Corporate Tax Reform

By Congressman Steve Austria

As Washington struggles to come up with a jobs plan to help turn our economy around, last week, President Obama unveiled his proposed framework for corporate tax reform. While it acknowledged that the corporate tax rate is too high, this proposal fails to provide details or address the need for a comprehensive overhaul of the current tax code. Additionally, the president recently released his FY 2013 budget request, which did not call for lowering the individual or corporate tax rates and contained more of the same increased tax policies that have failed to put us on a track of economic recovery.

Lowering the corporate tax rate to be more comparative internationally is a step in the right direction but our current tax code is outdated, overcomplicated, and in need of a reform that does not pick winners and losers in the marketplace. It’s estimated that American taxpayers spend over 7 billion hours a year trying to comply with the current filing requirements. Each year taxpayers scan through 60,000 pages and make difficult decisions to choose between calculations from tax credits or deductions. Our tax code is ridden with loopholes and unnecessary complexity that discourages saving and investing. We must simplify our tax code and cut the red tape to ensure a fair tax system for our working and middle class Americans. Congress needs to pass a tax reform package that will help create new jobs not hurt small businesses and hardworking families. Americans deserve a tax code that is simpler, fairer, and will enable U.S. businesses to compete with the rest of the world.

Small businesses owners have cited the cumbersome tax code and uncertainty about the economy as main reasons they are not expanding and creating jobs. We need to work to provide permanent tax relief for our small businesses to give them the certainty they need to reasonably plan, invest and hire. Any real effort for tax reform must ensure small business tax rates are low and provide more certainty for our small business owners and our job creators.

Xenia Republican Women’s Club Meeting March 12

The Xenia Republican Women’s Club will hold its first regular meeting of the year on Monday, March 12, 7 p.m. at The Oaks Commons. The speaker will be Elaine Herrick who is a local political activist. She will discuss the importance of volunteerism between now and this fall election.

For more information, contact Pauline Clark ar

X*ACT Presents the Celebrity Old Time Radio Show


Comedy! Drama! Old Fashioned Commercials! The Xenia Area Community Theater, Inc. is proud to present it’s third Old Time Radio Show with Xenia Mayor Marsha Bayless, various educators, county and city officials, community leaders and X*ACT actors portraying Jack Benny, Helen Trent, The Bickersons and Father Knows Best. Also presented will be two one-act Reader’s Theater productions. Epistles: Letters From Beyond, an original play by Rick Sivers and Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg will both be performed by Jim Harworth, a local businessman and Hollywood actress Julia Nickson who has appeared in many movies and television series.

An Opening Night Gala will feature wine and hors d’oeuvres and a chance to mingle with the actors. The Gala is sponsored by Elmcroft with the food by Nick’s Restaurant. Tickets for Opening Night, March 9th at 7:30pm are $20 each or $35 per couple. Performances of March 10th at 7:30pm and March 11th at 3:00pm are $10 for X*ACT members and $12 general admission. For more information and reservations, call 937-372-0516 or for online ticketing. X*ACT is located at 45 East Second Street in downtown Xenia OH.

The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President 2012


What the next video for some additional perspective on Ron Paul’s statements about cutting military spending and increased spending on national defense.


Mike Dewine Backing Rick Santorum

A few hours ago, I participated in a town hall meeting with Rick Santorum. Listening to his position on a host of questions and issues and perusing his campaign website Rick Santorum, my impression is this guy seems a lot like Ronald Reagan. I don’t think his acting either. His is a conservative Republican who policy statements in many ways resembles Reagans.

The big surprise was learning Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has been traveling and supporting Santorum. (Much like Constitutional Attorney Jay Sekulow endorsement of Mitt Romney). DeWine and Santorum served in the US Senate at the same time, which give more weight to Dewine’s insights into Santorum’s hard work, thoughful approach to issues, and consistency to his core values. Of course, Santorum faces Romney’s 12 to 1 spending efforts to win this election as well as the fact that Romney is getting much of his donation from wealthy donors to Santorum’s middle and lower income class donations.

According to DeWine, the grassroot turn out is excited and people feel Santorum connects with them. Santorum is more like one of them.

Why Ron Paul Is the Best Candidate for President

By Daniel Downs

Ron Paul is one politician America needs in the top spot of American government. Paul may not be the best-looking candidate but he is the most qualified. Besides, a stately appearance is too superficial a criterion by which to elect any candidate. If it were not so, Romney or Santorum would be the two best choices. Maybe that is one reason why they are promoted by mainstream media, but not by XCJ.

Oratory is an important skill required of any political leader. It is especially important our president possess it. The president is not only commander-in-chief of the military but he is also the top executive overseeing our nation’s business and the chief public and foreign relations officer. The president must speak to many different types of audiences including hundreds of Congressmen and women, thousands of White House staff, thousands of military leaders and their soldiers, thousand of foreign officials and millions of their people, as well millions of Americans. Although during some of the debates, Ron Paul seemed to conduct him as if in Congress. Yet, his campaign speeches demonstrate him to be a capable statesman.

As a competent statesman, the president must a model representative of America’s best. He must be the best at protecting and defending the rule of law as defined by the U.S. Constitution. Ron Paul is America’s finest example because he has over 20 years of proven experience.

As defender of the Supreme law of the land, the President’s function is to review every legislative act of Congress ensuring conformity to Constitutional law. This Ron Paul has been practicing since he entered politics.

As top executive of our national government, the president creates administrative law and institutional means through which congressional laws will be carried out efficiently and effectively. It’s true only executives of states, municipalities, and corporations could possess such experience. However, passing laws, making treaties, committing acts of war, and writing executive orders that in effect make laws in order to thwart the authoritative will and law-making power of the legislature and thus defy the rule of law are acts that should disqualify any candidate. Ron Paul has proven he is not among those who condone or performs such extra-legal acts, but some past presidents and most current presidential contenders have or says they would. For example, Romney’s solution to ending Obamacare would be to issue an executive order.

Excellence at articulating the American vision informed by the principles that our laws are meant to implement is another quality the president should possess. Over the course of his public service, Ron Paul has and is articulating that vision of life, liberty, happiness by means of a government limited to enumerated powers, laws limited to constitutional conformity, maximum freedom for states and individuals, and sound fiscal and monetary policies that ensure responsible prosperity for all. These define American democracy and moral capitalism and they distinguish our principled democracy from the socialist and humanist versions of Europe and many who espouse them in America. Ron Paul is an ardent proponent of America’s form of democracy.

While the media and political opponents want Americans to believe that the views of Ron Paul are ludicrous, his views actually are in-tune with historical and current realities. For example, Paul says we should close our military bases around the world because doing so would increase American prosperity by reducing our national economic burden. It would also reduce global animosity that has resulted in increasing violence against us, which in return would reduce the growing economic burden of homeland security while increasing the freedom and prosperity of Americans.

A good historical example showing the effects of big government is the Roman Empire. Like America now, Rome had strategically placed military bases throughout the world. The economic burden of maintaining a colossal effort at policing the world eventual led to it falls. In the process of decline, many other aspects of life also declined. Moral decadence added to the decline and fall of Rome. Roman elites delighted in the uniqueness of other cultures and embraced those cultures in Rome. According to journalist Amy Chua, the disunity created by multiculturalism also contributed to its eventual demise. Like aids in Africa, deadly disease depopulated native Rome, which increased Rome’s dependence on foreign militias and foreign workers. This opened the door to those who hated Imperial Rome and who eventual conquered her. Moreover, because Rome readily employed military intervention to create peace and economic stability, Rome experienced the same kind violent blowback America now faces. As with Rome and the USSR, American interests of this nature costs millions of Americans a very high price: increased poverty, public debt, and alienation. All others candidates favor maintaining the economically disastrous efforts of world policing. Keeping a strong military policing force is not the same as maintaining a strong national defense. Ron Paul knows this and wants the opportunity to help change course of America’s future.

If elected, Ron Paul will seek to right America’s wrongs with the goal of restoring America’s future.

Why Ron Paul Is the Best Candidate for President

By Daniel Downs

Ron Paul is one politician America needs in the top spot of American government. Paul may not be the best-looking candidate but he is the most qualified. Besides, a stately appearance is too superficial a criterion by which to elect any candidate. If it were not so, Romney or Santorum would be the two best choices. Maybe that is one reason why they are promoted by mainstream media, but not by XCJ.

Oratory is an important skill required of any political leader. It is especially important our president possess it. The president is not only commander-in-chief of the military but he is also the top executive overseeing our nation’s business and the chief public and foreign relations officer. The president must speak to many different types of audiences including hundreds of Congressmen and women, thousands of White House staff, thousands of military leaders and their soldiers, thousand of foreign officials and millions of their people, as well millions of Americans. Although during some of the debates, Ron Paul seemed to conduct him as if in Congress. Yet, his campaign speeches demonstrate him to be a capable statesman.

As a competent statesman, the president must a model representative of America’s best. He must be the best at protecting and defending the rule of law as defined by the U.S. Constitution. Ron Paul is America’s finest example because he has over 20 years of proven experience.

As defender of the Supreme law of the land, the President’s function is to review every legislative act of Congress ensuring conformity to Constitutional law. This Ron Paul has been practicing since he entered politics.

As top executive of our national government, the president creates administrative law and institutional means through which congressional laws will be carried out efficiently and effectively. It’s true only executives of states, municipalities, and corporations could possess such experience. However, passing laws, making treaties, committing acts of war, and writing executive orders that in effect make laws in order to thwart the authoritative will and law-making power of the legislature and thus defy the rule of law are acts that should disqualify any candidate. Ron Paul has proven he is not among those who condone or performs such extra-legal acts, but some past presidents and most current presidential contenders have or says they would. For example, Romney’s solution to ending Obamacare would be to issue an executive order.

Excellence at articulating the American vision informed by the principles that our laws are meant to implement is another quality the president should possess. Over the course of his public service, Ron Paul has and is articulating that vision of life, liberty, happiness by means of a government limited to enumerated powers, laws limited to constitutional conformity, maximum freedom for states and individuals, and sound fiscal and monetary policies that ensure responsible prosperity for all. These define American democracy and moral capitalism and they distinguish our principled democracy from the socialist and humanist versions of Europe and many who espouse them in America. Ron Paul is an ardent proponent of America’s form of democracy.

While the media and political opponents want Americans to believe that the views of Ron Paul are ludicrous, his views actually are in-tune with historical and current realities. For example, Paul says we should close our military bases around the world because doing so would increase American prosperity by reducing our national economic burden. It would also reduce global animosity that has resulted in increasing violence against us, which in return would reduce the growing economic burden of homeland security while increasing the freedom and prosperity of Americans.

A good historical example showing the effects of big government is the Roman Empire. Like America now, Rome had strategically placed military bases throughout the world. The economic burden of maintaining a colossal effort at policing the world eventual led to it falls. In the process of decline, many other aspects of life also declined. Moral decadence added to the decline and fall of Rome. Roman elites delighted in the uniqueness of other cultures and embraced those cultures in Rome. According to journalist Amy Chua, the disunity created by multiculturalism also contributed to its eventual demise. Like aids in Africa, deadly disease depopulated native Rome, which increased Rome’s dependence on foreign militias and foreign workers. This opened the door to those who hated Imperial Rome and who eventual conquered her. Moreover, because Rome readily employed military intervention to create peace and economic stability, Rome experienced the same kind violent blowback America now faces. As with Rome and the USSR, American interests of this nature costs millions of Americans a very high price: increased poverty, public debt, and alienation. All others candidates favor maintaining the economically disastrous efforts of world policing. Keeping a strong military policing force is not the same as maintaining a strong national defense. Ron Paul knows this and wants the opportunity to help change course of America’s future.

If elected, Ron Paul will seek to right America’s wrongs with the goal of restoring America’s future.

Restore the American Republic to the American People


Restore the American Republic to the American People


Ron Paul Beats Santorum In Washington State, Trails Romney by 13 Points

Results of the Washington State Caucus reveal another win for Romney with 37.6% of the vote. Although Ron Paul trailed Romney by almost 12.8 points, Paul beat Rick Santorum. Paul got 24.8% of the vote while Santorum got 23.8.

On a different note, Newt Gingrich is leading the Republican preseidential contenders in Georgia polls.