Category Archives: Ohio

Vote Yes On Issue 1?

A businessman from Central America responding to a post made a very enlightening observation about Ohio. He said Ohio is a like a third world country lacking adequate development. Almost all media outlets, business organizations, universities, as well as the mother, brother and sister of nearly everyone else, seems to agree; they are all promoting the renewal of the not-yet-ended Third Frontier funding for high tech development.

So, why not follow the crowd. Well, because crowds generally chant whatever smooth talking speakers claim. Like other dumb animals, we like sheep are easily led astray–also called the herd mentality.

It cannot be denied that 48,000 new jobs have been created as a result of the Third Frontier economic stimulus fund. Ohio taxpayer gave the state $500 million to help develop high tech industries and job. Each job created cost taxpayers over $10,400. SRI Intl. research claims it also produced a positive economic impact of $6.6 billion. (A must read is an article by Tom Breckenridge on

If we forget that politicians and big business sold off our low tech industrial job to China and other nations, we also forgot the much how much greater the Third Frontier has actually cost. And, did most Ohioans really benefit from the sale? I doubt it.

Yes, Third Frontier is a boondoggle for universities, big energy, drug companies, General Electric, and some new enterprising tech companies. They will create new jobs while eliminating old ones. The costs are likely higher for many individuals than politicians and big business concerns care to acknowledge. For example, many young Americans will end up having to compete with foreigners with Green Cards.

Yet, in spite of the young who will benefit from those new jobs, if foreigners are need to fill positions, those jobs will in the end not be such great paying jobs. Just asks those experienced in computer technologies.

Trusting the hype media, business leaders, and politicians is like believing FDR’s welfare program would be a temporary remedy for those affected by World War II. You can be certain that Third Frontier welfare for high tech corporations will be as temporary.

Who pays for corporate welfare? All of the middle class who supposedly benefit from all of the great new jobs. Remember, low-tech Wal-Mart and the factory farm.

Carrie Mihalick wrote an article in which she traces the fascist or progressive history of the Third Frontier movement across the world and to Ohio. Her research facts reminds of the Progressive results of Obama and progressive Congressional Democrats economic policy. Third Frontier may seem more discrete than Obama and Company in how it will eventually run tech business in partnership with big business but I doubt it. (Her article is another must read.

Allowing the Third Frontier to continue will the Ohio Constitution’s 5% cap on state debt service to be violated. (See the rest of the argument by a number previous Ohio legislators by going here.)

A better plan is to give venture capitalists bigger tax breaks for investing to create new high tech industries and jobs. Let big corporation reinvest in their own high tech developments. Make politicians stick to policies and funding initiatives that actually do benefit all citizens rather than the chosen few.

Sandra O’Brien Best Candidate for Secretary of State

If you read my previous post titled Right to Life Candidate Endorsements, you noticed at the end a favorable report of both John Michel’s and Sandra O’Brien’s pro-life candidacy. In this post, I want to elaborate on why O’Brien is the best candidate for Secretary of State.

In the past post, I wrote about a letter written by past state representative Diana Fessler to the Liberty Council in which Fessler exposes Jon Husted’s deceptive advertisements that touts his saving prayer in the House of Representatives. After further research, I found supporting evidence that the content of Fessler’s recent letter is true. For example, Ohio Christian Alliance reported the following on October 7, 2007:

On May 16th of this year, the Clerk’s Office at the Ohio Statehouse sent a memorandum to all House members in regard to the Guest Minister Prayer Policy after a protest was filed by minority leader Democrat Chris Redfern (80th District) and Democrat Robert Hagan (60th District) who objected to the prayer offered by Pastor Keith Hamblen, a guest of State Rep. Matt Huffman (R-4th District). Their objection to Pastor Hamblen’s prayer was that he had prayed in the name of Jesus and that he had referenced legislation that was to be voted on in the Ohio House that day.”

As Fessler letter indicates, the intent of the memo was to implement a policy that would censor the name of Jesus from all opening session prayers.

The Alliance report continued:

The memo from the Clerk’s office informed House members that a prayer policy that had been adopted in 2001 during Rep. Larry Householder’s Speakership, but never enforced, was now going to be enforced, at the Speaker’s urging. The policy called for ministers to submit a copy of their prepared remarks at least 72 hours prior to the session day for which they were scheduled to pray. “If it is determined that the prayer is of a denominational, sectarian, or proselytizing nature, we will ask for it to be changed to conform to the guidelines.”

The speaker of the House was none other than Republican Jon Husted.

The Alliance report rightly concluded “[i]t was clear that the action taken by the Clerk’s office was oppressive and discriminating toward Christian ministers.” However, the Clerk was merely the scribe of the memo not it source. Husted was the source who borrowed from a unenforced liberal policy.

As the Alliance Defense Fund press releases state, it was Diana Fessler who initiated legal action against Husted’s oppressive policy. It was Fessler, not Husted, who saved prayer in the House. Husted was the problem. (See also a letter by Fessler published by Citizen USA; To see information provided by the Alliance Defense Fund about this case, go to here and here)

If Husted is lying about this and about his Tea Party affiliation, what else is he lying about.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported on Ohio Tea Party officials’ denouncement of any affiliation with Husted. In fact, they claim a general hostility of entrenched GOP politicians like Husted to the Tea Party movement. “Chris Littleton, president of the Ohio Liberty Council, said Husted’s overtures to the Tea Party are all propaganda.” Husted’s record demonstrates his opposition to Tea Party values such as reduced government spending and debt, limited government, and the like. (To read the article, go here.)

Sandra O’Brien is an Ohio Tea Party favorite. Unlike Husted, she is also a real pro-life supporter. Husted has proven to be a pro-lifer for votes. Other wise he has supported pro-abortion candidates against pro-lifer. One of those candidates was O’Brien during the 2006 Republican primaries.

Sandra O’Brien is a genuine social and fiscal conservative. She deserves Republican and independent vote for Secretary of State, not Husted.

Don’t believe me? Good, check her website out for yourself.

Right To Life Candidate Endorsements

The Ohio Right to Life Pac candidate endorsements mostly align with endorsements by the Ohio Republican Party. This is not surprising since Republicans tend to favor pro-life issues, and Democrats support pro-abortion.

Why is an Ohio RTL Pac endorsement of any importance? The Pac claims because it makes a difference to about half (maybe more) of the voting population. The Pac provides user-friendly access to information about the candidate experience, views and voting record on abortion and pro-life issues. Beyond that, RTL’s endorsement of pro-life candidates assists voters identify those who will likely honor their oath of office by upholding the constitutionally protected right to life.

With that in mind, let’s see who those candidates are.


Jarrod Martin, who seeks a second term in the 70th Ohio House District, received the Ohio RTL Pac stamp of approval. Tea Partiers seem to like him as well as the Ohio GOP. His campaign website is at

U.S. Representative John Kasich has the Ohio RTL Pac’s 100% pro-life endorsement. He is not only favored by the GOP but also by Tea Party members and many of the who’s who is local and state politics. His campaign website is at

Jon Husted, Speaker of the Ohio House of Representative and native of Dayton, is running for Secretary of State. He has also received the Ohio RTL Pac 100% pro-life stamp of approval. But, I recently received information from a friend who lives in northern Ohio that casts some doubt about Husted’s support of both pro-life and pro-faith causes, which I will cover later. His campaign website address is

Mike DeWine is no stranger to local politics. He is local lawyer, previous County Prosecutor, state representative, senator, and U.S. Congressman. He is running for Ohio Attorney General with GOP approval and the Ohio RTL Pac’s 100% pro-life endorsement. His campaign website is at

State Representative Josh Mandel is another dynamic young politician with the Ohio RTL Pac’s 100% pro-life stamp of approval along with the GOP and Tea Party endorsements. His campaign website is at

I’m not 100% certain but I think Ohio only allows one Auditor of State. However, Ohio RTL Pac as well as the Ohio GOP endorses two. They are David Yost and Seth Morgan.

David Yost is among the select few picked by the Ohio GOP. His repertoire includes his current position of Delaware County Prosecutor and the previously held position of county auditor. Posted on his blog is an endorsement by the Darke County Tea Party as well as the most of the big press and entrenched GOP politicians. Yost’s campaign website address is

Ohio Representative Seth Morgan is among select few running for accounting position of State Auditor who actually is actually a certified public accountant (CPA), which should be one of the requirements for holding that office. Just ask Mary Taylor. The Huber Heights native currently serves as Secretary of Finance and Appropriations Committee, Finance and Appropriations Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education, Ways and Means Committee, and as Chair of the House Republican Caucus Policy Committee, among others. Every where I look, Morgan is receiving honorable mentions and endorsements from the Associated Builders and Contractors to the Citizens for Community Values, not to mention the Ohio Tea Party. His campaign website is at


U.S. Representative Steve Austria is running for the 7th Ohio Congressional District for a second term, He has received the distinction by the Ohio RTL Pac as a 100% pro-life candidate. Austria not only a Beavercreek native but is favored by the GOP as well. The Tea Parties I have attended Austria has not been among the favored representatives or candidates.

Robert Portman is running for U.S. Senate with the endorsement of the Ohio RTL Pac. He has effectively served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, U.S. Trade Representative, and as U.S. Congressman for 12 years. Although favored by GOP leaders, Portman has not been favorable received by some Ohio Tea Party groups, according to reports. His campaign website address is

As mentioned earlier, an added benefit of the above candidate list is their GOP endorsements. The Ohio GOP stamp of approval tells us that the Party regards those members as the most qualified, the most charismatic, and/or the most faithful to party policies.

It should be remembered that the Democratic Party also chooses its candidates on the same basis. As pointed out during the last national election by Dennis Kucinich, one of the most important factors to Party endorsement is faithfulness to the pledge. Here, the pledge is not to the Ohio or U.S. Constitutions, dear comrades, but to the Party.

The above-mentioned qualities that are required by both Parties are also the same characteristics of career politicians, which in turn is part of the ever-increasing problem produced by party politics. As evidenced by the current regime of Democrats, progressive regression back to the Revolution era issues of big government social and economic tyranny is a serious problem that came in the name of change. Liberals claim the same thing happened when the GOP was in charge.

That is why the other non-career track candidates are worth considering. Some of them promise to defend the right to life as well as other conservative issues of constitutional importance.

One such candidate is Lt. Col John Michel (Ret.) who is running against incumbent Rep. Steve Austria for Ohio’s 7th Congressional District. Michel is definitely a pro-life candidate. He believes “the Constitution protects human life from conception to natural death.” His position on most other important issues like the economy, health care, immigration, war on terror, and the like reveals a well-reasoned and articulated conservatism, which is another reason to put him into office. His views on the issues can be read by going to his website at

Sandra O’Brien is running against Jon Husted for Secretary of State. She is definitely a consist defender of the right to life and liberty. She is a member of the Ohio Farm Bureau, a veteran schoolteacher, past county auditor, and current adjunct professor at Leland Community College. In 2006, she defeated her pro-abortion opponent in the Republican primary for Auditor of State. Jon Husted supported her pro-abortion opponent, which demonstrates his wavering commitment to the constitutional issue of the right to life. Moreover, my friend from the North also pointed me to letter by Diana Fessler addressed to the Ohio Liberty Council in which tells how Husted lying to the public about his saving prayer in the House. While Speaker of the House, Husted attempted to forbid the mention of Jesus’ name in all prayers offered at the opening session of the Ohio House. It was she who saved prayer with the help of the Alliance Defense Fund litigators. Fessler assures us that Sandra O’Brien is the real conservative candidate for Auditor of State. O’Brien’s campaign website is at

Healthcare Boondoggle

By Jarrod Martin, Representative of the 70th Ohio House District

At the hands of your “representatives” in Washington, a $940 billion health care spending bill will skyrocket your taxes, diminish care services and expand the federal government’s control over your personal decisions. Are you willing to sacrifice more of your hard-earned money, as well as your liberties that are guaranteed by the Constitution, to satisfy Congress’s spending spree they call reform?

The political elites believe that inundating families and small businesses with taxes, penalties, mandates and bureaucratic red tape is the right course of action in this recession. However, as a fiscal conservative I believe that we cannot fix a deficit by accruing more debt, nor can we fix our nation’s spending problem with more spending.

After receiving feedback from the residents of the 70th Ohio House District, I’ve found that our community, just like other communities across the nation, believes that America’s health care system needs to be reformed. However, this partisan, corrupt bill that caters to special interests is not the “change” that any of us want.

America and especially Ohio does not want or need a multitrillion-dollar entitlement program that entails backroom deals, special interests, intimidation tactics and dishonest circumventing of a fair democratic process. We don’t want a bill in which the only bipartisanship was in the opposition-especially a bill that allows the government to now control one-sixth of the American economy.

What hard-working Ohioans do want is a government that is accountable and transparent. It is important that elected officials fight to preserve the people’s rights and freedoms, while still working to protect the most vulnerable among us.

Here in Ohio, the aftermath of this bill will be profound. We will likely see accelerated job loss when small businesses that cannot afford the new government mandates eliminate more jobs just to make ends meet. With an $8 billion deficit fast approaching in the next budget, it is crucial that lawmakers take steps now to not only avoid undue costs and mandates, but also become more conscious of our spending habits.

Although the Ohio legislature has no control over federal bills and was unable to stop the passage of the health care bill, House Republicans are working to ensure that new pricey mandates will not be imposed on the people of Ohio. We are urging the passage of two pieces of legislation, House Joint Resolution 3 and House Bill 489, to protect the freedom of Ohioans to make their own health care decisions. Specifically, these measures will help prevent individuals from being forced to buy into any particular health care plan according to our state policies. I cosponsored both of these proposals because I believe that although we certainly need to improve the affordability and accessibility of health care, this bill will unnecessarily raise costs at a time when families and businesses can least afford them.

The American people would have greatly benefited from a bipartisan effort to improve our health care system with the best ideas both Democrats and Republicans could bring to the table. I will continue to defend your family’s concerns as I fight to hold down the tax burden and protect your liberties from Washington’s growing control.

Rep. Jarrod Martin Sends Letter To Sen. Voinovich and Brown Opposing Cap-and-Trade

Ohio State Representative Jarrod Martin (R-Beavercreek) was joined by his fellow caucus members in signing and delivering letters to U.S. Senators George V. Voinovich and Sherrod Brown, regarding deep concern of the cap and trade and other impairing regulations.

“I fully support efforts to make the United States more energy independent and to protect the environment. However, it is doubtful these proposals would have any impact and would punish Ohio consumers with increased energy costs,” Martin said. “Our economy continues to struggle. We will not be helping anyone by putting into place policies that would drive more businesses out of Ohio and increase energy costs for every consumer.”

In the letters, House Republicans outlined growing concerns of the economic consequences of legislative or administrative efforts to implement cap and trade policies or to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases as pollutants. Moreover, concerns in the letter also expressed that Ohio is so reliant on these energy producers that these increased costs are really another tax in disguise that will impact all Ohioans. The implementation of these policies would be extremely damaging to Ohio’s long-term success and budget sustainability.

House Republicans hope to encourage Senators Voinovich and Brown to oppose cap and trade and other proposed greenhouse gas regulations and assert that as the state budget continues to face ongoing revenue shortfalls, establishing new taxes on traditional energy sources as a way to subsidize will lead to a steeper economic downfall.

To read the letter, go here.

Wait No More: Finding Families for Ohio’s Waiting Kids

Right now, more than 3,000 legal orphans in Ohio foster care are waiting for adoptive families. Ohio has over 14,000 churches, and God has given clear commands for Christians to take care of His orphan children.

So if the command is clear and the need is apparent, why are these kids still waiting?

Join Focus on the Family on May 8, 2010 at Christ’s Church at Mason, 5165 Western Row Road. You’ll hear more about the kids who are waiting, the process of adoption from foster care and ways to support adoptive families. In addition, agency and county representatives will be on site to answer questions and help you get started.

Wait No More: Finding Families for Ohio’s Waiting Kids Saturday, May 8, 2010 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm Christ’s Church at Mason, Mason, Ohio

Exhibitors Include:

Bair Foundation, Butler County, Citizens for Community Values, Clermont County, Coalition of Care, Focus on Youth, Hamilton County, Hope for Orphans, Making a Difference Ministries, Montgomery County and Preble County.

For more information or to register, go to the I Care About Orphans website.

Gun Bill Committee Hearing Wednesday, 4.28.10

The Senate Judiciary on Criminal Justice Committee, chaired by Sen. Tim Grendell (R-18), has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, April 28 at 10:15 AM in the Senate Building’s South Hearing Room.

The committee will hear further proponent testimony on SB 239, sponsored by Senator Shannon Jones and Senator Tim Schaffer to allow citizens who hold a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a firearm in restaurants, and to reduce burdensome restrictions regarding how a license holder must transport a firearm in a car. This will be the third hearing for SB 239.

The committee will also hold its first hearing for SB 247, which will align Ohio law with federal statutes regarding the restoration of rights to Ohio firearms purchasers. Both sponsor and proponent testimony will be offered on the bill, which is co-sponsored by Sens. Niehaus, Cafaro, Grendell, Buehrer, Coughlin and Seitz.

Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine stated, “We are pleased to see bi-partisan efforts to refine and improve Ohio’s current firearm laws. The Senate has two bills that address the most pressing issues facing those who legally own guns in Ohio. SB239 would allow licensed citizens to carry concealed firearms in restaurants and fix burdensome car carry rules. SB247 would align Ohio law with Federal statutes and protect citizen rights. We hope the legislature moves quickly to pass both.”

Buckeye Firearms Association is calling on the Ohio Senate to quickly move this bill through the legislative process and to send it to the House.

This Senate committee had its first hearing on SB 239 in March, and held a second hearing on April 14. The House has already held several hearings on HB 203, which also seeks to allow license-holders to carry in restaurants.

For the full text of the SB 239, visit:

For more information and the full text of the SB 247, visit:

Source: Ohio Freedom Alliance, April 25,2010

Xenia Tea Party A Success for Liberty

On Saturday April 24, the first Tea Party began at 4 pm on the steps to the historic Greene County Courthouse. As historic as justice is for all within the walls of that symbolic building was the success of first local Tea Party in Greene County. It was fitting that it took place in Xenia, the seat of Greene County governance.

If memory serves, the first Tea Party held in Boston Massachusetts initiated the successful resistance to corrupt government, its many threats and usurpation to both the inherent and positive rights of our British colonial ancestors, and finally to the independent sovereign statehood as well as our national compact consisting of both social contract and divine covenant.

Xenia Tea Party was a rally for the restoration of principles upon which the sovereignty our state is secured and federal governance is limited. That is, it was a rally for the restoration of the rule of Constitutional law and of making elected representatives and unelected officials accountable to it for the good of all citizens.

Xenia Tea Party also was a platform to those seeking election to local, state, and federal offices. As a platform without due coverage by the media, ordinary citizens with extraordinary abilities and determination presented their qualifications, ideas, and/or positions on issue. Of course, everyone I heard wants to represent the rest of us in the effort to bring about real change: the restoration of strict Constitutional governance, fiscal responsibility, and personal liberty. The Tea Party also provided stump for representatives of organizations like Ohio Freedom Alliance, Ohio Open Carry rights organization, and Stop Xenia Tax, all of which are working with state and local officials to the same ends.

The candidates included John Mitchel, who is running for the U.S. House of Representatives against incumbent Steve Austria. Mitchel spoke briefly about the continued corruption of our current federal government and a pending investigation of Steve Austria. His priorities are government reform to control earmarks and spending, tax reform for fair and equitable taxing, and imposing term limits.

Scott Rupert is running for Ohio Senate. He is an independent from Northern Ohio. He represents people who value a commonsense approach to resolving societal and political issues rather than party agendas. In other words, Rupert is not a elitist who is out-of-touch with ordinary hard working people. One good reason to vote for him–he says he won’t seek to impose entitlements on us by means of trillions more in taxes and spending. In return, fewer families will likely face bankruptcy and maybe even retain more of their hard earned income.

One of the speakers not campaigning for office was Mickey Denin. In his speech entitled The United States Has Become The Nation It Rebelled Against, he made the following comments:

The colonists’ vision of limited government, taxation without representation was a problem, but so was representation without taxation—that is, voting by those who were at the mercy of the wealthy and thus easy to bribe. Colonial leaders quoted the English jurist Blackstone’s accepted view that if those “in so mean a situation as to be esteemed to have no will of their own” were given the vote, they would be tools of the powerful. Colonists discussed the right level of property qualification, one that would exclude the dependent while encouraging voting by all those with a “stake in society.

Yet in our society today we have large burdensome government, with career politicians who essentially hand pick their successors through the party system. These career politicians have figured out how to bribe the poor to earn their vote. Now nearly half of all Americans pay no federal income taxes and the only stake they have in society what they receive from society not what they contribute to society.

Maybe that is why many liberals are so intent on taking away our guns.

After his discussion about the progress of the movement in Ohio for the right to openly own and carry guns, Josh Diaz of Ohio Concealed Carry gave a rather lengthy talk on why Americans must elect representatives who will at least reduce, if not end, the tax burden imposed by all levels of government.

John Anderson is a libertarian running for Congress. He had a more detailed plan that is worthy of consideration, which can be read by going to

While Anderson was the first speaker, Andy Myers of the Ohio Freedom Alliance was the last. He briefly shared the various bills the Alliance has either been passed or are in the legislative process, all of which can be seen at the Ohio Freedom Alliance website.

Not last and not least was the host of the first successful Tea Party in Xenia, Virgil Vaduva, who is also running against incumbent Alan Anderson for Greene County Commissioner. Vaduva has been proving his dedication to upholding and enforcing our laws. For instance, the election laws Xenia officials were violating. His ability to get things done is another of his abilities. For more information about him and his campaign, go to Virgil Vaduva for Greene County Commissioner.

Governor (FDR) Strickland Politicizes Ohio Supreme Court

Last week, Governor Ted Strickland appointed Franklin County Probate
Judge Eric Brown Chief Justice of Ohio to replace the late Thomas Moyer. Brown had already been selected by Strickland and other Democratic Party leaders as the Democratic candidate for Chief Justice in the 2010 election. The selection sets up a race between two sitting members of the Supreme Court, Brown and current Justice Maureen O’Connor, the Republican candidate.

Eric Brown is married to Democratic Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown, who has voted to use tax dollars to support Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio, an organization that performs abortions.

“Governor Strickland’s choice of Eric Brown for Chief Justice is a blatantly political decision,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life. “In order to have the Democratic candidate run as an ‘incumbent’, Strickland has ensured that the remainder of this Supreme Court term will be marked by internal political tension because two members of the Court will be competing for election. Strickland and Brown clearly lack the statesmanship shown by Justice Evelyn Stratton, who decided not run for Chief Justice in the Republican primary because she was concerned about the negative effects that two sitting Justices running against each other would have on the internal operation of the Court,” Gonidakis said.

Remarks by John Mitchel at the April 15th Springfield Tea Party Rally

Since 1980, Ohio has lost five Congressional House seats and will lose two more after the 2010 census. Since 1983 we have had three Congressional Representatives in the 7th District – Mike DeWine, Dave Hobson and Steve Austria. Who more than these three career politicians is more responsible for the sad state of affairs here in the 7th District and around the nation? It happened on their watch and they have to accept the responsibility for the runaway spending and $12.6 trillion debt.

There are at least three important issues that clearly set our campaign apart from these three career politicians; our support for term limits and the FairTax, and our relentless fight against fraud, waste, abuse and corruption in government.

If elected, I will spend no more than two terms in Congress; then I will return home to Ohio to enjoy the freedom and liberty we worked hard to protect while I served in Washington. We need many more citizen legislators and many fewer self-interested career politicians.

My first official act after taking the oath of office will be to co-sponsor H.R. 25, which will enable the FairTax. My opponent has had more than a year to do so, but has chosen not to, and the reason is that once we do away with the income tax, the lobbyists and special interests have much less leverage, if any at all in affecting the behavior of those congressmen who have traded campaign cash for special favors, kickbacks and tax loopholes.

We don’t have time to cover the broad spectrum of where I believe my opponent has enabled fraud, waste, abuse and corruption in government, but it’s important we give you a flavor of what is going on underneath the radar.

From 2006 until October 2009, Steve Austria took credit for bringing up 100 jobs to the TPI Composites plant at 2145 Airpark Drive in Springfield. Here is the timeline as characterized on Steve Austria’s and TPI Composites’ websites:

November, 2006: TPI Composites opens Springfield production facility;

April 10, 2007: TPI Composites triples wind blade production capacity in Mexico plant;

April 12, 2007: TPI Composites reaches agreement to manufacture wind blades in China;

May 7, 2007: TPI Composites unveils first all-composite Army-ready truck cab in Warren, R.I.;

October 29, 2007: TPI Composites opens second wind blade plant in Mexico;

November 26, 2007: TPI Composites expands capacity in Iowa facility;

December 17, 2007: TPI Composites opens holding company in Scottsdale, Arizona;

September 16, 2008: TPI Composites opens 316,000 square foot plant in Newton, Iowa;

February 2009: TPI Composites closes Springfield operation;

October 2009: Eight months after the plant closed, Steve Austria removes from his website his claim that he brought up to 100 jobs to the TPI Composites facility at 2145 Airpark Drive in Springfield.

Is that the kind of person we want representing us in Washington? — a person who makes false claims for almost three years, then tries to re-create history by quietly removing those false claims from his website. We think it’s time for a change. The issue is integrity; the candidate is John Mitchel; and the choice is yours. We request your strong consideration for a vote for John Mitchel in the May 4th Republican primary.

By Americans for John Mitchel