Category Archives: news

Whistleblower Files Suit to Remove Greene County Prosecutor

Earlier this month, John Mitchel, former Republican candidate for Ohio’s Seventh Congressional District, filed suit (Case No: 2011-CV-0114) in Greene County Common Pleas Court to remove County Prosecutor Stephen K. Haller. Mitchel alleges Haller practiced “gross misconduct” in the manner in which he defended himself and other Greene County Republican Executive Committee members in a public records request action filed in May 2009. Mitchel also claims that Haller conspired with an assistant prosecutor to withhold public records related to the 2003 BRAC Initiative Agreement contract between Greene County and the Dayton Development Coalition.

In response to filing the lawsuit, Mitchel commented, “It is well past the time that we demand our elected officials are held accountable to the same laws that apply to ‘we the people.’ As long as we allow law enforcement officials and the courts to tolerate cronyism and pay-to-play politics, we get exactly what we deserve…..self-interested politicians who hold themselves above the law. As this scandal and others unwind, it’s my sense that the cover-up to conceal fraud, waste, abuse and corruption in Greene County extends to the top of the GOP chain of command here in Ohio. However, in the meantime Mr. Haller has rights, and as it should be, he will have the opportunity to defend himself before a jury of his peers if he chooses to do so.”

Blue Ribbon Task Force Community Update

by U.S. Rep. Steve Austria

Last week, I joined the Blue Ribbon Task Force in Dayton to update community leaders and elected officials on the status of the recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission report. I think it is important now, more than ever, to focus on how our region can bring our ‘A’ game to the table to be more competitive and bring additional jobs to Ohio. With Wright-Patterson Air Force Base being the largest single site employer in the state, it is vitally important that we continue to evaluate how we can help grow Wright-Patt and better do business with the base.

The Blue Ribbon Commission, which was formed in 2009, was made up of small businesses, community leaders, retirees from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) and academia, to evaluate the strengths of the region and better compete for contracts in support of WPAFB. The Blue Ribbon Task Force was then formed to implement the recommendations proposed by the Blue Ribbon Commission Report in July 2010. The recommendations aim to support Ohio’s military facilities and increase the number of WPAFB contracts awarded to local companies, bringing more jobs to the region. The Task Force has done an extraordinary job implementing the Commission’s recommendations, and I am encouraged to hear of their progress and success. This community-based effort has truly taken enormous strides towards returning jobs to the state of Ohio.

Also last week, the Task Force launched and highlighted a social media Web site that was created to address several of the Commission’s recommendations. The Web site was designed to be a resource to the community, where people can share community information. I encourage you to learn more by visiting this page on my Web site to see for yourself how the Task Force’s efforts can help bring the community together. Wright State University’s School of Engineering and Computer Science has also agreed to run and operate the Web site from here on out, and I look forward to their continued efforts.

Arabic Classes for Elementary Students?

Last week, according to a report by Liberty Institute, “parents raised concerns about a new requirement that elementary and intermediate students attending two Mansfield Independent School District (MISD, southeast of Fort Worth) schools learn Arabic. While MISD put the plan on hold for now, the plan was to require Arabic language courses for students in two elementary and intermediate schools and offer the class as an elective to middle and high school students at two different campuses. The Arabic language course would include instruction on Arabic culture and traditions, history, and government.”

“The course is a result of a $1.3 million federal grant from the Department of Education, which is just another example of the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., deciding what works everywhere else. Parents are rightly concerned, because this government interference directly affects their children. Additionally, parents are curious about what’s going to be in the curriculum. Parents have the responsibility of deciding what is best for their children and being involved in their education.”

Because this is a federal program, it could happen here in Xenia.

While I don’t see anything wrong with children learning Arabic, I do see a problem school boards dictating what foreign language children must learn. Why only Arabic? Why not Hebrew or Farsi? Why not require German, Russian, Swahili, Spanish, and Chinese also. If Americans are to be genuine global citizens rather than good imperialists, Americans must learn at least one language of the major language groups.

Elementary age children are natural language learners. Now is the best time for them to learn new languages. Anyone who has attempted to learn a new language (mine was Hebrew and Greek) knows it is difficult for several reasons: (1) Time constraints of adulthood or other college course work, (2) rote learning of words, punctuation marks, and the like, and (3) applying this new knowledge through conversation and writing. Think about the process of babies learning to speak and children learning to form complete sentences. That the same process children and adults must go through to learn any language, which is the reason why early childhood is best time to begin.

By learning one language of each major language, children would be prepared to easily learn any other language. This would in turn prepare them for cross-cultural and cross-national relations within any in any given field of work or travel.

In Fort Worth Texas, the agenda is not preparing children for global citizenship, but rather sensitivity training for Muslim acceptance comparable to gay sensitivity training of federal employees.

Source: Liberty Watch, February 11, 2011.

Today’s hearing on Senate Bill 5… Please come to the Statehouse this Thursday in red

By Rebecca Heimlich

I’m sitting in the Ohio Statehouse Rotunda listening to proponent testimony for Senate Bill 5, which would significantly reform Ohio’s collective bargaining law for public employees. I got to the Statehouse an hour before the hearing and saw several buses and knew our side’s buses weren’t coming until Thursday. The Statehouse is packed with union members who have been bused in from around the state. The Rotunda is the second overflow room for those who came to the hearing. Unfortunately, our red shirts are outnumbered.

We have to pack the Statehouse for Thursday’s hearing with SB 5 supporters in red shirts. I recognize it is more difficult for our activists to to get to Columbus. Most of us can’t get a taxpayer paid day off to come like many union members can, and we don’t have unions to pay for our buses. That said… Senate Bill 5 is crucial to balancing Ohio’s budget and getting us back on track to prosperity.

Under Ohio’s current collective bargaining law, public employers (which are ultimately taxpayers) cannot effectively manage their workforce. These laws take away public employers’ ability to decide how much to pay their employees and don’t allow flexibility in employment decisions.

Ohio must be able to hire, promote and pay based on merit.

Please join us this Thursday at 9am on the West Statehouse Lawn and wear red. Please come earlier if you can. If today is any indication, the union buses will already be at the Statehouse at 9am Thursday.

To read more, go to the Americans for Prosperity Ohio website.

Ohio Right to Life Late Term Ban Introduced into the Ohio Senate

Pro-life legislation introduced into the Ohio Senate this morning will ban late term abortions in Ohio. Similar to House Bill 78, the Late Term Ban introduced in the Ohio House last week, this legislation will save babies’ lives.

“This is a huge step forward in putting an end to abortion in Ohio,” State Senator Peggy Lehner, sponsor of Senate Bill 72 said. “When we know there is a way to protect both the mother and her child, it is our responsibility to protect them both.”

This bill would require physicians to test if a child was viable outside of the mother’s womb prior to performing an abortion after 20 weeks gestation. If the child is viable, the abortion cannot be performed. There is an exception for the physical health and life of the mother.

“This late term abortion ban legislation will save lives immediately when enacted. The overwhelming support of our pro-life leaders in the Ohio Senate demonstrates that our government is serious about enacting safeguards to protect babies’ lives,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life.

Ohio law currently permits abortions through all nine months of pregnancy, up until the moment of birth. Most experts agree that an unborn child can feel pain by 20 weeks. In 2009, 613 children were killed at 20 weeks of life or later in Ohio. 116 of those babies suffered death after 24 weeks. One case was documented at 35 weeks.

Sex Trafficking Revelations Prompt Noon Demonstration Outside Planned Parenthood

Human rights advocates will gather in the public right of way today outside the Planned Parenthood offices across nation and Ohio from Noon to 1 PM to hold a “Vigil for Victims” of underage sex trafficking. The vigil will raise awareness in the community about the recent undercover video investigation that caught Planned Parenthood red-handed in the act of aiding and abetting underage sex trafficking of girls as young as 14. The vigil will also call upon Congress to immediately strip Planned Parenthood of its $363 million in annual taxpayer funding.

The local vigils will join with other Vigils for Victims being held today outside Planned Parenthood offices nationwide to reveal the danger the organization poses to women and girls. These gatherings represent a massive grassroots response to the undercover sting operation that documented Planned Parenthood workers at multiple locations across several states assuring an undercover investigator posing as a pimp that the organization would secretly provide abortions and other sex services to underage victims of human trafficking, helping to facilitate their exploitation. More information about the coast-to-coast vigils can be found at:

Federal law is clear: “Sex trafficking of minors is a federal crime and punishable by imprisonment for 10 years to life.” (18 U.S. Code 1591) Also, “any person who aids abets, or counsels a federal crime to be committed may be punished as if they had committed the crime themselves.” (18 U.S. Code 2)

The nearest Planned Parenthood Health Center is located in Fairborn.

Democracy in Egypt? Large Minority Groups Say They Are Being Excluded From The Negotiations

By Mary Abdelmassih

The uprising of the Egyptian Youth, both Copts and Muslims, has been dubbed as the “Facebook Uprising” mainly because it was started by modern and educated youth who depended on the social network “Facebook” and “Twitter” to organize themselves. Until now it appears that they are nondenominational, do not belong to any political party and without a leader, demanding the “ousting of the present corrupt regime and the octogenarian President Mubarak, to make way for a democratic and secular Egypt, with social justice and equality for all Egyptians. The uprising which is now called “January 25th Youth Movement” has gained support from Egyptians of all walks of life.

Several Coptic organizations have been taking part in the demonstrations, believing that change in Egypt is coming and they have to be there. They perceive their participation will put weight and balance the scales for a secular state.

Activist Rami Kamel, one of those responsible for the Coptic Youth Movement, said thousands of its members participated in all protests and in all areas, including the “Day of Departure” demonstrations on February 4, which called for the immediate ousting of Mubarak, and confirmed their intention to do so, until all demands of protesters are met. He added they joined the demonstrations the first day. “We have to get rid of the President, and his regime, which was the cause of the decline of Egypt economically, socially, and caused all the sectarian problems suffered by the Copts.”

After President Mubarak bowed to international pressure and the ongoing daily protests asking for his departure, he declared that he would not seek reelection but would finish his current term. Mubarak appointed a vice-president and brought in a new government which called on all parties to join in a dialogue for the future. All parties have been invited to take part in this dialogue except for the Copts.

This has angered Copts world-wide, especially since they believe their January demonstrations all over Egypt after the bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria on New Year’s Eve (AINA 1-2-2011) was the spark that ignited the present uprising “by breaking down the barrier of fear.” This view is also held by the Coptic Church, whose Bishop Anba Suriel of Melbourne told “The Australian” on February 5 that “he believes the nascent revolution began with the New Year massacre of 23 Copts.”

For his part, Coptic Dr. Naguib Gabriel, head of the Egyptian Federation of Human Rights Organization, addressed Major Omar Suleiman, Vice-President of the Republic, urging him to include the Copts in the dialogue with the national authorities, initiated by the Vice President on Wednesday, on grounds that the Copts are part of the national community, and must participate in decision-making, particularly in the constitutional committee.

Gabriel stressed in his message to the Vice-President, which was aired on some TV channels this morning, that it is not possible under any circumstances to exclude Copts from the national dialog. He pointed out that many Coptic youth were killed and wounded since the beginning of the January 25th Youth Movement, demanding with their compatriots constitutional, legislative and social reforms. He wondered how could the Muslim Brotherhood can be invited for dialogue and not the Copts, who comprise 15-20% of Egypt’s population.

It was reported today that Islamist groups have asked Major Omar Suleiman to be included in the dialogue.

Rami Kamel told the Egyptian daily el Masry elYom the Coptic Youth Movement has legitimate demands consistent with those of the rest of the demonstrators, pointing out the regime has ruled out Coptic activists from the dialogue with the political authorities, which confirms the marginalization of the Copts.

Coptic Pope Shenouda III said on Egyptian state TV two years ago that the number of Copts in Egypt exceed 12 million. “This is based on baptisms and marriages in addition to lists of families in the church registers all over Egypt,” said Father Antonius Isaac of St. Mary’s Church in the Mohandeseen area of Cairo. “This number does not include Copts in small villages and hamlets who have no church and have never seen a priest, due to the government policies of limiting church building.”

The main Coptic demands are a new secular and democratic constitution without the second Article of the present Egyptian Constitution, which states that Islamic Sharia is the source of legislation, and which makes them second class citizens.

“We are at least 15-20% of the Egyptian population and we demand proportionate representation and definitely no restrictions on church building,” said activist Joseph Armanious. “We also demand what all other Egyptian protesters are asking for, but these demands come on top.”

The Coptic Church had called on its followers not to join in the protests, angering many Copts who decided not to follow the soft attitude of their church towards the regime, saying that it only has to limit itself to spiritual matters. Faced with the pressure of the defiant Coptic youth, the church was later forced to relax its stance and allowed Copts to join but only in “peaceful protests, in a civilized manner and within the law.”

Pope Shenouda gave his support for Mubarak at the beginning of the protests, which led many activists to accuse the church of believing Mubarak, “who managed to present himself to the Coptic Church and the Coptic people as the ultimate guardian of Copts in Egypt, despite this regime being responsible, first and foremost, of all sectarian terrorist incidents that took place against the Copts,” says Coptic activist Fawzy Hermina. He added: “The scandal and the straw that broke the camel’s back was what the British Embassy in Egypt said, that the Ministry of Interior is the organ which is responsible for planning and carrying out the bombing of the “Two Saints” Church in Alexandria on New Year’s Eve, which killed thirty and wounded ninety Copts.”

Many Copts share this view, including Coptic political analyst and activist Magdy Khalil, who said “Mubarak has been involved one way or another in the Alexandria church bombing.”

Reuters/Arabic carried out an interview with Coptic demonstrators in Tahrir Square, published on February 4. It reported that most of them said that they want to see Mubarak toppled and his regime gone “now more than ever.” One Coptic dentist explained that the New Year’s Eve Alexandria church bombing brought to an end the lie that the regime was protecting the Copts, and that was why the Copts went out demonstrating against Mubarak at the time, while another Copt who came from Nag Hammadi, where six Copts were shot by a Muslim on Christmas Eve 2010 (AINA 1-7-2010) said “We came here to show that every Egyptian should be here and want to be here, no difference between Christians and Muslims.”

Speaking about the fear of the Copts at the present moment, Coptic activist Wagih Yacoub said “Things are moving so fast and nobody knows what to expect next, everything is up in the air, however, Copts are desperate that an Islamic outcome should be avoided. We all say yes to change, but no to an Islamic state.”

Asked in a television interview with CNN on January 31, Coptic business Tycoon Naguib Saweiress, who has been appearing recently as a Coptic leader, praised the “Facebook Uprising” as he also called it, but cautioned that “one has to watch the Muslim Brotherhood of not hijacking this uprising.” This view is shared by all Copts and Muslims who do not agree with Egypt becoming an “Islamic Caliphate.”

Permission to reprint this article was granted by the Assyrian International News Agency.

Representative Martin Introduces New Legislation

State Representative Jarrod Martin (R-Beavercreek) recently teamed up with his legislative colleagues to introduce two bills in the Ohio House of Representatives.

House Bill 61, which Representative Martin introduced with Representative Andy Thompson (R-Marietta), would afford private sector employers the option to offer compensatory time. This serves as an alternative to employers offering overtime pay to employees, which they must pay one and one-half times the employee’s hourly rate for each hour worked in excess of 40 hours per week by law.

“This bill offers a great alternative for businesses to save money,” Representative Martin said. “Not only is it necessary to find ways for our businesses to be economically efficient during these hard times, but this bill allows for flexibility to employees, creating a more family-friendly work environment.”

Representative Martin also introduced House Bill 54 alongside Representative Ron Maag (R-Lebanon). This legislation allows for the restoration of gun rights that brings Ohio into compliance with a recent Supreme Court ruling that asserted that to restore gun ownership rights for someone under firearm disability, there must be complete restoration.

“It is the Legislature’s responsibility to ensure that our laws are clear and can be upheld as constitutional,” Rep. Martin said. “There are currently people who are unintentionally breaking the current law because of the recent ruling due to the fact there is one category that cannot be restored to those under firearm disability.”

House Bill 61 and House Bill 54 will undergo further consideration and debate in their assigned House committees. Representative Martin offered sponsor testimony to the Economic and Small Business Development Committee on House Bill 61 last week and will soon be giving sponsor testimony on House Bill 54.

Thomas More Law Center Appeals Conviction of Young Christian Missionary Arrested at Dearborn Arab Festival

Standing barely 5 feet tall, 18-year old Negeen Mayel, whose parents escaped from Afghanistan after the Russian invasion, could not escape the clutches of the Dearborn, Michigan Police Department. Her crime: she was a Christian publicly filming her fellow Christian missionaries discussing the Gospel with Muslims at last year’s annual Dearborn Arab Festival, and she didn’t turn off her camera quick enough after a police officer ordered her to do so.

Negeen Mayel was convicted in the Dearborn District Court of failure to obey a police officer’s order. Astonishingly, at the trial, the officer admitted that the filming by Mayel was in fact not a crime.

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed its opening brief with the Wayne County Circuit Court, seeking to overturn her conviction. Mayel was one of four Christian missionaries originally arrested for preaching the Gospel at the 2010 Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan.

All four Christians were charged with Breach of the Peace for discussing their faith with Muslims at the Festival. All four were acquitted by a jury. However, Negeen Mayel was also charged with “failure to obey” for not turning off her video camera when told to do so by a Dearborn police officer. The officer then forcefully grabbed Negeen’s arm and camera, placed her in handcuffs, and had her locked-up in the city jail.

Dearborn is considered home to the largest Muslim population in America. As a result, many City officials, including the Mayor, engage in official action solely to please this significant voting bloc. In this case, police effectively replaced our constitutional guarantees of Free Speech with Sharia law, which forbids Christians to proselytize Muslims.

The Law Center’s brief argues that the conviction must be overturned because the arresting police officer lacked any information that Mayel was involved in criminal activity when she was seized by the officer, in violation of the Constitution. According to the brief filed with the Circuit Court, the police officer’s order “to shut off her camera and remain with him for questioning directly violated constitutional rights. Consequently, cannot be criminally charged nor convicted for disobeying an unconstitutional—and thus unlawful—police order.”

Robert Muise, TMLC’s Senior Trial Counsel who is handling the matter, stated, “The arresting officer’s actions and the actions of the Dearborn police department are textbook examples of civil rights violations of the highest order. Consequently, when a conviction is based on the actions of a police officer that violate fundamental constitutional rights, as in this case, that conviction must be reversed, lest our constitutional freedoms be rendered meaningless platitudes subject to the will of police officials.”

Read more about Negeen Mayel’s case by going here and here.

Ohio Lawmakers Introduce Life Saving Legislation

The Viable Infants Protection Act (House Bill 78) was introduced by Representatives Uecker and Kristina Roegner. The Viable Infants Protection Act prohibits abortion after 20 weeks when the child is proved to be viable and can live outside the womb. Greene County Representatives Jarrod Martin and Roger Hackett are among its co-sponsors.

House Bill 79 was introduced by Representatives Danny Bubp and Joe Uecker and co-sponsored by Martin and Hackett. HB 79 excludes abortion coverage from the State Exchange created in the federal health care reform law. The Federal law includes a provision allowing states to opt out of abortion coverage.

A related bill would revise Ohio’s current Judicial Bypass for Parental Consent law. House Bill 63 will strengthen current law by requiring a “clear and convincing evidence” standard, requiring judges to specifically inquire about the minor’s understanding of the possible physical and emotional complications of an abortion, and requiring judges to question how much the minor has been prepped to respond to such questions.

Representatives Ron Young and Lynn Slaby sponsored HB 63 with Representatives Martin and Hackett among its numerous co-sponsors.

The Ohio Right to Life supports these life saving bills and asks Ohioans to support them as well. Visit the Ohio Right to Life website to find how. (