Tag Archives: abortion

Ohio Right To Life-Definitions & Candidate Endorsements

On 2 November, Ohioans will elect or re-elect many state officials. From governor to state representatives and senators, those elected will influence the outcome of a number of important and on-going issues including education, economic growth, jobs, health care, and others. Most importantly, the furtherance of fundamental rights like freedom of religion, free speech and press, and the right to life will be effected by those who Ohioans elect to office. Along with powerful special interest groups like ACLU, ACORN, AFL-CIO, NEA, Chamber of Commerce, Tea Party, Ohio Right to Life (ORTL), elected officials and their party shape the definitions of our inherent and legal rights.

However, the right to life was defined at the founding of the United States. In the Declaration of Independence, the right to life was “endowed by our Creator” (God) as an unalienable right,” which means neither government nor any other authority has a right to deprive any citizen of it. The only exception was first delineated in the Declaration and reiterated in the 5th and 14th Amendments. Government only has authority to deprive citizens of life for a capital crime i.e., murder, treason, etc. after due process of law (trial by jury for such crime).

The word “life” implies all developmental stages including conception, birth, and the like. From a developmental point of view, abortion is the deprivation of human life, and the only reasonable exception is when a pregnancy actually threatens the life of a mother.

The unborn can commit no crime. And, even if a pregnant mother did commit a capital crime, the unborn human could not be charged as an accessory because a developing child could not be regarded as a member (limb) of the mother’s body. Although attached by cellular DNA and umbilical cord, the developing child is still a separate human.

The views of those elected concerning life and abortion are important to the future of our state and nation. It is important because all other rights are contingent upon the right to life. Democrats tend to favor the right to kill the unborn and many Republicans tend to oppose it. Many Democrats often qualify their position by claiming they want to make abortion rare while failing to pass relevant legislation to achieve that goal. To achieve such a goal, legislation would have to make abortion legal only for a narrowly defined set of exceptions. If Democrats passed such legislation, they would be opposed by a majority of the political Left. Yet, not all Republicans oppose abortion. Many are closet proponents. They get elected by either avoiding the topic or by promoting the party position.

One can only hope those political candidates endorsed by the Ohio Right to Life are genuinely pro-life. Nevertheless, the following list are those men and women who the OTRL believe will defend Ohioans right to life.

Executive Branch
John Kaisch for Governor
Jon Husted for Secretary of State
David Yost for Auditor of State
Mike Dewine for Attorney General
Josh Mandel for Treasurer of State

Supreme Court
Judith Lanzinger for Supreme Court
Mareen O’Connor for Supreme Court

Ohio House of Representatives – Greene County
Jarrod Martin (Beavercreek) District 70
Robert Hackett (Springfield) District 84

For other Ohio District Representatives and Senators, go to Ohio Votes For Life

The ORTL also endorses several candidates for the U.S. Congress. They include

Steve Austria (Beavercreek) for U.S. House of Representatives and
Rob Portman for U.S. Senate.

For more information, go to The Ohio Right to Life (ORTL) voter website at www.ohiovotesforlife.org.

New Government Report Shows Historically Low Abortions in Ohio

Abortions have reached an all-time low in Ohio, according to a report released by the Ohio Department of Health. The 2009 Report on Induced Abortions in Ohio shows a continued downward trend in the total number of abortions performed. The report shows 28,721 abortions were performed in 2009. This is a three percent decrease over the 2008 number of 29,613. The number of total abortions performed in Ohio has seen a decline annually since 2000 and a decrease of over 40% from the all time high number in the 1980s.

“We are winning the fight against those who push abortion as the first and sometimes only choice for women in crisis,” Ohio Right to Life Executive Director Mike Gonidakis said. “We continue to witness a trend of Ohioans moving towards a firm respect for life. One of the reasons for the continued decline in abortions has been the enactment of new laws which help young women make positive decisions for themselves and their babies. Whenever you have even the slightest legislative gain that protects women and defends her baby, it will make a difference,” said Gonidakis.

The report detailed demographic information regarding women obtaining abortions. Those statistics include:

* 18% of women were less than 20 years old;
* 34% were between 20 and 24 years old;
* 83% were unmarried;
* 41% were black;
* 64% of women having abortions had only a high school education or less; and,
* 36% of all abortions were reported in Cuyahoga County, the highest in the state.

“Ohio Right to Life is grateful for the annual decrease in Ohio abortions despite the state’s severe economic crisis,” Gonidakis said. “We will continue to promote life-affirming options including adoption and will work to increase awareness of the more than 130 pro-life pregnancy centers throughout Ohio.”

The 2009 abortion report can be reviewed in its entirety by visiting www.ohiolife.org.


Ohio Right to Life, the affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is a statewide, non-profit, non-sectarian educational organization. For more than 40 years, Ohio Right to Life continues to experience success in its mission to promote and protect life due to its dedicated board members, executive staff and affiliated chapters located throughout the state.

Pro-Lifers Will Fail Unless We Confront the ‘Corruption of Innocence’

By Patrick B. Craine

If the pro-life movement is to gain any headway, pro-life leaders must confront the root of the attack against the culture of life – the corruption of innocence through sex education and contraception, says Mercedes Arzu Wilson, founder and president of Family of the Americas and a pioneer in the natural family planning movement.

“We have been ignoring the root of the problem all these years,” says Wilson. “The diabolical forces don’t care how much we fight abortion, as long as you don’t touch the source that brings women to abort.”

According to Wilson, the source is the “corruption of innocence that eventually leads to the devaluation of human life, which is manifested through abortion and other sinful deeds.”

The “graphic sexuality ‘education’” taught by Planned Parenthood and its collaborators “is actually indoctrination,” she says. “We’re promoting all kinds of perversions to little children. … If parents really saw what is being taught to their children, they would be horrified.”

These programs encourage children to experiment sexually and purport to teach them methods of “safe sex,” she explained. By handing out or encouraging the use of condoms and the pill, she said the schools encourage a mentality that expects sex without procreation. When the contraceptives fail, abortion is used as the final solution.

“As long as pornographic sex information continues being taught in public and even Catholic schools, abortion will continue,” she said.

She noted further that two out of three women who obtain abortions were using contraception when they got pregnant. “Planned Parenthood knows that it’s not going to work, so they’re ready to offer the next service, which is induced abortion,” she said.

Far more abortions occur through contraception than induced abortion, she added, noting that the pill and other contraceptive methods are designed, in part, to kill the newly-conceived embryo by preventing implantation in his or her mother’s womb. “Why is it that so little effort is made to stop the widespread use of artificial methods of birth control that cause more abortions, and have been responsible for the moral decay worldwide?” she asked.

Wilson has been teaching natural family planning since 1968, and her organization, Family of the Americas, has been teaching her Ovulation Method since it was founded in 1977. Her book on the simple method, which is based on observing cervical mucus, has been translated into 23 languages. They are active in over 100 countries, including China, where their method is being promoted by the government.

According to Wilson, pro-life approaches that focus strictly on abortion and ignore sex ed and contraception will fail because they are missing the root of the problem. “If you don’t go back to the source, you’re wasting your time,” she said. “They will be fighting abortion for the rest of their lives.”

Originally published by LiteSiteNews.com, October 1, 2010.

Lee Fisher Strategizes with Planned Parenthood

Lee Fisher, U.S. Senate candidate, has been a loud, steady voice for abortion throughout his years in the public eye. On Friday, September 17th, Mr. Fisher is scheduled to join Cecile Richards, President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, for a conference call open to the public. Ms. Richards will be in Ohio for the day, with the call scheduled for 1:30 p.m.

During the conference call, Fisher’s campaign plans to talk about “Lee’s progressive vision for Ohio and the country, the path to victory, and how voters sustained energy and involvement will put Lee Fisher across the finish line on November 2nd.”

Pro-lifers, however, would like to ask Mr. Fisher and Ms. Richards to discuss the increasing number of abortions performed in Fisher’s home county, Cuyahoga, and what they have been doing to decrease those numbers.

Sadly, Cuyahoga County consistently boasts the state’s highest numbers of abortions performed annually. In 2008, there were 10,038 abortions performed in Cuyahoga County-more than double the numbers in Franklin County (Columbus) and Hamilton County (Cincinnati).

It seems that Mr. Fisher believes that good healthcare means partnering with Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider in the country. What do Ms. Richards and Planned Parenthood have to say about the alarming numbers of abortions performed in Mr. Fisher’s home Cuyahoga County?

Join the call to ask Mr. Fisher and Ms. Richards what they are doing to end the alarming number of abortions happening right here in Cuyahoga county. To RSVP, click on the following link: http://action.fisherforohio.com/signup_page/cecilerichards

Source: Ohio Right to Life, September 16, 2010

Planned Parenthood, Legislator Defend Massive Overbilling Practices in California

In new comments about a case pending in federal court showing how California Planned Parenthood massively overbilled the state on the purchase of birth control for poor residents, the abortion business and a state legislator are defending its actions — that could cost it federal funding.

P. Victor Gonzalez, the former Chief Financial Officer for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles saw millions in fraudulent overbilling to state and federal governments and was subsequently fired when he blew the whistle.

He filed a lawsuit that a lower court dismissed but a federal appeals court, in July, reinstated.

Gonzalez says his own internal audit estimates that Planned Parenthood overcharged California taxpayers for purchasing birth control by at least $180 million.

A new Fox news report indicates he also found $5.2 million in overbilling at one Planned Parenthood affiliate in San Diego alone and he says Planned Parenthood officials intervened to prevent internal audits.

While other public health facilities and private facilities charged the state between $8 and $9 for a cycle of birth control pills, Planned Parenthood charged almost $12. The Planned Parenthood charge to the California government was several times more than it paid for the drugs originally.

In one case Fox News highlighted yesterday in its report, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles paid $225,695.65 for Ortho Tri-Cyclen birth control pills but billed the state government more than $918,000.

Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California defends the practice in comments to the news outlet.

“The allegations in the lawsuit are false and were addressed by the State of California long ago,” it says. “The California State Legislature passed a law in 2004 making it clear that the billing practices at issue in the case are completely permissible.”

Former Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth Jackson was the sponsor of the law — which came in response to reports of the overbilling instead of fines or charges for those involved in defrauding the government — and she defending the practice to Fox News as one of “access,” saying Planned Parenthood could never afford to give birth control to poor women of California without overcharging the state when it sought Medi-Cal refunds.

Though Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California dismisses the lawsuit and questions about it, the national Planned Parenthood abortion business is apparently more concerned.

The regional affiliate of Planned Parenthood where teenager Holly Patterson died from using the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug first lost its affiliation with Planned Parenthood in early August because of significant financial mismanagement.

Earlier this month, the New York Times released a new report showing Planned Parenthood Golden Gate faces an audit from the criminal division of the Internal Revenue Service.

The report detailed how an unnamed former employee interviewed with the Oakland field office of the IRS on Tuesday in response to a complaint he lodged with the governmental agency.

The employee, who would not let the Times name him for fear of his future job prospects, said he filed a two-part complaint about the abortion business’ problematic relationship with its political arm and about financial problems at the abortion business.

The overbilling problems also extend to Planned Parenthood centers in New Jersey.

The U.S. Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services uncovered a consistent problem with New Jersey-based family planning clinics run by the Planned Parenthood abortion business. They were found to be improperly billing Medicaid for services that did not qualify as family planning.

New Jersey authorities were sent letters in July 2007, June 2008 and August 2008 notifying them of the problems and requesting action to correct the errors. The reports found billing errors from February 1, 2001 through January 31, 2005.

An initial audit revealed New Jersey improperly received federal reimbursement at the enhanced 90% rate for 160,955 prescription drug claims that were billed as family planning, but did not qualify as family planning services. A letter from the Inspector General to New Jersey officials recommended that New Jersey repay $2,219,746 to the federal government.

The state eventually returned $2.9 million to the federal government last month.

Also, pro-life advocates say they believe Planned Parenthood in Iowa is overbilling the state for “bilking insurance companies out of grossly inflated fees.”

Operation Rescue revealed Planned Parenthood is charging insurance companies $1,000 for the drug-induced abortion process even though the overhead costs for the abortion are lower with the abortion practitioner off site via telemed abortions.

This overbilling effectively drives up the cost of health insurance for everyone, its president, Troy Newman, contends.

“Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is making a killing on medical abortions,” he said. “Planned Parenthood is gouging insurance companies twice the price of their cash abortions. That’s how they can afford to keep their smaller clinics running.”

“And if taxpayers are forced to fund these abortions, there’s no telling how much they will charge, because government funding is a blank check,” he added.

Source: LifeNews.com, September 10, 2010.

Ohio Republicans Ask Gov. Strickland to Stop Abortion Funding in Health Care

In the wake of a dustup last week that saw pro-life groups uncover how the Obama administration planned to fund abortions in new high risk health insurance programs created by the new federal health care program, Republicans in Ohio have asked Gov. Ted Strickland to make sure there is no funding.

Ohio’s Republican congressional delegate today wrote a letter to Strickland asking him to ensure Ohio does not go down the same road as Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Maryland.

The National Right to Life Committee uncovered how those three states planned to use federal taxpayer dollars for abortions, and now the Obama administration has promised that will not happen.

The signers acknowledged the new promise to make sure the high risk pools cover only abortions allowed under the Hyde Amendment.

However, since the amendment does not apply to the new health care program Obama signed into law, they asked for Strickland to make sure Ohio doesn’t fund abortions since their is no formal prohibition of it in place federally.

“We are urging you to assure Ohioans that the final plan our state will submit to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will not include elective abortion as a taxpayer-funded benefit,” they write in the new letter, according to a report in The Hill.

Their letter went on to say: “Furthermore we respectfully request that you direct the Ohio Department of Insurance to thoroughly review its negotiations with the third-party provider your administration designated to run Ohio’s high-risk pool plan to ensure that the use of federal funds to perform abortions is clearly and definitively prohibited under any coverage.”

House Minority Leader John Boehner signed the letter along with Reps. Steven LaTourette, Patrick Tiberi, Jean Schmidt, Michael Turner, Jim Jordan, Robert Latta and Steve Austria, The Hill indicated.

Source: LifeNews.com, July 19, 2010.

World Population Day “Everyone Counts” Theme Should Include Unborn Children

by Scott Fischbach

Nations throughout the world will celebrate World Population Day Sunday, July 11, with the theme, “Everyone Counts.” Established in 1989 by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Population Day calls attention to urgent global issues.

MCCL GO is pleased to see the United Nations express concern for the lives of every human being. People in many parts of the world are suffering from lack of food, water, health care and other essentials to life. One of the worst threats humans face, however, is that of being killed by abortion before they are even born.

The UNFPA is “an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity.”

The UNFPA’s stated goals are to advance “policies and programs to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.” In the pursuit of these goals, the lives of unborn children must not be forgotten.

The rights of unborn children have been clearly delineated in United Nations documents. For example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Dec. 10, 1948) includes life as a universal right:

Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (Nov. 20, 1989, General Assembly Resolution 44) states the following:
Bearing in mind that, as indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, “the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth” (emphasis added).

Article 6
States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life.
States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.

The destruction of human life by abortion is the greatest human rights struggle of our time. The World Health Organization estimates that 42 million abortions are performed worldwide each year—a profound violation of the equal dignity and rights of human beings. The destruction of unborn human life is in direct opposition to the “Everyone Counts” belief fostered by World Population Day.

As the UNFPA seeks an all-inclusive approach to addressing the concerns of human life, MCCL GO calls for renewed recognition of unborn children as essential members of the human family. Real progress in lifting people out of extreme poverty and suffering will never be achieved without guaranteeing the right to life for all human beings, before as well as after birth.

Scott Fischbach is the executive director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life and oversees MCCL Go, its international outreach

SourceLifeNews.com, July, 9, 2010

Ohio Senate Passes Bill on Judicial Bypass of Parental Consent for Abortion

On May 27, 2010, the Ohio Senate voted 22 to 11 to pass S.B. 242, a bill to revise the process of judicial bypass under Ohio’s Parental Consent for Abortion statute.

Under federal court rulings, parental consent statutes must permit a minor girl to “bypass” the parental consent requirement by convincing a juvenile judge either: 1) that she is mature and well enough informed to decide whether to have an abortion; or 2) that the abortion is in her best interests.

S. B. 242, which is sponsored by Sen. Tim Grendell (R, Chesterland) and Sen. Karen Gillmor (R, Tiffin), addresses the fact that some judges are giving virtual “rubber-stamp” approval to these judicial bypass requests. In a 2008 Columbus Dispatch article on bypass hearings, one Franklin County judge indicated that she had never denied a bypass request and another judge stated that she had denied only one request. A 2003 Akron Beacon Journal survey found a bypass approval rate of either 86% or 92% (the latter when a county that lumped voluntary dismissals with denials was excluded).

S.B. 242 would require:

• that the girl must prove her case by “clear and convincing evidence”;

• that the judge ask about the girl’s understanding of the possible physical and emotional complications of abortion and what she would do if she experienced such complications; and

• that the judge ask about the extent that the girl has been “prepped” about how to answer questions and what testimony to give at the bypass hearing.

“We are pleased that the Ohio Senate has recognized that abortion can have serious life-changing effects on a young girl,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life. “S.B. 242 would require that, before cutting a girl’s parents out of the abortion decision, a judge must make sure that the girl understands the possible negative effects of abortion. It would also require the judge to determine whether the girl’s testimony really reflected her maturity or the ‘coaching’ of others,” Gonidakis said.

The bill now goes to the Ohio House of Representatives.

Ohio Senators voting the pro-life position for S.B. 242 were: Steve Buehrer; John Carey; Gary Cates; Kevin Coughlin; Keith Faber; Bob Gibbs; Karen Gillmor; David Goodman; Tim Grendell; Bill Harris; Jim Hughes; Jon Husted; Shannon Jones; Tom Niehaus; Tom Patton; Tim Schaffer; Kirk Schuring; Bill Seitz; Jimmy Stewart; Mark Wagoner; Chris Widener; and Jason Wilson. (22)

Ohio Senators voting the pro-abortion position against S.B. 242 were: Capri Cafaro; Teresa Fedor; Eric Kearney; Dale Miller; Ray Miller; Sue Morano; Tom Sawyer; Joe Schiavoni; Shirley Smith; Fred Strahorn; and Nina Turner. (11)

Source: Ohio Right to Life, May 27, 2010.

Report Finds Women Who Refuse Abortions Often Face Violent Attacks, Death

By Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com Editor

Women who refuse requests from their husbands or boyfriends to have abortions are often finding themselves subject to violent attacks that sometimes result in their deaths. That’s the finding of a new report from the Elliot Institute, which calls the problem a “widespread epidemic.”

The new report, Forced Abortion in America, is drawing attention to attacks on pregnant women and girls in order to prevent them from continuing their pregnancies.

It points out a “widespread epidemic of unwanted, coerced and forced abortions taking place in the United States.”
The report notes how research suggests most abortions are likely unwanted or coerced, with one survey of women who had abortions finding that 64 percent said they felt pressured by others to abort.

The same survey found 80 percent of women said they did not receive the counseling they needed to make a decision — even though more than half said they felt rushed or uncertain about the abortion.

The consequences for those who refuse abortion can be dangerous and even deadly, according to the report, which details cases of women and girls facing violent attacks or murder for resisting abortion.

Studies of death rates among pregnant women in the U.S. have found that homicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women, the authors say.

The cases detailed in the report represent only a fraction of the more than 200 cases the Elliot Institute has on file of women and girls being attacked or killed with the intent of getting rid of the pregnancy. The updated report contains new cases as well as a new special section on teens and forced abortion.

Among the new cases added to the report:

* A Kansas man and his wife were convicted of sexual abuse after the man raped his stepdaughters over a several year period, resulting in four pregnancies and at least one abortion, performed on an 11-year-old. The case was reported to authorities by a pro-life organization after one of the girls visited their office seeking an abortion; the group says that the abortion business did the abortion without informing authorities of any suspected abuse.

* Two Ohio teenagers were convicted for kidnapping and assaulting a pregnant teen, killing her unborn child. Police said one of the boys thought he had fathered the child, and the two hit the teen and kicked her the abdomen to cause the death of her 8-month-old unborn child. One of them allegedly told her that she should have gotten an abortion, and that “now your baby is going to die.” DNA tests showed the teen was not the father.

* A man was sentenced to 9 years in prison for secretly giving his wife an abortion-inducing drug after she refused to abort. The woman secretly taped him admitting to giving her the drug but trying to convince her that she really wanted to have an abortion.

* A high school junior was beaten to death by her 22-year-old boyfriend after she refused to have an abortion. According to police, the man hit the teen at least four times on the head with a bat and admitted he did not want her to have the baby. He pleaded guilty after leading police to the girl’s body, which he had buried under leaves in the woods. The man was sentenced to 22 years to life in prison.

“Our files contain hundreds of stories from women and girls who were attacked or killed with the intent of getting rid of the pregnancy,” said Elliot Institute spokesperson Amy Sobie.

She told LifeNews.com, “We’ve been collecting these stories for more than six years through mainstream media sources and pro-life organizations who have been diligently reporting on these kinds of cases. The information is out there, but many people aren’t aware of what might be going on in their own communities.”

Sobie said people might not immediately connect this with abortion because in many cases the woman or girl never makes it to an abortion center — she’s attacked or killed before she even gets there.

“In our opinion, the availability of abortion makes it easier for those around her to think that she shouldn’t be having this baby, and gives those with an interest in getting rid of the unborn child a justification for doing so,” she said.

Some of the new cases included in the report involve assailants using abortifacients or other drugs to secretly induce an abortion. For example, in several cases the attackers secretly put the RU-486 abortion drug in their wives’ or girlfriends’ food or drink with the intent of killing the unborn child.

In addition to destroying the life of the unborn child and subjecting the mother to the emotional trauma of the loss of her child, these attacks may also put the mother at risk of physical problems without her being aware of it. Side effects of RU-486 include hemorrhaging, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, painful cramping, heart problems, infections and death of the mother.

And the availability of the drug may make it easier for those who want to cause an abortion to do so without the need to use pressure, intimidation or force to get the mother to an abortion business — putting more women and girls at risk.

Other new cases focus on pregnancy discrimination by employers, schools and others that can make women feel they have no choice but to abort.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics found that student athletes conceal pregnancy, feel forced into abortion or fear losing financial aid because of pregnancy, which could jeopardize their ability to stay in school.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently settled cases with two large U.S. companies for refusing to hire a pregnant applicant and firing an employee who became pregnant.

“Pressure may also come from bosses, school counselors and others who see a pregnancy as a threat to the woman’s ability to do her job or continue her education,” Sobie said. “The EEOC has reported an increase in the number of pregnancy discrimination complaints filed against employees, and a number of large companies have settled or are facing lawsuits over claims they fired or demoted female workers who became pregnant.”

Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon said that cases of women being pressured, threatened, or subjected to violence if they refuse to abort are not unusual. He pointed out that studies have shown that homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women in the U.S. and that women in abusive relationships are at risk for increased violence during pregnancy.

“In many of the cases documented for this report, police and witnesses reported that acts of violence and murder took place after the woman refused to abort or because the attacker didn’t want the pregnancy,” he said. “Even if a woman isn’t physically threatened, she often faces intense pressure, abandonment, lack of support, or emotional blackmail if she doesn’t abort. While abortion is often described as a ‘choice,’ women who’ve been there tell a very different story.”

Reardon said the report underscores the need for legislation, like that recently passed in Nebraska, holding abortion businesses liable for failing to screen women for evidence of coercion or pressure to abort and to direct them to people and resources that can help them.

“Too often, abortion clinics and others simply assume that if a woman is coming for an abortion, it is her free choice,” he said. “This ‘no questions asked’ policy is especially harmful to those in abusive situations, including young girls who are victims of sexual predators. Women should not be forced into unwanted abortions and subjected to violence or pressure from others.”

Link: www.lifenews.com/nat6356.html

Eugenics in 2010: Obamacare Cost-Cutting Genetic Discrimination

In the March 31st edition of LifeNews, Kristan Hawkins, executive director of Students for Life, wrote how Obamacare further the eugenics the Left introduced in the United States through abortion.

Hawkins interest in the current health care reform stems from her infant son’s battle with Cystic fibrosis, an expensive-to-treat and fatal genetic disease. Obamacare threatens to ration top notch healthcare for children like her son.

The question is does she have any support for her concern?

The following quote is from her LifeNews article:

A week before the doomed healthcare vote, Representative Bart Stupak (D-MI) admitted to the National Review Online that Congressional Democrats argued that passing his pro-life amendment which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion will result in more children and therefore higher healthcare costs. They’re saying: “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more.”

This argument isn’t new but in fact is the same old 1970’s argument that John Holdren (the President’s Science Czar) used when saying that the more people there are, the less food there will be. This 1970’s argument has been regurgitated in 2010 with a healthcare slant: the more people, the less healthcare available for you and me.

Democrats in Congress know that incentivizing abortions by making them cheaper and more accessible will lead to higher abortion rates costing less healthcare dollars and making those limited funds available for some other person.

When the state is involved in the cost of healthcare, it knows that it is dealing with scare resources and that rationing will have to occur. This fact has already been reiterated multiple times by President Obama’s Comparative Effectiveness Research Council appointee and brother to his Chief-of-Staff, Dr. Zeke Emanuel.

Emanuel admitted in The Lancet medical journal last January that cost-cutting measures in healthcare reform are merely “lipstick” and rationing will have to occur in any government healthcare system.

He even went so far as to describe his ideal rationing plan where those at the beginning and end of life would receive 2nd tier healthcare when scarcity develops. In the article, he further talks about his sense of “communitarianism” and how those who are unproductive members of society are a burden and healthcare dollars could be best spent elsewhere. Bottom line Message: We only want the “genetically” superior people and less is better.

To Dr. Emanuel, my son Gunner is an excess burden on society.

Yet, he has been appointed by President Obama to serve on the President’s Comparative Effectiveness Research Council, the body that will make “recommendations” to doctors as to how to treat their patients in the most cost-effective way.

Today, new advances being made with prenatal genetic testing aren’t for the benefit of the family, but for the destruction of the pre-born child within the mother. The ability to diagnose diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, and others while the child is still in the womb means a greater chance a woman will be encouraged and pressured to abort, thus limiting that child’s “burden” on society.

It is shocking what you find if you Google search the phrase “cost benefit analysis of prenatal testing” and read the medical journal articles (especially those coming out of Europe on this issue).

Now that Obamacare has passed, will prenatal genetic tests eventually move from being voluntary to mandatory, in the name of cost-savings? Down the road, will abortions be encouraged by the state or even forced on those children who will have special needs or will need life-long medical care?

Further, what will happen to children to who are born with costly diseases? Will they receive the best medical care or just enough to “make them comfortable?” Today, in America, this rationing is already happening to many babies born with Trisomy 18 and 13, as parents have gone on the record proving medical doctors told them they had to think about “resources” when making the decision as to how to treat their children. Thankfully, the cases today aren’t uniform but the misjudgment of one or two doctors. What will happen if people like Dr. Emanuel are writing the guidelines of care for all doctors?

Let me offer some additional observations.

Obamacare as depicted above is a cost-benefit application of Darwin’s survival of the fittest, but one imposed by the socialist state. This is not much different than Hilter’s Darwinian-based eugenic program to create a superior Aryan race. The difference is not in principle but rather one of goal. Unlike Hitler, the goal of the socialist Left may not be creating the perfect race. Their goal may be more practical: Forcing on America one world socialism–their version of perfect economics and governance.

Now, that the courts and Left have declared abortion is a Constitutional right with many true believers, the Left funded by those like billionaire Soros and led by Pelosi, Reed, and Obama are seeking to further the original agenda of creating the Great Society by bankrupting the nation while promising to decrease the budget at the great expense of more innocent lives. (Remember, the reason for the Great Recession was over-indebtedness.)

The loud proponents of anti-discrimination it turns out are the most hideous of discriminators. They obstruct the right to life because they are fully prejudiced against any who they deem unworthy of it. Just as the CIA has been used to destroy uncooperative regimes, the Left uses courts and deceit to convince the masses that killing the unwanted is a right to the good life. Irresponsibility, immorality and killing is part of the Left’s definition of freedom. Freedom has thus been perverted for the benefit of killing those who may cost the socialist state too much money.

Yet, no one seems to question whether the genetic diseases of those like Hawkin’s son, Gunner, who will be discriminated against are preventable. That is, are they merely the result of genetic accidents or are they induced by a polluted environment, contaminated food, stress resulting from an unjust political economy, or other factors?
If the later, one solution maybe be in public policy that is based on a holistic view of the common good for all citizens rather than imposing ideological party or special interest agendas though piecemeal problem solving policies.