Category Archives: news

Small Business Scorecard of the 111th Congress

Most members of Congress claim to support small business owners and entrepreneurs through their work on Capitol Hill. However, when it comes to how U.S. Senators and Representatives actually vote on legislation that impacts the profitability and survivability of small firms, their actions sometimes don’t match up to all the talk.

SBE Council recently released its “Small Business Scorecard for the 111th Congress” to get beyond the “talk” and posturing.

Despite small business opposition, measures that hurt entrepreneurship steadily advanced in the 111th Congress, including: a massive health care bill that increases taxes, compliance burdens and the cost of health coverage; tax hikes with the threat of more to come; new workplace mandates that bring uncertainty and the opportunity for increased legal action against small businesses; initiatives that will drive the cost of energy higher; and excessive spending that will drive the U.S. further into debt while increasing the likelihood that taxes will increase in the future.

SBE Council’s “Small Business Scorecard” shows how U.S. Senators and Representatives voted on legislation that impacts the profitability and survivability of small firms. Each member’s score is used to determine the state’s average score, and the states are then ranked by those scores.

Along with North Carolina, Ohio was ranked 22nd.

The top five states included Wyoming (#1), Oklahoma (#2), Idaho (#3), Nebraska (#4) and Utah (#5). The 5 most anti-small business states were Rhode Island (#50), Vermont (#49), Hawaii (#48), Connecticut (#47) and Massachussetts (#46).

For the 111th Congress, SBE Council scored members of the U.S. Senate on 27 key votes, and members of the U.S. House of Representatives on 22 votes. The following is a list of Ohio’s politicians and their scores.
U.S. Senators
Sherrod Brown (D) 4%
George Voinovich (R) 73%
U.S. House of Representatives
Steve Driehaus (D) 0%
Jean Schmidt (R) 100%
Michael R. Turner (R) 100%
Jim Jordan (R) 100%
Robert E. Latta (R) 100%
Charles A. Wilson (D) 5%
Steve Austria (R) 100%
John A. Boehner (R) 100%
Marcy Kaptur (D) 14%
Dennis J. Kucinich (D) 23%
Marcia L. Fudge (D) 5%
Patrick J. Tiberi (R) 100%
Betty Sutton (D) 0%
Steven C. LaTourette (R) 95%
Mary Jo Kilroy (D) 0%
John A. Boccieri (D) 5%
Tim Ryan (D) 0%
Zachary T. Space (D) 27%
Champion of the Entrepreneur: 90% – 100%
Advocate of the Entrepreneur: 80% – 89%
Friend of the Entrepreneur: 70% – 79%

To read the entire Small Business Scorecard for the 111th Congress, go to

New Government Report Shows Historically Low Abortions in Ohio

Abortions have reached an all-time low in Ohio, according to a report released by the Ohio Department of Health. The 2009 Report on Induced Abortions in Ohio shows a continued downward trend in the total number of abortions performed. The report shows 28,721 abortions were performed in 2009. This is a three percent decrease over the 2008 number of 29,613. The number of total abortions performed in Ohio has seen a decline annually since 2000 and a decrease of over 40% from the all time high number in the 1980s.

“We are winning the fight against those who push abortion as the first and sometimes only choice for women in crisis,” Ohio Right to Life Executive Director Mike Gonidakis said. “We continue to witness a trend of Ohioans moving towards a firm respect for life. One of the reasons for the continued decline in abortions has been the enactment of new laws which help young women make positive decisions for themselves and their babies. Whenever you have even the slightest legislative gain that protects women and defends her baby, it will make a difference,” said Gonidakis.

The report detailed demographic information regarding women obtaining abortions. Those statistics include:

* 18% of women were less than 20 years old;
* 34% were between 20 and 24 years old;
* 83% were unmarried;
* 41% were black;
* 64% of women having abortions had only a high school education or less; and,
* 36% of all abortions were reported in Cuyahoga County, the highest in the state.

“Ohio Right to Life is grateful for the annual decrease in Ohio abortions despite the state’s severe economic crisis,” Gonidakis said. “We will continue to promote life-affirming options including adoption and will work to increase awareness of the more than 130 pro-life pregnancy centers throughout Ohio.”

The 2009 abortion report can be reviewed in its entirety by visiting


Ohio Right to Life, the affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is a statewide, non-profit, non-sectarian educational organization. For more than 40 years, Ohio Right to Life continues to experience success in its mission to promote and protect life due to its dedicated board members, executive staff and affiliated chapters located throughout the state.

Republican wave expected in statehouses

Who will control statehouses in 2011 is one of the big questions that voters in 46 states will answer on November 2, when they cast ballots for more than 6,000 legislative seats. Other state chambers that insiders say could flip to Republican control include the Senate in New Hampshire and New York; the House in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania; both chambers in Wisconsin; and the Montana House and Alaska Senate, both currently tied in terms of party control.

The outcome on Election Day will be particularly important because the legislatures will draw new congressional and state district lines in 2011. If one party or the other controls that process, members can draw maps that help their electoral chances — both at the state level and in the U.S. House of Representatives — for the next decade.

That’s why both parties are paying close attention to races such as one in the Cincinnati suburbs, where Democrats hope state Representative Connie Pillich can hold off a strong challenge from Republican Mike Wilson. Republicans need to gain only four seats to take control of the Ohio House. If Republicans hold their majority in the state Senate — and if Republican John Kasich defeats incumbent Governor Ted Strickland — the GOP could “carve the districts the way they like them,” says James Broussard, professor of history at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania.

These districts are among 55 that the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee has deemed “essential.” The group has committed to spending $20 million on races that will have the greatest impact on redistricting.

Republicans are pouring money into key statehouse races, as well. The Republican State Leadership Committee is running a $20 million initiative called REDMAP — it stands for Redistricting Majority Project. “To control the process — or at least have a seat at the table — winning, defending and increasing state legislative majorities must be a priority,” its Web site says.

Another factor that will weigh on the outcome is term limits. As Stateline has reported, term limits are forcing at least 380 state lawmakers to retire this year.

Source: Stateline October 15, 2010.

Andy Meyers’ Election 2010 Picks

I have been asked who I am voting for in this election. There are very difficult decisions that are going to have to be made if this country wants to pass on something better for our children and future generations. The government cannot continue to operate as it has for many, many decades now. I hope that you will consider voting on principles and not party. No candidate is perfect, but it’s my hope that you try something different this time by giving these folks a chance. If anything, they will generate lively discussions and even ideas that are just to “taboo” for the political insiders who only care about being re-elected.

I will vote for:

John Anderson-Congress District 7
Ken Matesz-Governor
Robert Owens-Attorney General
Charlie Earl-Secretary of State
Matthew P. Cantrell-State Treasurer
Michael Howard-State Auditor

Haven’t decided between the 2 below for the Senate seat:

Eric Deaton-US. Senate

Some of the choices were very close but after researching and seeing some of the candidate surveys (they submitted…or didn’t) it wasn’t too difficult to see who wasn’t afraid to tackle the tough issues. If you know of someone I may have missed or think someone is a better choice please let me know and why. I would be happy to consider all providing I have enough valid info on the person. Send email to my mailbox.

Tea Party’s “Remember Novemeber Rally” A Huge Success

The Dayton Tea Party Remember November Rally was a huge success. Over 3,000 were in attendance at Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton, according to Dayton police estimates. The Dayton Foodbank also reported Tea Partiers donated about 1,800 gross pounds of food items that will be distributed throughout area food banks. The American black conservative talk show host from Georgia, Herman Cain, was extremely impressed with the crowd size and how friendly Dayton Tea partiers were.

Texas Textbook Battle Over Religion, Is it relevant to Ohioans?

The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is soon expected to vote on a resolution brought by Texas citizen and former local Texas School Board Member Randy Rives. The resolution aims to correct an anti-Christian, pro-Islam bias that exists in some Texas textbooks. The resolution would require textbook publishers to maintain balance in regards to religion. The textbooks with the claimed bias were used between 1999-2003, but it is possible that some of these books are still used in classrooms across the state. Mr. Rives worked diligently to produce appendices to this “Balanced Teaching of Religious Groups” resolution, showing the citations that support this resolution in great detail.

Amazingly, liberal groups are opposed to the Board looking into this and ensuring Texas textbooks are not skewed against Christianity. Liberty Institute works to prevent religious discrimination and is committed to stating the facts in our textbooks.

We will be at the Texas State Board of Education hearing on Friday testifying in support of efforts to protect religious balance and prevent anti-Christian bias in our textbooks. Discrimination by the government on the basis of religion is wrong. We should be thankful we have an elected Board which will actually do its due diligence, represent Texas parents, and ensure that what is taught is not discriminatory.

Why is this of importance to Ohioans? Christians and all other people of religion have a Constitutional right to a religious education and especially to those aspects of our local, state and national history that are religious. Secularists have been seeking to eradicate that heritage and the pro-Muslim bias is suitable to that end. Religious Jews do not because of the Judeo in the Judeo-Christian heritage Ohioans and all Americans should possess.
September 23, 2010

Source: Liberty Institute,September 23, 2010

Election 2010 Poll: Ohio Governor and U.S. Senate Races

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Ohio shows Republican John Kasich barely ahead of incumbent Democratic Governor Ted Strickland 48% to 45%. Last month, Kaisch was running ahead of Strickland by 8 points, but, as you can see, Kaisch now leds by only 3 points.

I think Kaisch’s gruff appearance at the last televised debate negatively impacted voter perception. The opposite is was the case for Republican Robert Portman. His speech was as calm and professional as Obama, but not a polished and academic. His criticism of and retorts to Democrat Lee Fisher were effective, while Fisher’s sometimes seemed to stretch the “truth” about Portman a little too far. This has contributed to Portman’s 23 point lead over Fisher for the U.S. Senate race.

Source: Rasmussen Reports, October 13, 2010

Texas Doctors Sue ObamaCare

On Wednesday, a court in Tyler, Texas, heard a lawsuit against ObamaCare brought by two Texas-based doctor-owned hospitals. The doctors argue in the case that ObamaCare ends competition between doctor-owned hospitals and non-doctor-owned hospitals by stopping the growth of their facilities and banning any new doctor-owned facilities from opening. This means that the healthcare “reform” legislation pushed through Congress effectively favors one type of business over another, and even punishes doctors who have a financial stake in the success of their facilities. Should the doctors be unsuccessful in their lawsuit, ObamaCare will give patients less choice over their healthcare providers and medical facilities, and the lack of competition will drive up healthcare costs and decrease patient care.

This is just one of around 23 lawsuits against ObamaCare, including the lawsuit filed by 20 states to stop the federal mandate to buy healthcare and the increased cost to the states. The judge presiding over the states’ lawsuit said that he will rule by October 14.

Source: Liberty Watch, October 1, 2010

“Pledge for America” and Small Business

The House GOP leadership released their “Pledge to America” last week, which included various proposals focused on helping small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Specifically, the pledge would stop tax increases on all taxpayers (when the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year) and provide small business owners with another significant tax deduction to free up additional resources for investment and hiring. The Pledge also repeals the new health care law, and replaces it with reforms that have long been sought by the small business community. On the regulatory front, the Pledge makes members of Congress accountable for the laws they pass by requiring congressional approval of new federal regulations. It also proposes to start chipping away at out-of-control spending, which must be done for the U.S. to remain competitive, fiscally strong and the land of opportunity.

“Business owners want to get back to growing, investing and creating jobs. They want to stop worrying about the uncertainty of higher taxes and a health care bill that threatens to overtake their businesses with unsustainable costs and a blizzard of new paperwork,” said Karen Kerrigan.* She congratulated Republicans for putting forth a pro-growth, pro-entrepreneur agenda that will help small business owners do just that. To read the Pledge, please visit:

* Kerrigan is President & CEO of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

SBE Council is a national, nonpartisan advocacy organization dedicated to protecting small business and promoting entrepreneurship. For more information, please visit:

Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Records Detailing 16 New Deaths Tied to Gardasil

Records Document 3,589 Adverse Reactions Related to Gardasil between May 2009 and September 2010, Including 213 Cases Resulting in Permanent Disability

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has received new documents from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), detailing reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. The adverse reactions include 16 new deaths (including four suicides) between May 2009 and September 2010. The FDA also produced 789 “serious” reports, with 213 cases resulting in permanent disability and 25 resulting in a diagnosis of Guillain Barre Syndrome.

Adverse report excerpts include:

* A nineteen year old girl with no medical history except occasional cases bronchitis received Gardasil and in 53 days, had “Headache, Nausea, dizziness, chilling, tiredness, shortness of breath, complained of chest plain, severe cramps.” She experienced an Acute Cardiac Arrhythmia. Attempts to resuscitate her resulted in a sternal fracture, but were unsuccessful and the patient died. — V. 356938

* A thirteen year old girl was vaccinated on July 17th, 2009. Ten days later, she developed a fever and was treated. However, “the patient did not recover and was admitted to the hospital on [August 8th]…She developed dyspnoea and went into a coma…she expired [that day] at around 9:00 pm. The cause of death was determined as ‘death due to viral fever.’ … This event occurred after 23 days of receiving first dose of Gardasil. — V. 380081

* Thirteen days after vaccination, a ten year old girl developed “progressive loss of strength in lower and upper extremities almost totally…Nerve conduction studies [showed Guillain Barre Syndrome].” Case was “considered to be immediately life-threatening.” — V. 339375

One mother of a 13-year old girl who died 37 days after receiving the vaccination noted in a report: “I first declined getting her the vaccination but her doctor ensured me that it was safe…” After her daughter complained of a severe headache, no feeling in her foot and a tingling feeling in her leg, a doctor’s appointment was set for October 23, 2009. “My daughter never made it to Oct[ober] 23rd, which is also her birthday,” the mother noted. “She passed on Oct[ober] 17th, I found her cold unresponsive in her room at 7am….”

“To say Gardasil has a suspect safety record is a big understatement. These reports are troubling and show that the FDA and other public health authorities may be asleep at the switch,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “In the meantime, the public relations push for Gardasil by Merck and politicians on Capitol Hill continues. No one should require this vaccine for young children.”

[The above further demonstrates how government works with physicians to make drug companies profitable at the expense of the well-being of America’s children. The safe-sex drug, Gardasil, is itself product to make the secularist values as harmless as possible. The secularist agenda, however, apparently is not very safe or harmless.]

Visit the Judicial Watch webite for more information.