Greene County Traffic Fatalities Update

The Greene County Safe Communities program reports that as of July 24th, 2012, there have been a total of eight (8) traffic fatalities in Greene County. This compares with a total of eleven (11) traffic deaths for the entire year of 2011.

The top five (5) causes for the majority of these crashes that have resulted in death and/or injury in Greene County are following too closely, failure to yield, failure to control, improper lane change and distractions (i.e. cell phone use/texting). These deaths, while tragic, and injuries sustained were all preventable. Please…park your phone, avoid all distractions, drive sober and obey all traffic signs and signals. The Safe Communities coalition will continue to work with schools, businesses and the general public to provide educational materials and information to keep Greene County citizens safe on the roadways.

The safety of our Greene County residents while they are traveling on the roads is our biggest concern. As we are now on the backside of summer, heading into the fall and winter months, Safe Communities would like to remind all drivers to buckle up, park your phone and drive responsibly or secure a designated driver. Someone cares about you and your life is worth saving!

The Safe Communities program was developed to help communities decrease traffic injuries and deaths, increase safety awareness, decrease the amount of money spent on traffic-related injuries, and increase the number of people involved in keeping communities safe.

The next meeting of the Greene County Safe Communities Coalition is Wednesday, September 26th, 9 a.m. at the Greene County Combined Health District in Xenia with a presentation from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) on “The Power of Parents”. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Laurie Fox at 937-374-5669 or email

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