Category Archives: news

Madrid Family Confab Mixes Concern with Hope

By Piero Tozzi, J.D.

(PHOENIX, C-FAM) As pro-life and pro-family leaders from around the world gathered in Madrid over the last weekend in May for the Sixth World Congress of Families, the man of the hour was clearly Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Pla. The Spanish bishop’s plainspoken honesty regarding the destructiveness of homosexual acts in the months leading up to the Congress earned him the enmity of leftwing rights activists and a standing ovation from conference participants.

Homosexual and leftist groups have sought Bishop Reig Pla’s criminal prosecution for a Good Friday homily where he listed a host of sins, including sodomy, that lead to spiritual death.

As such, his case has become Exhibit A in a “clash of rights” pitting traditional “negative” liberties grounded in the natural law – in Reig Pla’s case, freedom of expression and religion – against nebulous, newly-fabricated “rights,” such as those based on “sexual orientation and gender identity” non-discrimination. As the bishop discovered, proponents of such novel “rights” increasingly call upon the State to force dissenters to acquiesce.

A last minute scratch from a panel on religious liberty was Italian parliamentarian Rocco Buttiglione, who in 2004 ran afoul of the emerging “soft totalitarianism” of the Latex Left when his candidacy for the European Commission’s justice post was scuttled due to pressure from European “progressives” who claimed his religious affiliation disqualified him. Replacing him in a pick-up speech was Alliance Defense Fund President Alan Sears, who warned of the intensifying assault on religious liberty evident in the United States.

Several other panels also addressed the clash of rights theme and increasing restrictions placed on civil liberties. Dr. Gudrun Kugler of the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians chaired a seminar on the use of “Hate Speech” and antidiscrimination laws to marginalize believers. Other panels addressed State attempts to limit parents’ rights to act as the primary educators of their children – a right explicitly acknowledged in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Among the signs of hope, however, was the engagement of Russian civil society organizations and Orthodox prelates in the conference, signaling the revival of Christianity in what was once the Soviet heartland. While respect for basic civil liberties in Russia is still somewhat tenuous, as the once-free West slides towards criminalizing religious expression and banishing reference to objectively-grounded moral norms, once-Communist Russia appears to be on a reverse trajectory. At the United Nations in recent years, for example, Russia has put forward a series of “traditional values” resolutions to counter the libertine sexual agenda of Europe and the Obama Administration while calling attention to the folly of population control programs amid demographic implosion.

Participants credited the Spanish hosts for successfully staging the Congress, singling out ringmaster Ignacio Arsuaga for particular praise in keeping multiple concurrent events running on schedule. Local and national Spanish government officials also welcomed the gathering, and pro-family Spanish politicians such as European Parliamentarian Jaime Mayor Oreja were key participants.

Current Spanish policy under Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy contrasts starkly with that of his predecessor, Socialist Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Zapatero’s government aggressively “worked to subvert the natural family,” in the words of the Declaration issued at the conclusion of the Congress.

The next World Congress of Families will be held in Sydney, Australia, in May 2013.

Piero Tozzi is a Senior Fellow at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), whose article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM, a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

Governor Kasich Stands for Health Care for Women and Their Unborn Children

Governor John Kasich approved a new policy Tuesday that will grant pregnant women in need earlier access to Medicaid, making it easier to receive prenatal care. A faster route to coverage will now be offered to women for whom a lack of prenatal care could threaten the life of her unborn child.

“Governor Kasich has consistently displayed his dedication to expectant mothers and their unborn children and this is an extension of that commitment to life,” said Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life. “This is a great display of how the state can provide health care options to women and empower them to become strong mothers of healthy babies.”

Under current policy, women who are likely to be eligible for Medicaid can receive services for 60 days while they wait for their Medicaid application to be processed, but the request often takes the majority of that time to be approved, leaving the mother without adequate support.

Governor Kasich’s new policy will eliminate the requirement for pregnant women and children to apply at the county job and family services office and allow them to instead receive approval directly through their health care provider. Children’s hospitals, federally qualified health centers, community action agencies and other
providers will now be able to address the needs of expectant mothers more quickly.

Ohio Right to Life commends Governor John Kasich for his unwavering support of mothers and children, and supports him in his effort to defend life.

A Historic Win for Reform in Wisconsin

By Mike Brownfield

The state of Wisconsin has once again lived up to its billing as a Midwestern incubator of Big Ideas. In yesterday’s case, when voters resoundingly defeated a liberal effort to recall Governor Scott Walker (R), the Big Idea was that reformers who come armed with the strength of their convictions can carry the day–even against mobs, labor unions, Hollywood, the media, academia and everything else the left throws up these days. All reformers need to do is lead.

In Walker’s case, his weapon in the fight against out-of-control government was a promise to the voters of Wisconsin that, were he entrusted with their vote, he would bring sweeping reforms to state government. One year ago, Governor Walker fulfilled that promise, and last night the voters rewarded him for his leadership by resoundingly rejecting an effort to remove him from power.

It was a historic recall election that focused nationwide attention on what has become an existential threat to state governments — the problem of public-sector employee pensions and benefits running states into the red. Walker unabashedly confronted that threat without straddling a fence or tiptoeing around Big Labor’s Maginot Line. Facing a $3.6 billion deficit and the fourth highest tax burden in the country, Walker instituted policies designed to bring some sanity to state government. Those reforms included asking public sector workers to contribute a modest 5.8 percent of their salaries to their pensions and at least 12.6 percent of their health-care premiums while also limiting the collective bargaining power of public sector unions. (Even that is a small amount, as Heritage’s Jason Richwine shows in a new paper examining the true costs of public pensions.)

Those moderate policies sent labor unions and their allies into full-on crisis mode. Tens of thousands of protesters stormed Wisconsin’s capitol last spring, Democratic state senators fled the state in hopes of blocking a vote on the measures, and lawsuits were filed to block the law from taking effect. Ultimately, Walker’s reforms were upheld, yet a massive effort to recall the governor was undertaken.

In short order, a massive campaign to unseat Walker was launched. Unions poured millions of dollars into the race to attack the governor, President Barack Obama weighed in on the eve of the election (albeit timidly, with a Tweet) and endorsed Walker’s opponent, and grassroots armies descended on the state to turn out the vote. Yesterday, the voters of Wisconsin had an opportunity to examine the governor’s reforms and render a verdict on whether they approved of the direction he has taken their state.

One of Governor Walker’s reforms included giving government workers the option to choose whether they wanted to pay union dues. When given the option, tens of thousands of members chose to leave the union. And according to exit polls, a third of union households backed Walker. But union leadership remains out of touch with the fiscal crisis Wisconsin, and our nation, faces. Yet as the people of Wisconsin know, Walker’s reforms have helped Wisconsin turn the corner. Since Walker took office, the state unemployment rate has fallen from 7.7 percent to 6.8 percent— well below the national average of 8.2 percent. And last year, Wisconsin employers actually created 23,000 jobs. In other words, Wisconsin’s economy is growing all while the rest of the country faces very troubled economic time.

Walker’s victory will send shockwaves across the country. Last year, the governor took a strong stand for the proposition that public sector unions should not negotiate their taxpayer-funded benefits with politicians they helped elect using mandatory dues. And he also stood for reforms that curbed spending and got his state’s budget under control — without raising taxes. Despite facing a recall election, Walker was ultimately rewarded for a job well done.

There have only been three gubernatorial recall elections in U.S. history, and Walker was the first one to survive the challenge. As Louisana Governor Bobby Jindal said last night on Fox News, “What Scott Walker has proved tonight is that good policy makes great politics.”

Mike Brownfield is Assistant Director of Strategic Communications at The Heritage Foundation. He serves as editor of The Foundry, Heritage’s public policy news blog where this article originally published on June 6, 2012.

More on the Slaughtered Convert to Christianity

By Raymond Ibrahim
Jihad Watch
June 5, 2012

I just received an email from the editor of a large website, who posted my story from yesterday about the slaughtered apostate. He writes:

The story generated a huge number of commentaries from readers, some of them originating from Muslim Countries. They harshly dispute and deny the veracity of the facts you mention in your paper. Some argue that this abomination did not take place in Tunisia—and I do believe so—but somewhere in Iraq, that the young man is not a Christian but a Shiite, that he was not slaughtered for apostasy but for being a spy of the Americans, and so on… It’s true that the facts are not properly documented : we don’t know even the date of this event, the place, the name of this unfortunate young man… Do you have any additional details and data to help answering ? Many thanks for your kind and urgent attention.

I responded with a quick list of facts, which I repost here, enlarged and augmented, for anyone else interested:

Fact 1: The Egyptian TV host, who recently aired this video—which went viral on the Arabic blogosphere on Sunday, when I wrote my report—said this occurred in Tunisia. Yes, others have subsequently said that this was in Iraq, others in Syria; but, from what people have sent me, the only “evidence” is the same video—but with a title that indicates Iraq or Syria. Personally, I am inclined to believe a formal Arabic current events program devoted to the topic than an anonymous Internet posting with no further details. Either way, the issue is less which country, and more why the man was slaughtered. Read on.

Fact 2: The Muslim narrator who speaks while the man is being slaughtered specifically names and continually condemns “apostasy”—the crime of leaving Islam—and even calls the executed man an apostate, i.e., the man is being slaughtered for apostasy, a capital offence in Islam. If the world is not surprised that the actual “government” of a Muslim nation, Iran, is preparing to execute a man simply for converting to Christianity, are we supposed to be surprised when roaming bands of jihadis take it upon themselves to execute apostates to Christianity in their midst?

Fact 3: The Muslim narrator specifically names and condemns al-mushrikin, and calls the executed man a mushrik—i.e., a “polytheist”; in fact, he calls him a mushrik murtadd, an “apostate to polytheism”: this is the standard appellation for Christians, who are regularly called polytheists for “associating” Jesus with God. Yes, there are other religions deemed polytheistic in Islam, such as Hinduism, but one rarely if ever hears of Muslims in the Middle East converting to, and dying for, Hinduism, whereas conversion to Christianity—with all the attendant consequences—is a regular occurrence. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of apostasy cases, from one end of the Muslim world to the other, cases of attacks, imprisonments, etc., deal with Muslim converts to Christianity (see my monthly Muslim Persecution of Christians reports for an idea).

Fact 4: My contacts in the Middle East, many well-connected with the doings of the region, regularly see and hear of such things, and are confident that he was beheaded for converting to Christianity. The reader is free to hold their opinions as biased or subjective; but if so, why hold the protests of Muslim apologists, equally biased and subjective, as more authoritative, especially in light of history, doctrine, and ongoing current events, which support the former opinion?

Fact 5: Muslim apologists always deny anything and everything that makes Islam look bad and will, naturally, try to put the best spin on this video—turning the victim into the aggressor, portraying him as a “traitor,” a “spy,” etc.—just like the Iranian regime, after unequivocally stating that Pastor Nadarkhani is to be executed for converting to Christianity, began backtracking by saying he is to be executed for being a “Zionist spy,” an “extortionist,” etc.

At day’s end—and here is the most indisputable fact all apologists and detractors need contend with—we are left with a man having his head sliced off while his murderers scream Islamic slogans and accuse him of apostasy.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shilliman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Gov. Kasich Set to Veto $30 Million to Nursing Homes

Several sources have indicated to the Columbus Dispatch that Gov. John Kasich is prepared to veto the $30 million for nursing homes that Republican legislators added to the mid-biennium review (Source: “Nursing homes’ $30M pop may fizzle,” Columbus Dispatch, May 31, 2012).

Nursing homes had won support in both the Republican-controlled House and Senate for the $30 million by pointing out that the industry has experienced more than $850 million in federal Medicare cuts this year; $39 million less in state funding compared to last year and that the money would be used to assist nursing homes in adhering to the governor’s new quality standards for long-term care.

The amendment added to the mid-biennium review submitted by Republican state Rep. Barbara Sears of Toledo would create a pool of money to reward nursing homes for meeting more than five of those quality standards.

However, administration officials point out that policy changes they have implemented to make it easier for Ohioans to seek care in non-institutional settings were expected to lead to a downsizing of the industry.

“It’s clear to us that so far in (the state budget) we got this right,” said Greg Moody, director of the Governor’s Office of Health Transformation. “That’s what’s in our mind as we approach this final stage of reviewing the changes that were made to the (mid-biennium review).”

Source:Ohio Health Policy Review, June 1, 2012.

Miracle Baby Declared Dead But Later Found Alive in Morgue 12 Hours Later

Not a Single Democrat Voted in Favor of Ending FDA Raids on Raw Milk Farmers

By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Here’s some news for those who still somehow believe the political left in Washington cares about the People. After U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment that would have ended armed FDA raids on raw milk farmers and legalized free speech about the curative properties of medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements and superfoods, are you curious how many Democrats voted in favor of this?


Big fat zero, to be exact.

Not a single Democrat in the United States Senate believes in fundamental food freedom, farm freedom or the principles of liberty. Every single Democrat in the Senate is a Big Brother sellout who supports the FDA having more guns pointed in the faces of raw milk farmers, arresting them and throwing them in prison, criminalizing real food and destroying America’s small family farms.

Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate believes that telling the truth about the beneficial effects of Chinese Medicine, or medicinal herbs, or nutritional supplements should be a crime that can also get you raided, shut down and imprisoned by the FDA. There is not a single Democrat who sees anything wrong with the government sending herbal product formulators to prison. There is not a single Democrat who believes that an Amish farmer has the right to milk a cow and sell that milk to their neighbor without being threatened by the government.

This is an astonishing milestone in U.S. history. When those in Washington who pretend to represent the People openly and publicly vote to crush the very liberties and freedoms they claim to protect, you no longer have a real Democracy. You have a police state.

The Republicans are only slightly better on this issue, by the way. Most Republicans also voted against this amendment. But there are 15 good guys who voted for it.

To see who they are and to read the rest of the story, go to (See also Natural New’s article on Sen. Durbin’s anti-supplement bill.)

Greene County Safe Communities Promotes “Sharing the Road” During Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Motorcyclist fatalities increased slightly in 2010 to 4,502, accounting for 14% of total fatalities for the year. This increase in motorcycle fatalities for the year resumes the unfortunate overall increasing trend over the last 13 years, an upward trend that saw only a single one-year decline in 2009, when 4,462 motorcyclists were killed. However, the greatest decrease in the estimated number of injured people is among motorcyclists, with an 8.9% decrease.

In response to this increase, Greene County Safe Communities announced today that it is joining with other federal, state and local highway safety, law enforcement, and motorcycle organizations in proclaiming May as “Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.” During this time – and during the rest of the year – motorists and other road users are reminded to safely “share the road” with motorcycles, and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe. Changing the driving habits of motorists and motorcyclists alike will help decrease the numbers of motorcyclist killed and injured in crashes. Motorcyclists are reminded to make sure that they are visible to motorists, and that they follow the rules of the road. All road users are reminded to never drive, ride, walk or bicycle while distracted.

“As the weather improves, more and more motorcyclists are hitting the roads,” said Laurie Fox, Safe Communities Coordinator. “And with that in mind, pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers of all vehicles, including SUVs, passenger cars and trucks, need to be extra attentive and make sure they ‘share the road.’ A motorcycle is one of the smallest vehicles on our roads, often hidden in a car or truck’s blind spot. Every driver needs to aggressively look for them before changing lanes or merging with traffic.”

Motorists and bicyclists should perform visual checks for motorcyclists by checking mirrors and blind spots before they enter or exit a lane of traffic, and at intersections. Pedestrians should also get into the habit of scanning for motorcyclists who might be hidden by other traffic.

Ms. Fox reminds all road users that, “Motorcyclists have responsibilities, too. They should obey traffic rules, be alert to other drivers, never ride while impaired or distracted, and always wear a Department of Transportation-compliant helmet and other protective gear.”

Ms. Fox said that a motorcyclist is much more vulnerable than a passenger vehicle occupant in the event of a crash. She said that research from DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 39 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in traffic crashes.

Ms. Fox offered tips for drivers to help keep motorcyclists safe on our roadways.

• Remember, a motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges
of any other motor vehicle.

• Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width—never try to share a lane.

• Visually check for motorcycles by checking mirrors and blind spots
before changing a lane of traffic.

• Always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.

• Don’t be fooled by a motorcycle’s flashing turn signal – motorcycle signals
are often not self-canceling and riders sometimes forget to turn them off.
Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed.

• Allow more following distance – three or four seconds – when behind a
motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to
maneuver or stop in an emergency.

• Never tailgate. In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than

• Never drive while distracted.

Ms. Fox also said motorcyclists can increase their safety by:

• Avoiding riding in poor weather conditions;

• Wearing brightly colored protective gear and a DOT-compliant helmet;

• Using turn signals for every turn or lane change, even if the rider thinks
no one will see it;

• Combining hand signals and turn signals to draw more attention to them-

• Using reflective tape and stickers to increase conspicuity;

• Positioning themselves in the lane where they will be most visible to other
drivers; and

• Never driving while impaired.

Our message to all drivers and motorcyclists is: Help to share in the responsibility of keeping all road users safe, and do your part by safely “sharing the road.”

For more information on motorcycle safety, please visit For information on Greene County Safe Communities, please call 937-374-5669 or email

In Jordan, Clinic Brings Healing & Hope to Refugees

The child, Mohammed, was too small for his age and looked very fragile. Dr. Amy* knew he wasn’t getting enough to eat.

The toddler, his mother, and grandmother, Mama Faiza,* step cautiously into Hope Clinic, a free medical service located in the basement of an evangelical church in Amman, Jordan. The two women slowly survey the room. As Iraqi refugees in Jordan, they expect they will not be welcome.

When a nurse greets them with a warm smile, Mama Faiza actually becomes fearful. She asks hesitantly, “Is there something wrong?”

Kindness was the last thing she expected.

“Life for Iraqi refugees in Jordan is far from easy,” says Dr. Amy, who has worked at the clinic for 12 years. “After their initial three-month visa runs out, they are in the country illegally. Iraqis do not qualify for refugee status. Being in the country illegally means they cannot work. Whatever little cushion of savings they brought with them gets used up for living expenses. Not being recognized as refugees also means they have to find their own housing and often are taken advantage of, having to pay far too much for derelict apartments. Some find work illegally, but always run the risk of being rounded up by the police and deported back to Iraq.”

The clinic’s all-volunteer staff says that when patients discover they are going to be treated like human beings loved by God, they often say, “You are the only people who have ever treated us as something more than dogs.”

Mama Faiza is no exception. Her family had gotten along well enough in Jordan because her husband was Palestinian, but when he died, they were evicted from their rented apartment. Eventually the family of 13 wound up living in a tent that they moved from one empty field to another. They subsisted on handouts and whatever food they could scavenge.

As they enter the clinic, the staff sees they are disheveled, dirty and reeking of wood smoke. Their leathered skin tells them the family has been living in the elements for some time.

Mama Faiza tells the nurse she has a history of diabetes but stopped taking her medicines long ago because she couldn’t afford them. Her wrinkled face breaks into a wide smile when she hears the clinic can provide the medicine she needs for free.

“At Hope Clinic, we treat people like these Iraqi refugees who cannot afford to go to medical services they have to pay for,” Dr. Amy says. “Most of our patients have chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension or heart diseases. For many, not taking their medication means a quick deterioration of health, with death following. Having our clinic provide the necessary medicines is life saving for many of the people we see.”

Southern Baptists play a significant part in Hope Clinic’s life-saving work through Baptist Global Response (BGR), which recently provided a grant of $5,000 to purchase badly needed medicines, including the life-saving diabetes and blood pressure medications.

Hope Clinic started in 1991 to offer medical care to Iraqis fleeing the Gulf War. In 1998, a team of medical volunteers began serving there, and the clinic slowly expanded its patient base. Today, Jordanians, Palestinians, Egyptians, Yemenis, Sudanese, Somalis, Ethiopians, and other North Africans receive outpatient family medicine, optometry, physical therapy, and prenatal care. In approximately 3,600 patient visits a year, clinic staff members help refugees and other people in need experience firsthand the love of God that brings hope for new life.

In a predominantly Muslim country like Jordan, evangelical believers naturally pull together to “be the hands and feet of Jesus” to people in need, says Jeff Palmer, executive director of Baptist Global Response.

“Many people in the world, especially refugees, struggle just to survive from one day to the next,” Palmer says. “They are foreigners in strange lands. Their presence often is resented by locals who also are struggling to eke out a living for their families in the midst of harsh poverty. When Christians show these refugees the love of God that heals and transforms, it’s like rain in the desert. They soak it up, and their gratitude to God — and those who gave them the help — overflows.”

Staff members say Christians and Muslims alike come to the clinic just to ask for prayer. In a harsh world, a kind smile and gentle touch brings its own kind of healing.

Mama Faiza is deeply moved by her experience at the clinic that day.

Earlier that very day, a friend of the clinic had dropped off a box full of warm winter clothes. Besides the badly needed medicines, the family also is given two bags full of clothing.

As Mama Faiza prepares to leave, she reaches out to the doctor, gently pulls her head toward hers, and kisses her over and over.


You can help refugees like these by donating to BGR’s Refugee Fund or the World Hunger Fund.

* Names changed to protect identities. ReachGlobal,, a key partner in the Hope Clinic endeavor, provided information for this article.

Parish Threatened, Harassed Over Sign Opposing ‘Gay Marriage’

A Massachusetts Catholic parish has received threats of arson and other harassing messages after posting a sign with the Church’s position on same-sex “marriage.”

“It went viral,” said Steven Guillotte, Director of Pastoral Services at Saint Francis Xavier Parish in Acushnet, recalling an “explosion” of responses to the message displayed on the sign in front of the church earlier this week. It read: “Two men are friends, not spouses.”

Guillotte posted the message on the morning of May 15, and responded within hours to an e-mail “saying that it was hateful.” Later that day, Guillotte’s e-mail response ended up being posted to Facebook.

“Next thing you know, the nasty telephone calls started to come, and they were coming every few minutes,” said the pastoral director in a May 17 interview with CNA.

After local media took an interest, there were “some horrible e-mails overnight,” and a phone call from a woman “saying the church should be burned down.”

“We had a group of three young men and a woman who were upset. They were actually planning on going into the church,” he recounted. Guillotte steered them away, while trying to field an inquiry from a reporter.

“She witnessed one of the guys scream across the parking lot that he was going to burn the church down. We hear that, here and there.”

Guillotte said the sign was intended to clarify Catholic beliefs after President Obama’s recent support for redefining marriage. After the president’s announcement, he recalled, “there were a lot of Catholics out there misrepresenting, or even maligning, the Church’s position on gay marriage.”

“So I came in on this past Tuesday morning and just decided to put up a sign expressing the Church’s teaching in a very concise way … saying that the proper relationship between two men – or for that matter, two women – is friendship, and not marriage.”

Opponents of the message starting posting their own signs on or near the parish property. One of them contained an invitation to “spread LOVE, not hate,” while another used a sexual insult to describe the Virgin Mary. Others read “Jesus Freaks, come to your senses,” and “Pray for death.”

Many of the phone calls “were just f-words and people hanging up,” along with others “saying they were disgusted with the sign” and asking “how could we do it, because it was so ‘hateful.’”

But Guillotte said the expressions of “hate” or “intolerance” seemed to be coming from the Church’s critics in this case.

“If the Methodist church down the street put a sign up that said they were in favor of gay marriage,” he observed, “you wouldn’t see me down their with a hammer and nails on their property.”

Another phone call came from a concerned Catholic, who worried that the sign would drive people away from the Church. Guillotte disagrees.

“We have a pastor who’s taken a firm, orthodox stand on Church teaching, and our staff is the same way,” he said. “Unlike some parishes in the area, our census has actually gone up this last year.”

Although the Church sign has since been changed, Guillotte continues to stand by Tuesday’s message as one that should be brought into the public square. He said Catholics should show patience and love in the debate over marriage, but also be “firm in our presentation of what the truth is.”

Otherwise, he warned, “next thing you know, you’re agreeing with the other side, which is exactly what they’re really striving for.”

He believes advocates for sexual radicalism “don’t really want tolerance, in my opinion; they want us to agree with them.”

“When we do that,” he said, “we give up our Catholic faith, and I think we turn our back on Christ.”