Category Archives: news

Cost of Government Day and Ohio

Ohioans worked 230 days before their portion of government spending and debt was paid. The national average was 231.6 days, according to the Cost of Government Day report.

“The calculation of Cost of Government Day for each state is based on the varying government burdens suffered in each state. Federal tax and spending burdens are also a large contributing factor. These federal burdens vary because relatively higher burdens are borne by states with relatively higher incomes. State and local tax and spending burdens vary as well.”

“In recent years most states increased taxes to continue their spending extravaganzas during the economic downturn.” The Cost of Government reported state tax increases since 2003 based on the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO). Ohio earned the honors of the state with the 9th highest tax increases. Since 2003, Ohio taxes increased over $13.2 billion. That means the average tax increase for every Ohio citizen was $1,140.98.

“Unfortunately, state lawmakers’ penchant for tax hikes has shown no sign of abating this year: FY 2010 net tax increases across the U.S. total $23.9 billion. As governors and legislators have learned that tax increases are political losers that lead to a loss of business, jobs, residents, and economic growth, they have started to search for less visible ways to acquire revenues that keep them from being forced to cut spending.” Some examples of less visible means of taxation include increasing fees, increasing sin taxes, etc.

As might be expected, taxpayers have been looking to escape the burden of increasing taxes. Migration to states with lower taxes is reportedly the preferred strategy.

“Several studies, including the American Legislative Exchange Council’s “Rich States, Poor States,” and past reports by the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation have documented the movement of taxpayers from high tax to low tax states in recent years.”

“These studies present compelling evidence that taxes are the single largest factor in interstate migration, compared to factors such as climate, employment, family relocation, etc.”

Using Internal Revenue Service data, the report shows that “the ten states with the highest tax burden lost over 3 million residents from 1998 through 2008. These residents took with them a staggering $92 billion in income”.

“During the same period over 2.3 million migrants moved to the states with the lowest tax burden, bringing more than $97 billion with them.”

“In addition to higher levels of emigration, higher tax states also maintain higher unemployment rates, placing an expanding tax burden on a shrinking tax base. It is unsurprising, then, that the top five highest-tax states consistently have about a 0.5 percent higher unemployment rate than the five states with the lowest tax burden.”

“States that attempt to raise taxes to balance their budgets encourage their most productive citizens to find more welcoming homes. They also discourage productivity, as taxpayers get to keep less of what they earn in high-tax states. Worst of all, increased taxes provide government with the permission it needs to grow by sustaining the bloated spending of irresponsible state governments. Absent significant changes in their tax-and-spend schemes, these high tax states will soon find themselves without a populace to support the extravagant costs of living in those states.”

I still wonder if allowing casinos to operate in Ohio will do much to lessen the tax burden. In the long run, I the negative social impact of related crime and wrecked families will likely prove the cost was greater than the benefit.

A more responsible approach would have been to cut more unnecessary programs instead of threatening those programs most needed for the most vulnerable in order shame those who still possess a moral conscience.

Nevertheless, the report presented one positive development. In 2009, Ohio ranked 31st among the 50 states in terms of number of days worked to pay for national spending. This year, Ohio was ranked 27th. This means citizens worked fewer days to pay for the Empire’s spending spree than they did last year.

Hoo Rah!

Cost of Government Day Finally Arrives on August 19, 2010

Every year, the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation and the Center for Fiscal Accountability calculate Cost of Government Day. This is the day on which the average American has earned enough gross income to pay off his or her share of the spending and regulatory burdens imposed by government on the federal, state, and local levels.

In 2010, Cost of Government Day falls on August 19. That means working people must toil 231 days out of the year just to meet all costs imposed by government. In other words, the cost of government consumes 63.41 percent of national income.

“Two years ago Americans worked until July 16 to pay for the cost of government: all federal, state and local government spending and regulatory costs. That government was too expensive and wasteful. Two years later, we work until August 19 for the same bloated government. We have lost an additional full month of our income to pay the cost of government in just the last two years,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

Key findings of the Cost of Government Day report include:

  • Cost of Government Day (COGD) falls 8 days later in 2010 than last year’s revised date of August 11.
  • Workers will have to labor 104 days just to pay for federal spending, which consumes 28.6 percent of national income.
  • Taxpayers will have to work 52 days just to pay for state and local government expenditures.
  • The average American worker must labor 74 days to cover the costs of government regulations. A breakdown of the COGD components can be found here.
  • The report also includes a state breakdown. The earliest Cost of Government Day occurs in Alaska, on July 28. Connecticut has the latest COGD, on September 17.
  • One of the contributing factors to increased spending is the growth in government payrolls. The federal workforce totaled 4.4 million employees this year, while the addition of state and local workers brings the total government workforce to 24.315 million employees.
  • The report also tracks taxpayer migration, showing taxes are a driving component behind interstate movement. In 2008, the ten states with no income tax gained over 80,000 new residents who brought with them over $900 million in net adjusted income. In contrast, the states with the highest tax burden lost 129,445 residents and $10.2 billion in wealth.

To read more, go to the Americans for Tax Reform webiste.

Kudos to Austria for Supporting Ohio Project’s “Heath Care Freedom Amendment”

Kudos are due Austria for his support of The Ohio Project’s grass root effort to place a constitutional amendment on the November ballot. He was in the act of signing their petition at a recent outing, which is posted on the Ohio Project website. His public display of local patriotism may have been a vote-getting ploy. Nonetheless, along with his legislative opposition to Obamacare, his local patriotism deserves mention.

The Ohio Project amendment is titled The Health Care Freedom Amendment .It will prohibit federal and state governments from enforcing the federal mandate making individuals purchase health care. It also prohibits government from criminalizing those who do not or who purchase health care outside of the federal insurance pools.

Thus far, the Ohio Project has gathered the required petition signatures in 46 counties. Greene County is among those counties where 5% of voters have signed the petition. What is now needed is 5% more to meet the 10% state ballot requirement. Greene County has until the end of September.

Serbert Gluckian (Xenia) and Steve Rogers (Fairborn) were taking petition signatures at their business offices. If interested, you could e-mail Gluckian at or Rogers at to see if they are still doing so.

To learn more about the Amendment, go to the Ohio Project website

Individual Mandates in Health Care Reform Law

By Rep. Steve Austria

As you may know, the recently passed health care law includes a provision that will require individuals to enroll in a health insurance program. The individual mandate provision will go into effect on January 1, 2014. At that time, 19 million additional Americans will be required to enroll in a health insurance program. Most of the details surrounding the implementation of individual mandates will be left up to the states to decide, including creating exchanges, educating the public, and organizing an enrollment structure and process.

In response to the new law, voters in Missouri recently passed a measure that would block the health insurance mandates included in the law. While Missouri is the first state to take such action, other states, including Arizona, Florida and Oklahoma are expected to consider similar measures in November.

The sweeping regulations and mandates in the new law have also generated activity in Congress. Congressman Ted Poe has introduced a bill, that I cosponsored, which prohibits the use of funds to enforce the Federal mandate to purchase health insurance. As the implementation of the new health care law moves forward, it is important that the process is carefully monitored, and the American people stay well-informed regarding the law’s potential impact on their personal health care.

Victory for California Middle School Student; Pro-Life T-Shirt is Protected Free Speech

Nearly two years later and before the case ever went to trial, a federal court in California entered a judgment on Thursday, August 12, 2010, in favor of a middle school student’s right to wear a pro-life t-shirt to school. The judgment signifies yet another victory in one student’s courageous mission to speak out against abortion.

Tiffany Amador, then a sixth-grade student at McSwain Union Elementary School, wore several different pro-life t-shirts to school throughout the year to make known her strong belief that abortion is wrong. On April 29, 2008, Tiffany donned one of her pro-life t-shirts for National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day. That morning in school, while attempting to eat breakfast, Tiffany was forcefully directed into the principal’s office and ordered to remove her t-shirt. Prior to this incident, Miss Amador was never confronted about the t-shirts she frequently wore to school.

As a result of the school’s actions, the Thomas More Law Center, a national public-interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, filed a federal lawsuit in December 2008, alleging that the sixth grader’s constitutional rights had been violated. The Law Center was assisted by Los Angeles attorney William J. Becker, Jr., of the Becker Law Firm.

Robert Muise, Senior Trial Counsel for the Thomas More Law Center, commented, “It is unfortunate that school officials across this country continue to ignore settled law. Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the school house gate. The U.S. Supreme Court made this clear decades ago. So long as school officials seem bent on silencing student speech that they dislike, they will face legal challenge.”

Attorneys Bill Becker and Robert Muise of the Law Center are currently litigating a similar case in Morgan Hill, California, involving students who were ordered to remove American flag t-shirts they wore to school on Cinco De Mayo.

Source: Thomas More Law Center, August 16, 2010

It’s official: Smoking makes you stupid

Smoking is directly correlated with a lower IQ, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel and published in the journal Addiction.

Researchers tested the IQs of more than 20,000 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 21 who were either serving in the Israeli military or who had recently completed their service. Twenty-eight percent of the men in the sample smoked, while 3 percent were former smokers and 68 percent had never smoked.

The average IQ of the smokers was 94, compared with 101 among the non-smokers. Men who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day had an average IQ of 90. Although a normal IQ falls between 84 and 116, the difference observed in the study is still considered significant.

Source: Natural News, August 16, 2010

Look what Xenia has been missing…

Much of the fluoride added to municipal water supplies across the United States is imported from China, and is contaminated with heavy metals, according to a warning by Bernard Miltenberger, president of the Pure Water Committee of Western Maryland.

In a letter published in the Cumberland Times-News, Miltenberger notes that he first became aware of the issue in an engineering report for the city of Boulder, Colo. The report noted that the fluoridation chemicals used for the city’s water had been evaluated, and were found to contain lead levels of 40 milligrams per bag and arsenic levels of 50 milligrams per bag. The bags were being imported from China under no regulatory monitoring of acid or salt content.

Miltenberger then visited the Frostburg Water Filtration Plant in Maryland and noticed that the fluoride bags were not labeled with any importation information. He contacted the plant’s chemical supplier, Univar USA, and was then referred to Sovay fluorides. Sovay informed him that the fluoride had been manufactured by Shanghai Minthchem Development in China.

“This type of trade from a country with a track record of lead paint on toys to antifreeze in cough syrup medicine is completely unacceptable,” Miltenberger writes.

Heavy metal contamination is only the latest concern to emerge over the practice of water fluoridation, which has been controversial since its inception. Fluoride is a well-known toxic chemical, as Miltenberger notes:

“The material safety data sheets from Solvay fluorides show that a teaspoon amount of five grams of sodium fluoride can be fatal to an average size man of 70kg. … chronic toxicity by oral route may cause skeletal and dental fluorosis, thyroid, testes, kidney, liver, ambiguous carcinogenic and mutagenic effects, fetotoxic and fertility effects.”

Miltenberger also notes that fluoride toothpaste contains a warning that anyone who consumes more than a pea-size amount should contact a poison control center at once. This amount of toothpaste contains as much fluoride as just eight ounces of fluoridated water. A prescription-strength fluoride supplement marketed by Colgate warns that children under the age of six should not consume doses regularly added to municipal water.

This post is just a reminder that city officials have attempt to fluoridate the water supply numerous times and may try it again in the future. The mentality is since every surrounding municipality us is doing it Xenia should save some taxpayer money while while in-toxicating them with the health destroying chemical, fluoride. Heck, it does not even whiten teeth; too fluoride turns them muddle brown. What they do if many taxpayers lost their health and their lives? Raise taxes?

Source: Natural News, August, 15, 2010

Democrats, Deficits, the “Middle Class” and the Bush Tax Cuts

by Gerald Prante

Right now, Washington is in a debate over whether to extend the so-called “Bush” tax cuts for all taxpayers versus allowing them to expire on those taxpayers at the very top. Democrats claim that it’s fiscally responsible to let the tax cuts expire for those at the top.

The fact of the matter though is that extending the tax cuts even under the Democrats’ plan adds a tremendous amount to the deficit. It’s also worth mentioning that supply-siders are correct to point out that over the long-term, the tax cuts for high-income taxpayers would have a larger feedback effect than the tax cuts for low-and-middle income taxpayers, which were largely economically equivalent to writing checks (e.g., 10 percent bracket, increasing the standard deduction, and increased child tax credit).

For the past ten years, Democrats have painted a myth among a large fraction of the public that the Bush tax cuts only benefited the lucky few at the top of the income spectrum. It’s simply not true. Some provisions in the Bush tax cuts may have been targeted at the very top (such as the changes to PEP and Pease and the estate tax along with the rate cuts at the very top), but trillions of dollars in tax relief went to those beneath the president’s so-called “middle class cut-off” of $250,000. How do we know this? Even under Obama’s plan for the expiring tax cuts that calls for only the top rates to go back up, $2.3 trillion would be added to the deficit over the next 10 years (relative to full expiration).

Overall, looking at the long-term horizon that the country’s finances face, the Democratic rhetoric of the past 10 years that has helped ingrain in a large fraction of the population the myth that we can just go after the rich to solve our fiscal problems is just that…a myth. Sure, it sounds good for Democrats to play class warfare, but if they are serious about preventing the U.S. fiscal system from falling off a cliff in 30 years, they are going to eventually have to resort to supporting one of two policies (or a combination of the two):

(1) Cuts to Medicare and/or Medicaid
(2) Tax increases on those making less than $250,000

So throughout this entire debate over the Bush tax cuts, when Democrats say that they are concerned about middle class tax relief, be sure to ask them whether this concern is just temporary due to the economic situation we are in or whether it is permanent? And if it’s permanent, ask them what they are going to say when a VAT, which hits all citizens, comes to the table within the next five years.

Source: Tax Foundation: Tax Policy Blog, August 8, 2010.

General Motors reports $1.3 billion in 2nd quarter profits

General Motors recently reported second quarter revenues over $33 billion and profits totaling $1.3 billion. GM claims it now has made up for its previous $13 billion loss. What was not clear is whether the the $13 billion was made up by the recent $33 billion revenue stream, prior quarter profits, or by the $50 billion bailout by Democrats on Capitol Hill. Whatever the case may be, the federal government still owns GM. A positive light at the end of no GM’s not so dark tunnel is their likelihood of issuing a new public stock offering in the near future. Presumably, this means the recession is now over and the government’s 61% ownership will be purchased by private investors. The key word here is presumably not actuality.

Source: Industry Week, August 12, 2010.

U.S. Bailout Foreign Companies, but What Happened to Peace and Prosperity?

Yesterday, Newsmax ran a story about the federal government bailout of overseas banks and other foreign corporations. Part of the reason was attributed to global reach of AIG. Because we are all part of a global economy, a global bailout was to be expected.

I don’t remember hearing the Obama administration, Congressional politicians, or the media ever mentioning that part of $787 billion would help save foreign banks or General Motors, do you?

To save the world, globalists on Capitol Hill seem to believe Americans on Main Street should welcome state approved robbery. The Washington-run Empire, like all past empires, impoverishes millions of its people for the grand cause of power, status, and the flow of wealth. Remember, most of the imperialists on Capitol Hill are millionaires.
Anyone familiar with the history of bailouts funded by the federal government (including the Federal Reserve) knows this has been going on for decades.

In one sense, global economy is just another nice but deceptive phrase for the increasing reach of American economic empire. It appears that the goal of Democrats is to increase the burden of empire to the point of America’s bankruptcy.

That is one important factor that led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

Are the elites among the Republican Party any different? I doubt it. Can you remember any America president or Congressional majority ever proposing to end the American military presence around the world? Only Ron Paul proposed such a thing. Doing so would put billions of dollars back in the pockets of Americans. A large scale-back of U.S. military’s global presence would also mean leaving America’s global corporation vulnerable to the dictates of foreign governments and the interests of their people. Not that the wealth given to foreign government by American corporations is used to prosper all of their citizens, but its does keep foreign dictators willing to dance to America’s green tunes. Think of how much that would save taxpayers if Congressional politicians were not so willing to travel to all of those subjected nations.

I know; we are the leader of the world. World peace and prosperity is dependent upon our government. Millions at home and certainly abroad are still are wondering when real peace and prosperity will be achieved. Maybe the elite’s utopian vision is flawed. Just consider the achievements of that bastion of global peace, the United Nations–not very impressive. No lasting peace in Israel, genocide in Sudan, massacres in Africa, wars in the Middle East, Europe, Central America and elsewhere, and now terrorism. Don’t misunderstand me, sincere efforts toward peace are honorable, but repeating failed policies and strategies of the past is to demonstrate stupidity.

Again, the lessons of failed empires of the past demonstrate egalitarianism, multiculturalism, moral relativity, immorality, and much debt are all co-factors in what social scientists call structural violence, which includes poverty. The peace waged by all empires has been most won and maintained by the merciless power of their armies. Empires have never been very effective at creating real peace or prosperity for masses of non-elite peasants. America is no exception.

American exceptionalism inherited from its founder’s vision has been fading away for a long time. Maybe it’s not too late to revive it.