Category Archives: news

European Development Aid and Funding Abortions

By Stefano Gennarini, J.D.

(New York C-FAM) The European Commission is using development funds to pay for abortions in countries that restrict the procedure and funding the two largest abortion providers in the world, International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International, according to a new report by European Dignity Watch.

The report The Funding of Abortion through EU Development Aid reveals Marie Stopes International received over $30 million from the European Union. The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, a high level global partnership that includes the UNFPA and provides abortion kits to developing countries, was given close to $32 million over a 30-month period ending in June 2011.

The report discloses that EU money was spent to fund abortions in developing countries with strict abortion laws through the EU’s Development Aid and Public Health budgets for projects related to “sexual and reproductive health.” But European Dignity Watch (EDW) says the “term ‘sexual and reproductive health’ as defined by the EU excludes abortion explicitly”.

International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International asked and received funding projects that included “safe abortion,” “emergency contraception,” “training in manual vacuum aspiration,” and “menstrual regulation” to admittedly bypass legal restrictions on abortions in countries like Bangladesh, Bolivia, Guatemala, and Peru.

The term “menstrual regulation,” the report explains, is a less explicit term for surgical abortions. It is described by Planned Parenthood as the process of emptying the uterus through the high-powered suction created by a manual vacuum aspirator. The device is inserted in the dilated cervix of a woman who “suspects” being pregnant rather than one who “knows” she is pregnant. After the procedure, it is impossible to tell whether a woman was pregnant unless the extracted tissue, which may include an implanted embryo, is examined microscopically.

The report denounces the European Commission, which manages the budget of the European Union, for acting illegally. The report asserts that the Commission does not have the authority to fund abortions because of the limited authority of the Commission, the Commission’s own statements, and the need for consensus to act on foreign policy. Each EU member state has a seat on the Commission, and several EU countries have strict abortion laws.

European Dignity Watch based the report on disclosures from a document request for all papers and correspondence between the EU Commission, the two abortion giants, and the Center for Reproductive Rights for the period running from 2005 to 2010. Not all the information requested from the EU Commission was handed over. The report calls the findings so far “cursory” and asks EU Parliamentarians to investigate further and take action.

The report was presented at the European Parliament in Brussels during an event that was part of the “Week for Life” initiative organized by EU Parliamentarians held in March.

For decades, public funding of abortion in Europe would not have been considered controversial. European Dignity Watch, which was formed in 2010, is just one of many recently formed politically active pro-life organizations in Europe. This development shows how the pro-life movement is gaining momentum in Europe.

Stefano Gennarini writes for C-FAM. This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

Lives Saved, Reports In From Around the World

By Daniel Downs

Lives saved from certain death continue coming in at the 40 Days for Life headquarters in Virginia. The latest count is 688 unborn children were spared death by abortion. Men and women, young and old, hit took their message to the streets throughout nations like Australia, Poland, Spain, Ireland, and even England.

Birminham England

Literally, people paraded through the streets of Birmingham protesting against abortion. In London, they held vigils near abortion clinics and government offices. Night and day, campaigners prayed for government officials, abortion clinic workers, and especially for mothers considering abortion. Besides oppostion by media and clinics, campaigners got to explain to women contemplating abortion and to others their biblical view about life and abortion. For 40 days, they exercised the religious freedom long fought for and won by the heirs of the Reformation, which freedom includes freedom of speech and assembly. Even in cold Montreal Quebec weather, people spoke out in public for the right to life of the unborn.

Modesto California

The same is true of Americans. Across the United States, Americans also exercised their liberty to speak out for the the lives of the unborn. In Modesto California, campaigners showed a father and daughter what a fetus looked like 12 and 16 week. When two came out of the clinic, they told the Modesto group they had changed their minds. Over 688 women made the same decision during the 40 Days for Life.

Students for Life of America recently reported 3 babies were saved from abortion as a result of their college campus based campaigns. Three different local campus groups reported mothers changing their minds about abortion and choosing life for their unborn children. In each case, members of the local SFLA organizations were given the opportunity to continue working with each mother in dealing with their concerns and issues.

With the approach of Easter, what better way to celebrate the resurrection of life than by the deliverance of innocent lives from the modern version of ancient Egypt’s infanticide, which was an effort to destroy the promise of God. Easter extends the promise of a life of freedom to life eternal with God.

Governor Kasich Initiates Human Trafficking Task Force

On March 29, Ohio Governor Kasich along with Attorney General Mike DeWine launched the human trafficking task force. The goal is to end enslavement of teenage girls and boys as well as adults to prostitution and forced labor. When caught, perpetrators of human trafficking will get the full justice of law this side of heaven. And, as you will see and hear, Gov. Kasich is serious about making this one of Ohio’s top priorities.


Final Request of America’s Last WWI Veteran Fuels Effort to Build Memorial For All

Before dying at age 108, Frank Buckles, known as America’s last World War I veteran, said he wanted every WWI soldier that fought together to be honored together. During his visit to a memorial for WWI veterans who were residents of Washington D.C., Buckles was heartbroken by what he saw: a small, marble monument sitting dirty and stained at the end of a broken walkway, hidden by overgrown trees. At Buckles’ request, the World War I Memorial Foundation was formed to restore the memorial and rededicate it to all WWI veterans. Restoration efforts began in late 2010, but, upon completion, the city of Washington, D.C. withdrew its support for rededicating the memorial. Now there is an effort in Congress to build a privately funded national memorial honoring all WWI veterans on the Mall, where it would be accessible to the 25 million people who visit it each year. 116,000 American soldiers died in World War I, outnumbering the combined total of those killed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. (Liberty Watch, March 22, 2012)

Watch a video below about the efforts to restore this veteran memorial.


Congress Passes NSBA-Supported JOBS Act

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Senate-amended version of Jump-Start Our Business Start-ups Act (H.R. 3606 or “JOBS” Act) by a margin of 380-41, addressing one of NSBA’s top priority issues. The bill, which will ease securities regulations on small businesses making it much easier for them to raise capital through public capital markets, will now head to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

The bill originally passed the House along a wide bipartisan basis (390-23) and was then approved with amendments by the Senate last week, also on a bipartisan basis (73-26.) Prior to passage in the Senate, however, an amendment offered by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and supported by Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Scott Brown (R-Mass.), among others, was adopted 64-35, . This so-called “crowdfunding” amendment (S.Amdt. 1884), will insert the Senate’s version of crowdfunding legislation into the bill, and among other things, require crowdfunding intermediaries to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The original House-passed version of H.R. 3606 did not contain such language.

This bill was also supported by the administration.

This pro-growth, NSBA-supported legislation will positively transform the ability of small businesses to raise capital and help alleviate the disproportionate burden of compliance placed on small firms.

Weighing in on Pre-Game Football Prayers at Texas High School, Rutherford Institute Advises Officials to Respect Student-Led Prayers

(El Paso, Texas) — In a letter to school officials at Bowie High School, which has come under fire recently for its tradition of having a pastor lead the football team in a pre-game prayer, John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute, cautioned Bowie’s principal against ending all prayers before football games, particularly student-led prayers. As Whitehead pointed out, although the Establishment Clause limits government-sponsored religious speech, the First Amendment still fully protects student-led religious speech.

“Too often, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment is erroneously interpreted to mean freedom from religion, rather than freedom of religion,” said attorney Whitehead. “Those who subscribe to the notion that society should be free from religion tend to use the principle of a separation of church and state as a bludgeon to eradicate religion from the public sphere. On the other side are those, like The Rutherford Institute, who believe that the First Amendment provides for freedom of religion and that the so-called ‘wall of separation between Church and State’—a term coined by Thomas Jefferson—was intended to refer to a wall placed around the church in order to protect it from any government interference with its rights to religious freedom.”

School officials at Bowie High School, which is part of the El Paso Independent School District (EPISD), recently received a threatening letter from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based organization claiming “to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church.” The group threatened Bowie with legal action unless the school ceases its practice of having a local pastor lead the football team in a pre-game prayer. The letter was reportedly prompted by a complaint arising over a 2010 YouTube video showing the Bowie High School football team in prayer.

Asked to weigh in on the matter by members of the community, constitutional attorney John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute wrote a letter to Bowie High School’s principal, Dr. Jesus Chavez, explaining that while it is not easy navigating the waters between the First Amendment’s Free Speech/Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses, there are still viable options available to those who wish to exercise their First Amendment rights within the schoolhouse gates. In making his case for the legality of student-led prayers, Whitehead pointed to U. S. Supreme Court jurisprudence, as well as guidelines from the Department of Education on “Prayer in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.” Quoting the Supreme Court’s ruling in Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Doe, Whitehead noted that”nothing in the Constitution prohibits any public school student from voluntarily praying at any time before, during, or after the schoolday.”

Louisiana Children and Louisiana Church Schools Are Not Caesars!

By Gene Mills

Gov. Bobby Jindal released the details of what the Wall Street Journal has called “the most significant and sweeping education reform in American history.”

The Constitutional charge answered in the Gov. Jindal Education Reform revisits the original goal of public education enumerated in Article 8 of the Louisiana Constitution: “The goal of the public educational system is to provide learning environments and experiences, at all stages of human development, that are humane, just, and designed to promote excellence in order that every individual may be afforded an equal opportunity to develop to his full potential.”

The moral imperative “to train a child in the way he should go” is respected in Gov. Jindal’s Education Package and answers, in part, the injustice of unequal opportunities. Dr. Wayne Grudem in Politics According to the Bible called “the permanent economic underclass, created by a lack of educational skills resulting in reduced earning capacity for life”—one of the greatest moral issues of our day!

Today, Louisiana spends $3.41 billion dollars on K-12 education, local government throws in another $2.5 billion and the Federal government adds to that equation with over $2 billion more. That’s nearly $9 billion spent annually to “educate” roughly 700,000 children, achieving the unfortunate 2011 ALEC national ranking of 49th in Achievement/Performance.

Gov. Jindal’s reform only addresses roughly $1 billion of the MFP that is directed toward currently failing schools. Forty-four percent of Louisiana public schools have received a D or F letter grade by operating a school where two-thirds of their students are at or below grade level.

To be certain, the breakdown of the traditional family is central to the educational predicament that Louisiana schools find themselves in. Reconciliation of the parent-child relationship, especially with regard to the “educational, moral, ethical, and religious training…and the discipline of the child” is foundational to any long-term solution.

For decades, educators of all varieties have heralded the need to involve and engage parents in their children’s education. Gov. Jindal’s Education Package finally proposes just that and more efficiently than any reform currently proposed.

Some voices, such as Melissa Flournoy of LA Budget Project, have echoed opposition. Central to their argument is the mistaken belief that “public financing of private education requires ‘accountability and testing’ similar to that which burdens the public system.” On the surface, that cry appears reasonable, but opposition and appearances are designed to redirect.

Accountability does exist in private sector education though: Parents decide success and failure in private education, and parents exercise their God given authority to direct the educational options for their child rather than an unrelated third party “expert” who specializes in systems. According to Gov. Jindal’s proposal, testing requirements exist too. Students who receive the scholarship program will be subject to the same LEAP test previous counterparts are subject to. The separation of children from state control is central to the individual success and the brilliance behind Gov. Jindal’s proposal!

Missing from the calls for “private–school accountability” is the moral reason why we are having this debate–the chronic failure of the current education system to fulfill its constitutional and moral responsibility to Louisiana children. Private education does not share its public counterpart’s history of decades of public funding, or perpetual shortfall. In fact, when a private school fails, it quickly liquidates and goes out of business.

When a public school fails, it gets a letter grade, a very recent development, a four- year grace period and time to organize its lobby, unions and some employees to obscure the “facts of their failure.” Unfortunately, when a school fails, the taxpayers don’t get a refund, parents don’t get zip code restrictions lifted, and the children still earn a 180-day sentence to keep appearing at their “failing” school.

I am of the impression that the cries for accountability and testing are a “poison pill” designed to cripple the Jindal education reform package. No church-run school would or should adopt the onerous and unproductive edicts, mandates, standards, test, philosophies, fees or red tape that so-called “accountability” imposes.

At worst this package of bills to some “big government bureaucrats” is a unique opportunity to pull a “hostile takeover” of religious and private education. The cry for “accountability” is misdirected. It is designed to stop “choice” or takeover private schools, but neither objective will receive the support of Louisiana’s faith community.

Gov. Jindal’s fact sheet spells out his plan. Lawmakers will be asked to consider the children not the systems of old.

  • The money follows the child.
  • The accountability and testing follows the money-directly to that child.
  • Private Institutes remain private.
  • Public education innovates to compete.
  • Gov. Jindal’s education plan is deserving of our support. It’s time for the opposition to stand down while parents, pastors and principled policy makers fix this mess.

    Gene Mills is president of Louisiana Family Forum, an organization committed to defending faith, freedom and the traditional family in the great state of Louisiana.

    Jerusalem: Ultra-Orthodox Men Suspected of Attacking 70 Yr Old Women Who They Thought Was a Missionary

    According to a report in Haaretz (February 29), “Police suspect that a group of ultra-Orthodox men brutally attacked a 70-year-old woman in her home in Jerusalem’s Nahlaot neighborhood on Monday, apparently believing her to be a Christian missionary. The victim spoke to Haaretz from Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, last night. She said that her attackers accused her of hosting secular, non-Jewish women in her home. The incident occurred on Monday evening around 9 P.M. A number of men in ultra-Orthodox garb forced their way into the woman’s apartment in the Haredi neighborhood. They tied the woman’s arms and then punched her on her body. The victim said the beating lasted half an hour, and that the intruders also vandalized her home before disappearing. She said the men stole her cell phone and computer. The woman, who lives alone, was left on the floor with a broken ankle, a shattered and bleeding hand, a swollen face and internal bleeding. The victim said that, just before the attackers started to pound her, they accused her of hosting secular women. She said that she holds such meetings to teach these women about Judaism. ‘I try to move them closer to Judaism,’ she explained yesterday. ‘The house looked as though there had been a pogrom in it,’ said Nahum Bernstein, a volunteer police worker who was one of the first on the scene. ‘It was shocking. We found an elderly woman tied on the floor, with bruises on her face, a fractured hand and a broken ankle.’ He said the woman was very confused, but managed to indicate that the attack had religious motivations. Jerusalem police searched the area after the incident. They are continuing their investigations.”

    Source: Caspari Media Review, March 8, 2012.

    Ohio Unemployment Drops to 7.7% in Janaury

    By Daniel Downs

    The Ohio Labor Market Review reported a drop in unemployment from 7.9% in December to 7.7% in January. The national unemployment also dropped two tenth of a percent (8.3%) in January. Employment gains were seen primarily in the service sectors and good producing industries.

    The number of new jobs in the service sector included 6,800 leisure and hospitality jobs, 6,000 in education and health services, 5,300 in business related services, 3,200 new trade, transportation and utilites jobs, 2,400 in financial services, 100 in government, and 2,400 more jobs in other industries. The construction industry added 6,200 jobs and manufacturing 1,400 new employees. I’m sure new schools, new or or renovation of health facilites, and military and other government facilities increased the demand for a substantial number of the new construction workers.

    The Labor Market Review also reported a decline of weekly pay ($11.18/wk) and hours worked (.6/hrs) by factory employees.

    Overall, Ohio employee weekly benefits increased slightly by $4.27

    Like the nation, Ohio has a long way to go before reaching pre-recession levels of employment. The 2006 unemployment rate was 5.4% and it was 4.0% in 2000. It took nealy over 3 years for the unemployment rate to reach the current rate of 7.7% from its peak of 10.1% in 2009. Hopefully, the current momentum will shorten the time it will take to reach the 2006 rate. However, many–if not most–of the government stimulated jobs will have come to end.

    Mike Dewine Backing Rick Santorum

    A few hours ago, I participated in a town hall meeting with Rick Santorum. Listening to his position on a host of questions and issues and perusing his campaign website Rick Santorum, my impression is this guy seems a lot like Ronald Reagan. I don’t think his acting either. His is a conservative Republican who policy statements in many ways resembles Reagans.

    The big surprise was learning Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has been traveling and supporting Santorum. (Much like Constitutional Attorney Jay Sekulow endorsement of Mitt Romney). DeWine and Santorum served in the US Senate at the same time, which give more weight to Dewine’s insights into Santorum’s hard work, thoughful approach to issues, and consistency to his core values. Of course, Santorum faces Romney’s 12 to 1 spending efforts to win this election as well as the fact that Romney is getting much of his donation from wealthy donors to Santorum’s middle and lower income class donations.

    According to DeWine, the grassroot turn out is excited and people feel Santorum connects with them. Santorum is more like one of them.