Third World Child (5 years old) Violinist & World Vision

By Lindsey Minerva

Looking at the photo of 5-year-old Abner and his violin, you might think, “How cute!”

But don’t let his gap-toothed smile fool you. Abner is what you might call a child prodigy.

Before he could read or write, Abner could play the violin. He picked it up when he was 3, and from that day on, practicing for an hour a day wasn’t a chore — it was a joy.

“Abner practices one hour every day, and he doesn’t think about the time,” says his mother, Angela Patzan.

Abner was given the opportunity to take on his passion, thanks to World Vision’s Children Artistic Development Center in central Guatemala. Abner is one of about 200 children from age 3 to 25 who are offered a wide range of areas to study: choir, string instruments, and youth symphony orchestra.

Children here are taught through the Suzuki method — the idea that talent isn’t inherent, but every child has the potential to develop it.

Abner certainly has. Now, instead of watching cartoons, he listens to classical music and practices his violin with his stuffed animals set up as an audience. “I like music; Allegro is my favorite music piece, because it’s cheerful!” Abner says.

While Abner is happy to play, his mother recognizes how the music program has enriched the entire community. “Now, people know our community, our children are growing with values, and they are going to have a better future,” she says.

Abner proudly plays his violin at World Vision’s Children Artistic Development Center in Guatemala.

Investing in children is particularly significant in Abner’s neighborhood, where the center is located. It is one of the most violent in Guatemala. Youth are faced with the reality of gangs, teen pregnancy, and a lack of education.

My hope for Abner and the other students involved at the creative arts center is that music will instill in them hope and a sense of belonging — and they won’t feel a need to seek these things from gangs or other negative relationships. I have seen God use music as a source of encouragement in my life, and I pray that they will experience the same.

Growing up, my family didn’t have lot of extra money. We were blessed with food on our plates and a roof over our head. But things like dance lessons, new clothes, and cable for our television didn’t fit into our budget.

But church choir was free. Each week, I looked forward to Tuesday nights, when I would sing alongside my friends from Sunday school. It didn’t matter that I didn’t have what other kids did — music made me feel like I belonged.

My dad, a musician, took every opportunity enjoy music with us. Many nights were spent with him playing his guitar while my sister and I danced and sang along. To my little girl heart, there was no greater joy.

There has always been a sense of comfort that comes with music. The world feels a little bit lighter with a good song in my head. As a little girl, it connected me to my church and my family. Music helped me feel like I belonged, and it filled me with joy.

When Abner’s family is gathered together, they all ask him to play his violin. Abner’s family recognizes his talent — they believe in him.

They say, “Here he comes, the violinist!” And his heart, too, is filled with joy and a sense of belonging.

Lindsey Minerva is Managing Editor of the World Vision blog, where this post was originally published. Alice Contreras of World Vision Guatemala also contributed to this post.

Taxing the Rich: Lessons from the Returns of the ‘Fortunate 400’

(Washington, D.C.) – The tax returns of Americans with the largest incomes demonstrate some fascinating trends, including the fleeting nature of being among the nation’s highest earners and the steadily increasing portion of income taxes being paid by those at the top. The most recent data also show that tax revenue collected from those reporting the highest incomes increased during the same period of time when marginal tax rates fell, according to a new analysis by the Tax Foundation.

“The Fortunate 400 pay a lot of income tax—about enough to fund the Department of Interior, which includes the National Park Service and the National Science Foundation,” said Tax Foundation economist Will McBride.

For several years, the Internal Revenue Service has issued annual data on the top 400 tax returns by adjusted gross income – the so-called “Fortunate 400.” The most recent release shows that for that group, taxes have doubled in real terms since 1992. Likewise, the Fortunate 400’s share of income taxes paid has also doubled to 2 percent—almost the share paid by the bottom 69 million filers combined.

This year’s IRS report also demonstrates that there is a lot of income mobility at the top. Of all the filers who have made the list since 1992, 73 percent were on the list just once. In last year’s report, just 4 people had remained on the list for all 17 years. This suggests that most top earners do not have a portfolio of big investments that can be cashed in year after year, but rather one big asset, such as a family farm or business or stock, the sale of which triggers a capital gain.

While incomes reported by the Fortunate 400 have been rising, wages and salaries have remained basically flat, going from $7.5 billion in 1992 to $6.9 billion in 2009. In fact, filers with the highest incomes pay more in income taxes than they receive in wages and salaries, and have for every year since 1992. Virtually all of the growth is from “pass-through” business income and capital gains.

If It Looks Like Judgment, Sounds Like Judgment, Smells Like Judgment…

By Personhood Ohio

by Josh O Conner at National Geographic Environment

Millions without electrical power…
Drought across the Midwest…
U.S. Capitol blanketed in darkness for days…
Record-breaking heat waves with no A/C…
Violent, record-breaking storms in the east…
Record-breaking wildfires in the west…
Iran launches long-range missiles…
Unemployment continues to skyrocket…
The dollar’s future grows grim…
Chinese stinkbug destroys tens of millions of dollars of crops in 38 states…
Obamacare is the largest increase in the size of government in our nation’s history…
The Republican-dominated Supreme Court lurches to the left…
More taxpayer funding of abortion…

In the Bible, the shedding of innocent blood was often the last straw before God finally sent judgment. God promised and sent judgments to Israel such as economic disaster, defeat in battle, natural disasters, and “madness of heart.” Because they did not end the killing of other people’s children, God told them “your children will be dashed in pieces against a stone” (Hosea 10). Under God’s judgment, the Jews starved, were crucified, and cruelly enslaved because they refused to repent and do justice to protect the innocent. Many nations and empires greater than us have been annihilated because of their sin. If God did not exempt Israel – His chosen people, the apple of His eye – from judgment for her sin, why do we act like the U.S.A. is exempt?

Our nation shows no signs of even slowing the momentum into socialism and godlessness. With the passage of Obamacare, we’ve never had more taxpayer funding for abortion in our nation’s history. Large pro-life and pro-family groups in Ohio watch abortion-abolition movements like Personhood Ohio from the sidelines, preferring to regulate abortion than end it. Entrenched pro-life leaders believe that we are obligated to submit to judicial tyranny, and that we need to work to get pro-life presidents to appoint pro-life justices. You’d think that Robert Thompson’s vote for Obama’s communist, abortion-funding healthcare bill would help them re-think their failed pro-life strategy, but they don’t appear to be budging. Too many of them are far too comfortable with child-killing. They don’t see “the hand-writing on the wall” for America. Judgment is coming to our land, and Ohio’s opportunity to avert judgment is brief. We must protect the children, or we will lose our freedoms and our posterity will be enslaved.

All God’s looking for is a remnant “whose heart is perfect toward Him” in order to “show Himself strong” (II Chronicles 16:9). All God’s looking for is a remnant to avert judgment (Ezekiel 22:30-31). God prefers to resurrect leaders out of the grassroots than to prop up the status quo. He loves to do exploits through His underdogs. Just as Israel’s faith was tested in the wilderness before they could conquer their Promised Land, so our faith will be tested, for it is through faith we’ll cross the Jordan River into our Promised Land of “liberty and justice for all.” Ohio’s Personhood initiative draws a line in the sand between those who “sigh and cry” over the sins of the land that are bringing judgment upon us, and those who are comfortable to conserve the status quo (Ezekiel 9).

Will you sigh and cry with us? Will you mourn the 25,000 Ohioans who are slaughtered every year in our abortion clinics, and pray for their deliverance? Will you believe God with us, that every child will be protected under Ohio law?

Muslim World Faces Devastating Fertility Decline

By Austin Ruse

(NEW YORK -C-FAM) Fertility rates of Muslim populations around the world have almost literally fallen off a cliff, so steep has been their decline. Policy makers at the UN and elsewhere have barely noticed this.

“There remains a widely perceived notion — still commonly held within intellectual, academic, and policy circles in the West and elsewhere — that ‘Muslim’ societies are especially resistant to embarking upon the path of demographic and familial change that has transformed population profiles in Europe, North America, and other ‘more developed’ areas,” write Nicholas Eberstadt and Apoorva Shah in the June 1 issue of Policy Review.

It is generally thought that Muslim fertility rates are growing by leaps and bounds. This has fed into the panic about growing Muslim influence, especially in Europe. While Eberstadt and Shah do not deal specifically with Muslims in Europe, they do point out that fertility rates have declined all over the Muslim world and that predominantly Muslim countries have taken a steeper dive than any countries in history.

Using data from the UN Population Division, which projects fertility rates for 190 countries, Eberstadt and Shah “appraise the magnitude of fertility declines in 48 of the world’s 49 identified Muslim-majority countries and territories.” The data show that “forty-eight Muslim-majority countries and territories witnessed fertility decline over the past three decades.”

When absolute fertility decline is examined, Eberstadt and Shah show “a drop of an estimated 2.6 births per woman between 1975 and 1980 and 2005 and 2010 — a markedly larger absolute decline than estimated for either the world as a whole (-1.3) or the less developed regions as a whole (-2.2) during those same years.” They point out that “Fully eighteen of these Muslim-majority places saw (total fertility rates) fall by three or more over those 30 years–with nine of them by four births per woman or more.”

Eberstadt and Shah point out that in terms of relative fertility decline, “the estimated population-weighted average for Muslim-majority areas as a whole was -41 percent over these three decades.” They show that “22 Muslim-majority countries and territories were estimated to have undergone fertility declines of 50 percent or more during those three decades–ten of them by 60 percent or more. For both Iran and the Maldives, the declines in total fertility rates over those 30 years were estimated to exceed 70 percent.”

Out of the ten biggest declines in total fertility rates in the post-war era “six have occurred in Muslim-majority countries” say Eberstadt and Shah.

Eberstadt and Shah point out several implications to this reality of rapid fertility reduction in the Muslim world. The UN population projections will have to follow suit. In 2000, the UN projected 102 million Yemenis by the year 2050. This estimate was reduced to 62 million ten years later.

Eberstadt and Shah say there is a “coming decline in working-age (15-64) population.” They say the Muslim world will face increasing and crippling manpower shortages. They also project rapidly aging populations such as is experienced in the far-richer European countries.

The authors are perplexed that other experts at the UN or even in the Muslim countries themselves do not discuss this galloping problem.

Austin Ruse is President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( His article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-FAM.

Ohio Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case of Science Teacher Fired for Urging Students to Think Critically About Evolution

The Ohio Supreme Court has granted The Rutherford Institute’s appeal to hear the case of John Freshwater, a Christian teacher who was fired for keeping religious articles in his classroom and for using teaching methods that encourage public school students to think critically about the school’s science curriculum, particularly as it relates to evolution theories. Freshwater, a 24-year veteran in the classroom, was suspended by the Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education in 2008 and officially terminated in January 2011. The School Board justified its actions by accusing Freshwater of improperly injecting religion into the classroom by giving students “reason to doubt the accuracy and/or veracity of scientists, science textbooks and/or science in general.” The Board also claimed that Freshwater failed to remove “all religious articles” from his classroom, including a Bible.

“Academic freedom was once the bedrock of American education. That is no longer the state of affairs, as this case makes clear,” stated John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “What we need today are more teachers and school administrators who understand that young people don’t need to be indoctrinated. Rather, they need to be taught how to think for themselves.”

In June 2008, the Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education voted to suspend John Freshwater, a Christian with a 20-year teaching career at Mount Vernon Middle School, citing concerns about his conduct and teaching materials, particularly as they related to the teaching of evolution. Earlier that year, school officials reportedly ordered Freshwater, who had served as the faculty appointed facilitator, monitor, and supervisor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes student group for 16 of the 20 years that he taught at Mount Vernon, to remove “all religious items” from his classroom, including a Ten Commandments poster displayed on the door of his classroom, posters with Bible verses, and his personal Bible which he kept on his desk. Freshwater agreed to remove all items except for his Bible. Showing their support for Freshwater, students even organized a rally in his honor. They also wore t-shirts with crosses painted on them to school and carried Bibles to class. School officials were seemingly unswayed by the outpouring of support for Freshwater.

In fact, despite the fact that the Board’s own policy states that because religious traditions vary in their treatment of science, teachers should give unbiased instruction so that students may evaluate it “in accordance with their own religious tenets,” school officials suspended and eventually fired Freshwater, allegedly for criticizing evolution and using unapproved materials to facilitate classroom discussion of origins of life theories. Freshwater appealed the termination in state court, asserting that the school’s actions violated his rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and constituted hostility toward religion. A Common Pleas judge upheld the School Board’s decision, as did the Fifth District Court of Appeals, without analyzing these constitutional claims. In appealing to the Ohio Supreme Court, Institute attorneys argued that the Board through its actions violated the First Amendment academic freedom rights of both Freshwater and his students.

Is it the Government’s Job to Create Jobs?

By Elizabeth Robinson

In a recent campaign speech, presidential candidate Mitt Romney criticized President Obama for pushing his agenda on healthcare when the economy is in such dire straits. “The President’s responsibility is to put people back to work, and to get people out of poverty, and to help people have good jobs and have prospects for a brighter tomorrow,” said Romney. Even President Obama has said that it is his task to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

And it seems most average Americans believe this rhetoric; after all, somebody should do something to get us out of this mess. Certainly, there are people in our nation and our state who truly need help. But is it really the job of the president or other politicians to create jobs?

Frequently those wishing to exert political control over the economy use moral arguments to win support by helping the less fortunate through government programs, having the rich pay their fair share or acting on behalf of the common good. But the fruits of the government’s actions for the “common welfare” have potentially devastating results.

Government intervention, even for the purported sake of the common good, completely ignores the idea of personal responsibility and the fact that every bailout, stimulus, and over-broad regulation has led us to where we are now: continued high unemployment, little investor confidence, and nearly $16 trillion in debt.

Government job creation in the private sector is a convenient political myth supported by Republicans and Democrats alike. The only job that the government may directly create will be a job funded by the public. And there are a finite number of employees needed to execute the legitimate functions of government. When the economy is struggling, directly engaging in government “job creation” creates an even greater economic drag by burdening the taxpayer with higher debt or more taxes.

Renowned twentieth century Austrian economist and Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek asserts in his 1944 book, Road to Serfdom, that it is the government’s responsibility to create an atmosphere in which competition will thrive. The government does not create jobs. In fact, the government often does an exceptional job of inhibiting private sector growth.

Some politicians may argue that “job creation” means they bring business to the state or country or that they create favorable conditions for businesses to operate. If so, the rhetoric is misleading at best. Businesses locate where they receive the most significant economic advantage, and creating positive conditions is a far cry from directly putting someone on a private payroll.

No person or group of people has enough information to make the decisions which would enable them to truly improve the economy through planning and control. As such, planned economic programs will only remove economic liberty and enforce the ideals of the political elites on the lifestyle and employment that is best for all. Instead, the president and anyone aspiring to political office should remember that individuals make economic decision; individuals are able to most effectively make decisions that impact them and their families; and ultimately, enterprising individuals generate wealth and create new jobs.

Elizabeth Robinson is a policy analyst and the grant coordinator for the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society.

United States Is Still Best Laboratory for the Potential of Liberty

M. Zuhdi Jasser president and founder of The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD)and author of “A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight for His Faith released the following statement to commemorate the Fourth of July:

“As we come together to celebrate the Fourth of July this week, it is only appropriate to take a moment to reflect on the importance of this day. When those 55 men signed their name on the Declaration of Independence they not only declared their independence from the British crown, but demonstrated for all humanity that our Creator intended us to be free. In so doing they reclaimed faith from the crown and vested it in the hands of the people.

These brave actions culminated in the grand experiment that is America. While there are certainly conflicts that divide us, there is no place where I as an American Muslim can live, practice my faith and pursue happiness that is as free and as just as the United States.

As we celebrate our Independence, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy takes as a solemn duty our call to demonstrate to the youth and in particular the Muslim youth of America the importance of maintaining vigilance over the rights that are ordained from our creator, but guaranteed by our Constitution. Our Muslim Liberty Project aims to teach our children that government based in reason that embraces the right of every individual to accept or reject faith as they see fit is not in conflict with their Islamic faith and in reality provides the safest environment for Muslims to exist.

With the changes in the Middle East and the rise of Islamists to power in the region that duty becomes even more important. The threat posed by the radicalization of our youth in American Muslim communities is as palpable today as it has ever been. As we have seen in Norway in just the past week, Al Qaeda in Yemen is not sitting idly by waiting to find ways to attack us. They are engaged and working every day to get beyond our defenses.

If we inoculate our American Muslim youth against the ideology of Islamism and its inherent pathway towards radicalization, we keep the wolves at bay and leave room for these youth to embrace the values of Americanism that were put into action with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Take time on this holiday to thank the founding fathers for their courage and their conviction. May God Bless the United States of America and may God keep and protect those in the U.S. military that fight to maintain that freedom for us.”

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AIFD’s mission advocates for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. For more information on AIFD, please visit our website at

Everyday People and the American Revolution

By John W. Whitehead

We elevate the events of the American Revolution to near-mythical status all too often and forget that the real revolutionaries were people just like you and me. Caught up in the drama of Red Coats marching, muskets exploding and flags waving in the night, we lose sight of the enduring significance of the Revolution and what makes it relevant to our world today. Those revolutionaries, by and large, were neither agitators nor hotheads. They were not looking for trouble or trying to start a fight. Like many today, they were simply trying to make it from one day to another, a task that was increasingly difficult as Britain’s rule became more and more oppressive.

The American Revolution did not so much start with a bang as with a whimper—a literal cry for relief from people groaning under the weight of Britain’s demands. The seeds of discontent had been sown early on. By the time the Stamp Act went into effect on November 1, 1765, the rumbling had become a roar.

The Stamp Act, passed by the British Parliament with no representation from the colonies (thus raising the battle cry of “no taxation without representation”), required that revenue stamps be affixed to all printed materials. It was an onerous tax that affected every colonist who engaged in any type of business. Outraged at the imposition, the colonists responded with a flood of pamphlets, speeches and resolutions. They staged a boycott of British goods and organized public protests, mass meetings, parades, bonfires and other demonstrations.

Mercy Otis Warren was an active propagandist against the British and a prime example of the critical, and often overlooked, role that women played in the Revolution. Historian Nina Baym writes, “With the exception of Abigail Adams, no woman in New England was more embroiled in revolutionary political talk than Mercy Otis Warren.” Warren penned several plays as a form of protest, including The Group in 1775. As Baym writes: “The Group is a brilliant defense of the revolutionary cause, a political play without a patriot in it. In letting the opposition drop their masks of decency, Warren exposes them as creatures of expediency and selfishness, men who are domestic as well as political tyrants.”

Although Parliament repealed the Stamp Tax in 1766, it boldly moved to pass the Townshend Acts a year later. The Townshend Acts addressed several issues. First, any laws passed by the New York legislature were suspended until the colony complied with the Quartering Act, which required that beds and supplies be provided for the king’s soldiers. And duties (or taxes) were imposed on American imports of glass, lead, paint, paper and tea.

Americans responded in outrage through printed materials and boycotts. In Letters of a Pennsylvania Farmer, which appeared in newspapers and pamphlets, attorney John Dickinson argued that Parliament had no right to levy taxes for revenue. He also cautioned that the cause of liberty be advanced with moderation. But as historians George Brown Tindall and David Emory Shi write, “Such conciliatory language led John Adams to dismiss Dickinson as a ‘piddling genius.’” Samuel Adams responded by organizing protests in Boston. And in 1768, Samuel Adams and James Otis circulated a letter throughout the colonies that reiterated their concerns about the illegality of British taxation and asked for support from the other colonists. When an official in London ordered that the letter be withdrawn, they refused. By 1773, Samuel Adams had convinced the Boston town meeting to form a “Committee of Correspondence,” a group of protesting American colonists. The Committee issued a statement of rights and grievances and invited other towns to do the same.

Thereafter, Committees of Correspondence sprang up across Massachusetts. And in 1773, the Virginia Assembly proposed the formation of Committees of Correspondence on an inter-colonial basis. A network of committees spread across the colonies, mobilizing public opinion and preventing colonial resentments from boiling over. As a result, the Committees of Correspondence played a critical role in the unification of the colonies. Author Nat Hentoff writes:

In 1805, Mercy Otis Warren—in her History of the Rise and Progress and Termination of the American Revolutions, emphasized: “Perhaps no single step contributed so much to cement the union of the colonies, and the final acquisition of independence, as the establishment of the Committees of Correspondence . . . that produced unanimity and energy throughout the continent.” These patriots spread the news throughout the colonies about such British subversions of fundamental liberties as the general search warrant that gave British customs officers free reign to invade homes and offices in pursuit of contraband.

We would do well to remember that, in the end, it was the courage and resolve of common, everyday people that carried the day. Courage was a key ingredient in the makeup of the revolutionaries. The following vignette offers a glimpse of one man’s strong stand in the face of the British army.

Two months before the battles of Lexington and Concord, the British sent Colonel Leslie with 240 men to seize arms and ammunition which the rebels had stored in Salem. As the troops approached town, residents halted their progress by lifting the Northfield drawbridge. Several inhabitants climbed onto the raised leaf of the bridge and engaged in a shouting match with Colonel Leslie on the other side. William Gavett, an eyewitness, reported the incident:

In the course of the debate between Colonel Leslie and the inhabitants, the colonel remarked that he was upon the King’s Highway and would not be prevented passing over the bridge.

Old Mr. James Barr, an Englishman and a man of much nerve, then replied to him: “It is not the King’s Highway; it is a road built by the owners of the lots on the other side, and no king, country or town has anything to do with it.”

Colonel Leslie was taken aback, but he pressed the issue; James Barr held firm, knowing he was in the right. In the end, Leslie promised to march only fifty rods “without troubling or disturbing anything” if the residents of Salem would lower the bridge. The bridge came down, Leslie kept his word, and the opening battle of the American Revolution was postponed. Old James Barr had taken on the British empire with a few simple words.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He can be contacted at Information about the Institute is available at

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May 2012

By Raymond Ibrahim

Unlike those nations, such as Saudi Arabia, that have eliminated Christianity altogether, Muslim countries with significant Christian minorities saw much persecution during the month of May: in Egypt, Christians were openly discriminated against in law courts, even as some accused the nation’s new president of declaring that he will “achieve the Islamic conquest of Egypt for the second time, and make all Christians convert to Islam”; in Indonesia, Muslims threw bags of urine on Christians during worship; in Kashmir and Zanzibar, churches were set aflame; and in Mali Christianity “faces being eradicated.”

Elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa—in Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, the Ivory Coast—wherever Islam and Christianity meet, Christians are being killed, slaughtered, beheaded and even crucified.

Categorized by theme, May’s assemblage of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed in alphabetical order by country, not severity. Note: Because Pakistan had the lion’s share of persecuted Christians last month, it has its own section below, covering the entire gamut of persecution—from apostasy and blasphemy to rape and forced conversions.

Church Attacks

Indonesia saw several church-related attacks:

A mob of 600 Muslims threw bags of urine, stones, and rotten eggs at the congregation of a Protestant church at the start of Ascension Day service, while shouting profanity and threatening to kill the pastor. No arrests were made. The church had applied for a permit to construct its house of worship five years ago. Pressured by local Muslims, the local administration ordered the church to shut down in December 2009, though the Supreme Court recently overruled its decision, saying the church is eligible for a permit. Regardless, local Muslims and officials demand that the church shut down.

Following protests “by hard-line groups including the Islamic Defenders Front,” nearly 20 Christian houses of worship were sealed off by authorities on the pretext of “not having permits.” Authorities added that only one church may be built in the district in question to accommodate the region’s 20,000 Christians.

The Muslim mayor who illegally sealed the beleaguered GKI Yasmin church, forcing congregants to worship in the streets, has agreed to reopen it—but only if a mosque is built next door, to ensure the church stay in line. As well as opposition from the mayor, “the church has faced hostility from local Muslims, who have rallied against them, blocked them from accessing the street where the church is situated and disrupted their outdoor services. It is unlikely that they will suddenly embrace the Christians.”

France: Prior to celebrating mass, “four youths, aged 14 to 18, broke into the Church of St. Joseph, before launching handfuls of pebbles at 150 faithful present at the service.” They were chased out, though “the parishioners, many of whom are elderly, were greatly shocked by the disrespectful act of the youths of North African origin.”

Kashmir: A Catholic church made entirely of wood was partially destroyed after unknown assailants set it on fire. “What happened is not an isolated case,” said the president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, and follows the “persecution” of a pastor who baptized Muslims. “With these gestures, the Muslim community is trying to intimidate the Christian minority.”

Kuwait: Two months after the Saudi Grand Mufti, in response to a question on whether churches may exist in Kuwait, decreed that all regional churches must be destroyed, villa-churches serving Western foreigners are being targeted. One congregation was evicted without explanation “from a private villa used for worship gatherings for the past seven years”; another villa-church was ordered to “pay an exorbitant fine each month to use a facility it had been renting… Church leaders reportedly decided not to argue and moved out.”

Zanzibar: Hundreds of Muslims set two churches on fire and clashed with police during protests against the arrest of senior members of an Islamist movement known as the Association for Islamic Mobilization and Propagation. Afterwards, the group issued a statement denying any involvement of wrong doing. Continue reading

State Fire Marshal Encourages Extra Steps for a Safe July 4th Celebration

State Fire Marshal Larry Flowers has issued a Warning of Extreme Fire Danger and is urging Ohioans to take extra safety precautions this Independence Day holiday.

“Any spark is a danger right now,” says Marshal Flowers. “These hot, dry conditions and the forecasted 25 mile per hour wind gusts is a recipe for danger. A spark, on dry grass, fanned by winds, can quickly get out of hand and put lives and property at risk.”

To ensure safety at your backyard cookout or gathering at a park or farm field, the Marshal provides the following advice:

• Do not burn for any reason except cooking/grilling or recreational fires.

• Keep recreational fires contained in a designated fire pit, outdoor fireplace or confined to seasoned hardwood in an area 3 feet or less in diameter and 2 feet or less in height.

• Be careful when using lighter fluid. Do not add fluid to an already lit fire – the flame can flashback into the container and explode.

• Supervise children around outdoor grills. Announcing a three-foot ‘safety zone’ around the grill is an effective way to keep both children and pets at a distance.

• Dispose of hot coals properly – douse all of them, not just the red ones, with plenty of water and stir them to ensure that the fire is out. Never place them in plastic, paper or wooden containers.

• Leave the matches to the adults and the fireworks to the professionals. That means teaching children to take any matches to adults. Do not light fireworks.

In average weather conditions, over half of outdoor grill fires occur between the months of May and August. In addition, outdoor grill fires are estimated to cause approximately 10 deaths, 100 injuries and $37 million in property damages, according to the United States Fire Administration.