As reported by the Dayton Daily News, Ohio leads the nation with 274 sewer projects being funded by stimulus dollars. Ohio also ranked third with 62 drinking water projects.
“All told, 700 jobs are being created or retained with the work, officials said. A little more than $279 million in stimulus funds are matched with $196.1 million of low-interest loan money for the projects.”
The inference here is that it takes a little over $678,000 to keep 700 water works and construction workers employed. The report did mention for how long.
At one point, City of Xenia officials thought they might be able to get stimulus funds to repair a retaining wall at Shawnee Park. I’m sure that would also retain a few workers as well.
I must confess the recent repair of the big hole in front of the sewer on my block was appreciated. If it were not for the multi-billion dollar tax bill at the stimulus gold rush I would hope it was paid for by Obama and Company. It’s that bankrupting stimulus repayment that is too frightening to garnish any confidence in a genuine financial recovery.