Open letter to Citizens for Community Values

Mr. Phil Burress/Mr. Seth Morgan,

Seth, from your letter, can I assume Ron Paul was not “seriously considered” by those attended the Christian evangelical endorsement meeting in Texas. Was Dr. Paul even invited? If you intentionally excluded him, you are doing so at the peril of future generations of Americans. There is no candidate more conservatuive than Ron Paul, and what sets him apart from the other candidates is his advocacy for the Constitution and individual rights, not to mention the tried and true Republican value that individuals should be personally responsible for the consequences of their actions. I know there are a lot of folks from the right and left who want to dictate the behavior of others, but you can’t have it both ways. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the Founders believed that as long as we do not infringe upon the rights of others, the government has no business in our personal affairs.

And to speak to electability…….did you know that Ron Paul finished 2nd in the New Hampshire Democrat primary! Imagine the draw he would have on Independents and Democrats in the general election where no voters are compelled to vote for their own-party candidates.


John Mitchel, LtCol, USAF (Ret)

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