Category Archives: Ohio

Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference Wrap Up

The Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference held on November 21 was a huge success. Even the Ohio State – Michigan game wasn’t able to keep away those who understand just how dire the times are for our nation as a republic, said event coordinator Andy Myers.

The first speaker, Mr. Harold Thomas of The Ohio Republic Blog, gave a incredible powerpoint presentation outlining the “true” history of states’ rights and debunked the idea of secession as something that should be looked upon as taboo. Harold took the audience on a exciting historical journey that began with the Magna Carta (1215) continued through the formation of our national compact and the civil war between the states and ended in our present “Empire,” which shows how states are now merely “tools” of federal government run amok. Thomas concluded that states must enforce their 9th and 10th amendment powers before it is too late.

Jason Rink, co-founder of the Ohio Freedom Alliance, also used a powerpoint presentation to educate the audience on Free Market Capitalism and the cause as well as effects of how we got to where we are today. Beginning with currency based on a gold standard to the current paper currency solely based on the arbitrary standard of government edict, the government created a monetary system through which the wealth of many has been transferred to few. Now as then inflation is still the primary means. During his in-depth presentation, Rink showed how central bankers such as the private Federal Reserve through inflation and a fiat or paper currency have consistently debased the value of our nations wealth. That is why he and other like him are working hard to effect the return of a gold and silver backed currency. Ohio Honest Money Act is one of their efforts to make it reality.

Kevin Cullinane who built and runs The Freedom Mountain Academy rounded out the conference with some good old common sense and true world history. “History is a good teacher of truth” said Mr. Cullinane, “the problem is with those who would like to see our freedoms destroyed have been working hard in subverting true world history.” Trained by the First Special Forces Group in psychological warfare and head instructor of the 1st Marine Division’s counter-insurgency school, Kevin explained how ideas and philosophies have been “turned on their heads” over the centuries to get patriotic Americans to “worship the state” instead of choosing true liberty. From the “Pledge of Allegiance” originally composed by socialist Francis J. Bellamy to the Communist Manifesto’s 10th plank; “state controlled education,” Kevin methodically exposed how many of principles of what was once a free republic being destroyed by infiltrators from within.

Many people in attendance said they would like to see another conference held soon.

Many also appreciated having State Representative Jarrod Martin (R-70) and County Commissioner Marylin Reid present for the celebration of Liberty. These events are for everyone including our elected officials,” said Ohio Freedom Alliance Regional Coordinator Andy Meyers.

Source: Ohio Freedom Alliance, November 24, 2009.

Is This What Ohio Really Needs?

By Marc Kilmer, policy analyst with Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions

The Obama publicity machine was making a concerted effort to promote changes in our health care system last week. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was touting how “reform” would help individual states, like Ohio. It’s hard to see, though, how a bill that would deepen Ohio’s budget problems, subject hundreds of thousands of Ohioans to punitive fines and taxes, and deepen the deficit would help the state. I guess the beauty of this proposal is in the eye of the beholder.

There are many ways the health care legislation under consideration by Congress would raise the cost of health insurance and health care, but since these are hard to quantify let’s stick with some hard numbers to see how Ohioans would be hurt. In 2008, there were 1.1 million Ohioans without health insurance. All these individuals face fines if they do not obtain coverage. Certainly some will obtain insurance as a result of Medicaid expansion or the health insurance subsidies under this plan but there would be some who would not.

What is often overlooked in the discussion of the uninsured is that many choose to go without insurance. In 2008, there were 272,000 Ohioans who live in families making at least three times the poverty level who were uninsured. These families could presumably purchase some form of health insurance if they wanted. They chose to go without for whatever reason. Under the plans moving through Congress, they will be forced to buy a product they presumably do not want or pay high fines. Either way, this legislation will cost them.

Other Ohioans would be targeted for punitive taxes under the both the Senate and House health care bills. There are over 76,000 households that make over $200,000. Many of these would be subject to a new income surtax. The men and women in this income group are business owners and other members who are a vital part of Ohio’s economy. Their productivity will be penalized if this legislation becomes law.

Not only would many Ohioans be paying higher federal taxes, this federal legislation will also likely mean state taxes will need to be raised. Both House and Senate bills mandate that the state Medicaid program be expanded, which could mean as many as 519,000 new enrollees in this state. While the federal government would pay much of the cost for this expansion, state taxpayers would be required to fund part of it. One estimate puts that cost at $922 million over five years. With the governor and legislators struggling to find ways to balance the current state budget, it seems likely this new burden will mean even higher state taxes.

Ohioans will also be paying the price of these bills far into the future, as it is almost certain the legislation will add to the deficit. While proponents of the bills moving through Congress say they are “deficit-neutral,” independent analyses question this. The only way to assume these bills won’t add to the deficit is if the new health care spending stays within projections (something that rarely happens) and that Congress makes the promised future cuts in Medicare (something Congress has repeatedly refused to do).

Today the budget deficit stands at $1.4 trillion. Total government debt is 41% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Under President Obama’s budget proposals, it will rise to 82% of GDP by 2019. This type of deficit spending isn’t sustainable; someone, someday, will have to pay for it. If this health care bill adds to the deficit that will mean even more debt for future generations to pay off.

No one is saying that this health care bill won’t help some people. Of course some Ohioans will benefit from it. But to evaluate it fairly, both benefits and costs should be considered. The amount of money this bill will require in new and future taxes is significant. Ohioans simply can’t afford the financial burden of this so-called “reform.”

State Represeentative Jarrod Martin Sponsors Ohio Restaurant Concealed Firearm Carry Bill

In another November 24 press release, Ohio Representative Jarrod Martin announced his support for the Restaurant Concealed Firearm Carry Bill, HB 203.

The release states that both Representative Jarrod Martin (R-Beavercreek) and Representative Danny R. Bubp (R- West Union) gave sponsor testimony in support of House Bill 203 to the Public Safety & Homeland Security Committee.

The bill would allow Ohioans who possess their concealed carry permit the ability to go into a restaurant who has its liquor license, so long as the person carrying the weapon is not consuming alcohol.

Representative Martin illustrated in his testimony the need for the bill by referring to a case in Tennessee this past April. A man was brutally gunned down in front of his wife who had her concealed permit but was unable to bring her gun into the establishment because Tennessee state law prohibits it.

“House Bill 203 gives responsible citizens a choice that Mrs. Goeser did not have.” Martin said in his testimony. “It gives them the peace of mind in knowing that they possess a deterrent force and it allows our citizens the opportunity to protect themselves and potentially prevent cases of violence like what was encountered that night in Tennessee.”

Currently, 42 other states including all those that border Ohio allow their citizens to carry in a restaurant that has a liquor license.

“This is simply a common sense, necessary fix to Ohio’s concealed carry laws,” Martin said. “When it comes to having a responsible armed citizen or an armed criminal next to me in a restaurant where alcohol is permitted to be served, I know which one I would feel safer standing next to.”

Funding for Xenia’s Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Approved

In a November 24 press release, Ohio Representative Jarrod Martin announced that the state Controlling Board had approved $192,750 for general renovations at the Miami Valley Juvenile Rehabilitation Center in Xenia, Ohio.

“These dollars are crucial to the regular upkeep of the facility in order to reduce major repair costs to the taxpayers over the long term,” Martin said. “This center is an important place of reintegrating our troubled youth back into society as productive members and citizens.”

The Controlling Board approval means that the facility can move forward with such renovations as roof replacement, kitchen improvements, fence repairs, parking lot resurfacing and security system improvements, among others.

The center houses 30 male and female youth and provides post-adjudicated rehabilitation for the felony youth that are housed there. Ten Ohio counties are served through the Miami Valley facility.

Federal Stimulus Money Saving Jobs in Non-Existent Ohio Districts

A recent report from the Ohio WatchDog organization states:

Over $5 billion of stimulus money has seen its way into the State of Ohio thanks to the federal stimulus. The main goal of the money is to create or retain jobs and stimulate the economy in Ohio. According to more than 17,00 jobs have been created or retained, 11 of which are in Congressional Districts that do not exist: 21st, 99th, 69th, 87th, 85th, 49th, 20th, 54th, 56th, and 00. These 11 jobs have cost more than $5.3 million; more than 80% of the jobs created or retained so far are located in the Central Ohio area.

The five million dollar question is who is pocketing all of the money? Could it be Obama and company? Cooperating Ohio politicians on Capitol Hill? Or maybe it is Gov. Strickland and company? After all, he is a member of good standing in the liberal club of Capitol Hill Democrats. And, they are the co-architects of the economic crisis and its salvation via tax increasing bailouts and corporation bailouts.

I think it would be a good idea to audit the Ohio Treasury for some unexpected budget balancing stimulus.

Source: November 17, 2009

Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference to Feature Speakers on Sound Money, State’s Rights and Individual Liberty

On November 21, 2009, liberty activists will converge on the Beavercreek Golf Club for a unique speaker’s forum celebrating the true spirit and timeless traditions of individual liberty and Constitutional government.

The Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference, sponsored by the Ohio Freedom Alliance, will feature lectures on sound money, state’s rights and individual liberty. The event is open to the public, with a suggested donation of $10 per person to defray costs. The doors open at 1:00 p.m. on November 21st for networking and light refreshments, and speakers will address the audience from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Beavercreek Golf Club is just minutes from the Mall at Fairfield Commons, at 2800 New Germany-Trebein Road in Beavercreek, Ohio.

Scheduled to appear are Harold D. Thomas, founder of The Ohio Republic Blog; Joe Bozzi, Executive Director and co-founder of the Ohio Freedom Alliance and the Ohio Liberty Council; and Kevin Cullinane, a former head instructor of the 1st Marine Division’s Counterinsurgency School.

“The Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference is the first event of its kind in our area,” said organizer Andy Myers. “We are committed to teaching and instilling the founding principles that made the United States the envy of the world. And everyone is welcome. It’s a non-partisan event, and we think people of every political persuasion will be in attendance. We don’t care if you call yourself a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian—if you respect the Constitution, the rule of law and economic freedom, we think the speakers will have something for you.”

Harold D. Thomas’ lecture is titled “State Sovereignty: What’s in it for me?” Attendees will learn why passing Ohio’s state sovereignty resolutions (SCR 13, HCR 11) is essential to curb federal encroachment on the rights of the states and of individuals. Mr. Thomas will go into the history of states’ rights in the United States, review the features of Ohio’s two 10th Amendment resolutions, and suggest action steps to persuade the Ohio General Assembly to adopt them.

Joe Bozzi, Executive Director and co-founder of The Ohio Freedom Alliance and co-founder of The Ohio Liberty Council will be speaking about The Ohio Honest Money Act and what it means to the citizens of Ohio in protecting their loved ones, their financial security and quite possibly their livelihood. Mr. Bozzi graduated with a degree in economics from the College of Holy Cross, where he had studied under the Austrian Economist Professor Walter Block.

The featured speaker, Kevin Cullinane, is a foreign policy expert and the former head instructor at the 1st Marine Division’s Counterinsurgency School. He is also the co-founder of the Academy of the Rockies, a small, family-style, coed boarding school in Idaho. The Academy’s pioneering format combined academic study with farm work and mountaineering adventure. In 1999 he and his family relocated to northeast Tennessee and founded the Freedom Mountain Academy, a boarding school identical to their Academy of the Rockies. Cullinane will be sharing his view of what freedom is truly about.

The Ohio Freedom Alliance is a grassroots organization founded to facilitate greater communication and cooperation among liberty-oriented organizations and individuals throughout Ohio. OFA has over 1,500 active members, and over 15,000 supporters.

Although Ohio’s electoral votes went for President Obama, the campaign of Texas representative and strict constitutionalist Ron Paul energized thousands of libertarian and conservative voters in Ohio. Dr. Paul’s campaign inspired the formation of a number of grassroots groups that later became members of the Ohio Freedom Alliance.

Since its founding in the spring of 2008, the Ohio Freedom Alliance has:

* Distributed thousands of educational DVD’s and pieces of literature on state sovereignty, sound money, and free-market economics.
* Hosted national speakers including best-selling author Thomas E. Woods and FOX News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.
* Organized a statewide rally with over 10,000 Ohio citizens on the Statehouse lawn.
* Lobbied for the introduction of several pieces of legislation, including the State Sovereignty Resolution (SCR 13) which successfully passed the Ohio Senate.

In addition to the Ohio Sovereignty Resolution—which reaffirms the rights of the State of Ohio and the People under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—the OFA has supported the “Firearms Freedom Act” (HB-315), an Act that would prohibit the federal government from regulating ammunition, firearms, and firearm accessories that are manufactured and remain in Ohio; and SJR-7, an amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would prevent the federal government from forcing Ohioans to participate in a health care system.

The “health care freedom” amendment should be popular among voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll. The poll, released November 12, shows Ohio voters moving away from liberal policies and Mr. Obama in significant numbers. Ohio voters oppose Obama’s health care plan 55 to 36 percent, with independents against it 57 to 33 percent. “Independent voters in Ohio—whose ballots often decide Ohio elections—disapprove of the overall job Obama is doing and disapprove of his handling of the economy by 54 to 39 percent,” notes event organizer Andy Myers. “Ohio voters disapprove—by a figure of almost two-to-one—of Obama’s handling of health care. These are the kinds of people who are going to Tea Parties and joining organizations like the Ohio Freedom Alliance.”

Celebrating Liberty

By Andy Myers

The worst decision you can make is to think that you can do so little that you do nothing at all.

That is why the Ohio Freedom Alliance will present The Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference, a unique speaker’s forum celebrating the true spirit and timeless traditions of Liberty, Honest Money and State Sovereignty. These 3 ideals are critical to the success of placing America back on the path to greatness. We need to reevaluate our philosophy of what freedom truly is. While many profess to be freedom loving Americans, they only advocate those freedoms they favor and fail to defend those freedoms they are at odds with. The concept of freedom today is wholly at odds with natural law, a concept of freedom found in the Declaration of Independence. The founders knew very well the implications of respecting natural law and used its intent vigorously in proposing our republican form of government We also neeed honest money to prosper. That is to say money produced without violating fraud laws, e.g., gold and silver. This has been a principle widely misunderstood by those who profess to be pro-liberty. The evidence is irrefutable and the theory is sound that fiat, or paper money has been the root cause of all the financial crisis in history. Honest interpretation of world history is a great teacher and proves without a doubt that private central bankers and governments are poor stewards of a nations wealth. Today the dollar is worth about $0.04 in comparison to its value in 1913 before the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed by Congress. We also would be wise to remember the maxim that a government which governs least governs best. The bloated government headquartered in Washington, D.C. should make any freedom loving citizen cringe with disbelief and fear. There is practically nothing you can do, from getting married, to selling lemonade without first getting some kind of permit and then paying the applicable fees before enjoying your pursuit of happiness. With our rulers favorite control mechanism the general welfare clause (intolerable act) , and just plain disregard of article 1 section 8 of the Constitution, our 3 branches of government (and a slew of unconstitutional bureaucracies), is now our servant become master. It is time for citizens to challenge their state representatives and push for Ohio’ State Soveriengty Resolution. It is time for our state government to nullify unconstitutional laws and regulations to protect its citizens. It is time to reestablish the proper role of states taking care of it’s own affairs. A Revolution is here whether you know it or not. Albeit a peaceful one for now, it is this generation who has whether they claim it or not, been given the responsibility of reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. Someday, this generation may too garner the title “the greatest generation”, if we are able to restore the blessings of liberty to a nation still worthy of it.

The Southwest Ohio Liberty Conference, sponsored by the Ohio Freedom Alliance, will feature lectures on sound money, state’s rights and individual liberty. The event is open to the public, with a suggested donation of $10 per person to defray costs. The doors open at 1:00 p.m. on November 21st for networking and light refreshments, and speakers will address the audience from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Beavercreek Golf Club is just minutes from the Mall at Fairfield Commons, at 2800 New Germany-Trebein Road in Beavercreek, Ohio.

Visit to be apart of it.

Continental Congress 2009 Update

Today is the sixth day of the Continental Congress being held in St. Charles, Illinois.

Elected delegates from all 50 states convened to address the repeated abuses of power by the federal government. Those ongoing abuses include violations of the Constitution’s tax, money, war, general welfare, privacy and other clauses that are at the heart of the conditions that now plague our nation. Repeated attempts to address and correct those violations of the U.S. Constitution have been rebuffed or ignored by Congress and federal courts. As our national existence began, repeated attempts to redress our grievances has failed.

Ohio is represented in the effort to lawfully and peacefully resolve the ending crimes against the only safe-guard of our freedom, rights, and government limited to the rule of law.

According to Friday’s news,

Delegates, realizing they have little time and trying to accomplish as much as possible are forming committees. They are working hard, and resting little. They are dedicated and determined. They are going into “overtime,” and working hours outside of the schedule.

Ohio Delegate, Ron Dickerhoof, is part of the People’s Action Caucus. They are working hard on recommendations for the public to declare their rights and inform their neighbors. Jim Davis, First Delegate, Ohio, along with other states, is progressing toward presenting information on the 14th amendment and independent grand juries. Both are part of organized groups who are working hard to fulfill the tasks they came to achieve. Although they are making progress, it may take some time before they have the opportunity to thoroughly lay out their ideas to the public.

I think Ohio has reason to be proud of all of our delegates. Unlike our paid representatives, they are all determined to fulfill their promises and to serve the People. They want to do what they believe they were elected for.

Thank God for people who still love God’s gift of liberty as bequeathed to us by the Puritans, Quakers, Catholics, and Jews of 1776….

Visit We the People Foundation website to learn more.

Historic Continental Congress 2009 Convenes

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 may one day be known as the day the American People convened, for the first time in over two centuries, an Assembly of representatives of the People in order to fully exercise of the “Capstone Right” — i.e., the Petition clause of the First Amendment.

At approximately 3:00 pm Wednesday, WTP Chairman Bob Schulz convened the Assembly to begin the selection of Congress officers from the ranks of elected Delegates who will preside over the 11-day long Assembly. Constitutional scholar and former Presidential candidate Michael Badnarik was selected as the presiding officer of the Congress while Delegate.

Ohio delegates include Trisha Connell (Twin City), Jim Davis (centerville), and Ron Dickerhoof (Cuyahoga Falls). First alternate is Steve McMasters (Findlay) and second alternate is David Macko (Solon).

For over a decade, WTP Foundation has championed an intensive, well-researched and coherent effort to hold the Government accountable for its escalating violations of fundamental Rights and the Constitution through use of the Right of the People to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Those ongoing abuses include violations of the Constitution’s tax, money, war, general welfare, privacy and other clauses that are at the heart of the conditions that now plague our nation.

Although the public has known little about the history or nature of the Right to Petition, scholarly and historical research has established without argument, that the Right, first articulated as the cornerstone of Western Law in Magna Carta (1215), provides the People an individual Right to hold Government peacefully accountable for its abuses.

Far beyond the right to merely send “complaints” to the government (which are virtually ignored by all officials), the Right of Petition embodies the profound Right to enforce the Right to Petition by withdrawing support from the Government until Redress is secured.

Summaries of this important research can be reviewed as part of the legal pleadings of the 2004 landmark WTP lawsuit, We The People vs. United States, which sought to have the Judiciary declare – for the first time in history – the legal and constitutional meaning of the last ten words of the First Amendment. In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear this controversial case involving the essence of Popular Sovereignty.

Continental Congress 2009 will take the process of holding Government accountable and restoring the Constitution to the next level by first creating a formal record of the vast violations of the Constitution and Individual Rights now suffered by the People. Next, the Congress will debate and decide upon a series of practical but strong “Civic Actions” the People may take in order to restore their Liberty.

The agenda for the CC2009 Assembly also provides for the development and adoption of formal “Remedial Instructions” to be served upon federal and state officials, in essence ordering them to cease and desist their official abuses and giving them formal Notice as to the “Civic Actions” of (peaceful) resistance the People may take, en masse, if those officials, yet again, choose to ignore the People’s Petitions for Redress.

Election Won’t Solve Budget Problems

By Marc Kilmer

Last Tuesday’s election saw a few local tax hikes approved, others fail, and a majority of voters approve statewide gambling. While these ballot questions were an attempt by local and state policymakers to help fund government, they offer no solutions to the long-term problems faced by Ohio’s governments. Only through fundamental reform can local and state politicians tame government growth that is outpacing the ability of taxpayers to fund it.

This year politicians have faced dramatic drops in tax revenue. Ohio’s economy is one of the worst in the nation and this means fewer people and businesses paying taxes. The state government has tried to trim spending and has used budget gimmicks to cover its deficit. Governor Ted Strickland also proposed new ways to raise revenue, such as raising taxes and introducing gambling.

Local governments, too, don’t have enough revenue to spend on their desired projects and services. So they have also proposed new taxes or bond issues, many of which were up for voter approval on Tuesday.

These attempts to raise revenue are misguided. The problem isn’t that Ohioans are undertaxed. In fact, the nonpartisan Tax Foundation rates Ohio’s tax burden as one of the heaviest in the nation. And to a level seen in almost no other state, Ohioans face taxes from a number of different government entities, from the state government down to local school and library districts. No, Ohioans don’t need taxed more.

Instead, Ohio’s governmental entities need to find different ways to use the revenue they receive. For instance, instead of accepting that Medicaid will continue to consume tax dollars at an unpredictable level, policymakers should look to reform the program to bring spending down. Education spending has consistently expanded over the past few decades and yet students don’t seem to be any better educated. Instead of throwing more money at failing schools, policymakers should look at different ways of educating students.

Innovative policymaking is one piece of the puzzle. The other is to rein in the growing bureaucracy at both the state and local levels. The number of government employees continues to increase and so do their pay and benefits. Reducing government employment and bringing bureaucrats’ salaries and benefits more into line with the private sector is a necessity if government spending is ever to be controlled.

If these steps aren’t taken, we will continue to see destructive tax-and-spend patterns repeat themselves. During recessions tax revenue declines so politicians raise taxes. Good economic times follow the recessions and increased tax revenue leads to an explosion in spending. Then another recession hits and this new spending can’t be sustained, leading to even more tax increases. This is a poor way to run a government.

This current recession has hit Ohioans harder than most other Americans. The state faces higher-than-average unemployment and foreclosures. High taxes burden citizens and, as a result of Tuesday’s elections, some in the state are facing even higher tax bills. Instead of following the failed policies of the past, politicians should try to salvage something good from this recession and use it as an opportunity to restructure state and local finances so during the next economic downturn Ohio will be in a better position than that in which it finds itself now.

Marc Kilmer is a policy analyst with the Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions, a research and educational institute located in Columbus, Ohio.