Category Archives: Ohio

America Celebrates Tax Freedom Day®

Every year the Tax Foundation tells us when to rejoice over our collective freedom from paying for the national debt. If you think it occurs before Tax D-Day, April 15, you are sadly mistaken. In 2008, Tax Freedom began on April 23. As depicted by the chart below, it has not been come on or before the tax filing deadline since 1982.

As reported in the last Tax Freedom Day report:

In 2008, Americans will work 74 days to afford their federal taxes and 39 more days to pay state and local taxes. Meanwhile, buying food requires 35 days of work, clothing 13 days, and housing 60 days. Other major categories are health and medical care (50 days), transportation (29 days), and recreation (21 days).

Five major categories of tax dominate the tax burden. Individual income taxes, both federal and state, require 42 days’ work. Payroll taxes take another 28 days’ work. Sales and excise taxes, mostly state and local, take 16 days to pay off. Corporate income taxes take 13 days, and property taxes take 12.

Interestingly, tax freedom came on January 19 in 1900. Taxes as the percentage of average income was 5.9 percent. The new date has already stated above, but the percent of income going to government was 30.8 percent, down from 31.7 the year before.

States exceeding the average, April 23, are Connecticut (May 8), New Jersey (May 7), New York (May 5), Washington D.C. (May 3), California (April 30), Washington (April 29), Maryland and Massachusetts (April 28), Minnesota (April 27), Florida, Hawaii and Nevada (April 26), Virginia (April 25), Rhode Island and Wisconsin (April 24). Notice, most of these state are liberal leaning. The only state with tax freedom day in March is Alaska. Ohio’s is April 17.

If fat Uncle “Guido” Sam succeeds in stimulating the national debt to over $15 trillion, the day on which the income of American is free of debt by taxation will likely arrive sometime in May of 2010.

The arrival of Tax Freedom Day 2009 is still in question.

Ohio Representative Jarrod Martin Blogs for Constituents and Rule of Law

State Rep. Jarrod B. Martin is now communicating with his blog savvy constituents at Rep. Martin is to be commended for utilizing a unique communication tool while that is just right for our ailing economy–he isn’t spending a penny of taxpayer money.

As mentioned in a previous post, Rep. Martin is one of the primary sponsors of the Ohio Sovereignty Resolution. Its purpose is to end the federal government’s abuse of power. The yardstick of the federal power is clear delineated in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. The State Sovereignty Resolution is a message demanding that Capitol Hill cease and desist violating the Constitution and state sovereignty.

In his post about the need for Ohio State Sovereignty Resolution, Rep. Martin presented the following example:

Today, the federal government continuously dictates to the states. The federal government tells the states that they must pass this legislation or that legislation if they are to receive federal funding. One most egregious example is in the recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, states are required to raise Medicaid eligibility standards to 300% of the federal poverty guidelines. Here’s an example of what that means: Federal poverty guidelines for a four person household equals a yearly income of $21,200, 300% = 21,200 X 3 = $63,600!!! Therefore, in my house with my wife and three kids and my income as a State Representative, I can qualify for Medicaid!! Do we really need to give handouts to people with that kind of income?

Like the State Children Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Act, the above Act is a prime example of socialist lawmakers seeking to bring all Americans under their illegal control. Such laws show how the Supreme Law of the Land is continuously violated by our nation’s high and mighty lawbreakers.

And remember, they always claim it is for the good for us all.

To add insult to injury, Congress has passed another law that gives citizens with above average income entitlements to any and all entitlements (welfare). Thus, according to Rep. Martin,

[W]e are now providing social benefits to individuals based on a “categorical eligibility” meaning that if you qualify for one program (like unemployment) then you automatically qualify for other entitlement programs without any further verification of need! The result is that we are now giving food stamps to individuals with multiple rental properties and one family with a net worth of more than $400,000!

If you ask me, I think Rep. Martin is off to a very good start. I hope a majority of his constituents read his blog and back his efforts to restore freedom under the rule of law and advance our economy for the good of all and not just rich special interest. What better way than to deprive the federal government of its continual efforts to rob us of both local/state accountability and those tax-based benefits that only local communities and state government can most effectively provide.

Ohio budget to change education law

We’ve seen this before. Sixteen years ago Ohioans fought and won a battle against outcome-based education, which would have required the testing of students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes for promotion or graduation. These changes in state law were being pushed through in the state budget legislation. After huge public protests, the Legislature pulled the language and restricted state testing to academics.

Now the Education Bureaucracy is bringing OBE back.

Parents expect schools to teach rigorous academic skills. Yet Governor Strickland’s plan will require state standards and assessments (K-12 and graduation) to include interpersonal skills, social skills, collaboration skills, flexibility, creativity, work ethic, cross-cultural skills, leadership, and more. There is no way to score these highly subjective personality traits without discrimination or bias. Why would overburdened schools even want to try?

We already have a state assessment system that has lost its rigor. Now the state wants to add more requirements to the testing load for teachers to ensure children are creative, flexible, have good social skills, demonstrate leadership and much more. This means even less time for academic instruction. No wonder the governor is also calling for the addition of one entire month to the school year.

These new psychological standards and a longer school year will cripple local and state education budgets and force new and higher taxes. Teachers will need to learn to teach to psych evaluative tests and school systems will be at risk for lawsuits when graduates are denied diplomas due to their personality scores. These lawsuits could cost Ohio taxpayers millions more.

The only way to stop this plan is to show up at the public hearings and tell the finance committee members to reject this untested plan and stop experimenting with Ohio’s children. There will be three days of public hearings this coming week. We need to pack the room with parents/teachers/educators/taxpayers who are willing to tell legislators that these changes need to be rejected!

Tuesday, March 17, 1 pm
Public Hearing
Ohio Statehouse, Room 313
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Wednesday, March 18, 7 pm
Public Hearing
Ohio Statehouse, Room 313
Columbus, Ohio 43215

In addition, call your own state legislator. Firmly ask for a NO vote on the budget (HB1) if the Governor’s reforms are not removed from the state budget bill.

Source: The American Policy Roundtable.

Ohio Education Plan HB 1 : To Assess Attitudes and Behaviors

Governor Strickland has proposed very expensive and controversial education reforms in the state budget, which is currently under consideration in the Ohio House (HB 1). His school funding reforms are fairly complex and repeal the concept of the state basic aid being based on a per child amount and will virtually hinder school choice to the point of extinction. He is also intending to lengthen each school year by one month.

By far, the most controversial portion of his changes to state policy (not receiving much media attention) is an expansion of state mandated testing to include the attitudes and behaviors of students (K-12), including scoring criteria of interpersonal skills as a part of earning a diploma. These changes will directly affect every student in public and chartered private schools. But every taxpaying citizen in Ohio should be very concerned. A less rigorous academic focus (which we have been experiencing for quite some time) will continue to contribute to the decline in our economy. How will it help the economy if students are enthusiastic, flexible, collaborators with substandard academic skills?

We fought this exact same battle sixteen years ago (also in the state budget) against outcome-based education. It is back and we need in the short term heavy public engagement. The House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education is having general public hearings Monday through Wednesday this week. (see schedule below) Every concerned citizen should also be calling their state legislators with the message to vote no on House Bill 1 – the state budget if the Governor’s education reforms are not removed.

The Subcommittee hearing schedule is as follows:

Monday, March 16, 4 pm
Public hearing
Stivers School for the Arts
1313 East 5th Street
DAYTON, Ohio 45402

Tuesday, March 17, 1pm
Public Hearing
Ohio Statehouse, Room 313
COLUMBUS, Ohio 43215

Wednesday, March 18, 7pm
Public Hearing
Ohio Statehouse, Room 313
COLUMBUS, Ohio 43215

Public testimony can and should be brief. It is very simple to stand before the subcommittee members and tell them you oppose these types of state assessments.

Phone calls are also necessary. Please contact your state legislators and express your concerns with the state mandating these assessments. For a directory of Ohio legislators, go to

Dayton Tea Party April 15

The Dayton Tea Party is part of a national movement to affect economic change at the local, state, and national levels.

The Tea Party protests began in early 2009 when Rick Santelli, the On Air Editor for CNBC, set out on a rant to expose the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House Administration and Congress. Specifically, the flawed “Stimulus Bill” and pork filled budget.

During Rick’s rant, he called for a “Chicago tea Party” where advocates of the free-market system could join in a protest against out of control government spending.

A few days later, grassroots activists and average Joe Americans began organizing what would soon become the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party effort. About 30,000 Americans took to the streets in over 40 cities during the first nationwide “Tea Party” protest. That was on 27 February.

Since then, organizations like TCOT, SGP, DontGo Movement as well as Dana Loesch and Michelle Malkin have come together to sponsor a second round of “Tea Party” protests. This one is scheduled to coincide with the tax deadline, April 15.

I asked Juliana Johnson of Urquhart Media (also a sponsor) what they intended the “Tea Party” to accomplish. She said, “By having these events we want to show President Obama and the Democrats that it is NOT okay for them to take away our free-market.”

In other words, government take-over of major financial corporations, which effectively creates a socialist regime, is not acceptable. It hasn’t worked in China or Russia; why would it work in America?

As Johnson has repeated many times, “If they won’t listen to us then we’ll throw a damn tea party and if they still won’t listen to us then we will throw another damn tea party.”

A Dayton Tea Party is already scheduled for April 15. The location has yet to be determined.

The national Tea Party website is

Democrats attacks school choice – thousands of children are at risk

Free choice is for the privileged and liberals

For years Congressional Democrats told us they were “for the children”. Their policies were “for the children”. Their tax increases were “for the children”. Recently they were given a chance in Congress to prove their pro-child philosophy. The price tag was a mere 15 million dollars, a fraction of the one-trillion dollar stimulus they just passed. But House Democrats decided they could not find $15 million to save the D.C. Voucher Program. Instead they cut the funding and are throwing 1,900 children out of the school of their choice. Kids, whose parents on average make $23,000 per year. Kids who did nothing wrong other than have the courage to make a change for the sake of their future.

At the same time in the state of Ohio, Governor Ted Strickland and the Democrat-led House are on a crusade to wipe charter schools off the map. They want to force thousands of Ohio students back into failing schools in troubled school districts.

This is the purge mentality of the Democrat Party. They despise school choice. They owe the education establishment and the unions. The payback comes in destroying the lives of kids who have done nothing wrong.

At the same time, the leader of the Democrats, President Barack Obama, has placed his daughters in the school of his choice: Sidwell Friends, the most exclusive and expensive school in D.C.

There is something you can do about this injustice. First take a look at the video from the kids in D.C. Then join their plea and call the White House switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Politely ask the President to restore the D.C. Voucher Program.

Next, for those residents of Ohio, contact Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. Let him know you support charter schools in Ohio. Tell him you want more choice in education, not less. They may give you a bunch of rhetoric about “for profit” management companies that run charter schools. That’s a smokescreen. They want all choice eliminated. They are picking on the management companies today. The rest will follow.

Source: American Policy Roundtable eNewsletter

Ohio joins other states in reclaiming their liberty and sovereignty

Over eight states have passed resolutions reaffirming the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Tenth Amendment provides that “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”Among twenty other states proposing similar resolution is Ohio.

The Ohio Freedom Alliance is one of the groups leading the Liberty and Sovereignty Resolution initiative.

Those leading the initiative believe that the federal government has consistently over-stepped it’s constitutional boundaries and usurped the powers reserved to the states, and therefore the people.

The Ohio Liberty and Sovereignty Resolution will remind the federal government of it’s proper role and place. The goal is to have this resolution adopted and passed by the Ohio State Legislature during this calendar year of 2009.

To read and sign the petition, go here. All signatures will be delivered to the Ohio State House in early to mid-March.

Rep. Austria’s Year End Legislative Summary

By Rep. Steve Austria

Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives concluded its legislative business for the year with the passage of several measures, including a funding bill for the Department of Defense and short-term extensions for the Patriot Act, as well as two major spending bills, increasing our nation’s debt limit by $290 billion to $12.39 trillion and a second stimulus bill, with new spending of over $150 billion. As I have commented on in the past, I continue to have serious concerns about the outrageous amount of government spending and will continue to oppose those irresponsible policies, which have a negative impact on our economy.

Please see below for a summary of the major policy issues considered by Congress this year.


As we began 2009 with a new administration and a new Democratic Congress, a number of spending bills were brought forward including the second half of a $700 billion “bailout” bill, a $787 billion “stimulus” or government spending bill, $410 billion omnibus bill that included over 9,000 earmarks and a $3.5 trillion fiscal year 2010 budget resolution. These massive spending bills have created historical amounts of debt and have only expanded the size and scope of government. This borrow and spend approach has hurt our economy this year and will burden future generations with an insurmountable amount of debt.

With unemployment at the highest levels in recent decades and during these difficult economic times, it is important that we devote our efforts to strategies that promote new investment opportunities, stimulate job growth and strengthen economic development. Congress must be better focused on helping small businesses create and sustain jobs to strengthen our economy. I recently appointed a new Blue Ribbon Commission to review and better understand the contracting process at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB). This commission will work on ways for our region to support WPAFB and set up a “best business model” to help companies in our region secure and create more private sector jobs that can be sustained for years to come. I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead in the new year to strengthen economic growth and make our area more competitive nationally.

New Energy/ Climate Change Policies

Last summer, the House passed a climate change bill, establishing a national cap and trade system, which essentially amounts to a new energy tax. I have expressed serious concerns with the house-passed bill that amounts to a new $629 billion tax, negatively impacting Ohio businesses, including manufacturing and farming, resulting in more job losses. The mandates under the bill will essentially pick winners and losers among the states. States, like Ohio, that produce and use more carbon-based energy, such as coal, will be hit hardest with cap and trade, while states such as California and New Jersey will receive more favorable treatment under this bill.

Nearly 90 percent of Ohio’s energy comes from coal. Every Ohio household and business that uses electricity, heats their home with natural gas or fills their automobiles with gasoline will have an increase in energy costs and gas prices to pay for this climate change legislation. That is too much to ask of our families during these difficult economic times with unemployment at its highest level in years.

We all want clean air and increased use of renewable energy; however, we need to accomplish this goal in a responsible manner. There is a better way to achieve this goal than the bill that was passed by the House. I support an alternative plan that would promote new, clean and reliable sources of energy by having less reliance on foreign oil and begin using domestic alternative energy such as solar, wind and nuclear energy and continuing to expand new technologies such as clean coal. The alternative plan moves our nation forward using more clean energy without costing Ohio jobs and imposing a new energy tax on families and small businesses.

With the health care debate dominating the Senate’s schedule, they were unable to consider climate change legislation this year; however, they may address the issue in the new year.

Health Care Reform

In November, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3962, often referred to as Speaker Pelosi’s 2000 page health care reform bill, by a vote of 220 to 215. I voted “no” on this legislation because of its $1 trillion price tag with major cuts to the Medicare and Medicare Advantage program. Also, the likelihood that many Americans who are satisfied with their current health insurance could face significantly higher premiums as a result of the federal mandates included in this bill. This bill also imposes over $720 billion of taxes on families and small businesses.

We must enact policies that improve our health care by lowering costs, making health care coverage more affordable and accessible and protecting the doctor-patient relationship. I have consistently advocated for a common-sense approach that includes medical malpractice reform, allowing individuals to purchase health care coverage across state lines, allowing businesses and communities to pool insurance nationally, and expanding the use of health savings accounts (HSAs). This year, I introduced a bill, the Health Savings and Affordability (HSA) Act, which would empower more Americans to take ownership over their health care by expanding tax free Health Savings Accounts and making health insurance tax deductible for everyone.

We must work in a bipartisan manner to reduce costs, improve the quality of care and expand access. That is why this year I also formed a district-wide health care advisory committee made up of doctors, nurses, hospitals, small businesses, insurers and other leaders from our local community. My father was a doctor and my mother was a nurse. We must protect our doctor-patient relationship and allow you and your doctor to choose what treatment is best for you and your family, not the government.

On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed its health care reform bill, H.R. 3590, by a vote of 60 to 39. The House and Senate must now reach a compromise on the many differences between the two bills, and vote again on the new version. As the health care debate continues, I encourage you to contact your elected officials and express your views regarding this important issue.

Stop the Ohio Legislators Con Con Call!

On December 3rd, the Ohio House of Representatives introduced HJR 8, a resolution calling for a Constitutional Convention, provided for by Article V of the U.S. Constitution. This is one of only two legal methods for amending the Supreme Law of the Land. This nation is only a few states away from having application of the requisite 34 states needed to convene a Constitutional Convention.

If a Constitutional Convention is called, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights would be up for grabs and open to any and all changes.

It is clear that this con-con call is being quickly pushed through the lame-duck legislature before most Ohio citizens learn about it. The legislation was referred to the House Judiciary Committee and they are voting this Wednesday to determine whether to send it to the house for a full vote — only a week after its introduction!


1. Get educated on the facts of a Constitutional Convention by watching Beware Article V (4 parts) which was created by state legislators to educate other legislators. Stay updated and join the discussion at The Ohio Freedom Alliance Forum.

2. Contact the Legislature. Send an email to your Rep as well as all of the members of the Judiciary Committee all at once using the Ohio Freedom Alliance SLAM tool. Or telephone your Representative and 11 Committee Members.

3. Join us at the Committee Meeting on Wednesday morning at 9:30am at the statehouse in Columbus to give testimony or just to show your support for the legislations withdraw. A large attendance will bring this issue into the spotlight and prevent a hasty, uninformed vote. Details here.

SUMMARY OF THE DANGER: A Constitutional Convention has no limitations!

Once Congress calls for a Constitutional Convention Article V grants that assembled convention the exclusive power to propose amendments regardless of the original reason for its call. By its very definition a Constitutional Convention is a sovereign body and therefore cannot be limited.

Recall that the first Constitutional Convention was held simply for the purpose of amending the Articles of Confederation under Article XIII, which indicated that the consent of all State legislatures is required for amendment. Instead, delegates – having met in total secrecy for several months – emerged with a new fundamental government design, which stipulated that only nine of the thirteen states would have to ratify for the new government to go into effect.

Everything in the current Constitution could be tossed, and replaced with whatever the delegates decide. A new convention could even decide not to bother having the states ratify what it produces. A constitutional convention has no limitations. With today’s hostile and divided political climate, can we trust that our God-given rights would be secure?

For questions, please contact
Teri M. Owens

Election Results November 4, 2008

Voter Turnout

Greene County registered voters can stand tall and proud this election season. Their patriotism out- shined the rest of the state 70% to 67.5%. That was the level of voter turnout this presidential election. Ohioans exceeded the historic high of 65% of voter turnout by 2.5% and Greene County voters by 5%.

Presidential Race

In Greene County, McCain and Palin were the winners with 58.8% of the vote. That means only 39.7 voted for the Obama/Biden socialist ticket. Other parties voting received only 1.5% of the total number of votes, which means Democrats had no chance of winning in Greene County, Ohio. We can all be thankful that Greene County voters continue to uphold original liberal principles. We can look forward to another season when more Americans across the nation return to honoring those same principles.

Do you remember the battle between Ohio Democrats and Republicans over giving new registered voters the immediate right to early voting and the issue over voter record discrepancies? If I remember correctly, the number of questionable voters was around 250,000. Isn’t it an interesting coincidence that Obama won Ohio by a little over 200,000 votes? If I were McCain Republicans, I would make certain those 204,156 popular votes were legitimate. Who knows maybe McCain actually won a slight majority of Ohioans hearts and votes, but I suspect many of those votes were for Sarah Palin too.

I also suspect conservative feminists are just getting started.

US House of Reps Plus State Legislative, Executive & Judicial Races

Greene County voters were delighted with the campaigns over one Congressional race and many races for legislative, executive, and judicial offices.

Republicans running for seats in Congress and in both Ohio houses won by similar margins. Steve Austria took over Dave Hobson’s seat in the US House of Representatives. Austria beat Democrat and millionaire Sharen Neuhart 65.3% to 34.7%. Rep. Chris Widener is moving into the Ohio Senate because he won 66.3% of the vote to poor Roger Tackett’s 33.7%. Young Jarrod Martin also did well as demonstrated his gaining 59.8% of Green County votes. The more seasoned Bill Conner earned 40.2%. Was it the Republican version of yes we can change or something else? I’m not sure. Whatever it was. Martin now represents the 70th District taxpayers. Running for the 84th District was Republican Robert Hackett and Democrat Connie Crockett. Hackett hacked off Crockett when he won 62.1% of the votes to her 39%.

Woe, tears, and agony on ….

In the race to win the top law enforcement spot, Republican Mike Crites took 53.8% of the votes for Attorney General to Democrat Richard Cordray’s 41.6%. It’s too bad that Crites did win all of Ohio. A bright spot in the race was the fact that independent Robert Owens earned 4.8% of Ohio votes. I for one hope Owens keeps coming back to eventual win a place in Ohio government.

Let’s not forget how political public education actually is. The winner of the race for a seat on Ohio’s Board of Education for our district was Jane Sonenshein. She won 38.6% of the Ohio vote. Runner-ups were Jeff Hardin with 35.8% and John McHenry with 25.6%. If you know any of those candidates who will make many decisions effecting education in Greene County, you are either an educator, a friend of an educator, or a politician. No one does, but all should.

It would be a crime to forget the races for the judiciary. Given their reputation for activism and making law, it might have been a crime you didn’t. Being serious, Ohioans elected two Supreme Court justices. The lucky women were Maureen O’Conner and Evelyn Stratton, both Republicans thank God.

Wait a minute! Am I still allowed to use the G—word in the public domain. Those pesky ACLU and ASCS troublemakers are always stalking and lurking.

Anyway, O’Conner stole Russo’s thunder by winning by a whopping 67.3% of the Ohio vote to Joseph Russo’s 32.7%. Ohioans overruled Democrat Peter Sikora attempt to gain a place on the Court. The Ohio verdict was in favor of Straton 63.1% to Sikora’s 36.9%.

Unfortunately, Judge George Reynolds (R) got benched (sports term) being outperformed by Jeffrey Froelich (D), who won by a small margin of 52.6% to Reynolds’ 47.4%. I have to admit that my disappointment was not only the result of voting for Reynolds but because one of my grandparents last name was Reynolds.

Ohio Constitutional Amendment Issues

Possibly more important than who were elected to office were the six Constitutional amendment issues this election cycle. Amendments one through three and five won by nearly a 3:1 margin or approximately 70% to 30% while amendment six lost by the same margin. Amendment 4 was removed from the ballot.

Amendment 1 requires earlier deadlines for statewide ballot initiatives. Amendment 2 gives the state the ability to create funds for environmental preservation through bond issues and consequently through higher taxes. Amendment 3 redundantly adds to state law protection to private property owns and adjacent water use rights, but with the same exceptions as before. Amendment 5 places long overdue restrictions on payday lenders who have been bilking the poor to make themselves rich for years. This practice was sanctified by bipartisan politics until the terrible reign of GW Bush. Nevertheless, I still image that even the world’s Supreme Judge is pleased. Issue 6, the last Constitution amendment, was soundly defeated by Ohio voters. Casino gambling, its harm to communities and families, was once again rejected by 63.8% of Ohio voters. Only 37.2% favored it. Ohioans thus gave Providence reason to smile a little more.

Races for Greene County Government Offices

Greene County government is still the provenance rock-solid Republicanism. During This election cycle, most of the incumbents retained their titles and paychecks. Rick Perales defeated newcomer and Democrat Eddie Baumann, otherwise known to some young adults as professor. Perales earned 64.3% of Greene County votes to Baumann’s impressive 35.7%. Sorry, Eddie we like your religion but not your party. Like George Patton, I’ll be back Marilyn Reid is indeed back in office. She won a smiling 54.7% to Democrat Jerry Sutton’s respectful 45.3%. It’s good to have someone who cares about the common good back in county government–not that the one she replaces was not. After all of the trouble, Republican Eric Sears still won the County Recorder position by 19.6 points. After the party was over, Sears was showered with 59.8% of the votes and Democrat Mary Taylor received 40.2%. Then there was race for County Treasurer. It’s true. It is all about the money and incumbent James Schmidt gets to keep counting it. Schmidt defeated Democrat Corrina Grooms to the County gold by count of 65.3% to 34.7%. What amazes me is how Republicans can win even without any competition. I won’t name names, but you can read about them by going to the Greene County Board of Election website.

Greene County Levies & Bond Issues

Three out of four countywide issues passed. Greene County Children Services Board Operating (Issue 21) levy increase was passed by 51.6% of voters to 48.5%. Greene Memorial Hospital Operating (Issue 22) renewal was favored by 58.4% of Greene County voters to 41.6%. Greene County MRDD Operating (Issue 23) renewal was approved by 61.3% to 38.7% of voters. The last issue was the Greene County Mental Health and Recovery Board Operating (Issue 24) levy increase that was opposed by 56.4% to 43.6 of Greene County voters.

Local School Levies & Bond Issues

Almost all schools in the county had either a levy or a bond issue on the ballot. Beavercreek’s bond issue was approved by 53% of the voters. Seventy-one percent of Cedarville voters passed their school improvement levy. Jamestown voters once again rejected efforts of their school district to increase funding. About 50.1% of voters said no to an income tax proposal. So did Bellbrook voters. Sugar Creek School District’s proposed income tax was rejected by 58.8% of their voters. Wayne Local Schools current operating levy was opposed by almost 73% of voters. Last but not least was the Xenia Community City Schools Income Tax & Bond Issue (Issue 20). Fifty-eight percent of Xenia voters turned the opportunity to increase taxes on two fronts.

Booze Wins Big In Greene County : A Puritan Perspective

I’m not certain about this but it appears that the boozers won big throughout Greene County. All but one business seeking approval to sell liquor was favored by their local patrons—I mean voters. I almost wrote saints. I refrained, however, for one simple but profound reason. Saint Paul encourage boozing for health purposes—like Tylenol or Nyquil, but not for pagan partying nor for mixing drinks with tears of self-pity. I recently read that Puritans, who were also Paul’s disciples, liked rum. They liked fermented molasses a lot. This sheds some light on the debate about whether the early church disciples consumed real wine like Lutherans and Catholics believe. Just keep in mind though that back in those ancient times people didn’t have cars and trucks. No, they were lucky to have a donkey. Only the rich had real horses or chariots to loose control of and to harm themselves and others.

Remember that the next time you are tempted to mix your blue tears with some modern liquid painkiller after another partisan election.