRF lacks standing and that government observances of prayer are not only constitutional but modeled by our forefathers.

In response to Court’s ruling, Kelly Shackelford, President of Liberty Institute, said,

“We applaud the Seventh Circuit’s dismissal of this desperate attempt to erase our country’s rich history of calling for prayer. Sadly, some are determined to censor religious expression in the public arena. As long as Liberty Institute exists and the Constitution is in place, we will do everything in our power to ensure that never happens.”
The Court’s ruling, which strongly rejects FFRF’s opposition to government’s observance of National Day of Prayer, says that being excluded or “hurt feelings differ from legal injury.”

Last year, U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that the federal government’s observation of prayer was unconstitutional, despite numerous rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court that protect long-standing traditions of religious invocations. When Congress passed a statute in 1952 calling for the President to issue a proclamation designating the National Day of Prayer, it memorialized the virtually unbroken tradition of Presidents from Washington to Obama who designated a day of prayer.

“The 7th Circuit’s decision in Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Obama once again affirms what the vast majority of Americans know intuitively: that we should not and indeed cannot separate our nation’s history from the influence of religion on its founders,” said Brad Miller, director of family policy councils for Citizenlink. “Even Americans with a decidedly agnostic view of religion cannot refute the important role religious tradition has played throughout the history of this great nation. The President’s proclamation is simply a continuation of a long and deep tradition of urging and acknowledging prayer as a fundamental part of a healthy society. We applaud this decision and the great work of our allies at the Liberty Institute for their work on behalf of religious freedom.”

This year, National Day of Prayer is set for May 5.

Source: Liberty Institute, April 14, 2011.

Helping Tornado Victims

Samaritan’s Purse has deployed staff and equipment in four of the hardest hit counties in North Carolina, helping victims of the deadliest spring storms in the state in two decades.

Trained emergency workers are in Bertie, Cumberland, Lee, and Wake Counties, assessing the damage and determining how we can best help. Samaritan’s Purse also dispatched three Disaster Relief Units loaded with emergency supplies and equipment. Each can be set up as an emergency command post to enable volunteer crews to work in the midst of a disaster zone.

We are asking for volunteers to help clean up debris, make emergency repairs on houses, and minister to the victims in the Name of Jesus Christ. To serve with Samaritan’s Purse, go to our volunteer network website.

Luther Harrison, Director of North American Projects, is leading the team in Bertie County. He is seeing incredible scenes of devastation and destruction in the county that saw 11 of the 22 deaths that have been reported throughout the state.

“When you see two people picking up debris in a yard where you cannot even recognize there was a home, but in the middle of some rubble is a motorized wheelchair and the owner had been found deceased in a ditch, how can you not have pity on them and want to reach out and help them?” he said. “Everyone we meet shares their experience.”

The Samaritan’s Purse international headquarters is located in the western part of the state, about 200 miles from the affected area.

“We work all over the world responding to disasters but sometimes some of the most difficult places are within a few miles of home,” said Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham. “Our prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones and those affected by the storm. We’ll be doing all we can to help.”

With seven counties devastated and tens of millions of dollars in damage, Gov. Beverly Perdue declared a state of emergency, an order that permits large supply and utility trucks to enter the state and help in the rescue and cleanup.

The North Carolina Division of Emergency Management on Sunday reported 22 people were killed and 80 were injured by the storms in Bertie, Bladen, Cumberland, Harnett, Lee, and Wake counties. According to news reports, a series of violent tornadoes roared through the city of Raleigh and across the heart of North Carolina Saturday afternoon and evening. The storms leveled or damaged hundreds of homes, demolished a trailer park, plucked trees out of the earth, and left more than 84,000 people without power.

North Carolina normally gets about 19 tornadoes a year, according to the National Climatic Data Center. This storm spun off at least 62 tornadoes Saturday night.

The tornadoes were part of a storm system that first struck Oklahoma Thursday night and then swept through Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia, killing at least 45 people before heading out to sea.

“When the storm count is finalized, this will likely be an historic tornado outbreak,” said CNN meteorologist Jacqui Jeras. “It is quite unusual to have this many supercell tornadoes of this intensity strike the area.”

Senator Sherrod Brown Opposes Defunding Planned Parenthood

On April 14, United States Senator Sherrod Brown had the opportunity to protect our tax dollars from going to the largest abortion provider – Planned Parenthood. Senator Sherrod Brown had the opportunity to stop funding Planned Parenthood and he failed us. Senator Sherrod Brown supports Planned Parenthood with your tax dollars!

In 2009, Planned Parenthood reported 332,278 performed abortions, 8,270 more abortions than it performed in 2008. Planned Parenthood recently stated a mandate that every Planned Parenthood affiliate have at least one clinic performing abortion within the next two years.

Senator Sherrod Brown refuses to listen to Ohioans. In a letter response to pro-life Ohioans, he stated:

“I will continue to oppose efforts to eliminate or drastically reduce funding for Planned Parenthood and the Title X family planning program.”

Ohio Right to Life urges all Ohioans to never forget what Senator Brown has done.

In less than two years Senator Brown will stand before each of us and ask for our votes to be re-elected for another six year term. On that day, let us all collectively respond to his vote to support Planned Parenthood.

Source:Ohio Right to Life, April 15, 2011

Organic Groups, Farmers File Preemptive Lawsuit Against Monsanto

By Ethan A. Huff

In order to avoid completely losing their businesses and livelihoods to the predatory business model of Monsanto, 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations have collectively filed a preemptive lawsuit against the multinational biotechnology giant. Filed by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) on behalf of the plaintiffs, the suit seeks judicial protection against the inevitable lawsuits Monsanto will file against non-GM and organic farmers when its genetically-modified (GM) seeds and other materials contaminate their fields.

In the past, Monsanto has successfully sued farmers in both the US and Canada for allegedly violating patent protections. But the truth is that Monsanto’s seeds or other genetic materials have inadvertently trespassed on nearby crop fields, for which any rational person can see makes Monsanto the violator. But Monsanto has someone been able to twist this before the courts to claim that the owners of the contaminated fields were guilty of patent infringement — and shockingly, Monsanto has actually won numerous cases on this illegitimate platform (…).

With the recent deregulation of GM alfalfa — and many more GM crops soon on the way — organic farmers and the organizations that represent and fight for them can see the coming storm. If given free reign over agriculture, Monsanto and its “Frankenseeds” will eventually take over the whole of agriculture — and this is a fact. So the plaintiffs are doing the only thing they can, which is to take proactive steps now to protect non-GM and organic agriculture from being completely destroyed by Monsanto.

“Some say transgenic seed can coexist with organic seed, but history tells us that’s not possible, and it’s actually in Monsanto’s financial interest to eliminate organic seed so that they can have a total monopoly over our food supply,” said Dan Ravicher, Executive Director of PUBPAT. “Monsanto is the same chemical company that previously brought us Agent Orange, DDT, PCB’s and other toxins, which they said were safe, but we know are not. Now Monsanto says transgenic seed is safe, but evidence clearly shows it is not.”

Over 270,000 members are represented as plaintiffs in the case, and thousands of them are certified organic family farmers. The case, Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto, has been assigned to Judge Naomi Buchwald in a Manhattan, NY, federal district court. You can read a full copy of the suit here:…

“None of Monsanto’s original promises regarding genetically modified seeds have come true after 15 years of wide adoption by commodity farmers. Rather than increased yields or less chemical usage, farmers are facing more crop diseases, an onslaught of herbicide-resistant superweeds, and increased costs from additional herbicide application,” said David Murphy, founder and Executive Director of Food Democracy Now!

“Even more appalling is the fact that Monsanto’s patented genes can blow onto another farmer’s fields and that farmer not only loses significant revenue in the market but is frequently exposed to legal action against them by Monsanto’s team of belligerent lawyers. Crop biotechnology has been a miserable failure economically and biologically and now threatens to undermine the basic freedoms that farmers and consumers have enjoyed in our constitutional democracy.”

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