Category Archives: news

Obama Seeking Another $50 Billion State Bailiout

The Business & Media Institute recently reported Obama is seeking $50 billion state bailout package from Congress. In a June 12 letter, Obama urged both parties to pass a derailed stimulus bill. He claims the bailout would preserve government and private sector jobs. Government jobs Obama is trying to protect include teachers, fire fighters, and police. If memory serves, the last $787 billion stimulus supposedly had already saved those jobs.

CATO Institute Budget Analyst Tad DeHaven criticized Obama’s latest request as a union bailout. Most, if not all, of the above government jobs are indeed union jobs.

Maybe Gov. Strickland’s comrades in the White House are trying trying to help him pay for Xenia’s union jobs too. I’m not sure it would ultimately save Xenia taxpayers any money for in the long run taxpayers will have to pay their portion of the $50 billion anyway. Taxpayers and consumer always pay for more government spending. But it sure would be nice for our local government union employees to get their raises without raising our taxes especially during the on-going Great Recession.

Blame Obama for the Gaza flotilla disaster, Palestinian jihad for the Gaza blockade, and Israeli weakness for both

Israel’s blockade of traffic to Hamas controlled Gaza was a necessary effort to prevent weapons from being smuggle into Gaza. Israel was not preventing food and other aid from reaching the people living in Gaza. Israel’s military was both regulating and overseeing land deliveries of legitimate supplies. Of course, it was likely that shipments were delayed because of the screening process.

Erroneous propaganda was being circulated that enflamed many Muslims throughout the Middle East. Clearly, the government of Turkey had no right to sponsor the violent group of so-called activists whose purpose was to create an international conflict.

According to the World Tribune, deaths of the flotilla terrorists can be laid at the feet of the leader of the American Empire. Israel gave Pres. Obama advanced intel about the passengers of the flotilla. Pres. Obama demanded Israel use no conventional riot gear. Had the Israeli military boarded the ship with anti-riot gear, tear gas and guns with rubber bullets, no one would have likely died during the conflict.

Israeli soldiers boarded the flotilla were attacked and beaten. Those who had remained in their boat had no choice but to protect the lives of their comrades with deadly force.

To condemn Israel for protecting its citizens from suicide bombers, from missile attacks, and from those smuggling in the weapons to do so is no injustice to Palestinians in Gaza. It is an obligation of the Israeli government. Like walls, blockades are the least destructive means of protecting humans lives–lives on both sides.

Maybe, Muslims should try more peaceful means of resolving problems that violent demands and violent attacks.

One of the more ironic aspects of this tragic event is the apparent weakness of Israeli leaders. PM Netanyahu didn’t even consult his own security cabinet, according to the World Tribune. Remember, Pres. Obama has no military experience whatsoever. Instead, he followed the head of Empire to resolve Israel’s crisis. It is this apparent weakness that enabled Pres. Obama to dictate Israeli policy and emboldens Muslims with visions of one world Islam.

PA Pres. Abba’s Acknowledgment Of Jews Historic Right to Israel Meaningless Until Written Into Law: Why Doesn’t Pres. Obama Demand It?

The Arab League of Nations demands Israel stop building in so-called occupied territories, which means East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Palestinian Authority leader Abbas agrees and so does President Obama. In a recent article published by the Maan News Agency, Pres. Obama reportedly promised Abbas a prolonged settlement freeze in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It was chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat who confirmed to Arab League ministers that Obama made his promise off the record in order to avoid conflict with right-wing factions in Israel. Abbas is said to have conceded Jews historic right to the land of Israel, according to IECJ News. Abbas acknowledgment of the Jews right to Israel came during his speech before American Jewish leaders at an event organized by the Center for Middle East Peace.

Although PA President Abbas also acknowledged West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Abba’s claims were not official declarations. Unless such claims are incorporated into the written record of international treaty and national law, Abba’s claims are mere political propaganda aimed at winning the support of American Jews in order to use them to pressure Israeli leaders to concede to Arab demands. Unlike American leaders like Pres. Obama, Israelis remember PA legal documents have never been expunged of claims against the right of Zion (Israel) to exist in the mostly Arab Middle East.

The constitutional and related legal instruments are the official policy of the political entities. Until Abbas’s claims become legal polity recognized by the League of Arab Nations, peace between Israel and the PLO is mere smoke in the wind. For American leader like President Obama to give credence to anything less is to make America a real serious threat to the citizens of Israel. That has been the object lesson of the so-called Oslo agreement.

Sources: Maan News Agency, May 2, 2010 and International Christian Embassy Jerusalem News, June 10, 2010 (email)

Ohio Senate Passes Ban On Human Animal Hybrids

Last Wednesday, Ohio’s Senate voted 24-8 to pass legislation prohibiting the creation, transportation, or receipt of a human-animal hybrid, the transfer of a nonhuman embryo into a human womb, and the transfer of a human embryo into a nonhuman womb.

Though the latest version of the bill, S.B. 243, does not ban human cloning as an earlier one had, it was still hailed by pro-family and Christian groups as “vital legislation” amid “outrageous” advancements in science.

“Ohio Christian Alliance believes that no human life should begin and end as the subject of an experiment,” the organization stated following Wednesday’s vote.

“We attest that a process that knowingly encourages human life to be created, manipulated for research, and ultimately destroyed is immoral and should be prohibited,” it added.

For this and other reasons, OCA said it worked for the past seven years with members of the Ohio Legislature to ban embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and in recent years, animal-human hybrid.

And for the past three years, OCA worked with State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-Delta) and other members of the Ohio Senate to introduce S.B. 243, which – until recently – also banned human cloning.

Though the original bill was eventually stripped down to help move it forward and to broaden its appeal, OCA still commended sponsors of the final legislation and said “[a]ll who believe that human life, including nascent human life, is a unique and precious gift from our Creator have an obligation to support efforts to ban it.”

“Science has advanced to the point where DNA from animals and humans can be intermixed in scientific laboratory experimentation. This is simply outrageous,” exclaimed OCA President Chris Long in a statement.

Following Wednesday’s vote, the bill now moves to the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives for further consideration.

Source: Christian Post June 03, 2010.

Ohio Legislators Pass Questionable Obesity Bill

Healthy Choices for Healthy Children legislation–SB 210–passed both Houses of the Ohio Legislator. The bi-partisan legation aims to address childhood obesity. As reported by the Ohio Hospital Association, more than one in three children (35.6 percent) in Ohio is overweight or obese. The bill specifically targets increased physical activity, improved nutritional options, and body mass index (BMI) testing in Ohio schools. (Heath e-News+ June 4, 2010)

Commendable as this bill may be, its provisions like the following raise some questions:

* Providing free breakfast to eligible children during the school day;
* Requiring physical education (PE) teachers to have a PE license;
* Increasing parents’ awareness about their children’s health through BMI screenings.

The first provision-providing free breakfast–has been part of federal funded since the beginning of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This grand federal empowerment program has been a local school cash cow for both poor and rich school districts alike. So, why does Ohio legislators need to duplicate an existing program? Is the U.S. Department of Education too bankrupt to continue funding it? Does the feds require more local and state paper work to obtain those dependency enhancing programs? Or are Gov. Strickland and his liberal associates in both the White House and Congress inspiring Ohio politicians to attempt another attempt to double dip into taxpayers dwindling pockets? Besides being ignored by the powers that be, one answer to these questions is why not convince McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Bob Evans, etc. to contribute free breakfasts to their many community’s needy school children. This would provide such business endless “good neighbor” marketing fodder.

Besides, what does free breakfast have to do with reducing obesity? If schools serve bacon and donuts with breakfast. will that reduce body fat or obesity?

The second provision–requiring PE teachers to possess a license–is eye-popping. Who would have ever thought it possible for any Ohio teacher to teach without state certification or license? Could it be current unlicensed PE teachers (if they actually exist) are training kids to be lazy, computer mongering, and junk food connoisseurs? I think not! If finger pointing is called for, the big fat finger should be pointed at school officials wanting monetary kick backs from pop, candy, junk food machine vendor purchases by students and fat teachers. Another boney finger should be aimed at those same officials for permitting  during homeroom TV programming whose advertising sells the same obese enhancing junk foods and other accouterments of that lifestyle. One more waging finger should alos be pointed in the same direction. The same school officials are often guilty of condonning  lunch menus that mimic fat food restaurants.

At home, parents may cater to their kids’ whinny demands for fat tasty foods, but paternal state officials should have an even stiffer backbone. Alas, the paternal state also trains society’s parents and their children. Big sigh!

Of course, the obesity problem may be like other post-modern lifestyles; they were born that way. Those poor downtrodden fat kids are just victims of their DNA (and a few actually are). That means Ohio legislators and health professionals should be ashamed of themselves for forcing on them a false and degrading solution to an irresolvable condition. OAA (Obese Anonymous Association) may be there only refuge and hope. Better than that, they probably just need to come out of the closet and flaunt their fatty stuff.

But, please, don’t blame PE teachers. They do not deserve the regulating punishment of state licensure for the paternal state’s lack virtue and self-discipline. It is the paternal state itself that should be required to possess a license. That might enable the public to better regulate its attitudes and practices.

Last but not least  is the third provision–the Body Mass Index.  School-based BMI screening of children might help parents to regulate their children’s weight issues. However, it will never replace the good old fashion practice of making kids eat a healthy diet. The paternal state and its local school nannies are not necessary for a stern disciplining mom or dad.

What would help parents and the rest of Ohio citizens even more than a BMI index is a GSI index. No, GSI is not a gas saturation index. GSI is a government-spending index that would make Ohioans aware of how much wasting fat the paternal state is accumulating. After all, GSI would also remind Ohioans how much of their limited incomes the paternal state is consuming on the proverbial junk food called debt.

Lesbian Bus Driver Berates Girl Over Her Christian Views

In 2008, a lesbian bus driver was caught on video bullying a Christian girl. The video shows the repeated verbal attacks were elicited by the girl’s expressed views about abortion same-sex marriage. The girl’s father complained to the Indiana’s Carmel School District officials, but the school board officials defended the abusive actions of the lesbian driver. Attorneys representing the middle school girl and her parents have filed a lawsuit against the driver and the school system.

If the driver had been religious and had lectured a gay student for her views, the school board would have fired the driver as soon as the gay students parents had complained, and rightfully so. No school employee has a right to berate, belittle, or verbally attack any student for his or her views.

Based on other incidents over the past few years, it appears so-called gay rights trump the rights of all other Americans. This is nothing new. The end result of gay rights is as ancient as Semites like Abraham and his nephew Lott. The lesson taught by the story about Sodom and Gomorrah in chapters 18-19 of Genesis is that tolerance of immoral behaviors eventually results in zero rights except those approved by gays and their supporters. Gay rights is therefore just another subtle form of tyranny.

One bright spot in the history of tyranny is George Washington’s victory over gay British generals, womanizing British commanders, and partying officers. If it wasn’t for them, American liberty would have been a misty dream of past revolutions buried in a dusty grave with many hopes for thecommon goods of true justice. (Read God In The Trenches by Larkin Spivey for this part of American history.)

Normal human problems are turned into medical conditions, spiking healthcare costs

By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor

Mainstream medicine has a huge new growth industry underway — the “medicalization” of the human condition. That’s the conclusion of a study headed by Brandeis University sociologist Peter Conrad that was just published in the journal Social Science and Medicine. The report, the first study of its kind, documents that over the last several decades, numerous common problems — many of which are simply due to being human — have been newly defined as medical disorders that supposedly need prescription drugs and other costly treatments.

For example, menopause is a perfectly natural part of womanhood but it is now considered a “condition” complete with symptoms that physicians often believe need treatment with hormones and anti-depressants. Likewise, normal pregnancies, taking longer-than-average time to get pregnant and impotence (now known by the medical term “erectile dysfunction”) are all now seen as medical conditions that may need intense medical monitoring and treatment. And if a child fidgets in class — bingo! He or she is frequently classified as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and quickly placed on stimulant drugs like Ritalin
Conrad and his colleagues used national data to estimate the costs of these and other common conditions — including anxiety and behavioral disorders; worries over body image; male pattern baldness; normal sadness; being overweight; difficulty in sleeping through the night and substance-related disorders. In order to document what role medicalizing these problems could be playing in escalating U.S. healthcare spending, the Brandeis research team evaluated current data showing just how much medical spending results from the diagnosing and treatment of these “conditions”.

Their findings? The researchers concluded there is a strong and undeniable trend toward a medicalization of human conditions, with a constantly increasing number of medical diagnoses and treatments for behavioral problems and what the researchers called “normal life events”.

When they analyzed payments to hospitals, pharmacies, doctors and other health care providers for medical treatments of these medicalized conditions, the researchers discovered that the costs accounted for $77.1 billion in medical spending in 2005. That amounts to almost 4 percent of the total U.S. healthcare expenditures.

“We spend more on these medicalized conditions than on cancer, heart disease, or public health,” Conrad said in a statement to the press.

Conrad added that medicalization of human problems may have several causes, including increased consumer demands for medical solutions and Big Pharma’s expanding markets for drugs. “By estimating the amount spent on medicalized human problems, we’ve raised the obvious question as to whether this spending is ‘appropriate’. The next question is whether we can more directly evaluate the appropriateness of these medical interventions and consider policies that curb the growth or even shrink the amount of spending on some medicalized conditions,” Conrad said in the press statement.

Source: Natural News, May 28, 2010.

Liberals Memorial Weekend Assault On America’s Military

On the eve of the weekend that we honor members of the military who have served and those who have fallen to protect our nation, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to use our military for social engineering to benefit the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) political agenda.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi only gave Member of Congress a total of 10 minutes to debate the overturning of a 1993 law that bans homosexuals from openly serving in the military. Congress spends more debate time naming Post Offices than they gave to this historic policy shift in how our military functions.

This will fundamentally change our military – yet Pelosi thought it was so unimportant that she only gave five minutes for supporters of the ban and five minutes to the opponents of the ban to debate this issue. This is an outrage of immense proportions! Now the Senate will attempt to ram the repeal through when they return in two weeks.

The liberal controlled House of Representatives added an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that overturns the 1993 ban on gays serving openly in the military.

Isn’t our military worth more than 10 minutes of debate? Not to liberals.

The failure to permit an honest debate on this amendment is an affront to every soldier, sailor and marine who has ever fought and died to protect this nation from foreign and domestic threats.

The rush to pass this measure is evidence that liberals know their time is short to impose LGBT social engineering upon our military before the mid-term election. The overturning of the 1993 ban is simply Obama’s way of paying back his LGBT supporters who helped get him elected. It has nothing to do with concern for military readiness, morale or unit cohesion.

The men and women we honor this weekend didn’t give their lives so that a zero tolerance program could be instituted in the Armed Forces to silence criticism of homosexual conduct – or to force our military into sensitivity training sessions to affirm gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender sexual behaviors. Yet, this is apparently what our leftist “Representatives” think.

Federal courts have upheld the constitutionality of the law banning homosexuals in the military. The 1993 law states “there is no constitutional right to serve,” and the military is a “specialized society” that is “fundamentally different from civilian life.” In living conditions offering little or no privacy, homosexuality presents an “unacceptable risk” to good order, discipline, morale and unit cohesion—qualities essential for combat readiness.

Legalizing homosexual conduct in the military will inevitably lead to the destruction of our all-volunteer forces and potentially bring back the draft. Why? Because heterosexual warriors and patriots know instinctively that homosexual sex is abnormal and threatens to create all sorts of problems within the Armed Forces.

In 2008, the Military Times reported the results of a poll regarding lifting the ban on gays in the military. It showed that 10% of our military will not re-enlist or extend their service if the ban is overturned; another 14% said they would consider not re-enlisting or extending their service. In essence, this could result in a loss of up to 323,000 men and women from the service.

This loss of hundreds of thousands of patriotic soldiers will threaten our national security, yet liberals don’t care.

This Memorial Day let’s remember our fallen soldiers, but also remember that our current soldiers face a domestic enemy in our Congress and among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activist groups who seek to exploit the military for their political gain.

We must put an end to the liberal-gay dominance of our Congress this November. The future of our national security depends on it. Remember this: Our soldiers can’t defend themselves in the political realm. We must do it for them. They’re willing to die for you; are you willing to protect them from social engineering by LGBT zealots?

Source: Traditional Values Coalition, email newsletter, May 28, 2010.

Report Finds Women Who Refuse Abortions Often Face Violent Attacks, Death

By Steven Ertelt, Editor

Women who refuse requests from their husbands or boyfriends to have abortions are often finding themselves subject to violent attacks that sometimes result in their deaths. That’s the finding of a new report from the Elliot Institute, which calls the problem a “widespread epidemic.”

The new report, Forced Abortion in America, is drawing attention to attacks on pregnant women and girls in order to prevent them from continuing their pregnancies.

It points out a “widespread epidemic of unwanted, coerced and forced abortions taking place in the United States.”
The report notes how research suggests most abortions are likely unwanted or coerced, with one survey of women who had abortions finding that 64 percent said they felt pressured by others to abort.

The same survey found 80 percent of women said they did not receive the counseling they needed to make a decision — even though more than half said they felt rushed or uncertain about the abortion.

The consequences for those who refuse abortion can be dangerous and even deadly, according to the report, which details cases of women and girls facing violent attacks or murder for resisting abortion.

Studies of death rates among pregnant women in the U.S. have found that homicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women, the authors say.

The cases detailed in the report represent only a fraction of the more than 200 cases the Elliot Institute has on file of women and girls being attacked or killed with the intent of getting rid of the pregnancy. The updated report contains new cases as well as a new special section on teens and forced abortion.

Among the new cases added to the report:

* A Kansas man and his wife were convicted of sexual abuse after the man raped his stepdaughters over a several year period, resulting in four pregnancies and at least one abortion, performed on an 11-year-old. The case was reported to authorities by a pro-life organization after one of the girls visited their office seeking an abortion; the group says that the abortion business did the abortion without informing authorities of any suspected abuse.

* Two Ohio teenagers were convicted for kidnapping and assaulting a pregnant teen, killing her unborn child. Police said one of the boys thought he had fathered the child, and the two hit the teen and kicked her the abdomen to cause the death of her 8-month-old unborn child. One of them allegedly told her that she should have gotten an abortion, and that “now your baby is going to die.” DNA tests showed the teen was not the father.

* A man was sentenced to 9 years in prison for secretly giving his wife an abortion-inducing drug after she refused to abort. The woman secretly taped him admitting to giving her the drug but trying to convince her that she really wanted to have an abortion.

* A high school junior was beaten to death by her 22-year-old boyfriend after she refused to have an abortion. According to police, the man hit the teen at least four times on the head with a bat and admitted he did not want her to have the baby. He pleaded guilty after leading police to the girl’s body, which he had buried under leaves in the woods. The man was sentenced to 22 years to life in prison.

“Our files contain hundreds of stories from women and girls who were attacked or killed with the intent of getting rid of the pregnancy,” said Elliot Institute spokesperson Amy Sobie.

She told, “We’ve been collecting these stories for more than six years through mainstream media sources and pro-life organizations who have been diligently reporting on these kinds of cases. The information is out there, but many people aren’t aware of what might be going on in their own communities.”

Sobie said people might not immediately connect this with abortion because in many cases the woman or girl never makes it to an abortion center — she’s attacked or killed before she even gets there.

“In our opinion, the availability of abortion makes it easier for those around her to think that she shouldn’t be having this baby, and gives those with an interest in getting rid of the unborn child a justification for doing so,” she said.

Some of the new cases included in the report involve assailants using abortifacients or other drugs to secretly induce an abortion. For example, in several cases the attackers secretly put the RU-486 abortion drug in their wives’ or girlfriends’ food or drink with the intent of killing the unborn child.

In addition to destroying the life of the unborn child and subjecting the mother to the emotional trauma of the loss of her child, these attacks may also put the mother at risk of physical problems without her being aware of it. Side effects of RU-486 include hemorrhaging, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, painful cramping, heart problems, infections and death of the mother.

And the availability of the drug may make it easier for those who want to cause an abortion to do so without the need to use pressure, intimidation or force to get the mother to an abortion business — putting more women and girls at risk.

Other new cases focus on pregnancy discrimination by employers, schools and others that can make women feel they have no choice but to abort.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics found that student athletes conceal pregnancy, feel forced into abortion or fear losing financial aid because of pregnancy, which could jeopardize their ability to stay in school.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently settled cases with two large U.S. companies for refusing to hire a pregnant applicant and firing an employee who became pregnant.

“Pressure may also come from bosses, school counselors and others who see a pregnancy as a threat to the woman’s ability to do her job or continue her education,” Sobie said. “The EEOC has reported an increase in the number of pregnancy discrimination complaints filed against employees, and a number of large companies have settled or are facing lawsuits over claims they fired or demoted female workers who became pregnant.”

Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon said that cases of women being pressured, threatened, or subjected to violence if they refuse to abort are not unusual. He pointed out that studies have shown that homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women in the U.S. and that women in abusive relationships are at risk for increased violence during pregnancy.

“In many of the cases documented for this report, police and witnesses reported that acts of violence and murder took place after the woman refused to abort or because the attacker didn’t want the pregnancy,” he said. “Even if a woman isn’t physically threatened, she often faces intense pressure, abandonment, lack of support, or emotional blackmail if she doesn’t abort. While abortion is often described as a ‘choice,’ women who’ve been there tell a very different story.”

Reardon said the report underscores the need for legislation, like that recently passed in Nebraska, holding abortion businesses liable for failing to screen women for evidence of coercion or pressure to abort and to direct them to people and resources that can help them.

“Too often, abortion clinics and others simply assume that if a woman is coming for an abortion, it is her free choice,” he said. “This ‘no questions asked’ policy is especially harmful to those in abusive situations, including young girls who are victims of sexual predators. Women should not be forced into unwanted abortions and subjected to violence or pressure from others.”


New Housing Up In First Quarter of 2010

The number of new housing starts this quarter increased by 1100 percent. That is a fantastic rate, but let’s not let our exuberance blur reality. During the first quarter of 2009, the total number of new housing developments was a dismal one (1). The excitement is all about the whooping 11 permits issued for new housing.

Eleven new housing starts is a good sign.

Let’s hope the trend continues until the new starts outpace the many more residents who have left Xenia. If that happens, city officials will have a real cause for exuberance–more tax revenue and more fee-based income for the enterprise. I’m sure union employees will quit sweating about the threat to their scheduled pay raises.