Category Archives: news

Abortion, a Constitutional Right? (38 Years of Roe v Wade)

by Daniel Downs

Today, January 22, 2011, America remembers the Supreme Court decision that inaugurated abortion as legally protected privacy right. Pro-abortion supporters celebrate this day while devotees of pro-life oppose its existence.

A majority of Americans believe abortion is a constitutional right. In a Quinnipiac poll, 60% of Americans agreed Roe v Wade established a women’s right to abortion. I noticed most polls present abortion right as an established Constitutional right and proceed asking whether respondents want an amendment to ban it. Interestingly, 70% of Americans believe Supreme Court justices base their decisions on politics and not law according to the above poll. (Quinnipiac National Poll, April 21, 2010)

In a brief speech today, President Obama commemorated the Roe v Wade decision as establishing a women’s constitutional right to abortion. He said, “I am committed to protecting this constitutional right. I also remain committed to policies, initiatives, and programs that help prevent unintended pregnancies, support pregnant women and mothers, encourage healthy relationships, and promote adoption.” (USA Today)

Yes, most Americans believe in abortion as a constitutional right, but where is found in the U.S. Constitution? It is missing in the Supreme Law of the Land.

How then did the majority of Supreme Court justices discover it? They found a woman’s right to abortion in several places. First, natural law states that individuals have an absolute right over their own bodies. Second, they saw this natural law right positively in the 4the Amendment clauses forbidding government intrusion into private matters. Third, and last, they founded a technicality in the disagreement among academics and so-called professionals about when life begins. This technicality was their justification to permit abortions until “society” establishes such a consensus agreement, which they knew was likely to be never. They knew for such a consensus definition to occur secularists and traditionalist or moralists and liberal and conservatives, humanists and religionists would all have to come to an agreement that life begins at conception.

The problems with the Roe v Wade decision are many. Several worth stating are as follows: (1) Roe v Wade violates the law that prohibits individuals from harming their own bodies or others. Our laws allow officials arrest and detain people who seek to destroy their own body parts. (2) Human life is the result of the behavior of two people, not one. The court only recognizes the right of the women. In practice, the man has no right to his body part contributed to the newly conceived person. (3) At every stage, a baby develops as a separate entity apart from the women whose body is made to nourish and nurture the new person. A baby at the blastocyte, fetus, or any other stage is still a developing human being. (4) Lastly, the Constitution is supposed to protect the right to life. That two-letter word has more meaning than most people realize. If the right was a “right of life,” however human life may be defined, all Americans have a right to right possess it. However, the right is to life, which indicates a process of obtaining what human life is. And, human life is a process of becoming as well as a state of entropy. Human life is an inheritance of the past and a development toward a future, and a present state of being.

Because human life is an inherited interrelational, historical, and futuristic process, Roe v Wade should be regarded as a political act of violence against all human life. No way can it be constitutional.

2010 K-12 Ohio Teacher Salary and Estimated Pensions, Searchable On-Line Database

The Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions released on ots website the 2010 K-12 salary and estimated pension data for all Ohio public school teachers. Unlike the data collected for previous years, the 2010 data includes salary and pension information for many superintendents, principals, and other administrative staff members. The pension data includes each teacher?s salary based on a 2,080-hour year (40 hour work-week, 52 week year) so users can properly evaluate teacher pay, as most teachers are contractually limited to working 1,350 hours per year.

In 2010, approximately 1,800 school employees earned over $100,000 per year. Due to increasing staffing costs, Ohio?s 613 public school districts are expected to face a $7.6 billion funding deficit by 2015, with personnel expenses consuming 96 percent of tax revenues. In the last election, citizens used the Teacher Salary Database to hold their school districts accountable for spending choices, citing that average teacher
salaries had grown at rates that, in many cases, far outpaced inflation. In addition to the new data, the website now contains a search counter which records the number of searches performed in the eight database tools (State Salary, Federal Salary, Higher Ed Salary, Teacher Salary, Local Salary, School
Data, County Data, and State Lobbyists). Since the website?s launch on April 30, 2010, visitors from 473 Ohio cities, the 49 other states, and 119 foreign countries have spent over 20,000 hours conducting almost 1.5 million data searches.

Buckeye Institute President Matt A. Mayer stated: “With so many school districts under financial duress, it is now even more important than ever that taxpayers know how school districts are spending their money. Instead of cutting staff positions, sports, bussing, and other programs, most school districts could balance their budgets without raising taxes through cutting staff compensation packages by a small percentage.”

The Teacher Salary data tool is available at

President Obama Announces “New” Regulatory Strategy, SBE Council’s Kerrigan Responds

President Obama released a new regulatory strategy today, which hopefully will lead to less regulation on small business owners and more accountability in the regulatory agencies said a national small business advocate. According to Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) President & CEO Karen Kerrigan, an effective strategy would immediately take steps to reform or scale back both existing and proposed regulations.

“The new and improved regulatory approach outlined by President Obama in his Executive Order and Presidential Memorandums will certainly recognize the staggering cost burdens inherent in the new health care law, for example, and other initiatives underway at EPA and the Department of Labor,” said Kerrigan. “That being the case, we await a new attitude across the entire federal government in listening to small business concerns and offering alternatives or exemptions,” she added.

SBE Council’s Kerrigan sees an opportunity for the White House and Congress to work together on reducing regulation and advancing reforms to modernize and alter the regulatory process. For example, the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform is embarking on an initiative to identify both existing and proposed regulations that are an impediment to job creation, small business growth and economic recovery. Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) also plans to study various reform ideas to accomplish what the President hopes to do through his Executive Order and twin Memorandums.

“If the President and his team are genuine in what they want to accomplish for small business, and we believe that to be the case, then he and Chairman Issa are on the same page,” said Kerrigan.

President Obama’s new regulatory strategy includes several things, including a commitment to enforce existing law with regard to the obligations that government department and agencies have to small business when new regulations and proposed; more transparency, access and reporting from Federal enforcement agencies as they relate to investigations and compliance; and, a “to do” list for regulatory agencies focusing on how they will go about streamlining the regulatory process, identifying outmoded or duplicative regulations, improving the effectiveness of regulations, and lessening burden, among other directives.

“The President expressed a commitment to small business owners in announcing his new regulatory strategy. He must execute on this promise,” said Kerrigan. “Entrepreneurs remain on edge about the costs of new laws and other regulations coming down the pike. They are expecting more costs and red tape from Washington. Given that set of expectations, they will not add jobs or aggressively invest in the growth of their businesses,” she concluded.

Rep. Austria On Economic Policies of Lame Duck Congress

By Rep. Steve Austria

Last Thursday, the House approved an agreement reached between President Obama and Congressional Republican leadership to extend the Bush-era tax cuts. The tax package ensures that those tax rates will not increase on January 1, 2011 and is extended for two years. It also includes a cut in the pay roll tax, establishes an estate tax rate of 35 percent and provides for a 13 month extension of unemployment benefits.

Many in Congress, like myself, would have preferred a permanent extension bringing more certainty to the financial and business markets but this may be the best opportunity we had to ensure that there would not be a tax increase. If we hadn’t taken action before the end of the year we would have seen significant tax hikes on small businesses and hard-working families.

This bill will help bring some certainty to the markets, which is needed now to grow the economy and create new jobs. When Speaker Boehner and House Republicans take over in January, our immediate focus will be to eliminate wasteful Washington spending and reduce the debt.


This year, Congress failed to enact any of the 12 appropriations measures or pass a budget to set spending levels. Instead, Congress has relied on short-term funding bills to keep the government running as they debated whether to punt the issue to the next Congress or consider a comprehensive appropriations measure, or omnibus. Late last week, Senate Democrats attempted to push a massive, $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that included additional funding for a controversial health care bill and funding for more than 6,000 earmarks. The bill was pulled from consideration due to strong opposition to its cost.

Last night, the House agreed to a continuing resolution measure to keep the government operating until March of next year.

Blogger Note: As U.S. Representative Austria mentioned above, a Pelosi-Reid led Congress hasn’t passed a national budget since entering office. They seemed more interested in ramming their special interest projects like socialist health care policy and gay rights through the legislative process than mundane national interests like national budget. Socialist and humanist agendas cannot be funded by something as restrictive as a budget or a balanced budget.

More important for us “little stinky people,” whose odor liberals like Sen. Reed cannot stand, was their failure to make tax cuts permanent. The only reason this is important is the fact that all previous temporary tax cuts have failed to stimulate the economy as claimed. During economic downturns (not to mention great recessions), people hold on to the extra cash while waiting for the economy to rebound. Surely the snooty liberals like Pelosi and Reid known this. According to some economists, Americans only spend the extra cash gained from tax cuts when those cuts are permanent. Now that millions are out of work, out of their homes, and out of cash thanks in part to ACORN supporting Democrats, I suspect the economists may see a slight exception to the rule.

Senate’s Christmas Gift, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” To Gay Lobby

By Col. Bill Spencer

The steady, incessant drumbeat of the homosexual lobby won’t be silenced by the repeal of the so-called “don’t ask, don’t tell” provision. It seems the drums finally got to the American people — 65 of your senators voted to end the ban this weekend. The homosexual activists’ fight for cultural acceptance of a particular behavior will go on. You’ll need some earplugs because the drums will continue.

Since the advent of “don’t ask, don’t tell” in 1993, no idea or position forwarded by homosexuals has been tied to improved mission readiness and effectiveness — none. The media’s sound bite that there would be a loss of skilled personnel if the policy remained was nothing more than a smoke screen. The political reality is that we have a commander in chief who has never served in the military who had promised repeal to a special-interest support group. And Democratic majorities in the House and Senate could make it happen, regardless of the fact that the 111th Congress has fewer veterans than any Congress in history.

What can change this now? Sadly, I think only a future war will have us rethink how we best organize our troops to fight and win wars. At that time, cooler heads will prevail, and we’ll determine who best should be fielded to defend us. The social curiosity that will have been the openly gay service experience will vanish as the nation — at great cost — rediscovers the real purpose for having a military.

But for today, I fear that our military members in the field are left with these thoughts: “Does my country not think of me that much? Does the country think it should hobble its forces in the field with these distractions during time of war? Does the country require us to deal with this, as well? Am I indeed a patriot without a country? What moral madness awaits us next? When bullets are flying at me, and everyone back home is apparently just thinking about themselves and their own private behaviors, it’s too much to ask of me to sacrifice my life.”

I ask you, fellow citizen, after Saturday’s vote, would you give your life for our Senate? Would you give your life for our president? Or, would you go home to your family? Sadly, you know the answers already. If you never made a phone call or never entered the debate on this issue, it’s too late to care now. You have just received a 2010 Christmas present from the United States Senate. Inside, please find some really good earplugs, for the drumbeat will continue. Whether you choose to put them in your ears is entirely up to you.

Col. Bill Spencer (Ret.) served in the U.S. Air Force for nearly 29 years. He is now a family policy council representative at Focus on the Family.

First published by the title “With ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ It’s Too Late to Care Now” by Focus on the Family, December 20, 2010

Dayton Development Coalition Scam May Be Coming To An end

By John Mitchel

RE: “Officials to review coalition’s funding”, Dayton Daily News, December 18, 2010: For years
our public servants have been writing blank checks to the Dayton Development Coalition on the
pretense that they and they alone are responsible for “saving” jobs at Wright Patterson. Rarely, if ever
do the Coalition or the politicians give credit to Wright Patt leadership or the folks that actually do the
work that has established Wright Patterson as a national treasure.

Instead they heap credit on themselves and the Coalition’s President and CEO who was paid $285,000
in 2005 — that’s about double what the Governor of Ohio earns and more than the Vice-president of the
United States. And don’t believe the lie that those exorbitant salaries and bonuses are not funded with
taxpayer dollars. You see, a basic principal of finance and economics teaches us that money is “fungible,”
or is universally exchangeable between two obligations, in this case between public corruption and national
defense or local infrastructure. Unfortunately the corrupt politicians and their insider sycophants at the
Coalition are the big winners here.

However it looks as though enough is enough and at least some elected officials are demanding transparency
at the Coalition and elsewhere. It’s time to clean out the barn and shutting down the Dayton Development
Coalition would be a good place to start.

Other commentary and analysis by John Mitchel may read at

Poll Shows Most Americans For Christmas

It becomes a hot-button issue this time every year: Should religious symbols be displayed on public land, or is that a violation of the long-standing separation between church and state? While legal battles continue to arise, Americans still overwhelmingly support such displays.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 74% of Adults say religious symbols like Christmas Nativity scenes, Hanukkah Menorahs and Muslim Crescents should be allowed on public land. Only 17% disagree and feel these symbols should not be allowed.

Eighty percent (80%) of American Adults also favor celebrating religious holidays in the public schools, another area subject to repeated legal challenge. This includes 43% who believe all religious holidays should be celebrated in the schools and 37% who think only some of those holidays should be recognized. The question did not specify which holidays should be celebrated and which should be excluded.
Fourteen percent (14%) are opposed to celebrating any religious holidays in the schools.

An overwhelming majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, and for most of those who celebrate, it’s a religious holiday rather than a secular one despite the strong commercial overtones of the season.

Very few Americans are offended when someone wishes them a “Merry Christmas,” but most are more likely to say “Happy Holidays” to someone else rather than risk offending them. They also prefer being greeted by store signs that say “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays.”

Source: Ramussen Reports, December 14, 2010

AFA Targets Chase For Anti-Christmas Policy On Bank Decorations

JP Morgan Chase has strictly ordered all of its banks to take down any and all Christmas decorations that have not been supplied by company headquarters. This includes the mandatory removal of all Christmas trees from bank lobbies.

According to internal Chase documents the American Family Association has received, every bank has “received approved holiday decorations in your December One Box. These are the only (emphasis in original) decorations that may be displayed in the public areas of your branch. If you have any other decorations…please take them down.”

This draconian policy led to the forced removal of a Christmas tree in the lobby of a Chase Bank branch in Southlake, Texas, this week. This particular tree had been supplied to the bank at no cost to the branch.

The stated purpose of this anti-Christmas policy, again according to internal Chase documents, is that, “We don’t want to lose somebody’s business because of seasonal decorations,” and to “ensure that everyone who visits our branches is made to feel completely welcome and comfortable.” The official “Guidelines on Decorating for the Holidays” from Chase makes no mention of the word Christmas at all.

AFA president Tim Wildmon said, “This is an absurd policy. According to Advertising Age, 91 percent of the American people celebrate Christmas. The most welcoming, inclusive thing you can do this time of year is wish people a merry Christmas.”

Wildmon added, “In fact, Chase’s policy will actually be offensive to many people who bank there. When customers find out that Chase is deliberating disregarding Christmas, they may just be inclined to take their banking business to a Christmas-friendly institution. Christmas is a holiday we’ve set aside as a nation to honor the birth of Christ because of his impact on American and world history. It’s just bad business for any company to show this kind of disregard for our Judeo-Christian heritage.”

Randy Sharp, AFA’s director of special projects, added, “Chase is hurting the ability of local branches to nurture a connection with the members of their own communities. If Americans are offended by anything, it’s the disrespect that corporations are showing to Christmas as a holiday. We urge Chase to amend its policy and allow branches to freely celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.”

Source: American Family Association, December 3, 2010

“End-of-Life Consultation” Provision Being Implemented By U.S. Health & Human Services

By Daniel Downs

The LifeTree organization recently reported the U.S. Department of Health was implementing “death panels” measures under then newly passed Obamacare. The infamous Section 1233 of HR 3200 would have federalized voluntary end-of-life consultations, but the section was eventually dropped.

On 29 November, however, the Federal Register (page 73406) published a funding new rule for “voluntary” advance care planning consultations for Medicare and Medicaid patients.

A very enlightening analogy is LifeTree’s equivalence of the new regulation to so-called voluntary TSA pat-downs and full-body scans. It is like a thief asking you for money while pointing a gun at your head.

Some are trouble by the media’s failure to report the new ruling. However, silence of the part of the media is probably due to it similarity to current policy.

When my parent was in hospital, we were asked about living will. We were given information about making plans for emergencies and end-of-lie decisions.

LifeTree researchers are more concerned about the implementation of the other part of the original end-of-life consultation legislation that is already making its ways through Congress. The bill is called the “Advance Planning and Compassionate Care Act of 2009.” It was introduced by Democrats Earl Blaumer (OR) and David Rockefeller (WV) both proponents of assisted suicide. Blaumer is also an advocate of the health care rationing groups and process known as “Physician’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment” (POLST).

As explained by Ione Whitlock, POLST is similar to the current document based directive (living will) through which a person’s medical treatment preferences are stated and honored. Under POLST, the document serves the medical process of repetitive questioning by various health care givers. The process is rigged to pressure the patient and/or family toward accepting medical ethics committees’ goals. Those goals advance their policy about advanced illness and conditions as well as reducing inappropriate treatments (often life sustaining treatments).

Recent experience with my parent’s medical care seemed a lot like POLST. The seemingly endless questionnaires by all kinds of nurses, doctors, therapists, and other specialists were numbing. Each new treatment by a different specialist and each new place of care (even in the same hospital) were met with the same series of questions. The same things were asked over and over. What I’m not certain of is whether the goal was get us to accept a predetermined series of treatments–maybe in part. Maybe, it is a conditioning process for greater acceptance of the POLST legislation.

The bioethicists who devised the POLST Paradigm hyped the documents’ use as tools for dignity and autonomy. The documents do leave the door wide open to an “autonomous” decision to hasten death. Yet, POLST owes its existence more to Oregon’s experiment with health care rationing than it does to the state’s assisted suicide experiment, according to Whitlock.

Do you remember how Terri Shiavo’s life was ended by removing her feeding tube? That is the ultimate health care rationing measure under POLST.

The bottom-line is POLST facilitates not only assisted suicide but also imposed death. “It is also an effective cost containment device. It creates an illusion of ‘self-determination’ while fostering consensus ethics. In short, the POLST process rigs the system in favor of pressuring the patient and family [to choose death].”

Small Business Lending Fund Update

The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is expected to soon release the criteria small banks must meet in order to participate in the $30 billion Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) created by the NSBA-supported Small Business Jobs and Credit Act.

Meanwhile, Sens. Mary L. Landrieu (D-La..), chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and George LeMieux (R-Fla.) recently sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, urging swift implementation of the SBLF and the State Small Business Credit Initiative, which was created by the same legislation.

NSBA echoes this call for immediate implementation. The SBLF has been on the drawing board for long enough. It is high time that it be deployed. America’s small businesses still are struggling through a destructive credit crunch and the realization of the SBLF stands to help the situation.

According to an internal poll conducted by the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA), nearly a quarter (24 percent) of their 5,000 community-banks members planned to utilize the SBLF. This means 1200 community banks stand poised to increase their small-business lending.

NSBA joins Landrieu and LeMeiux in urging Treasury to expedite the realization of the SBLF and State Small Business Credit Initiative.

Source: NSBA, December 7, 2010