Category Archives: research

Rep. Steve Austria on Blue Ribbon Commission

It is important now, more than ever, to focus on how our region can be more competitive and bring additional jobs to Ohio. This week,  I joined members of the Blue Ribbon Commission at a meeting held at Wright State University. I appointed the commission to examine how local companies and universities can better position themselves to win more contracts, create more jobs and support Wright Patterson Air Force Base, one of the largest single site employers in the state. It is made up of a broad cross-section of talented and energetic community leaders who have extensive experience both inside and outside the fence, including business leaders and individuals in academia.

When the commission was formed, members were tasked with submitting their recommendations for increasing the number of contracts awarded to local companies, in turn creating more private-sector jobs in the area that can be sustained for years to come. They were asked to look into a wide variety of issues including identifying any impediments to local companies and determining the best business model to receive contracts.

The commission has completed its work and identified 18 specific ways we can enhance regional economic opportunities through partnerships with the business community, academia and government in the Dayton area. John McCance, who is retired Air Force, and Gary Kowal, who has several years of experience in defense contracting, served as co-chairs of the Blue Ribbon Commission and presented the commission’s findings, conclusions and recommendations to the public. Some recommendations highlighted in the report include,

* Utilize social media (a website, or collaborative networking site) to house centralized information to include such items as a calendar of events; detailed information on government requirements; prime/sub contractor opportunities and links to related informational sites.

* Leverage the region’s engineering capabilities and skill base to accelerate subcontractor opportunities with large defense contractors who are involved in the research, development and manufacture of weapon systems acquired by WPAFB.

* Publish the “Corporate Development Education Framework” as a tool to help beginning, intermediate and advanced businesses assess their government contracting maturity and identify areas for improvement.

* Establish a centralized electronic capability for local area businesses having service, R&D, manufacturing, and other capabilities to provide detailed information about their qualifications, capacity and contact information and have it indexed by product and service.

* Encourage the State of Ohio and local governments to support a program, similar to the State of Utah, which provides funded support in the areas of opportunity assessment, strategy, proposal development, contract negotiations, capture and program support.

* Provide access to additional resources and training in the area of proposal writing and preparation.

Church attendance up in 2010

Gallup has recorded small upticks in churchgoing over the past two years. The latest poll found that 43.1 percent of Americans reported weekly or almost weekly church attendance, up from 42.1 percent in 2008.

Though a small increase, Gallup noted that it is “statistically significant,” considering the data is based on more than 800,000 interviews collected between February 2008 and May 2010.

Respondents were asked to report on how often they attend church, synagogue, or mosque.

Thirty-five percent said they attend at least once a week and eight percent said they go almost every week. Meanwhile, 11 percent said they only go once a month, 25 percent listed “seldom” church attendance and 20 percent said they never attend.

The most dedicated churchgoers, according to the Gallup organization, are conservatives, non-hispanic blacks, and Republicans. Those least likely to attend church at least once a week or almost every week are liberals, Asians, and those aged 18 to 29 years.

Overall, church attendance is increasing in America and Gallup does not believe it is tied to economic woes.

“The increase comes as Americans’ economic confidence has also risen, suggesting that, instead of church attendance rising when economic times get bad, as some theorize, the opposite pattern may be occurring,” the research organization stated.

A 2009 Gallup poll had discovered no evident change in church attendance during the economic recession, particularly between 2008 and 2009. Though many Americans were negative about the economy, there were also no significant changes in the percentages of Americans who said religion is important to them.

Gallup noted that the rising church attendance could be a result of demographics. Americans who are 65 years old and older are more likely to attend church than those who are younger. Baby boomers, who are now entering their 60s, are beginning to enter the age range that traditionally has been associated with higher religious service participation. And if baby boomers do in fact attend church more frequently as they age, Gallup expects church attendance to increase steadily in the years ahead.

Source: Christian Post, June 29, 2010

Kettering Health Network Among Top 10 In Nation

The Kettering Health Network was awarded a spot among the top ten health network by Thomson Reuters. In their annual health system benchmark study of all hospitals. The top 100 hospitals are selected to establish benchmark standards for hospitals. Out of the top 100 hospitals, the nation’s 10 health networks with the highest benchmarks were chosen.

The winners of this award outperformed their peers by providing better care, following standards of care more closely, saving more lives, creating fewer patient complications, making fewer patient safety errors, and earning better overall patient satisfaction scores.

This year’s top health systems had

* 12.3% fewer mortalities
* 13.2% fewer complications
* 5.4% better patient safety than their peers
* Patients returning home sooner — with an average length of stay more than half a day shorter than at similar systems — and with better longer-term outcomes.

One member of the Kettering Health Network is Greene Memorial Hospital located here in Xenia.

Source: Ohio Hospital Association, June 25, 2010 and Thomson Reuters

Rasmussen Reports Memorial Day Tribute

This Memorial Day, nearly three-out-of-four Americans (74%) have a favorable opinion of the U.S. military, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 12% hold an unfavorable opinion, and 13% are not sure.

These figures have held steady for the past two years.

Thirty-five percent (35%) of adults say they have a relative or close friend currently serving our country in Iraq or Afghanistan, down nine points from a year ago.

Forty percent (40%) also say they’ve lost a relative or close friend who gave their life while serving in the military. Fifty-two percent (52%) have not lost a relative or close friend in the line of duty, but eight percent (8%) more are not sure.

Just 14% of adults say they have served in the military. Eighty-four percent (84%) have not. Men are nearly five times as likely to have served in the military than women. Americans age 50 and older have a much higher level of military service than those who are younger. Republicans are slightly more likely to have served than Democrats and adults not affiliated with either major party.

Republicans also view the military more favorably than Democrats and unaffiliateds.

Commentary: Even though 84% of American have never served in the military, over 74% are supportive view because friends and loved ones are serving or have served. In spite many who have lost loved one because of military conflict, most Americans still highly regard that service. The high level of support then must be related to the positive views of those who service to our military are reflected by most Americans. As noted above, the variations of approval and esteem are not so much the military and its service but partisan politics and related ideologies.

Rasmussen Reports, May 29, 2010.

Report Finds Women Who Refuse Abortions Often Face Violent Attacks, Death

By Steven Ertelt, Editor

Women who refuse requests from their husbands or boyfriends to have abortions are often finding themselves subject to violent attacks that sometimes result in their deaths. That’s the finding of a new report from the Elliot Institute, which calls the problem a “widespread epidemic.”

The new report, Forced Abortion in America, is drawing attention to attacks on pregnant women and girls in order to prevent them from continuing their pregnancies.

It points out a “widespread epidemic of unwanted, coerced and forced abortions taking place in the United States.”
The report notes how research suggests most abortions are likely unwanted or coerced, with one survey of women who had abortions finding that 64 percent said they felt pressured by others to abort.

The same survey found 80 percent of women said they did not receive the counseling they needed to make a decision — even though more than half said they felt rushed or uncertain about the abortion.

The consequences for those who refuse abortion can be dangerous and even deadly, according to the report, which details cases of women and girls facing violent attacks or murder for resisting abortion.

Studies of death rates among pregnant women in the U.S. have found that homicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women, the authors say.

The cases detailed in the report represent only a fraction of the more than 200 cases the Elliot Institute has on file of women and girls being attacked or killed with the intent of getting rid of the pregnancy. The updated report contains new cases as well as a new special section on teens and forced abortion.

Among the new cases added to the report:

* A Kansas man and his wife were convicted of sexual abuse after the man raped his stepdaughters over a several year period, resulting in four pregnancies and at least one abortion, performed on an 11-year-old. The case was reported to authorities by a pro-life organization after one of the girls visited their office seeking an abortion; the group says that the abortion business did the abortion without informing authorities of any suspected abuse.

* Two Ohio teenagers were convicted for kidnapping and assaulting a pregnant teen, killing her unborn child. Police said one of the boys thought he had fathered the child, and the two hit the teen and kicked her the abdomen to cause the death of her 8-month-old unborn child. One of them allegedly told her that she should have gotten an abortion, and that “now your baby is going to die.” DNA tests showed the teen was not the father.

* A man was sentenced to 9 years in prison for secretly giving his wife an abortion-inducing drug after she refused to abort. The woman secretly taped him admitting to giving her the drug but trying to convince her that she really wanted to have an abortion.

* A high school junior was beaten to death by her 22-year-old boyfriend after she refused to have an abortion. According to police, the man hit the teen at least four times on the head with a bat and admitted he did not want her to have the baby. He pleaded guilty after leading police to the girl’s body, which he had buried under leaves in the woods. The man was sentenced to 22 years to life in prison.

“Our files contain hundreds of stories from women and girls who were attacked or killed with the intent of getting rid of the pregnancy,” said Elliot Institute spokesperson Amy Sobie.

She told, “We’ve been collecting these stories for more than six years through mainstream media sources and pro-life organizations who have been diligently reporting on these kinds of cases. The information is out there, but many people aren’t aware of what might be going on in their own communities.”

Sobie said people might not immediately connect this with abortion because in many cases the woman or girl never makes it to an abortion center — she’s attacked or killed before she even gets there.

“In our opinion, the availability of abortion makes it easier for those around her to think that she shouldn’t be having this baby, and gives those with an interest in getting rid of the unborn child a justification for doing so,” she said.

Some of the new cases included in the report involve assailants using abortifacients or other drugs to secretly induce an abortion. For example, in several cases the attackers secretly put the RU-486 abortion drug in their wives’ or girlfriends’ food or drink with the intent of killing the unborn child.

In addition to destroying the life of the unborn child and subjecting the mother to the emotional trauma of the loss of her child, these attacks may also put the mother at risk of physical problems without her being aware of it. Side effects of RU-486 include hemorrhaging, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, painful cramping, heart problems, infections and death of the mother.

And the availability of the drug may make it easier for those who want to cause an abortion to do so without the need to use pressure, intimidation or force to get the mother to an abortion business — putting more women and girls at risk.

Other new cases focus on pregnancy discrimination by employers, schools and others that can make women feel they have no choice but to abort.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics found that student athletes conceal pregnancy, feel forced into abortion or fear losing financial aid because of pregnancy, which could jeopardize their ability to stay in school.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently settled cases with two large U.S. companies for refusing to hire a pregnant applicant and firing an employee who became pregnant.

“Pressure may also come from bosses, school counselors and others who see a pregnancy as a threat to the woman’s ability to do her job or continue her education,” Sobie said. “The EEOC has reported an increase in the number of pregnancy discrimination complaints filed against employees, and a number of large companies have settled or are facing lawsuits over claims they fired or demoted female workers who became pregnant.”

Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon said that cases of women being pressured, threatened, or subjected to violence if they refuse to abort are not unusual. He pointed out that studies have shown that homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women in the U.S. and that women in abusive relationships are at risk for increased violence during pregnancy.

“In many of the cases documented for this report, police and witnesses reported that acts of violence and murder took place after the woman refused to abort or because the attacker didn’t want the pregnancy,” he said. “Even if a woman isn’t physically threatened, she often faces intense pressure, abandonment, lack of support, or emotional blackmail if she doesn’t abort. While abortion is often described as a ‘choice,’ women who’ve been there tell a very different story.”

Reardon said the report underscores the need for legislation, like that recently passed in Nebraska, holding abortion businesses liable for failing to screen women for evidence of coercion or pressure to abort and to direct them to people and resources that can help them.

“Too often, abortion clinics and others simply assume that if a woman is coming for an abortion, it is her free choice,” he said. “This ‘no questions asked’ policy is especially harmful to those in abusive situations, including young girls who are victims of sexual predators. Women should not be forced into unwanted abortions and subjected to violence or pressure from others.”


State (& Local) Tax Revenue Decline : A Perspective

By Daniel Downs

A new state revenue report by the Tax Foundation came our yesterday. The report entitled “State Revenue Changes from 2008 to 2009” reveals Ohio tax revenues declined 8.7 percent the period assessed. Ohio ranked 28 which amounted to 2/10 of a percent below the national average of 8.9 percent.

Alaska suffered the highest percent of revenue decline at 51.9 percent. The next highest was Arizona at 19.7 percent, followed by California at 15 percent, and then Idaho at 14.1 percent. The state with the highest percent of tax revenue gain was Wyoming at 13.9 percent, followed by North Dakota at 4.3 percent, and then by Oregon at 1.9 percent.

The report also broke out the tax revenue losses by tax category i.e., property tax, individual income tax, corporate income tax, general sales tax, and selective other taxes. Ohio didn’t report property taxes collected. However, the report did show that the greatest loss of tax revenue in Ohio originated from corporate income declines. The percent of corporate income tax revenue decline was 36.6 percent, whereas individual income tax revenue decline only 16.8 percent. Sales tax revenue declined a mere 7.1 percent.

The high level of corporate income tax loss is due to the closing of both large and small businesses throughout the Ohio as a result of the great recession. Both greedy investors and power-mongering politicians must be thanked for the losses.

As mentioned in previous posts, the loss of tax revenues by Ohio government came after consistent increases in tax revenue and increased spending. The report brings this out very clearly in its historical statistics. When those national statistics are added up, the total percent of tax revenue increase was 19.7 percent, that is the total average increase for the nation from 2000 through 2007. The total decline from 2008 through 2009 was 9.2 percent.

The last paragraph of the report puts these above figures in proper perspective:

“Although state tax revenue decreased significantly during fiscal year 2009, the decrease is almost exactly matched by earlier years of major increases. Over the last decade, adjusting for inflation, state tax revenues have increased by 6.1 percent. When controlling for population, tax revenues are down about one percent.”

Like Xenia, many local communities are getting less money from the State because of the decline in tax revenues collected. As the report indicates, the real loss is only about 1 percent. That is why during times such as these taxpayers should not allow government officials to raise taxes to cover short-term fiscal problems is wrong. it is simply wrong to fix short-term financial problems with permanent taxes. The right thing is to assure that public officials practice fiscal and budgetary restraint. If necessary, they can always dip into the million dollar plus reserve fund until the economy actually recovers.

Vote Yes On Issue 1?

A businessman from Central America responding to a post made a very enlightening observation about Ohio. He said Ohio is a like a third world country lacking adequate development. Almost all media outlets, business organizations, universities, as well as the mother, brother and sister of nearly everyone else, seems to agree; they are all promoting the renewal of the not-yet-ended Third Frontier funding for high tech development.

So, why not follow the crowd. Well, because crowds generally chant whatever smooth talking speakers claim. Like other dumb animals, we like sheep are easily led astray–also called the herd mentality.

It cannot be denied that 48,000 new jobs have been created as a result of the Third Frontier economic stimulus fund. Ohio taxpayer gave the state $500 million to help develop high tech industries and job. Each job created cost taxpayers over $10,400. SRI Intl. research claims it also produced a positive economic impact of $6.6 billion. (A must read is an article by Tom Breckenridge on

If we forget that politicians and big business sold off our low tech industrial job to China and other nations, we also forgot the much how much greater the Third Frontier has actually cost. And, did most Ohioans really benefit from the sale? I doubt it.

Yes, Third Frontier is a boondoggle for universities, big energy, drug companies, General Electric, and some new enterprising tech companies. They will create new jobs while eliminating old ones. The costs are likely higher for many individuals than politicians and big business concerns care to acknowledge. For example, many young Americans will end up having to compete with foreigners with Green Cards.

Yet, in spite of the young who will benefit from those new jobs, if foreigners are need to fill positions, those jobs will in the end not be such great paying jobs. Just asks those experienced in computer technologies.

Trusting the hype media, business leaders, and politicians is like believing FDR’s welfare program would be a temporary remedy for those affected by World War II. You can be certain that Third Frontier welfare for high tech corporations will be as temporary.

Who pays for corporate welfare? All of the middle class who supposedly benefit from all of the great new jobs. Remember, low-tech Wal-Mart and the factory farm.

Carrie Mihalick wrote an article in which she traces the fascist or progressive history of the Third Frontier movement across the world and to Ohio. Her research facts reminds of the Progressive results of Obama and progressive Congressional Democrats economic policy. Third Frontier may seem more discrete than Obama and Company in how it will eventually run tech business in partnership with big business but I doubt it. (Her article is another must read.

Allowing the Third Frontier to continue will the Ohio Constitution’s 5% cap on state debt service to be violated. (See the rest of the argument by a number previous Ohio legislators by going here.)

A better plan is to give venture capitalists bigger tax breaks for investing to create new high tech industries and jobs. Let big corporation reinvest in their own high tech developments. Make politicians stick to policies and funding initiatives that actually do benefit all citizens rather than the chosen few.

Maagar Mochot Poll: Israelis oppose Obama imposed deal, division of Jerusalem and relying on American guarantees in deal with Palestinians

By Dr. Aaron Lerner

Israeli Jews overwhelmingly oppose (83%:8%) President Obama imposing a Palestinian-Israeli agreement and also oppose (70%:19%) freezing construction in Jerusalem according to a telephone poll of a representative sample of 503 adult Israeli Jews, by Maagar Mohot Survey Institute (headed by Professor Yitzchak Katz) carried out 11-12 April.

The poll, that was commissioned by Independent Media Review & Analysis (IMRA), also found that respondents believe (69%:13%) that the division of Jerusalem with international control of the Old City would lead to ongoing conflict rather than peace for generations.

Israeli Jews overwhelming (79%:9%) support Prime Minister Binyamin’s
position that Israel must control the Jordan Valley in any arrangements with the Palestinians.

The poll also found consistent rejection of relying on American guarantees in arrangements with the Palestinians. Respondent overwhelmingly (80%:12%) reject the proposal that the U.S. could deliver on a guaranty that a Palestinian state would remain demilitarized. Israeli Jews also reject (69%:22%) the suggestion that Israel could relinquish territories that are today considered critical for its security if the U.S. signed a defense pact with Israel.

Respondents also consider it improper (68%:16%) for Israelis who support plans opposed by Netanyahu to encourage President Obama to impose their plans.

Most Americans Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

Ramussen’s latest national telephone survey shows most Americans (54%) want Congress’ health care law repealed. Just before the passage of the legislation, the same amount of people said they opposed the law.

Repeal is favored by 84% of Republicans and 59% of unaffiliated voters. Among white Democrats, 25% favor repeal, but only one percent (1%) of black Democrats share that view.

Why do they want the onerous health care law repealed? Most believe the law will increase both health care costs and the federal deficit. Fifty-five percent think it will increase the cost of care. Sixty percent said it will increase the federal budget deficit. Moreover, 49 percent believe it will decrease the quality of health care.

Source: Ramussen Reports, March 29, 2010.

Public Perception of Political and Business Ethics

In the March AEI Political Report, a compilation of various polls of public opinion is presented to give a composite view of America’s perception of its current state of affairs. The Report includes perceptions about Obama, personal finance as well as economic trends, taxation, global warming, balance of power, the current international hot spots Iran, Cuba, and Afghanistan, job satisfaction, and even a parental do and don’t list.

In this post, ethics will be the focus.

The trend of public opinion about honesty in politics has has steadily declined since the 1940s. In 1948, Americans were asked whether it was almost impossible for a person to stay honest after entering into politics. Forty-eight percent (48%) agreed that it was. By 1997, 55% said it was nearly impossible to remain honest in politics. Twelve years later 55% said the ethical standards of Congressmen and Congresswomen were very low, while only 9% said they were high. Although the question was different, the perception of political corruption remained the same.

I wonder whether the 36% were too afraid to say what they believed.

The general public perception of business ethics didn’t fare any better.
Although the survey data did not provide a historical perspective like was seen above, it did reveal how low a view Americans have of business management compared to helping profession like nursing and law enforcement.

In 2002, Americans (34%) regarded CEOs more ethical than they did in 2009. In fact, the percent of Americans who regarded CEOs as ethical dropped to 22 percent. Maybe the Enron scandal was factor. Nevertheless, the figures also reveal that 66% American regard CEOs are scoundrels.

Compared to bankers, car salesmen, stockbrokers, politicians, HMO managers, and insurance sales people, CEOs are nearly saints. Of the lot, 12% of Americans said bankers were ethical. Less than 10% of American considered any of the rest as ethical.

These poll results tell us that Americans are willing to put up with both a corrupt system of governance as well as corrupt marketplace. Why?