Tag Archives: Pentagon

Rep. Steve Austria Commission On WPAFB Contracting With Local Business

In a recent Dayton Daily News report, Rep. Steve Austria announced the formation of a local commission to study ways to improve contracting relations of area business with Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

The goal of commission of 20 regional industry, academic, and government leaders is to study WPAFB is to find ways to assist area business win more contracts. Another goal is assist the Pentagon with its plan to identify and hire defense contractor employees in order to expand its work force of contracting specialists for acquiring aircraft, weapons and services.

The completion of the commission’s study is expected to take about 5 months. Austria plans to share the final report with the community.

The news report failed to mention is goal of helping the business community take full advantage of the huge government stimulus under HR 1 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 being used to fund new building programs at federal institutions like Wright Patterson AFB and the Veteran’s Administration Hospitals.